1. Not Adahn

    Why is Alabama investigating Twitter?

    • SDF-7

      The ACC is too busy with Big Tech. (Go Jackets!)

  2. PieInTheSky

    Senate Breaks Filibuster to Advance $95 Billion Foreign Aid Package – the US should not be cheap and pay a fair share. Also can I have 100 million?

    • Sean

      I’ll vote yes, but i expect my cut.

      • creech

        Perkasie could use about $20 million to spruce up the pavilion at Menlo Park. Want to set up an LLC and bid? I don’t think we’d have to kick in more than half to some congressman’s cousin. Hire some undocs, slap on some paint, bill a couple million for change orders, retire somewhere warm.

      • Sean

        I like it!

    • Certified Public Asshat

      So it’s the exact same bill as the border security bill, just with no border security at all now?

      • Banjos

        To be fair, the other bill didn’t have any border security either. Just additional funds for border patrol to process illegals faster and to codify into law how many can illegally enter into one day. And my personal favorite, made it so one could only bring lawsuits regarding immigration to the DC courts.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        The venue shopping has been a favorite of Dems for a while now. Here in Oregon they have been trying to get any and all cases involving the state gov. to be filled in Marion County, as that is where the state capital is. It is also packed with liberal justices, unsurprising as Portland has taken over the state and they want to control every aspect of the rest of us. And, considering that one of their favorite “citizen initiatives*”, 114, just got shot down by a judge in the far right (politically and geographically) corner of the state, they want to keep the red rising at a minimum.

        *this anti-gun bill supposedly was the product of a grass roots drive, but at even first glance it is clear that it was written by state dems.

    • The Other Kevin

      $25k to keep my business afloat is just a rounding error of a rounding error. Just sayin.

  3. Not Adahn

    Biden Frustrated With AG Garland for Not Doing Enough to Rein In Special Counsel Report

    Somehow, this is NOT an admission that the DoJ is supposed to be politicized.

    • R C Dean

      I thought the whole point of special counsel was that the AG didn’t interfere.

      • DrOtto

        -1 Wingman

    • SDF-7

      Most of the reporting on those leaks that I read also included that he’s mad Garland didn’t push the “election interference” trials even earlier to get Trump convicted by now. So overt use of the DOJ to take down political rivals (like we needed confirmation at this point).

      Guess we know that PPP likes his ice cream with banana republic sundaes.

  4. PieInTheSky

    Potential Third Party Impact on Presidential Election Has Never Been So Big

    Libertarian moment? we haven’t had one in a while

    • creech

      Rand Paul/Tulsi Gabbard fusion ticket. Think the LP delegates would go along?

      • SDF-7

        I would think Rand’s wife would have a problem with him “fusing” with Tulsi… Libertarian, not Libertine and all. 😉

    • rhywun

      “Centrist” for now but I wouldn’t rule out a challenge from the Left – they are really pissed at American support for Israel.

      • Common Tater

        I wouldn’t say the Left exactly. I agree with James Carville that the extreme “woke” are a tiny minority of Democrat voters that they would be better off without.

      • Not Adahn

        That might be true but also misleading.

        The “woke” might be a tiny minority, but they are a respected minority. They are credentialed academics and are an authority on morality, ethics, and goodthinkfulness.

        When in doubt on what to believe, the congregation will defer to the priest.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        They are also the loudest minority. They have an outsized voice on the left, much more than conservative Christians do on the right. And with the left having a bit of a purity contest right now, they are the most important voice. Centrist Dems are hosed.

      • Common Tater

        Carville’s point was that they should stop respecting them as they are making it more difficult to win elections.

      • Not Adahn

        Stop respecting credentialed elites? Like a science-denying trumpalo?

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s impossible to respect them. Respect is earned and they have not earned any.

      • Not Adahn

        Ummm, do YOU have an advanced degree from Columbia or Harvard? That’s what I thought. Kthxbai.

      • UnCivilServant

        I was too smart to fall for those shitholes.

      • Common Tater

        He wasn’t including climate change or covid. Also, most of the woke aren’t credentialed elites, and most of the credentialed elites aren’t woke. Yes, there are a bunch of crackpot academics. There have been for decades. But that was before they got amplified by the algorithms.

        His point was that going extreme on race and LGBT stuff loses the middle, while gaining nothing with black or LGBT voters who are going to vote Democrat no matter what.

        I haven’t heard Carville say it, but it would be like when the Democrats told feminists to shut up to get Clinton re-elected.

      • Not Adahn

        Also, most of the woke aren’t credentialed elites, and most of the credentialed elites aren’t woke. Yes, there are a bunch of crackpot academics.

        Those two sentences are in contradiction. “Woke” is adherence to those theories put forth by the “-studies” faculty/grad students. These “crackpot academics” are the authority behind which the +power definitions of the various isms come from. Experts in the fields of gender studies, race relations, comparative religion, social justice, environmental justice, racial justice, economic justice etc. are, well, the experts. And they’re universally woke.

        Andrea Dworkin is, afaik, the first person to declare that free speech for women requires the censorship of men. Susan Brownmiller popularized the “rape isn’t about sex, it’s about power” thing and pushed using literature as justification for real-world policy.

      • Common Tater

        “Those two sentences are in contradiction.”

        No it isn’t. Most of woke are online nobodies and unemployed rioters. Most of the credentialed elites aren’t in those fields.

        Brownmiller wrote Against Our Will in 1975? I haven’t read it ages, so I don’t remember the literature thing. (Paglia did it extensively in Sexual Personae, but that was 15 years later.)

      • Not Adahn

        Most of the credentialed elites aren’t in those fields.

        Yeah, but all “the experts” (who inspire deference) on the subjects ARE. You can’t claim that just because a field is the minority of the human population that those people who set the agenda and definitions of the field don’t actually exist.

        That would be like claiming that the credentialed elites don’t defer to Fauci, because almost nobody is an epidemiologist.

      • Common Tater

        “You can’t claim that just because a field is the minority of the human population that those people who set the agenda and definitions of the field don’t actually exist. ”

        I’m not.

      • rhywun

        I think he’s nostalgic for the 90s or 00s. That “tiny minority” is growing by leaps and bounds.

      • B.P.

        They certainly hold sway with the urban and suburban guilt ridden-types who want to adhere to the zeitgeist and be thought of as “nice.” And, as Not Adahn suggests, it’s easy to tell that crowd what they think.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Carville is the biggest piece of shit in this country, no matter what he says.

  5. Not Adahn

    Oldest Gun Manufacturer in New York Shuts Down

    Remmington’s been shit for a while now.

  6. Not Adahn

    “Black People Watch Blazing Saddles for the First Time” is a genre on youtube.

    • PieInTheSky

      I think we are past peak “reaction channel” popularity

      • UnCivilServant

        So, it’s back to “Robots Reading Reddit”?

      • Not Adahn

        Fortunately, the algorithm does not feed me many of those.

      • UnCivilServant

        I used to put them on for background noise. Easy to filter out, filled the silence.

      • Not Adahn

        For background, I like to use channels that are a bit too boring to watch for entertainment, but I think they should be rewarded for worthwhile content. Like C&Arsenal. Those also have the benefit of being longer than most so I don’t have to start a new one as often.

      • SDF-7

        Heh… “Humans as Space Orcs” for 2 hours at night to go to sleep for the win.

      • SDF-7

        Meh — I’m actually enjoying a probably late 20s / early 30s something watching Star Trek: The Original Series for the first time. (Apparently her dad used to be really into it and tried to get her to watch with him… he’s passed since, and now she regrets missing out on that and is watching in memoriam / to reconnect to those memories — which is nice).

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Cute Canadian brunette with glasses? I like her.

      • Common Tater


    • UnCivilServant

      Are these from the annoying reaction channels, or the ones where they have something to contribute?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Yes and it’s the height of entertainment, right up there with black people react to hearing Led Zeppelin for the first time. For whatever reason white folks eat that shit up.

  7. PieInTheSky

    HBO Adds Trigger Warning to “Blazing Saddles”

    Excuse me while I whip this out / HBO exec

  8. Drake

    I liked the 1960’s ad that Kennedy ran last night. Remind some of the more normal Democrats of what they used to be.

    RFK probably scares the deep state a lot more than Trump. Kennedy really has a grudge against them, is a lot smarter than Trump, and really would tear up the CIA. If they take out Trump and put a stooge like Haley on the ballot, a lot of people would vote Kennedy for the ‘fuck you’. I wonder if that’s enough of a threat for them to back off on Trump.

    • hayeksplosives

      I’ll do a “fuck you” vote this year, given that I live in a solid blue state.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, all my votes are “fuck you” votes, and now even more so with cheating easier than ever.

    • DrOtto

      Uh, I don’t think the deep state is scared. If anything, you’d think a Kennedy would be exactly aware of what the deep state is capable of and he’d be the one who is afraid. That said, good for him for following his convictions.

    • Common Tater

      That add seemed weird to me.

      • Drake

        Using nostalgia to target early Boomers and Silents.

    • The Other Kevin

      They brought out the knives last week. He’s being accused of election fraud nonsense. The guy’s a lawyer and has been in politics a long time. He’s way smarter than that. But the Dems want to take him out.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        If those jackasses see you as a threat they sure don’t have qualms with cooking up charges and throwing you in prison do they? Now all they need is a favorible jurisdiction and a crooked judge which should be easy.

      • dbleagle

        The Hawaii Supreme Court waves hello.

      • mrfamous

        Surprise parole for Sirhan Sirhan!

  9. Rat on a train

    Potential Third Party Impact on Presidential Election Has Never Been So Big
    There’s a Teddy Roosevelt/Ross Perot ticket in 2024?

    • UnCivilServant

      Who’s George Wallace’s running mate?

      • Rat on a train

        Ralph Nader?

    • Not Adahn

      Mistah Perot, he daid.

      • R.J.


  10. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

  11. WTF

    Judge Orders Elon Musk to Testify in SEC’s Twitter Probe

    The deep state really is pissed about losing the ability to censor Twitter.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Didn’t he try to back out of the sale at one point?

    • Evan from Evansville

      Boom, and blatantly. Musk may be the billionaire we need right now. I am positive he has several Fuck You plans. I believe his goals and mine largely overlap.

      I am quite interested in Neuralink, partially for personal reasons. This medically curious cat would carefully consider various ways to study me. And shit. Some more reminders are flaring up, now.

      I forgot to post this before my therapist sesh. In the lobby, a dude talked about “[he] got shot in the nuts over the weekend.” Puts my day in perspective. He also complimented me to his wife. It was powerful. Damn. Glad I went in. May repost if no one is ’round readin’.

  12. hayeksplosives

    The Senate Appropriations Committee released the legislative text of the more than $95 billion foreign aid bill earlier in the week. The funding includes aid for Ukraine, security assistance to Israel, humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, and Ukraine,

    Humanitarian aid. Snort. Guffaw.

    Carry on.

    • Brawndo

      Funding the military that is causing the humanitarian crisis that we are also throwing money at has got to be peak American politics.

    • Common Tater

      “security assistance to Israel, humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza”

      So we’re paying for both sides.

      • Lackadaisical

        I saw were selling fighter planes to both Greece and Turkey, but at least we’re not paying for that one. We’re really the dumbest country ever to exist. The satellite states need to send tribute, not the other way around.

    • Lackadaisical

      I can’t believe how useless the Republicans are. Fuck both parties.

  13. R C Dean

    If Austin is in the Critical Care Unit, he should resign his position. He obviously can’t do it from there, and if he’s in the CCU he’s likely not going to recover sufficiently any time soon. If he recovers at all.

    Another potential Biden replacement, installed in the cabinet to buff up his resume, goes up in smoke.

    • Ted S.

      At least the idiocy i saw sone people proffering that Austin was offed in Ukraine has been shown for the utter BS it was.

      • Raven Nation


        There is no end to the conspiracy beliefs people hold on to

      • Ted S.

        Somebody here posted it a couple of times as the possible reason Austin went missing.

    • The Other Kevin

      That’s a weak argument considering we have a late stage dementia patient as president who is “doing an incredible job.”

  14. CPRM

    As far as I know, the warning before Blazing Saddles is from the TCM airing, so it’s not HBO, but it is the parent company. The Blazing Saddles DVD I got my dad in the early 2000s was already censored, there was a scene cut out (I think it was part of the fart scene)

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m confused. I mean the fart scene wasn’t funny, but why cut that?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        What are you talking about? Farts are funny.

      • Cunctator

        When my two oldest grandsons were young, my daughter asked me “When do boys stop thinking farts are funny?” I told her that I would let her know when I reached that age.

  15. The Hyperbole

    Just rewatched the Kennedy ad (sober this time) and I still don’t get why some of you people think it was so great. The family members that are whinging about it are jackasses in any case. There’s nothing objectionable or remarkable about it, very ho-hum in my opinion.

    • Nephilium

      Any of the people at the watch party who weren’t interested in politics had no idea who or what the ad was for. That seems a pretty big miss to me.

      • RBS

        My wife is in to politics and had a “what the fuck was that?” reaction. Personally, I do not remember it.

      • robc

        The only thing I could think was that it was a remake of a JFK commercial from 1960?

      • Nephilium

        Yeah, it stood out as being completely out of place. It took me a couple of seconds to realize it was an ad for RFKj instead of someone else (or some new series/movie).

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        I had the same reaction, and that is its strength. Unlike either Biden or Trump ads, it wasn’t negative, and was a throwback to what is seen as a more positive time: Happy Days, American Graffiti, Laugh-in, etc.

    • Ted S.

      RFK is opposing Biden, so some people will believe any nonsense.

    • Fatty Bolger

      I don’t even remember seeing it.

  16. R C Dean

    Now you know why (well, you already knew) so many states adamantly refuse to clean up their voter rolls. It’s not just to have a ready reserve of ballots to print off and count. Now they know that voters themselves will cast illegal ballots in mass numbers, and of course that they predictably tilt one way.

    • creech

      Frankly, I didn’t see any “evidence” in the article. And, as I recall, the biggest “fraud” uncovered by the poll was something like mailing someone else’s ballot for them which is hardly proof that someone’s vote was changed.

      • robc

        That changes the vote from NULL to NOT NULL.

      • R C Dean

        They did a couple of things, I believe. First, they took into account that the rate of junk mail ballot fraud may have been much less than the survey, which I thought was smart. Second, and I don’t know if they mentioned this in that article, they looked at the rate by which junk mail ballots favored Biden, and did the math. Its not prof-proof, as in, they don’t have a stack of known fraudulent ballots that were counted in each state to back out of the final totals (because that’s impossible), but its very suggestive to say the least.

        Bottom line, I don’t know how anybody can really trust the results produced by our current system of junk mail voting. And that’s the real problem. It’s not much different than the old* MLB All-Star fan voting, where there were piles of ballots at every ballpark and you could vote as many times as you wanted.

        *Maybe they still do it that way, couldn’t really say.

      • Common Tater

        Even perfectly fair mail-in ballots favor Dems, just like rain on Election Day favored the GOP.

      • The Other Kevin

        I’ve been saying this all along. There’s no real way to prove cheating swung the election. The real problem is that a lot of people have lingering questions, but nobody in charge has done anything to address those issue. In 2024 it shouldn’t be hard to come up with a few changes that make the system secure and auditable. But they don’t want it secure and auditable.

      • robc

        If it wouldn’t pass a six sigma test, it shouldnt be used.

      • kinnath

        There’s plenty of clear evidence that the election was a statistical anomaly. The republican party picked up seats in the US House, in state legislatures across the county, and in multiple governor’s mansions. So, there was a clear red wave, but somehow the head of the ticket did not win.

        Exit polls showed Trump getting a higher percentage of votes from young people, women, and people of color in 2024 than he did in 2020. And yet he did not win.

        There are other indicators as well.

        The only explanation is that millions of middle-aged white men voted for the first time in their lives; they voted for Biden; and they voted for no one else on the ballot.

        It’s possible, but extremely unlikely.

      • prolefeed

        Dems can “trust” that these practices get them the outcomes they want. Why would they change that if they are in power in the swing states?

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Setting aside whether or not the actually cheated in 2020, one thing the definitely did do was destroy election integrity. Now, the left will argue that one day only voting disenfranchises a lot of people, but there are ways to counter those issues but still have what are believed to be secure elections. Nothing that would help keep maintain integrity was done; no purging of voter registrations, no securing ballot receptacles’, allowing undated ballots counted, etc.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Similar to something I saw when looking into the PA ballots. If you looked at the results vs. party affiliation for those late mail in ballots, they were all out of whack. Basically Biden’s total represented every single Democrat and Independent vote, which did not match the earlier distribution, where both got their party plus a share of independents. Is it possible for that to happen? Sure. But it’s very unlikely.

      • rhywun

        the biggest “fraud” uncovered by the poll was something like mailing someone else’s ballot for them which is hardly proof that someone’s vote was changed

        At the very least, it’s enough to rate that election as fraudulent.

        We do it to other countries all the time for similar practices.

    • Cunctator

      During the Newsome recall election, I received three extra ballots, all addressed to my address, to people who have never lived at my address. I know this for sure as the ballots were addressed to three of my brothers. I shredded them. During the 2022 elections, I received three ballots, only one with my name. I shredded the extras. So far this year, I have received three ballots, only one addressed to me. None of the extra ballots I received were from the County in which I live. I cannot believe I was the only one.

      Most secure elections ever.

      • Ted S.

        In theory, you should take that to a news outlet.

        In practice, that would get you put on Team Blue’s enemies list and subject you to intrusive tax audits.

  17. robc

    Harrison Butker should have been MVP. 4 of 4 on FGS, 13 pts, longest FG in Super Bowl history, and the KC offense did nothing outside the last drive. Their other TD was the 1 play drive after the fumbled punt.

    • R C Dean

      I tend to agree.

      So, I turned it off immediately after the game ended. Did Tay-Tay and Kelce cap it off by making a big Biden endorsement on live TV? Or was the whole psyop thing just more bullshit from broken-brained partisans.

      • robc

        I also turned it off very shortly after.

      • RBS

        Same. According to my wife a bunch of women are up in arms about Kelce yelling at Andy Reid. Apparently it means he’s certainly abusing Taylor Swift.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Abusing 65 year old men maybe.

      • rhywun


    • Certified Public Asshat

      For those who are convinced it’s rigged, how does the longest FG in SB history fit in with the script? Or is that just a nice little off-script bonus?

      • Common Tater

        I don’t remember any particularly bad calls this time. Unlike that Eagles catch and fumble ruled incomplete.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Romo made the game nearly unwatchable. The youngest Altar Boy said that he must have put down a huge bet on the Niners, the way he was kissing their ass.

        At the best of times Romo is unlistenable, and yesterday’s game wasn’t that.

      • R C Dean

        I like Romo’s commentary. I learn more from him than any other announcer. He got a little over his skis last night, though.

      • Urthona

        Some people he clearly rubs the wrong me.

        For me? He’s not much worse than any of the others.

      • Common Tater

        He definitely knows the game.

      • robc

        If you are rigging it, you just don’t call the defensive hold in OT and SF has to punt.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I watched the first half and then OT. The only time I thought the refs blew it, was on the trick double pass that the 49ers scored on. I think it would have been picked off (or at least McCaffrey would have been tackled immediately) if the 49ers line hadn’t started blocking the d-backs who saw the play coming.

        I would have thought that was offensive pass interference, but maybe the rules are different for double passes?

        Anyhow, I’m happy for Mo! Hoping that the Chiefs victory will help her cope with the fact that she is doomed to eat crap BBQ.

      • robc

        I can’t keep the college vs pro rules straight, but I think its okay if the pass if behind the LOS.

      • Mojeaux

        How’s your lutefisk this morning?

      • robc

        Is that MN bbq?

        And I thought Mutton BBQ in Owensboro was a bit weird.

      • Mojeaux

        I just find it weird that a Nimmesodan looks down on my BBQ.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Hey, I’ll admit that KC BBQ is better than Minnesoda BBQ (unless you really like ketchup). But I did a couple tours of duty in Memphis, so I know what real BBQ is.

      • Not Adahn


      • robc

        pig>beef for bbq

        so KC and Texas cant be above memphis and Carolina.

        Alabama can suck it.

      • Mojeaux

        Whu? We do as much pig here as beef. I personally don’t care for pig as much as beef or chicken, but I’m an outlier.

      • Not Adahn

        BBQ means cooking with smoke, unless you’re a European in which case it just means “grilling.”

        Carolina style is grilling of a particularly theatrical kind. AL is bandwagon jumping.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        God help me, the wrongness about BBQ in this thread. It makes me sad.

        All right thinkers know, KNOW!, that the best . No trafe like ribs, nothing burnt, and, god help us, no briskit. Just good tri-tip, over open coals, just as god intended.

        is Santa Maria style BBQ.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Just like always, covered in melted butter, salt and pepper…. And in the garbage can untouched.

  18. RBS

    I really should stop reading comments on instagram posts but I could not help myself reading a self identified Italian/Native American Stoner arguing with other self identified Native Americans about the chop on the Cherokee Nation’s post about how to say football in Cherokee.

  19. PieInTheSky

    “I stand before you as Herald of the Change. We are witnessed by members of the Imperial Court, representatives of the Spacing Guild and a sister of the Bene Gesserit. The Emperor has spoken. “House Atreides shall immediately take control of Arrakis and serve as its steward.”


    • Not Adahn

      Someone down with the yoot culture wanna tell me WTF that is?

      • Not Adahn

        KC3 is no Duke Leto.

      • robc

        All previous odd King Charles of England have been beheaded.

      • PieInTheSky

        the current one is pretty strange as well

      • Not Adahn

        Still doesn’t explain Who the non-Royal in that pic was though.

      • Not Adahn

        And if I were truly a protocol geek, I could tell you what the meaning of spurs + no KCG meant. But I can’t even ID that coat, ‘cuz I’m not.

  20. Common Tater

    “HBO Adds Trigger Warning to “Blazing Saddles”

    They misspelled “Nigger”.

    • Tres Cool

      + the sheriff is near

      • bacon-magic

        *takes apple pie away

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      When they remake it and cut out all of those nasty words who’ll get Clevon’s role I wonder.

      • kinnath


  21. rhywun

    It is incumbent upon the 50 states to ensure that their voting systems are as safe and secure as possible. We still have time to make necessary changes.


    My state just passed – against the will of the voters – a law to make election theft by mail permanent.

    • Sean


    • Pope Jimbo

      My favorite was when the Minnesoda SoS was sued by left wing groups in 2020 to relax rules for absentee ballots. The poor guy was forced to settle with them and give them everything they wanted (no signature requirements, no witness needed, etc., etc.).

      He was such a nice guy, he didn’t even bother the legislature with the kerfuffle. Just took care of it for them.

      And the GOP being the GOP, didn’t raise holy hell about the SoS taking away their prerogative to set election rules.

  22. PieInTheSky

    We are happy to welcome you all back to our newly refurbished Redcoat Café ☕🍰

    If you are visiting us over the weekend, pop in for a warm beverage or even a tasty slice of cake 😋


    in the replies Scots be mad

    • Not Adahn

      Why should I care about Nick Rhodes opinion? I’m not KK.

      • Tres Cool

        You typed that out of reflex.

      • Not Adahn

        My chauffeur is out sick.

      • SDF-7

        That’s too much information — now if y’all will forgive me, I’ll return to my ordinary world.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Good channel for those with unconventional foreign policy views. Getting a gentleman’s agreement with a president and having it thrown in the trash once he talked to his “advisors” and agency heads would be frustrating no doubt.

      • SDF-7

        If I were any foreign country I’d consider “agreements” with the Secretary of State and even the President to be good for toilet paper at best until and unless they were written up and ratified by the Senate as a formal treaty obligation.

        That’s our system, folks should be well aware of it after 200+ years and all. Executive “promises” mean jack over squat.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        No doubt, they need to speak to the person in charge and the President ain’t it.

    • PieInTheSky

      the causes of the Crimean War. – blame the french

      • Drake

        They were laughing at British fears back then that the Russians would cross the Himalayas to invade India.

      • SDF-7

        They bought into the myth that Russian Cossacks didn’t ever rest.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Is Mike Lindell singlehandedly financing Rumble’s operations with his ads? Lord have mercy, he seems like he’d be fun to do a line with but all the pillow talk gets old.

      • Drake

        ?? I always get ads for some kind of super hoodie.

  23. Common Tater

    I was annoyed by that ad with Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” that changed “man” to “woman”. It didn’t fit the rhythm or melody.

    • tripacer

      I thought it actually did say “make a supersonic woman of you” later in the song.

      • Common Tater

        It does, but not the way they did it.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        So they’re pushing sex change hormones?

    • PieInTheSky

      looks like a pumpkin

    • SDF-7

      Epstein’s brother two days from now?

      RFK if he wins the election?

      OMWC visting Baltimore and taking a wrong turn?

      • SDF-7

        Oh, wait… Philly… ok — “What Paulie should have looked like at the end of Rocky 1, the asshole.”

    • CPRM

      A carpet. Someone spilled their wine.

    • Not Adahn

      That’s a $300 fine for dumping, right there.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      A municipality with curbside body pickup? That’s got to cost extra.

    • Tres Cool

      Hey! I was just there!

  24. PieInTheSky

    I see more anti-anti-Nixon content on Twitter than ever.

    Yet few Americans know Nixon is one of only three presidents to be ranked by a committee of black American political scientists as both anti-racist and white supremacist. It’s incredible.


    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Honest Abe, the antiracist white supremacist…

    • CPRM

      What other band can say they did a naked photo shoot in a yellow kitchen for a huge magazine only to be voted the second stupidest band in the history of the world for doing a naked photo shoot in a yellow kitchen for a magazine by the same magazine? Put your hands in the air unless are driving a car or holding a baby, ladies and gentlemen!

      Bowling For Soup – Greatest of All Time

    • SDF-7

      Probably because few Americans take evaluations of people (especially in the past) as “both anti-racist and white supremacist” seriously.

      The racism card is way over its limit and the collections agencies are beating down the door.

    • Fourscore

      Those aren’t real dogs and cats. Flyover country and deplorables have REAL dogs and cats. Coastal d & c drink bottled water

  25. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 02/12:
    *22/22 words (+3 bonus words)
    ⏱️ In the top 12% by speed

    I played https://squaredle.com 02/12:
    *27/27 words (+8 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 6% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 141

    • SDF-7

      I really blew chunks today, frankly. (iirc I was particularly annoyed that out of “flim” and “flam” one was a Bonus word and the other wasn’t there, screwing my initial accuracy… what a bunch of flimflam.)

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 02/12:
      *22/22 words (+3 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 31% by accuracy

      I played https://squaredle.com 02/12:
      *27/27 words (+4 bonus words)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 238

  26. PieInTheSky

    An alleged gang rape shocks Italy, and provides fodder for an ascendant far right


    Italy has been shaken by the alleged gang rape of a 13-year-old girl in front of her boyfriend in a public park in the Sicilian city of Catania, the latest in a string of shocking sexual attacks in the country.

    The case is reminiscent of two alleged gang rapes last summer. A group of seven men and teenage boys between the ages of 15 and 18 are currently on trial for the alleged rape of a 19-year-old girl in Palermo in August.

    Weeks later nine young men were arrested and charged with allegedly raping two cousins aged 10 and 12 near Naples and broadcasting the attack live on social media. They, too, are facing trial.

    Last month’s alleged gang rape in Catania has become not only a symbol of violence against women in the country, but a cause célèbre for Italy’s far-right government. The seven suspected perpetrators were all Egyptian migrants, three of them under the age of 18, Catania police confirmed to CNN.

    CNN approached the suspect’s lawyers for comment. Lawyers for three of them said their clients denied involvement in the actual assault, while the others would not comment because their clients are minors.

    The case was soon seized upon as evidence that migrants should be blocked from entering the country.

    • Not Adahn

      The immigrants are the real victims here, obvs. The vag-haver should check her privilege.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      13 year old gang raped, immigrants hardest hit.

    • creech

      Hundred years ago in Sicily: “You won’t see those guys anymore.”

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Far Right Pounces.

  27. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda I really don’t know what else to say about this article. Top to bottom, it shows why homelessness will never be “solved”. Too much money in grifting off the stumblebums.

    Faced with the challenge of providing housing and services to the residents of south Minneapolis’ large Camp Nenookaasi homeless encampment, the city of Minneapolis tried a new strategy: bypassing its traditional partnership with Hennepin County and instead awarding a nearly $1 million contract to a relatively unknown, for-profit group called Helix Health and Housing Services.

    There was no competitive bidding process for the contract. Rather, the city based its decision on its experience working with Helix co-owners Adam Fairbanks, a consultant for Red Lake Nation, and Carrie Johnson, the former service area director of housing at Avivo, during its response to another major encampment: the Wall of Forgotten Natives, which popped up along Hwy. 55 in 2018.

    Helix says it has so far helped 98 Nenookaasi residents, exceeding the initial goal of 32. The residents were bussed to Twin Cities rental properties, grouped with the people they wanted to live with and given month-to-month and year-long leases with private landlords, said Johnson.

    $1M to “house” 100 people? And that is 3 times better than the initial proposal which was $1M for 32 people.

    • PieInTheSky

      10k per person does not get you far in this economy.

    • The Other Kevin

      Taylor Swift would have to be a complete idiot to hitch her wagon to a sinking ship. She’s got better business sense than that.

      • Gustave Lytton

        She’s always picking loser guys though. Maybe she can get a song out of it.

      • grrizzly

        Yep. Biden won’t be on the ballot in November. The Dems are no longer hiding it.

      • prolefeed


      • grrizzly

        Wait until the primary season is over and Biden has all the delegates for the convention. After that he can step down any time before the end of the convention when “his” delegates will vote for whomever the Dems in power decide.

      • Urthona

        Oh she’ll casually support the Democrat whomever it is.

        She’s never been super duper activist, but she’s definitely pro-choice.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      She’ll just do another “Go register and go vote” type endorsement. It’s not explicitly pro-Biden or pro-Dem so she can claim neutrality, but she knows that her audience skews in that direction.

    • Fourscore

      ’cause some lack teeth and soup don’t need no rubbin’

      One day, we’ll welcome you into the group and you’ll understand

    • PieInTheSky

      you got to give your meat a good ol rub. yeaah boy.

  28. Common Tater

    “The government is warning Americans about the rise in AI ‘sextortion’ that is sweeping the nation – and the attack has caused at least a 20 suicides in recent years.

    Sextortion is when an offender convinces the victim to send sexually explicit pictures of videos and then threatens – and the criminal threatens to release them to the public if they do not receive more content or money.

    However, these attacks are being combined with AI, giving offenders tools to create attractive personas and generate convincing conversations.

    These attacks have risen 1,000 percent in the last 18 months, according to the Network Contagion Research Institute, driven by West African gangs who target young people on Instagram, Snapchat and Wizz.”


    Play stupid games…

  29. PieInTheSky

    Bukele’s War for Peace


    Libertarian wise I find this way of solving the issue maybe questionable, but I have a feeling if I was a Salvadorean I would be in full support if it made the place safe to live.

  30. Pope Jimbo

    SCIENCE! Turns out when you have blue balls, you’ll screw anything.

    • Not Adahn

      Or that cetaceans are size queens.

      • Pope Jimbo

        They are, but after Mr. Big leaves them with a calf on the way, they all end up blubbering.

    • The Other Kevin

      We already knew that, but he’s been dead for a while.

      • Tres Cool

        John MacAfee ladies and gentlemen…

    • CPRM

      a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial, e.g. Homo sapiens.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      “The genetic distance between blue and fin whales has been compared to that between a gorilla and human”
      Huh, they don’t even have the excuse of being drunk.

      • Not Adahn

        I approve. Bluefin is delicious.

  31. PieInTheSky

    The fact that Taylor Swift has any noticeable effect on elections should show modern democracy is bullshit.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The idea that she has a noticeable effect on elections is bullshit.

      • creech

        That’s right, because 11 year old girls can’t vote (at least not yet; give the Dems time and the voting age will be reduced to 6 years old “because the kid is in public school and deserves to vote for the school board” or some such shit.)

    • waffles

      I think it was always bullshit. the media environment and ease of voting in our era just make it obvious bullshit.

  32. PieInTheSky

    Raw meat plate for dinner: raw ground beef, sliced ribeye steak. Served with white rice + sautéed mushrooms topped with raw bone marrow.

    Raw is law.


    I suspect a dog would enjoy a plate like that

    • UnCivilServant

      We mastered fire and its application to food for a reason.

    • CPRM

      That’s disgusting. I can’t even fathom how anyone can stomach eating white rice.

      • PieInTheSky

        sushi be good.

      • Mojeaux

        The only way I will eat rice is with milk and sugar.

      • PieInTheSky

        in Romania that is something usually children eat.

      • Mojeaux

        Also, in poor American households with children to feed before school. It doesn’t stick to your ribs. Ask me how I know.

      • PieInTheSky

        how do you know?

      • Mojeaux


      • UnCivilServant

        Should have used sticky rice then.

      • Common Tater

        Rice pudding is good though. It’s a popular breakfast in India.

      • Gender Traitor

        I don’t think milk and sugar would really complement jambalaya. 😝

      • UnCivilServant

        Neither does rice, no matter how traditional.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats


  33. The Other Kevin

    An update on your Glibs friend TOK:

    Last week I got Covid/Flu and spent 5 days on the couch sweating and shivering. It was the sickest I’ve been in many years. I lost 6 pounds in the process, and had to skip a hockey weekend. Yesterday I finally shook the fever and today I was able to do a light workout and I’m back at work.

    For the gym, we had a friend who was hot and heavy to help us out early last week, then he just dropped off and ghosted us the rest of the week. We had to take drastic measures to pay the rent. We spent yesterday plastering flyers in local businesses. This morning our friend finally got back to us and still wants to help us with financing, and want us to meet with the local CrossFit owner. So fingers crossed, again.

    The day started on a great note. Mrs. TOK coached one of our members, a woman age 57 who stands all of 4’9″, to her 1RM on deadlift. She pulled 175. Not as much as she did in college, but still impressive.

    Hope you all have a great day and a great week.

    • Tres Cool

      Glad you’re back in action.
      I concur with you- when I had covid it was easily the sickest Ive ever been. I was down for 2 weeks, and it took another 2 to shake the fatigue.

      • The Other Kevin

        Wow that is bad. I had Covid confirmed once, and I suspect I’ve had it 2 or 3 other times. Neither were worse than a sinus infection. This time I think it was the flu or maybe the combination that did me in. Luckily all I had was the fever and fatigue, just some mild congestion and no cough.

      • R.J.

        Glad to see you back at it!

    • CPRM

      Quietly laughs to self…proved right before Wednesday’s article even drops.

    • pistoffnick

      Ex-wife used to make a mean reuben dip

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Satire now requires a trigger warning.

  35. PieInTheSky

    There’s a fascinating sentence in a recent article by Lewis Goodall in the New Statesman. This is itself an interesting sentence, because you don’t expect to find fascinating sentences in articles by Lewis Goodall. But fascinating it remains.

    The article is called “The Tory right’s radicalisation should trouble us all”. One of Goodall’s major arguments in his articles and on his podcast The News Agents is that there has been “a slow, hostile takeover by the right of the Conservative Party”. Yes, the Conservative Party that has raised immigration to unprecedented levels, overseen a fall in economic freedom, legalised no-fault divorce et cetera et cetera is a hive of reactionary extremism.


  36. PieInTheSky

    An intolerant, imperial propriety
    Women are not a finer form of Homo sapien. (II)

    This continues the discussion of how careerist feminism actually operates in our society


    I am not sure how serious this is supposed to be

    • Urthona

      I can’t stand that style of writing. So bad.

  37. CPRM

    I was hoping the game last night would end like a wrestling match, Andy Reid turns on Mahomes and teams up with Brock Purdy to throw the winning touchdown to Donald Trump after he ran onto the field with a folding chair.

      • Not Adahn

        I imagine that showing on one’s wang to T-Swizzle is too much of a fetish for some people to resist.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    I’m sorry you’re such a bunch of thin skinned idiots

    The ad, produced by a super PAC backing Kennedy, American Values 2024, borrowed heavily from a 1960 spot for his uncle John F. Kennedy’s winning presidential bid. It uses the same jingle and co-opts the vintage vibe.

    RFK Jr. shared the ad on X but hours later added an apology to his family after his cousin, Bobby Shriver, the son of Eunice Kennedy Shriver, slammed the ad. “She would be appalled by his deadly health care views,” Bobby Shriver wrote.

    Notably, the ad not only remained on RFK Jr.’s account — but was pinned to the top of his profile as of Monday morning.

    “I’m so sorry if the Super Bowl advertisement caused anyone in my family pain,” Kennedy wrote. “The ad was created and aired by the American Values Super PAC without any involvement or approval from my campaign. FEC rules prohibit Super PACs from consulting with me or my staff. I love you all. God bless you.”

    Good grief.

    • The Other Kevin

      Bad enough we have to deal with the alive Dems, now the dead ones are coming back to haunt us.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He apologized? Not a good move.

      • The Other Kevin

        No not a good move. I have seen videos of him referring to his uncle Ted as an example of having respect for Republicans and working with them on important things. This was an opportunity wasted.

    • Ted S.

      Oh god, the Kennedy era as Camelot bullshit.

      Cant wait for the Boomers to die off so we can finally put that Boomer porn to bed.

      • Urthona

        I was forced to read some 800 page biography on Kennedy in college, and the general consensus after reading it amongst people of all political and socioeconomic backgrounds was: “Man was that guy ever actually mediocre. I don’t get it”.

      • Pine_Tree

        The brother that was supposed to be President died in WW2, and Jack was next in line for the machine to push/rig.

      • kinnath

        I’m in no hurry to die. So, you’ll be stuck with us for a while.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Robert Shrum, a speechwriter for the late former Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), said the ad was “plagiarism” while adding on X: “Bobby, you’re no John Kennedy.′ Instead you are a Trump ally.”

    You have besmirched the reputation of a womanizing pain pill junkie. I hope you’re satisfied.

    • Urthona

      Weird how he is running against Trump then.

      • The Other Kevin

        You see Urthona, he’s a secret white supremacist who’s spending all that time and money to steal votes from Biden and get Trump elected. It’s always the ones you least expect.

    • Urthona

      I actually can’t stand that guy’s politics, but I almost want to vote for him just to stick it to Republicans and Democrats.

      • R.J.

        Yes. If a commercial came on saying to vote for a “Steaming Pile of Shit” for president, complete with image circled in flies, I would vote for that this year too. This is so tiresome. How bad will it be in 2028?

    • Common Tater

      “Bobby, you’re no John Kennedy.′”

      Isn’t that plagiarizing Reagan?

      • Raven Nation

        Lloyd Bentsen

      • Urthona

        damn. beat me.

        Also I guess I didn’t remember how to spell his name.

      • Urthona

        Lloyd Benson to Dan Quayle.

      • The Other Kevin

        I think it would be funny in a debate for someone to say to Biden: “You’re no Joe Biden.”

      • Urthona

        I think there are going to (mercifully) be no debates.

        But it’d be funny if debated RFK Jr and he said that. “I KNEW JOE BIDEN BACK IN THE DAY. YOU’RE NO JOE BIDEN”.

  40. Raven Nation

    TW: TOS

    Since I know he has fans around these parts, 2-chili has his own weekly newsletter via e-mail these days. It’s his columns from TOS. If you’re interested go to their main site and click on the Newsletter link at the top of the page. There’s a number of options – his is about half-way down.

    • Urthona

      who is that?

      • Raven Nation

        J.D. Tucille. IMHO, he’s been far one of the more consistent voices at TOS over the last few years.

      • bacon-magic


      • Suthenboy

        Hmmmm. Low bar.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Take that, MAGA-tards

    President Biden trolled MAGA Republicans on Sunday night, poking fun at conspiracy theories surrounding the NFL and pop sensation Taylor Swift after the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl.

    “Just like we drew it up,” Biden wrote on X, formerly Twitter, alongside the “Dark Brandon” meme depicting the president with lasers shooting out of his eyes.


    MSNBC host Joe Scarborough weighed in on Biden’s tweet during Monday’s episode of “Morning Joe.”

    “This is of course mocking all the MAGA, ultra-MAGA freaks that were saying that this was all rigged from the very beginning and then this is him mocking the snowflakes,” he said.

    Is there anyone anywhere (aside from Morning Joke0 who seriously believes President Crankypants has anything whatsoever to do with the “Presidential tweets”?

    • Urthona

      “President Biden” = some intern on social media

      • R.J.

        So true.

    • Suthenboy

      ” MAGA, ultra-MAGA freaks ”

      Completely lacking in self awareness Wojak decides that accusing someone of putting the interests of America and American citizens foremost is derision.

  42. Mojeaux

    So, um, I just won tickets to see Jordan Peterson this Thursday.

    Unlike my husband, I only enter contests for things I want to do.

    • Sean

      Yay! Have fun.

  43. Stinky Wizzleteats

    95 BILLION?!?!
    Fuck you, cut spending. Also, lick my balls you assholes.