One of my favorite hidden places for viewing custom cars was Darryl Starbird’s hot rod museum. I intended to meet DEG there last year, when he discovered it had shuttered and the cars were going to go elsewhere. I have a video here that explains what happened to everything:

Per the video there will now be a greatly expanded museum known as the Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed. Location for curious Glibs:

599 Oakcreek Drive Lincoln, NE 68528

This is a huge collection.  Darryl’s collection alone took over an hour to walk through, if you didn’t stop and gawk much.  So expect this to be a day trip.  Only four of his cars are on display at the new museum at this time, I think many more are set for rotation as they are cleaned up.  Darryl’s museum was amazing – but there were clear signs that cars needed help. Tire rot had set in on some, for example.

That said, I wanted to go ahead and share all the other photos of this collection which I took last visit. These are the photos that inspired me to launch GlibCar.  I don’t have the names or makers for most of these. I apologize.  Many of the cars in these photos, like Blue Mist, will return to the owners and may not be seen again.  Darryl had around 100 cars, and a fair amount were his so that will be a significant expansion for Speedway, should they display more than four at a time: