I randomly remembered that, in a linx thread a while ago, I posted a silly thought experiment. I decided at that time I would repeat it about every two years to see if the past two years changed any minds towards doing it… I will re-post now for fun. And probably in two years, should we still be around.  I am torn if this is post worthy or just a comment in the links thread. I did change some things and expand a little on it to keep it fun. And it is long-ish for a comment. As always, I will add as a post and let TPTB decide whether it is worth posting as a filler. If not, I will add it as a comment.

Let’s say there was a Star-gate like device that would lead to planets just like Earth – not identical geographically but broadly similar, continents, oceans, mountains, gravity, climate, same flora and fauna – I mean exactly earth plants and animals, not analogs – just no humans, and nothing human made. The gate is open one way for a 3 month period every 5 years, switching direction every time. So outside the reverse period, you cannot go back to Earth, and you cannot even communicate / send messages to Earth. If you go back to Earth, you need to wait 5 years to return to Planet X.

There is also a device which accurately identifies the honest held ideology / faith of people, a perfect lie detector lets say. There would be a number of planets and would be designated based on this. You could have the libertarian planet, the socialist planet, the centrist planet etc. Also, the Catholic planet, the Shia/Sunni planet, the Jewish planet, the atheist planet etc. You could choose the planet if you fit the ideology. E.g. if you are a Catholic libertarian you can go either to the catholic or the libertarian planet. But the libertarian planet would have all sorts of faiths, while the Catholic planet may have all sorts of political views.

If you choose to leave and choose a planet, off course you can organize with other people who are going to the same place. Both as to what materials to bring and things like do not bring bad invasive species to a place or maybe avoid bringing STDs to the new world.

Each person can be transported to the planet with container 20’x20’x10′ worth of stuff; in this size you can build it to your specs and it can be emptied and used as shelter before any house is built. The person gets in the container and is transported (does not need to go to the gate) to the planet of their choice. The first trip is known 2 years in advance for people to get ready.  A  limitation is that there needs to be room , so basically on the new planet there is an arrival area and you end up where there is room. Let’s assume the arrival is in a sort of plain area, not too rugged, close to a navigable river, but off course no roads / bridges exist. Everything needs to be built and everything not brought from earth needs to be made. You can off course hunt and forage everything that exists on the new planet, and the plants and wild game would be abundant. In order to go back to Earth when possible you need to return to the arrival area if you move on the planet.

No non-libertarian (lets say big tent libertarian, though you could have an explicit an-cap planet) is allowed to go to the libertarian planet, exception being a +1 in case of marriage and children (defined as under 18). If you are not a faithful Mormon, you will not be allowed on a Mormon planet. And so on. There are sufficient planets e.g. a few dozen or so that there are no huge conflicts between ideologies, each can go to their planet. But not an infinite amount to atomize things too much. I am curious how many non anarchist libertarians on Earth would become more anarchist on Planet X, as the social and geopolitical conditions would no longer be that important as factors.

There could be a contract signed in advance, a constitution drafted. Though enforcement would be up the the people going. And off course groups can for and disperse enough over time, there would be plenty space at first. Basic infrastructure could be built, but for local materials beyond what each person brings, local mining needs to exist. If you want GPS on the new planet you off course need to get to the point of launching a rocket in space. People could talk in advance to form groups among people willing to go have a mix of doctors, engineers, builders, farmers, men, women etc or just let it naturally happen. Also I assume there would be a vote for the name of the place.

The questions for the glibs are: would you personally do it and how many people on earth do you think would do it? Enough to have a critical mass so people would want to do it? Would existing governments make plans to take over non libertarian, non anarchist planets? Would that be viable with the 10 year no communications?

I assume various religious sects would take the opportunity. Would any libertarians? I am certain libertarians would. Maybe some socialists, though they may starve. Overall more right than left as I assume there are more on the left with no life skills that would be useful for off grid living.  Would you as a libertarian prefer to go to the libertarian world or to the world of your religion? Would 50k/100k libertarians be willing to be isolated from earth in this way to attempt libertopia? Would they get enough women to come with? Would more be willing to go if the first wave built some stuff? Would the first wave expect special recognition for pioneering? Or would they selflessly trailblaze. Is it moral to take kids with you (though I guess 500 years ago going to America was almost the same for Europeans)? What political changes to the world would drive you to go? Are you closer than 2 years ago?

It is a large number of questions but I do not have a good way except to dump them all and let people answer if they like.

There are off course all sorts of risks. Injury or some disease for which a cure may exist on earth but not on Libertopia One. Comfort at first would be lower. No modern housing,modern hospitals, internet, no satellites, no GPS, no ROADZ. Clean air and water, plenty of wood to build with (if we consider you travel to a North America analogue). Probably plenty land to homestead. I assume given the level of technical knowledge you could build decent essential stuff pretty fast. Bring tools, generators, solar panels, fuels until you can develop local resources. I wonder about children born on Planet X, but I am thinking people inclined to leave would be people inclined to have kids.

The issue is the 5 years of not being able to go back/communicate with earth. Initially I had it at 10 but decided to bring it down a notch. Would 10 be a major influence, or people who would go would go with 10 minimum?

A variation to the though experiment: what if going, you get a pill bringing your body back to age 25 in good health (your knowledge stays the same) with the caveat that you would not be allowed to go back to earth for the number of years you gained rounded up to a multiple of 10. E.g if you are 60 now you could not return for 40 years. The pill could be used one time, never get a second. You cannot get the pill and stay on Earth, you take the pill you need to go on the first trip available, no excuses, otherwise you just drop dead.  If the pill option existed, would you do it now or wait some more years on Earth and do it later? I am thinking something like if you have children, wait until they are adults and can make their own way; or simply choose to live bit more on earth, give the old liver some hell but not too much, and then go; or just wait for a later age to make the pill count more; or take the time to learn skills e.g. hunting, fishing, carpentry, how to make mead/beer/wine/moonshine out of wild plants and wild honey, the essentials. Though if you die unexpectedly e.g. accident, murder, aneurysm etc, you die and it is final. Also waiting to much may run the risk that, if too many go, they tank the economy by selling their shit on earth, and your shit wont be worth much. Or you will not be able to buy the supplies you want for your container.

Hmmm… this is getting way to complicated now that I think of it. But anyhoo it’s all for fun.

One more for fun: if you and your current life partner would both go and the the pill exists, would you stay together or want some variety? Like find someone old who was hot when young and hook up for the post pill fun.


What were the answers last time? Most of course did not answer. I did not expect them too, obviously, it was just a random comment in a random thread.

In 2020 users who seemed willing to go were Atanarjuat, Suthenboy, leon, Fourscore(maybe) and Cannoli (if enough of her family would come)

No one explicitly said they would not go

In 2022

Would go: SDF-7, pistoffnick, Brawndo(Go through, then destroy the gate,) Fourscore (said You bring smoked salmon, I’ll bring a chain saw. And I interpret that as a yes)

Would not go: Urthona, R C Dean, The Hyperbole, Animal (I am not sure this included the pill scenario or not as there were mentions of age. Age and Brussels sprouts.)


So… two years later… how y’all feeling about this? Go with the pill? Go even if the pill is not an option (I assume most want the pill if it exists, why not…)? Stay on ol’ Terra?