The World at large deserves this.
I don’t know when the world started sniffing glue, but it is quite apparent that people are out of their flippin’ minds. Here are some links to show you what I mean.
- “The high-profile trial is expected to last several more months. An appeal process, if necessary, could take years.” Um, good timing on that.
- He was still running? I know some people run to drop and endorse to get a Cabinet spot or such, but many of these folks I just don’t see where they get off doing this.
- We are innocent victims, oh, and we are going to rape and murder even more! How does anyone hear Hamas and not just spit and move on?
- Speaking of the Hamassholes… what the heck in going on here? Who knew righteous jihad was jamming up a museum and a Golden Arches?
Music – going old again.
The comments are all yours. Bah!
Gnu butt?
That poor skeletal cow.
I understand Stallman might have GNU CowButt working by 2050. Meanwhile, PenguinButt is widespread and scalable….
Plan 9 will supplant them both in 2235
speaking of Penguinbutt, where the heck is Penguin? Anyone heard anything?
No. I’m worried.
I’m going to reach out to him again, and start working the vast Glibertarians network.
Fortunately, wildebeest have never been introduced to North America — which is a good thing, since they would not only compete with bison for resources, but would be tremendously destructive to crops.
No gnus is good gnus.
I think you are probably going to hell for that. Well, at least it will be another reason added to the list.
Keep it up and you might even catch up to me.
Swiss Brown Cow butt.
Like all varieties bred exclusively for their milk, this one has a fine dairy air.
Your puns are udderly wonderful!
How now?
I picked the wrong time to quit sniffing glue.
At least you weren’t called Shirley.
Never heard of him.
So who are all these protesters? Students? People of middle eastern persuasion? Seems like an awful lot of them.
Paid professionals?
Where does the money come from? Gotta be well coordinated and funded, that kind of money should be traceable. Nice signs, headdress, transportation.
Young people that seem to not work or go to school.
The people capable of tracing the funds do not trace the funds, therefore they want the funding and the rioting to continue. Why they do, I cannot guess.
Yeah — the sudden global swell of support for raping terrorists who’d happily decapitate or toss off a building most/all of the “Gender Studies” types is a decidedly odd phenomenon.
Someone posted a profile of the commie assholes with ties to China pushing this crap.
How is it that so many commie ratfuckers start successful businesses?! It doesn’t make any sense.
It wouldn’t surprise me if selling “startups” is yet another way to funnel money to connected people.
Not everyone can get a book deal.
I just finished a book, “We Have Been Harmonized” by a German, Kai Strittmatter. Harmonized being the Chinese term for the use of propaganda. Interesting read, published in 2020, takes Trump to task with his handling of Covid, etc, amongst other things. The use AI is very well advanced.
Bread and circuses can make most of 1.3 B people compliant.
I’ll gladly send it along, hit me at latvia2112 at the yazoo
How many of those businesses are actually successful?
I mean, make real money from real customers, as opposed being money laundering schemes, a la SBC.
Missed that but would not surprise me in the least. One of the CCP’s major goals is tearing the US apart.
How much of it is support for Hamas and how much is for the Palestinians in general? Then again I’m sure there’s a hardcore (or moroncore) bunch that thinks any enemy of Western interests is a friend of theirs but they couldn’t be wrong.
“more wrong”
The server squirrels don’t like something or other about the comment I wrote about it, but the gist was: Whip people into intense enough hatred, and bad guys become good guys just by being enemies of the badder guy.
Since no one commented this morning Squirrel
My cat challenges the squirrel to a match. Get the red card ready.
Animal siblings learn through rough house playing, possibly that cute little guy outgrew his siblings and is preparing for reality. I’ve seen red squirrels stop the mating act and tussle a rival and then return to what they had been doing, all in a couple minutes’ time.
How much of it is support for Hamas and how much is for the Palestinians in general?
A distinction without a difference. Hamas are not rogue terrorist actors. They are the military arm of a state and appear to have wide support of its citizens.
The “support” of a people under the thumb of a ruthless cabal of murderers isn’t really support.
Even if they share the views, goals, and desires of the cabal murderers?
I don’t really see much evidence for ‘peace with Israel’ having broad support among Arabs living in the Middle East. Quite the contrary. Not really a historical or modern record of Middle Eastern inhabitants having much of a desire for peace with anyone.
Exactly. It’s not the Likud-Hamas war. Israel-Palestine/Gaza or Israeli-Palestinian/Gazan.
It’s a mix of both.
In NYC, the Palis have been protesting regularly every few weeks for many years. I know because it was around the corner from my home, NYC’s Arab central.
The same folks have been embolded by the murders of Oct. 7 to march around Manhattan and the crowds massively swollen by leftists who use any excuse to rabble.
Once we accept a million or so Palestinian refugees, there will be a lot more. Also more stories wondering why anti-Semitism is on the rise (probably white supremacy).
Well, people from the ME are white on the census forms.
Burgum probably just came to his senses.
Much like the GayJay campaign it was clear he was going through the motions, had no chance and no intention of winning. Trying to siphon votes from Trump?
Trump is like the fantasy monster that only gets stronger every time you hit him.
Now I want to watch Repo Man.
Isn’t that Iggy Pop lip syncing in that scene?
That is the actual Circle Jerks performing their song.
“I can’t believe I used to like these guys!”
Instead, lets go for Sushi and not pay.
Hey kid, wanna make 10 bucks?
The 500 errors are back…
It has little to nothing to do with “jihad”. It has everything to do with Marxist activists using Oct. 7 as another excuse to stir up shit.
See also: the 2020 summer of love. Same crowd.
Oh, the angry, the bitter, and the unfuckables!
Palestinian Lives Matter
I should clarify – in both cases there was a “mostly peaceful” core who actually were attracted by the issue at hand. And in both cases the crowds were greatly magnified by Antifa types. It’s how you get “end capitalism” T-shirts at a pro-Hamas demonstration. I am somewhat surprised that Antifa hasn’t ramped up another summer of love – maybe it’s too cold out?
That’s next year during the election cycle. No need to fight fascism when there’s no bad orange fascist to fight.
Most Arabs I have met are pretty pro capitalism. At least, the ones who don’t just want to kill Jews.
Same. They bought up all the little shops in my old neighborhood that successive waves of Norwegians and Italians abandoned when their families all moved to Long Island.
Not really though. Just ask Hamas.
Compare the reaction to this and the reaction to the kerfuffle in Dublin.
Well looky here- something new for me to not give a shit about
They love me, they love me not — the phrase sounds like an innocent children’s game. But for some people looking for a relationship in the modern dating scene, a potential partner’s wavering commitment is a painful experience that can leave them torn between feeling hopeful and hopeless.
These days, the harmful behavior is popularly known as “breadcrumbing” — sporadic acts of attention that don’t really result in anything the victim may consider meaningful, said Duygu Balan, a psychotherapist specializing in trauma and attachment wounding in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Breadcrumbing refers to a form of manipulation — whether intentional or not — involving one person “feigning interest and acting as though they feel sincerely interested and invested in a relationship with another person when they are not,” said Dr. Monica Vermani, a Canada-based clinical psychologist and author of “A Deeper Wellness: Conquering Stress, Mood, Anxiety and Traumas.”
Experiencing social isolation or loneliness is associated with a higher risk of death, a new study has found.
Regardless of why someone breadcrumbs, the impact can be incredibly harmful, especially if it lasts years, experts said.
Here’s how to recognize when you’re being breadcrumbed, and how to move on if the time comes.
Women, emotional children hardest hit.
Strange how the ever increasing focus on softening the “hard” parts of life and relationships seems to be increasing the immature, emotionally stunted narcissists who believe everything they dislike is tantamount to trying to kill them.
So strange….
Nice to see people still making shit up.
I think I’ll just keep calling such people sociopaths.
It doesn’t have to rise to that level necessarily, but it’s not a big secret that relationships can be emotionally transactional, just like they can be sexually or materially transactional. If that’s not your bag, the solution isn’t exactly rocket science.
Breadcrumbs are carbs. Leave bacon crumbs.
Every slight or mistreatment first needs a diagnosis in order to bail?
It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes.
“but it is quite apparent that people are out of their flippin’ minds.”
Tom Cotter would agree with you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nzYGZXKBYY
Oops, lyrics definitely NSW
“He’s Got $250 Million to Spend on Communist Revolution
Fergie Chambers is heir to one of the biggest American family fortunes. He’s also a revolutionary with ‘actual bloodlust’ building a mysterious commune in Massachusetts. His neighbors are scared….
It’s a commune. It’s a “liberatory training space.” It’s a housing collective meets agricultural collective. It’s where the People’s Gym (“free for working-class people and permanently closed to cops, active military, landlords, and capitalists”) is located. It’s where the journal Combat Liberalism is based. It’s the headquarters for the Berkshire Communists group, which Fergie started. It’s where the Babochki Collective, the funding arm of all of Fergie’s projects, sometimes meets.
Fergie’s the General Secretary of the Berkshire Communists, which describes itself as a “revolutionary Marxist-Leninist collective, aiming to promote the formation of a powerful workers’ party.” But the urgent issue that late summer afternoon—before Hamas’s war against Israel; before Fergie called for “making people who support Israel actually afraid to go out in public”; before three of Fergie’s comrades were arrested on the roof a weapons manufacturer in New Hampshire—was that 16 comrades were descending on Alford for a weekend retreat, and it’s been pouring rain. The canvas tents they pitched on the property are letting in water. A skylight in one of the six houses there is leaking. The punching bags in the barn-turned-gym are in the wrong place….”
He will be in a gutter, forgotten and covered with his own vomit in less than 3 years. All his money will be spent.
That was my thought. $250 million doesn’t go that far these days. Especially if he isn’t leaving it in the capitalist investments and only spending the proceeds.
This is also why I set up a trust for my daughter. Not that she would get anywhere near $250 million, but between 1/2 of my Mom’s estate and the life insurance if something happened to me and my wife, she would have far too much money to deal with.
She can have 5% per year forever.
Daddy must be so proud.
“A Native American man has been imprisoned for 35 years in the gruesome killings of two drinking buddies – including one homicide where he hacked the victim with an ax and left his head in a stove.
Shilo Aaron Oldrock, 30, pleaded guilty in federal charge to counts of second-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter in August for the violent murders of two men, identified only by their initials – E.B and P.S.
Oldrock, a member of the Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe, later admitted to police he killed both P.S. and E.B. Both crimes took place within the Navajo Nation in New Mexico.
In one killing, Oldrock killed his drinking and meth buddy and burned his body in a barrel. Months later, consumed by paranoia of the other killing and the death of his grandmother, he killed another friend by stabbing him 22 times before decapitating him.”
Why are the victims anonymous?
He hacked the records too?
He gave them thirty whacks with his axe?
“two drinking buddies”
“his drinking and meth buddy”
That explains it.
What culture was being appropriated here?
Florida? New Mexico?
“California lake is sitting on top of the largest lithium reservoir on the globe, official analysis shows – sparking race to extract $540BILLION-worth of white gold”
Federal historical or natural preserve announcement incoming…
It’s going to be super fun watching them explain away how bad lithium mining is for the environment.
Native American “sacred space.”
California: We’re banning gas cars and only allowing EV’s.
The Universe: Great! Here’s a huge supply of lithium. All you have to do is mine it.
California: * shifty awkward look *
Here’s where we get to find out how serious all the watermelons are about racing towards the battery-powered future. Spoiler: not very.
Of course it is under the Salton sea. That might just be enough to get a mining permit right there. Place is a redneck shit hole.
It’s a man-made lake covering part of what was tribal land so draining it would restore native land.
My niece had her dance recital yesterday. It’s a big production, 100+ kids and I always look forward to it. This year’s theme was “Christmas in the City”. Thankfully they didn’t choose Chicago or San Francisco. None of the dancers were shot or had to step around feces.
“Dance of the Needle Strewn Sidewalk”
Something we’ve talked about recently:
Man Hopes To One Day Be As Happy As People In This Hepatitis B Commercial
Semi-related are the aids drug commercials telling gay men that if they take this pill they can party like it’s 1975 but with no social stigma. Because having countless random sex partners doesn’t expose you to a million other cooties, and that’s assuming the drugs work as advertised.
This won’t end well.
We didn’t get the flying cars we were promised, but you can prep up!
I was looking for Iceland volcano news, and came across this:
That’s a cold-blooded crime.
I’ve used Cold Ethyl twice this year.
He is sure to receive a stiff punishment for this.
I am trying to imagine what path led you from volcanoes to fucking corpses.
ok, I can see that….
I wonder if his defense lawyer will try the old “Blame the Victim” strategy?
Hire some investigators to dig up some dirt on the so-called victim to make it not seem so bad.
To you ‘Bah!’ I’m adding a ‘Humbug!’.
Stupid news. Stupid face masks. Stupid me for not paying attention and spending$22 on one windshield wiper.
Oy. That hurts. Are you going to return it or get another $22 wiper?
Revenge of the feudalists
I am glad we are seeing the end of monarchy.
It’s nice of them to just go ahead and rub our faces in it.
Somewhere around here I have a collection of Clemens essays. He wrote one after a trip around Europe. He spoke of the titled class there as if they were scum of the earth.
I feel the same about our entitled class here. Pure scum.
Future GlibCruise contender?
It’d be like visiting The Villages, but with ocean breezes replacing the endless whir of golf carts.
Ooooo! Let’s see how this first one goes.
How many have committed to 2024, besides myself and KK?
I think we have eight total.
Of course, anyone who wants to increase that number can sign up here.
Made me laugh…
The political branch of the powerful Koch network is facing scrutiny as operatives chafe against a decision to endorse Nikki Haley for president that many see as out of step with their values.
The decision by Americans for Prosperity’s super PAC to get behind a candidate with seemingly little chance of prevailing in the GOP primary — and, more critically, one who espouses views contrary to key parts of the Koch network’s well-financed advocacy efforts — has confounded longtime Koch-world operatives alike.
Chris Maidment, who up until this weekend was a director of grassroots operations for Americans for Prosperity in the key primary state of New Hampshire, spoke out late Friday on X that he opposed the group’s endorsement of Haley and would not be helping the organization to support her.
A day later, Maidment was “terminated” from the organization, he said, and he told NBC News that he is not the only one within the Koch-backed group who is disappointed in the Haley endorsement. He noted Americans for Prosperity leadership were warned there would be “attrition” within the group’s ranks if they moved ahead with backing Haley.
If I were a person who took an active participatory interest in the election, Haley’s affiliation with the UN would be a dealbreaker.
Will Reason be publishing “The Libertarian Cse for Nikki Haley” shortly?
Make Neocon Warmongering Great Again!
Make the ads stop!
It does explain the Desantis hate that goes on every other day there.
Ahh, but they were never specific about whose prosperity.
Here’s where we get to find out how serious all the watermelons are about racing towards the battery-powered future. Spoiler: not very.
Aren’t they desperately trying to “protect” a big lithium deposit in Nevada?
Stated vs. Revealed preferences. As usual the left doesnt give a flying fuck about what they purport to support.
The push towards an unworkable all electric world is directed to push us into a world of stone age technology. Of course this is ridiculous. There are far too many people today to operate in medieval level technology. The prey will be spooked long before the trap is sprung and the architects of this, in my ideal world, will end up in gibbets.
Former New Jersey governor and Republican presidential hopeful Chris Christie will not be on the Maine primary election ballot after failing to obtain the required number of in-state petition signatures.
Christie only received 844 signatures
Story about how short days are bad for mental health. The real reason I posted it, though, was for the hate the “experts” put on Daylight Savings Time.
I can’t decide if the doc is really that much of an asshole, or if the journalo can’t write for shit.
I am retired. I sleep when I want to and wake when I want to.
I am up at 2-3am and in bed by 6-7, unless I choose otherwise.
Sorry if posted earlier, but James Bovard continues to demonstrate he is (funny) national treasure: https://mises.org/wire/tsa-still-crazy-after-all-these-years
I remember when flying was a pleasure.
Bovard was being “Harmonized”. The fear of missing a plane or being ostracized by other passengers cause most people to simply fall in line and be quiet.
I once had to go to the country land commissioner’s office to see about getting a variance. My wife told me to just shut up ’cause the previous time I had kind of exploded and walked out before I could get anything done. Another time I asked the clerk if she remembered me, she replied, “I’ll get my supervisor” and she did.
What the hell? All these years and I am just now finding out I have a twin?
Oh well, I am usually the last one to find out about all kinds of things about me and what all I have been up to.
Good morning, Glibs!
You need to come hang out with us during the pre-AM Lynx hours! (That would be 5 a.m. CST) 😉
What is this “5 a.m.” that you speak of?
If you’re just now getting up, I bet you’ve stayed up that late. 😄
Well, true. I’ve seen 5:00 a.m. from the backside before.
Expected this.
It’s morning….
15 minutes later…