“Tonight is the night we have worked twenty years for, our orchestra is playing the Callisto amphitheater. By far the largest venue in the system at 250k souls. We will also be simulcasting throughout the system so please join us.”

many years earlier,

I come from mining money as did many of my associates, we attended the same schools with the same goal. Get good grades, keep mater and pater happy and enjoy that sweet trust fund. Our group had great interest in Classical instruments, it was then that one of us had found some archival schematics for an ancient musical device called a Theremin and being intrigued we reverse engineered one.

We were stunned that such a primitive machine could make music, odd that it was.

Others in our group sought out more of this type of machine, and we found other groups interested in this strange yet fascinating type of music and so the Society for the preservation of Ancient Instruments was created.

some time later,

Our group had grown quite large by this time and we scoured the system looking for guitars,synthesizers, brass horns, old skin type drums, any price would be paid, sometimes we needed security to come away with a purchase, but in the end it was worth it.

The entire time we diligently learned how to play, using old footage and some old music with strange notation, but simple enough to decipher. As time went along the several groups formed what were called bands in the era and performed mostly small shows, never quite what the people wanted, but some did notice.

two years ago,

We gathered the groups together and made the proposal, we were going to put on the greatest classical concert that the solar system has ever seen! and we are going to do it on Callisto!

That’s when everyone began to laugh, “Callisto?, really?” “YFHTBKM”

we had to start somewhere, so why not the big time? and so we began.

With over 2k members we had to select what they called “talented” players, this was thought to be a born gift, not all possess it, and many were dismayed at being disqualified. Many had spent two decades learning, only to be passed over for a more talented person of lesser means, maybe talent is genetic.

Set lists and rehearsals, line up changes, we had an entire Telecaster section, 2 percussionists, one in the style of Ray Cooper, two complete Metal combos and the Beatles as you have never seen them (because you haven’t). Overall we have 187 pieces and a four hour set list with one intermission, we won’t need it, the audience will.

After patronizing the Callisto Amphitheatre for many years it was time to pull some strings as it were. the director gave us the space but we provide the lights, of course we were happy to oblige, having enlisted the services of Sol Shows, the best in the business, the light show would be seen from Earth, with delay of course.

And so we set out on Steve’s Starship, his luxury yacht with all the room for the band and some friends on our way to the great gig in the sky.