I’m not quite up against the deadline like last week but I’m still running late, which is why there is an apostrophe in the middle of this puzzle. I usually remove all punctuation as that seems standard for acrostics, but I missed that one and didn’t notice until all the work was done and I’m too lazy to fix it. So there’s a little help for you solvers, your welcome. Bookwise – I’ve mentioned before that Joe R Lansdale, of the Hap and Leonard series and Bubba Ho-Tep fame, Is one of my favorite authors. He writes in many genres and I’ve liked just about everything I’ve gotten a hold of, up until I read The Drive-In. I gather it’s a cult classic among his fans and many consider it his best work, I just didn’t get it.  So Glibbies, has one of your favorite author’s ever treated you like the proverbial Browns fan? Work this glibcrostic and then let us know in the comments, or not…you know the drill.

Music to solve Glibcrostics to

Online Version

Solution link

Correction: Clue E should be ‘Warren is’.

Reminder: The last Sunday of each month is “What Are We Reading” Day so if you want to participate get your reports in to HeyBuddyStopDoingThat@protonmail.com by the second to last Sunday.