As a fan of Top-40 pop, the vast majority of my music playlist consists of shit you have all heard of. I had a dig through every song on my list, and picked out some of the less-well-known ones. DISCLAIMER: I am waaaay down the list on knowledge of hipster obscure bands and music in this crowd, but this is what I got.

Plus we were asked for content, so here’s some damn content.

Beni Kategorize Etme, Sezen Aksu. Probably Turkey’s 3rd most famous pop singer (after Tarkan and Bulent Ersoy), this song is one of her only offerings that doesn’t have a distinctly Eastern Mediterranean vibe. It’s got a bit of a bouncy reggae feel, and lyrics to satisfy your individualist libertarian hearts (translation of the first few lines):

Don’t categorize me
Don’t play with me
Don’t label me
Don’t name me
Don’t caricaturize me
Don’t worship me

Everything I Do Gonh Be Funky, Lee Dorsey. This was recommended by a Glib (sorry – I forgot who) when I asked for energizing/confidence-building songs. Great choice, as it’s now in regular rotation in my ear buds.

Some may say I’ve got no class
But I’m doing what I wanna do
So go with me if you can
Or just do what you can do

Love is the Slug, Fuzzbox. Girlpunk band with one really fabulous album. Their sophomore release, Big Bang, and the apt tagline “Swimming with the Tide But Faster”, as it was trash pop sellout garbage. If you listen to this song, go to YouTube and search for “Pink Sunshine” and notice the difference. I love the piano being used as a rhythm instrument in this song.

You told me one big lie
You gave me the “”I’ll love you till I die””
Now just look where you are
Sitting next to her in her car

La Romansa de Rika Kuriel, Los PaƟaros Sefaradis. The PaƟaros are a (((Folk))) band from Turkey. They preserve the music and language of their Spanish-speaking ancestors that were kicked out of Spain and landed in the Ottoman Empire. Their language is a mishmash of Turkish and old Spanish (mostly Spanish in this song). I think this is a beautiful and haunting piece. I just wish I knew what time period the story was referring to. You’ll notice the guest vocalist here is the same as the first entry on this list!

Rika Kuriel novia de sangre
Delgadika, delgadika
Su korason gondja korolada
Berbil siego en su garganta
Kanta su korason i alma
Sin boz i sin palavras
Asta la fin esta kantando

Queen’s Speech 4, Lady Leshurr. Cheeky Brit hiphop clapback song (think Hollaback Girl) with some funny and clever lyrics. The video was also filmed guerilla-style, and appears to be all one take. I am just really tickled by this song. Now brush your teeth!!

I’ve got a dark skin friend that looks like Rachel Dolezal
And I’ve got a light skin friend that looks like Rachel Dolezal
Which one’s which? Not sure