These guys win the ugly sweater contest every year!


GLIBZOOM TACKY HOLIDAY ATTIRE CONTEST: KK will hold a tacky holiday attire contest on the GlibZoom on Saturday, Dec 16. The winner will receive a $20 Amazon gift card and bragging rights for a year. Bring out your ugly sweaters and tacky headgear. The winner will be chosen by popular vote. No voting for yourself. KK not eligible to win. You must be on camera at 9:00pm Glibs time to be eligible to win. You don’t have to show your face but you do have to show us your tacky garment. Big Glibs thanks to KK for coming up with this and donating the prize.

So we are now in the proper holiday spirit.

Let us see what kind of mood is out there in the rest of the world.

  • *Smells smoke, picks up fiddle, begins playing*
  • Oh, this should be fun.
  • Huh, hadn’t heard about this one.

No news worth anything from Switzerland. Im Schweiz nicht neues.

Christmas Music. No, it is neither Wham! nor Mariah Carey.