I recently noticed I didn’t have an actual electric bass in my arsenal, so I set out to cure this anomaly, my old P bass being lost in a lake and all. I noticed an unusual piece for sale and bought it, an Explorer body bass, ready to burn. I wanted to do a smoke color to see if a dark color would work with the carbon black of the burn but it looked rather sad, so I went another way.

The back


Front, erm,


Ready for color

After two coats of black I oversprayed with red to see the effect. The results were unique, and improved as I went on.

I used five coats of base paint and another three coats of clear lacquer, then a clear coat. It seems to be a durable finish so far. I did strip the guitar shortly after finishing it, though. The clear coat was inadequate, so I added three more coats and now it shines a bit.

Headstock in Midnight Blue




I build these from many sources: bodies from Taiwan, necks from Bulgaria, and electronics from all over, and design to the need at the time. It’s also the greatest fun burning my dreams.

Custom neckplate

This is not one of my favorite projects but it sounds badass and plays great. It’s kind of too death-looking for me but then again I don’t do death metal. I’m still burning the usual things, kitchenware, skateboards and odd things from the thrift shops. My hope is to have a large inventory ready for spring.

