'They're awful!'

“Are those really going to be her links?”

“Javier Milei, the recently elected president of Argentina, is somewhat famous for his eccentric relationship with his dogs.”

“Apparently, the show banned tons of personal belongings, including lip balm.”

“More evidence—and indeed, excavating the remaining four-fifths of the site that has yet to be examined, could well clarify the vastness and complexity of the northern Stone Age site.”

“In 2019, Microsoft floated the idea of getting Xbox Game Pass on multiple platforms, with Xbox head Phil Spencer calling it a “long-term goal” for the company, only to double back on it a year later.”

“Elious even created a bit of unique lore for these videos by attributing the narration to an original character known as Professor Ginkgo (all Pokémon experts need to have plant-based names, after all).”

I first heard this song in 2008; must’ve listened to it a hundred times. Enjoy the break in Christmas music before I lose my mind.