Stoic Friday XXXVII

In life with the puppy, in 3 weeks Max has gone from this small to this big.

We put him on large breed puppy food so hopefully he doesn’t hurt himself growing so fast.

He is mostly house trained, but sometimes when he gets excited, he forgets.

Still miss Smoke sometimes, but having Max has really helped me, he is a lot of fun to play with.


Last Week


How to Be a Stoic

How to Think Like a Roman Emperor

Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic

If you have anger issues, this one is a great tool (h/t mindyourbusiness)

This week’s book:

Discourses and Selected Writings

Disclaimer: I’m not your Supervisor. These are my opinions after reading through these books a few times.

Epictetus was born a slave around 50 ad. His owner was Epaphroditus, a rich freedman who was once a slave of Nero. Though he was a slave Epictetus was sent to study philosophy under Musonius Rufus.

Epictetus was lame and there are some stories it was caused by his master and others that it was caused by disease.

He was a freedman when all philosophers were banished from Rome in 89 by the Emperor Domitian. He then started his school in Greece, and had many students. He did not leave any writings from his lessons, but one of his students, Flavius Arrian, took notes and wrote the Discourses.

Epictetus did not marry, had no children, and lived to be around 80-85. In retirement, he adopted a child that would have been abandoned and raised him with a woman.

He died sometime around AD 135.

He might be my favorite Stoic teacher. I love his bare bones and very straight forward approach.

Following is a paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of one of his lessons. Epictetus’s text appears in bold, my replies are in normal text.



It is difficulties that show what men are. Consequently, when a difficulty befalls, remember that God, like a physical trainer, has matched you with a rugged young man. What for? some one says. So that you may become an Olympic victor; but that cannot be done without sweat.

While “That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” isn’t always true, there is usually a strength gained from rising to a challenge, even if I lose. It is also usually true that work is required to reach a goal and avoiding challenges and difficulties can lead to mental and physical weakness.

To my way of thinking no one has got a finer difficulty than the one which you have got, if only you are willing to make use of it as an athlete makes use of a young man to wrestle with. And now we are sending you to Rome as a scout, to spy out the land.[1]

As the philosophers send a man back to Rome to see how the political landscape has changed since they have been banished, they want to ensure the man they chose is capable f completing the job.

But no one sends a coward as a scout, that, if he merely hears a noise and sees a shadow anywhere, he may come running back in terror and report “The enemy is already upon us.” So now also, if you should come and tell us, “The state of things at Rome is fearful; terrible is death, terrible is exile, terrible is reviling, terrible is poverty; flee, sirs, the enemy is upon us!” 5we shall say to you, “Away, prophesy to yourself! Our one mistake was that we sent a man like you as a scout.”

Like an inaccurate report based on a scouts fears would be worse than no report at all, self-doubt can stop me from achieving my goal of starting a side hustle. Trusting the inner cowardice will never let me move forward as I know I am capable of doing.

Diogenes, who before you was sent forth as a scout, has brought us back a different report. He says, “Death is not an evil, since it is not dishonorable”; he says, “Ill repute is a noise made by madmen.” And what a report this scout has made us about toil and about pleasure and about poverty! He says, “To be naked is better than any scarlet robe; and to sleep on the bare ground,” he says, “is the softest couch.” And he offers as a proof of each statement his own courage, his tranquillity, his freedom, and finally his body, radiant with health and hardened. “There is no enemy near,” says he; “all is full of peace.” How so, Diogenes? “Why, look!” says he, “I have not been struck with any missile, have I, or received any wound? I have not fled from anyone, have I?” 10This is what it means to be a proper scout, but you return and tell us one thing after another. Will you not go away again and observe more accurately, without this cowardice?

Diogenes, was the founder of the Cynics and was famous for his total renunciation of material goods. While Stoics see riches as a preferred good while understanding the need to not lose your sense of self in pursuit of them, the Cynics saw them as an unnecessary obstacle to living a pure life.

What am I to do, then?—What do you do when you disembark from a ship? You do not pick up the rudder, do you, or the oars? What do you pick up, then? Your own luggage, your oil-flask, your wallet. So now, if you are mindful of what is your own property, you will never lay claim to that which is another’s.

Just like I know which possessions are mine, I should also know what duties and responsibilities are mine.

He[2] says to you, “Lay aside your broad scarlet hem”[3] Behold, the narrow hem.[4] “Lay aside this also.” Behold, the plain toga.[5] “Lay aside your toga.” Behold, I am naked. “But you arouse my envy.” Well, then, take the whole of my paltry body.

Epictetus is trying to explain to the scout that while the Emperor can enforce his will on a person’s body and possessions, he can not affect the mind of a person that does not let him. This is an easy concept to grasp in theory, but in practice would be difficult to achieve.

Do I any longer fear the man to whom I can throw my body? But he will not leave me as his heir. What then? Did I forget that none of these things is my own? How, then, do we call them “my own”? Merely as we call the bed in the inn “my own.” If, then, the inn-keeper dies and leaves you the beds, you will have them; but if he leaves them to someone else, he will have them, and you will look for another bed.

Just because something was promised to you, doesn’t mean you will receive it. A couple years ago, my dad informed my brothers and me that he will be leaving everything to his live in girl friend. Luckily my brothers and I have a similar mindset and really don’t care what he does with the gas rights to the old farm that is in his name. Like Bill Cosby once told a group of high schoolers that were making fun of his kids for being rich, “They aren’t rich. My wife and I are rich, but these kids own none of that.”

15If, then, you do not find one, you will have to sleep on the ground; only do so with good courage, snoring and remembering that tragedies find a place among the rich and among kings and tyrants, but no poor man fills a tragic role except as a member of the chorus. Now the kings commence in a state of prosperity:

“Hang the palace with garlands”;[6]

then, about the third or fourth act, comes—

“Alas, Cithaeron, why didst thou receive me?”[7]

Slave, where are your crowns, where your diadem? Do your guards avail you not at all? When, therefore, you approach one of those great men, remember all this—that you are approaching a tragic character, not the actor, but Oedipus himself.

While powerful and rich people seem to have it made, they have a lot of external pressures to deal with and they also have fortune turn against them sometimes. As the only preacher I ever enjoyed a sermon from once said, “It’s obvious money, external beauty and fame do not bring happiness. For proof, just look at Hollywood, do those people seem truly happy to you?”

“Nay, but so-and-so is blessed; for he has many companions to walk with.” So have I; I fall in line with the multitude and have many companions to walk with. 20But, to sum it all up: remember that the door has been thrown open. Do not become a greater coward than the children, but just as they say, “I won’t play any longer,” when the thing does not please them, so do you also, when things seem to you to have reached that stage, merely say, “I won’t play any longer,” and take your departure; but if you stay, stop lamenting.

If you stay somewhere and are not being held against your will, complaining about how unfair or difficult it is is pointless. I’ve raised my kids with this understanding and felt a little pride when my son said the since the restaurant he manages opened up another location, he has been working 60-70 hour weeks, and then he said, but that’s better than not working.

Music this week is from Iron Maiden’s second album, Killers.

Purgatory I have a t shirt with the Eddie/Satan face on it, my wife says that’s weird, I disagree.




About The Author


What I told my wife when she said my steel Baby Eagle .45 was heavy, "Heavy is good, heavy is reliable, if it doesn't work you could always hit him with it."-Boris the Blade MOLON LABE


  1. Sean

    That’s a big, fluffy puppy.

    • Rat on a train

      You’re going to need a bigger house.

      • ron73440

        I don’t see it because he looks the same to me, but when I compare the pictures, he got BIG.

        My wife says a monster is eating our cute little puppy.

        • B.P.

          Does Max have some malamute in him? The positioning of the ears seems like he could. Mine was a puppy for about 10 days and got really big, really fast.

    • ron73440

      “Diogenes wasn’t happy with what he had because he wasn’t happy with what everybody else had. Diogenes made a virtue of poverty, which was stupid, because if nobody has anything, everybody dies. For real. That’s it. But strangers gave to him for whatever reason. Maybe giving made them happy. Maybe seeing him sitting there made them feel guilty for what they had that he didn’t. Maybe they believed in what he taught and wanted to support him in that. Doesn’t matter why. Diogenes’s philosophy was shit. His father was a banker, did you know that?”

      I like it.

      Something about Diogenes always made my teeth itch.

      That’s as good an explanation as I’ve seen.

      • mindyourbusiness

        Diogenes strikes me as someone who made a fetish out of poverty. While when it comes to living a happy life, there isn’t a great deal of difference between millionaires and bums (stolen from Don Marquis), I can’t help feeling that ostentaion from either is silly and meaningless.

        • R.J.

          How about Euripides?
          You know, Euripides trousers, your pay for dese trousers!

          • Toxteth O'Grady

            Eumenides 😉

    • Brochettaward

      My favorite Diogenes story was how he would start masturbating randomly in public.

      Today, he’d be locked up in a mental ward. The Greeks respected a little eccentricity with their actual geniuses. Unlike in today’s world where we trot out empty suits on TV dolled up in make-up to tell us to respect authority.

  2. Ownbestenemy

    Little bit of egg on my face with the seller. First we speculated and that just isn’t good. We assumed a Chinese family, heavily Christian and possibly a family member that was ill. We based this on realtor photos of house and room and our walk through.

    Far from it and I was a bit embarrassed of myself to go the route of speculating.

    Very nice Korean family. Husband, well now ex-husband, in which where the egg of my face happened, spoke fluent English. Sweet wife who was indeed steeped into translating and running a Korean podcast for Christianity and their 15 year old daughter.

    • Fourscore

      Sounds good, sometimes we can enjoy being a little embarrassed when it’s for the right reasons.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The wife was so sweet. To sound like a mosquito as we are apparently portrayed as, she was telling me in very broken English how I will love the house and during snow she sat outside gaining God’s inspiration.

        The husband in such a respectful manner opened up that he does not mean to offend but if he speaks Korean it is to translate what is going on.

        They gifted us their washer and dryer. It wasn’t in the contract of the sell.

    • Mojeaux

      Korean family FAR more likely to be Christian (Baptist) than Chinese.

      • Sensei

        True enough. Also Taiwan surprised me in being roughly 4% Christian.

        (Includes my next door neighbors and a Taiwanese coworker,)

      • Drake

        This guy visited our church last week.

        I had no idea that Christian churches in Iran and among the Persian diaspora are the fastest growing in the world. He’s converting people fresh off the boat in Liverpool.

  3. UnCivilServant

    Wait, since the Dems are down to 47 Senators plus 2 “Independant”s, does that mean Chucky is now the Senate Minority Leader?

    • prolefeed

      47 Democrats, 3 “independents”, 49 Republicans.

      So, nope.

        • Rat on a train

          King, Sanders, and Sinema are the “independents”.

  4. Tundra

    Whoa. Max is gonna be an XXL! Great looking doggie and I’m glad he’s helping ease the pain of losing Smoke.

    Trusting the inner cowardice will never let me move forward as I know I am capable of doing.

    I feel this. Nagging doubts mixed with some apathy is not a recipe for action.

    I’ve raised my kids with this understanding and felt a little pride when my son said the since the restaurant he manages opened up another location, he has been working 60-70 hour weeks, and then he said, but that’s better than not working.

    That’s a win. Nice job.

    Both songs are excellent, but Murders murders.

    Thanks, Ron!

    • ron73440


  5. Fourscore

    Ron, I’ve never had a job I didn’t like, ’cause I went to work to have fun. OTOH I have had bosses I didn’t like. My mother told me, a long time ago, “Don’t work for anyone dumber than you”. Sometimes I did though but usually not for very long.

  6. Mojeaux

    Drugs, ass, Feinstein dead.

    • MikeS

      Ding dong

      • Sean

        Fenix ammo is doing free shipping to CA in celebration.

        • MikeS

          A++ trolling. I like those guys

    • Rat on a train

      She will still vote D.

      • Fourscore


        • R.J.

          What is this link?

          • Fourscore

            Barack and Joe

      • R.J.

        Hahahahaha! Ain’t that the truth!

    • Drake

      How is Jimmy Carter still alive?

    • The Bearded Hobbit

      Did someone drop a house on her or was she doused with water?

    • MikeS

      This guy gets it

      Roger Williams

      I’m glad Kissinger is still alive because that means there’s still a non-zero possibility that I will somehow have the chance to get trapped in an elevator with him after he’s consumed some type of truth serum. If anyone knows the true history of the last century, it’s him.

  7. LCDR_Fish

    Would like to start nailing down times for the Glibs meetup Saturday 7 Oct at Gourmeltz. We talking 1130ish around opening or noon? Anyone other than me and Ron meeting?

    I’m probably going to take a day of leave on Friday and make it a 96 hr weekend – need some extra time off for projects at this point.

    • EvilSheldon

      I’m down. I think that may be a USPSA morning, too…

      • ron73440

        Does that mean you want it later?

        I am free all day, so I will go with what works for the most people.

        • LCDR_Fish

          Yep, totally flexible if we can get details down a few days out.

    • Rat on a train

      I will check calendar but don’t expect a conflict.

    • ron73440


  8. Tundra

    Ok, Bob.

    Libertarian Party, we found your guy!

    • PutridMeat

      If it’s going to be a Democrat, then better to be him. But yeah, no way he’d get my vote in the general. If the L’s actually were to run; it would destroy the illusion that the Misses takeover fixed anything…

      • Drake

        I’d vote for him over any R except Trump. That’s a sad statement about the R’s, not my love of Bobby Jr.

        • Drake

          I forgot about the Indian guy. I’d vote for him but all the rest are neo-cons who never get my vote.

          • Suthenboy

            Meh. Ramaswamy is a bit of a fast talker for my taste. I dont trust the guy.

            • Gustave Lytton

              Me neither. Too much car huckster.

        • PutridMeat

          Not I; Vivek would get my vote (might switch to ‘Independent’ or ‘R’ to vote for him in the primary), Desantis…. might. Trump will not. Kennedy will not. So in all likely hood, it will be another write in of my dog – speaking of which, Ron clearly is a child of the 70’s – he likes ’em fluffy! And you probably only have another week of being able to pick him up.

    • ron73440

      All we need to fix the current crisis is more government.

      Why can’t you knuckle dragging libertarians see that?

      • PutridMeat

        And it’s not like ‘high’ interest rates are a crisis anyway (he says as a, possibly obsessive, saver). The cost of housing may be a ‘crisis’, but I’ll give 3 guesses as to what institution is most responsible for that.

      • R.J.

        As a knuckle dragging libertarian, I respond to more government with my big club.

        BY BIG CLUB MEAN….

    • Drake

      We could just stop printing more money.

      Crazy talk, I know.

    • Rebel Scum

      Time to implement my plan of tax-free, government-backed

      Nothing says lower housing costs than more government interference in the market with subsidies and price controls.

    • Suthenboy

      That would fix the housing market the same way govt backed school loans fixed student loans.


    • B.P.

      Note to self: If ever involved in a murder and don’t want to get caught, don’t release a book about it.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        For everyone other than Orenthal James Simpson you are correct.

  9. DEG

    Nice dog pictures.

    It’s obvious money, external beauty and fame do not bring happiness. For proof, just look at Hollywood, do those people seem truly happy to you?”

    Money can’t buy happiness, they’re just renting.

    • Mojeaux

      Or, as I like to say, money can’t buy happiness, but it sure makes surviving a whole lot easier.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      At least you get to pick your own kind of misery (thanks for the line Rodney).

  10. The Late P Brooks

    What happens to the proceeds?

    First, Trump’s entire New York business operation, now deemed fraudulent, could be turned over to a receiver who would effectively take control of the firms and liquidate them at a public auction.

    Does it all go to the Sheriff of Nottingham?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      “judge’s fraud ruling”
      I know that’s not what they mean but it’s apt.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Oh so I was wrong about emminet domain. It’s just going to be the State taking it. Good thing they are doing the authoritarian thing to the man they call authoritarian otherwise I might lose more faith in our system.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        The media is furiously masturbating to the thought but this is sure to get overturned. It’s too preposterous even for them.

        • Sean

          It’s too preposterous even for them.

          Dude. The game is so rigged. I wouldn’t place a wager on it either way.

          • B.P.

            Meanwhile, maybe they can bleed him broke through attorney fees.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Seizing property of your political opponents is perfectly compatible with Our Democracy.

      • The Other Kevin

        They think they’re going to have some kind of photo op like walking around one of Saddam’s palaces.

    • Ted S.

      What happens when the properties sell for more than the values Trump claimed on his loan applications?

    • Gender Traitor

      What happens to the proceeds?

      They go to Ukraine. Duh.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        If they can seize the property of Russian oligarchs to send the proceeds to Ukraine, why not seize Trump’s assets. He was a Russian asset after all.

        I’ll have to submit that one to MSNBC.

    • Suthenboy

      First they came for Trump
      I did not speak out because I am not Trump…..

      Y’all can take it from there.
      This all crushing persecution of Trump is going to load the worst kinds of people in this country with power they have dreamt of since the beginning of time.
      It will not end well at all. I will shed not one tear for the TDS crowd when the hammer falls on them, and it will fall on them.

      • creech

        I wonder if any of these persecutors ever think about the day when someone with “nothing more to lose” decides to take measures?

    • B.P.

      Blah, blah, blah climate crisis blah, blah blah.

    • Pine_Tree

      needz moar H2O

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Someday there’s going to be a real rain.

    • MikeS

      They’ve been busy with other important work.

      NYC Council wants to tear down Washington and Jefferson statues

      The council’s Cultural Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing Tuesday on legislation that would create a process to remove monuments of people who “owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery” or who “participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples.”

      • Rebel Scum

        That describes nearly everyone of any prominence in history.

        • Brochettaward

          That’s the point. There will be nothing in US history to celebrate beyond obscure BIPOC’s who are heralded as the real heroes. It’s part of the demoralization process.

      • Sean

        Cancel Sacajawea!

    • R.J.

      Boo hoo! I feel so bad for them!

    • Unreconstructed

      Please. Get back ta me when *anywhere* in NYC gets more than 24″ of rain in less than 24 hours.

      Or, like upstream from some of my friends, > 48″ of rain in a matter of 2(?) days.


      • UnCivilServant

        Where are you that the sea and sky are one?

        • Not Adahn

          Gulf coast.

          Sea, sky and oil refinery are all one.

    • B.P.

      “Panama is exporting 41.28 tons of cocaine to the United States for its “destruction”…”

      This could be read a couple of different ways.

      • Tundra

        I think we all know that “destruction” means “distribution.”

      • R.J.

        This is relevant.

        Imagine Hunter in bed, hearing the siren song…

      • Robonerfherder

        They could have just called Trudeau.

      • MikeS

        His evil twin, MAGA Cracky

        • Rebel Scum

          Don Jr. does always seem to be on something. Then again, is could just be Mt. Dew

        • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

          The Hat, the Hair, and the Crack.

          • NoDakMat

            I’m just waiting for The Jacket to make a cameo appearance.

    • Robonerfherder

      Panama’s Minister of Public Security stresses that “Panama is a carbon negative country” and that Panama is doing its part by not burning drugs in the open air. Instead, it’s receiving frequent visits on U.S. Air Force jets.

      It’s shit like this that makes you want to beat your head on the tarmac.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Defending democracy

    Biden’s speech is the fourth in a series centered on fortifying democratic values against attacks from what he describes as Republican extremists bent on eviscerating self-government. He singled out the “Make America Great Again” movement that Trump leads.

    “This MAGA threat is a threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions,” Biden said. “It’s also a threat to the character of our nation that gives our Constitution life, that binds us together as Americans, a common cause. None of this is surprising, though. They’ve tried to govern that way before. Thank God they failed. But they haven’t given up.”

    Nothing says reverence for the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions like unleashing the full might of the federal government against your political enemies.

    • The Other Kevin

      Remember when he was supposed to “unite” us? That lasted all of 10 seconds.

      It’s things like this that make me think he’s at least partially in charge. He seems like a vindictive asshole, and this is in character.

    • Rebel Scum

      Republican extremists bent on eviscerating self-government

      Nothing about the government, particularly at the federal level, has anything to do with self-government.

      This MAGA threat is a threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions

      90% of these “democratic institutions” need to be razed.

      a common cause

      I have no common cause with you cuntes.

    • Brochettaward

      It’s not just the feds. If anyone believes all these Dem prosecutors at the state level just decided to go after a former sitting president without the full support of the guy at the top, I have a bridge to sell them.

      It’s been reported numerous times, and Biden has basically said it publicly – he endorses the charges and lawfare against Trump because he thinks he’s dangerous. The stories on this always make sure to add some disclaimer that he has had nothing to do with the cases brought.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Probably because he feels personally threatened. Last time Trump merely asked to look into Joe’s associates’ criminal dealings.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    It’s things like this that make me think he’s at least partially in charge. He seems like a vindictive asshole, and this is in character.

    He’s no puppet. He’s fully responsible for everything his administration has done.

    • Fourscore

      If you think Biden’s vindictive wait’ll you see the next Trump. If Trump does get re-elected he’ll be all in on chasing every shadow. He still has a good memory.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Difference is the system will work as it should under Trump and thwart. With Biden its a rubber stamp

  13. Ownbestenemy

    It used to be you could at least find some core values between the parties and really it was the application or execution of how to achieve those values were the difference.

    We are a fractured country and libertarians are the Gen X thinking maybe mom and dad will just forget about us.

    • Rat on a train

      Gen X libertarians are extra neglected.

      • R.J.

        Good. I don’t want to be bothered.

    • Robonerfherder

      Gen X should be the Menendez Brothers of America.

      • Sean


      • MikeS


    • Gustave Lytton

      It used to be you could at least find some core values between the parties and really it was the application or execution of how to achieve those values were the difference.

      Only during the ahistorical Great Postwar Consensus. Fuck that phoniness too.

    • Drake

      If the GOP shivs Trump, he may draw more Republican than Dem votes.

      • Ownbestenemy

        If? It’s all set to have him win primary only to go to prison and/or disqualified after he wins.

      • MikeS

        He’ll pull more from Republicans regardless of what happens with Donny Dipshit. The left hates his guts and think he’s insane. Some on the right like a lot of the things he’s said.

        • Suthenboy

          Govt backed mortgages? No doubt also excluded from bankruptcy. That would be a disaster beyond measure.

          • MikeS

            Of course it would. I didn’t claim he’s the next Ron Paul. I simply said some on the right like many things he’s said. Hell, some of the non-righties here like many things he’s said.

            • Robonerfherder

              He would be a wrecking ball in DC, particularly for the intelligence agencies.

              If I can’t get Ron Paul, I’ll settle for chaos.

              • MikeS

                It sure would be fun to watch.

          • Drake

            Ending big pharma / govt scam, and not starting WWIII are the things that will make him popular.

            • MikeS


              It seems like there was one other big thing he was accidentally right on. I forget right now.

              • Gustave Lytton

                The parties are scams and no answering to voters/constituents?

          • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

            He does a good job identifying many of the problems. He’s not so good with solutions.

            • Gustave Lytton

              That’s been mentioned more than once here about liberals in general.

  14. Robonerfherder

    Looks like LaGarde decided to defend the European bond markets instead of the Euro today.

    Yields are falling slightly (4 to 5%) from their highs of yesterday but the Euro is staying fixed right at $1.06

    This weekend should be “interesting”