Normal middle of the week links of normality.

by | Apr 3, 2024 | Daily Links, I Am Lame | 174 comments

These may not be the links you were looking for, but they’re the links you’ll have to deal with.  Hopefully, they’re links that will fill some deep need inside of you… or not… I’m not your supervisor.

So… what would you say you do around here?

I have the answer:  The Parents.

And you thought everything coming out from LLM’s is bad.

They really should worry about the drop bears.

There are many reasons I have Meta blackholed on my machine.

Sorry Teamsters, no one cares about you.

Since the weather is turning, let’s go for a more warm weather drink:

Jack Rose:

  • 1 1/2 ounces applejack or apple brandy
  • 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1/2 ounce grenadine

Add the ingredients to a shaker of ice, shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with a lemon twist if you are so inclined.

In personal issues, I’ve been dealing with an annoying hard lock issue on my Windows machine.  So far it’s passed sfc /scannow, HD tests, memtest, temperature monitoring, and nothing is jumping out at me.  Interestingly, the most recent time it hard locked, no response to mouse or keyboard inputs, but the audio connection for the Teams call I was on stayed active.  I’m thinking either OS or vid card, anyone have any other suggestions?  If not, I’ll probably try a repair install over the weekend, and if the problems continue, backup the OS drive and try upgrading to Win 11 to see if that fixes it.

Let’s get some music going for this middle of the week. if this isn’t enough for you let’s go a bit harder.

(Just a reminder for those who are using images and want text to hover when you mouse over it… that’s the title not the alt text.  Alt text is if the image fails to load.)

About The Author



Nephilium is a geek of multiple types living in the vast suburban forests of Cleveland.


  1. Common Tater

    Normality? I’m on the wrong website.

  2. robc

    RE: my post on the morning links about Chess Candidates Tournament.

    Matches don’t actually start until tomorrow, today is open ceremonies and stuff.

    First match is tomorrow at 2:30 Toronto time. EDT?

    • robc

      And since I covered the Open section in the morning links, I should mention that there is a women’s section also. Open and women. Just to be clear again, the sections are open and women. I am not going to go into as much detail on the women’s section, but they are much closer in ranking to each other.

      Aleksandra Goryachkina, 2553
      Lei Tingjie 2550
      Koneru Humpy 2546
      Kateryna Lagno 2542
      Tan Zhongyi 2521
      Anna Muzychuk 2520
      R Vaishali 2475
      Nurgyul Salimova 2432

      Some connections to the Open section (once again, not Men’s section, open section): Vaishali and Pragg are sister and brother. IIRC, Salimova has been coached by Abasov, which is interesting as they both had incredible underdog World Cup runs to qualify for the candidates.

      • robc

        Salimova is the only candidate, in either section, who is not a Grandmaster. She is an International Master and a Women’s Grandmaster. She got her 2nd GM norm in the world cup that qualified her. She needs one more (and to get her rating above 2500). She could get her 3rd norm in the candidate’s tourney, which would be amusing. Not sure she could get her rating above 2500 without an absolutely incredible run.

      • Tonio

        “Humpy…: [giggles and snorts]

    • The Other Kevin

      I was never competitive in chess but I enjoy playing. I recently got the app and I’m having fun getting back into it. If I want to compete, is there a certain type of but plug I will need, and what is the best place to learn Morse Code?

      • robc

        There are far easier ways to cheat than that on

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        So, are saying they need to sit down, strapon, and learn?

      • The Other Kevin

        Good. That way seemed much too involved.

  3. Common Tater

    Fuck Facebook.

    • Sean

      Facebook has always been spyware. Is anyone here even remotely surprised?

    • SDF-7

      I’m sure there’s a Rule 34 for that.

  4. Sean

    “Show us your tits!”

    -Lottery officials

    • The Other Kevin

      I don’t know, that was a pretty hot picture from what I saw. Maybe they could start a “this could be you” campaign and get more people to play.

      • Suthenboy

        Trouble is, AI. It is fake. That woman does not exist. Thus gets no rise out of me.

      • CPRM

        Me thinx he doth protest too much. Hentai fan confirmed.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    Shit flinging howler monkeys journalismers

    MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle said the stock surge was driven by “that whole kind of Wall Street Bets, Trump loyalists … saying ‘I’m going to take this thing to the moon.’ But the other group that could be more dangerous, what an unbelievable transfer of money, right? Unofficial payments, unregulated, almost political donations that nobody’s going to track. And that’s when people are looking at the SEC saying, ‘Are you kidding me?’”

    Sorkin then alleged “this is one of those true manipulations of sorts … People have been trying to push up the price almost like in a pyramid-like way to try to get money to the president to try to, effectively, influence the outcome of the election.”

    “And why nobody’s going, ‘What is going on here?’ makes no sense,” Sorkin continued.

    The panel discussion was a thinly veiled attempt to encourage the politicization of the SEC to target Trump, evidenced by Sorkin’s hypothesis that the Truth Social stock could “influence the outcome of the election.”

    Sweet sweet frothing outrage.

    • SDF-7

      No previous tech company has been grossly overvalued when you look at their base business model.



      Never ever ever.

      All the hypnosis of the Orange Man… wooooooooo! scaaaaaary!

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Maybe people are thinking that this is a way to funnel money to Trump, but I doubt they can keep it up his entire 6 month lockup period.

    • The Other Kevin

      Because we haven’t completely trashed every institution yet.

      • Sensei

        The SEC is long gone.

    • Common Tater

      The $1.5B Hillary spent was all from working families.

    • Urthona

      I’ll be honest.

      I myself was very skeptical that Truth Social had any real value.

    • Suthenboy

      Almost political donations? So, not political donations. Got it.

  6. Sean

    I’m thinking either OS or vid card, anyone have any other suggestions?


    • Nephilium

      That would be an extreme measure of percussive maintenance, but I would prefer a working machine at the end of the troubleshooting process. It’s an issue that’s been vexing me because it seems to have no rhyme nor reason. It’s not when it’s doing something intensive like running a modern game, but having browser windows open, with GPU and CPU load sitting at under 5% when it happens. There is one strange thing in the Event Viewer that typing this up just reminded me of. It reported that the “previous unsafe shutdown” happened ~20 minutes before the system locked.

      • Sean

        Newer hardware? No recent electrical surges?

      • Nephilium

        No. Coming up on 5 years with this machine, UPS (with surge protector and low power protection) inline between outlet and machine. I’m about due to build a new one, but haven’t had a real need to yet as this one can still handle any game I’ve thrown at it (Ryzen 7 3700X, 32 GB RAM, Win 10, RTX 2070).

      • Tonio

        Neph is a Ninja Mage Haxxor Lord in both the hardware and software realms. I wouldn’t be surprised if his stuff is behind APC SmartUPS (or the equivalent), and if he reviews the power quality logs on a regular basis.

  7. SDF-7

    Could be the video card — anything in the Windows Event logs when it happens? If the audio stream kept going, it would hopefully be responsive enough to note if there was an exception in the video driver or kernel.

    I’d probably try rolling back a driver version or two (if I had an idea of when it started and what I was running) or just swapping in a really simple/basic card to see if it replicates with that.

    You covered memory / burn in temp stuff… so that’s my only guess. Good luck!

    • Nephilium

      Nothing in the Event Viewer logs the most recent times (except for the off time stamp I mentioned in an upthread post). Nvidia card, with a clean driver installation, and the problem has been going on for a while, it comes and goes, recently it’s been happening more frequently, which finally irritated me enough to dig further into it.

      • UnCivilServant

        The last time I had problems along those lines it was actually a damaged display port cable that would work normally most of the time and then – BAM. After I replaced the one that was slightly bent, the problem never recurred.

      • Nephilium

        Well damn. That’s a new cause reason for a hard lock to me. Relatively cheap to swap out the HDMI cables too, I’ll look at doing that tonight. Thanks.

  8. juris imprudent

    The Parents.

    Are you implying their is some imperative associated with the birthing person and sperm contributor?

    • Beau Knott


    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      So, you are saying it takes a village, then? But not the parents?

  9. The Late P Brooks

    Sorry, FOX business, your website sucks.

    • Gender Traitor

      Last time I checked, so did their TV channel. Some of the content was fine, but between the huge side bar on the right side of the screen and the scrolling stock ticker along the bottom, I found it unwatchable.

  10. juris imprudent

    I hope the new version rolls out with an edit button… there, not their

    • SDF-7

      Stupid overly puffy lips too.

      You do what you want, girls — my instinct is you’re doing the male sub-species quite the favor holding yourselves out of the market.

      • Sean

        Maybe the older sister…

      • Drake

        That duck look doesn’t do it for me.

    • Sean

      Lip crimes.

    • Tres Cool

      I have a tough time believing one has an engineering degree and the other a CS.

      • Drake

        CS? With those lips?

      • Sensei

        Giving new meaning to CSing.

  11. Tres Cool

    RE: lottery pr0n

    I’ll admit to contributing a couple bucks to pay my stupid tax for the powerball

    • Drake

      Oh yeah. I have to buy a ticket so I can be a billionaire tomorrow.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m good for $2-$4 a week too. Even more irrationally, it’s been more when they have the big payouts. But as I told my mother in law, a million and I could be happy, many millions and I could make a lot of people happy. During that last billion, the thought crossed my mind about how funny it would be to win that and use it to post bond for Trump.

      • Drake

        How funny would it be if he fled the country afterwards?

      • The Other Kevin

        That might make me a hero for finally getting rid of the Orange Man.

      • Drake


      • The Other Kevin

        That’s actually a good question. What would happen if he fled the country? Could he technically still run? But outside of Russia I can’t think of another country that wouldn’t be strong armed by Biden to let an expeditionary force come and arrest him. Or the CIA would just off him.

      • grrizzly

        Yep, the combination of my two citizenships is very strong. Too bad these days I have to transfer in a place like Qatar to get to Russia.

      • Sensei

        I think my Russian neighbor mentioned Turkey at one point was a possibility.

      • grrizzly

        Turkey is very much an option. Less of a detour. But Qatar Airways was significantly cheaper than Turkish for my trip next month.

      • Suthenboy

        Money is funny stuff. You cant be happy without any at all, and having lots won’t make you happy.
        Like alcohol it appears to just make people more of what they already are.

      • Drake

        But I’m a cheapskate!

      • mindyourbusiness

        To slightly misquote Bill Cosby, if you’re an asshole to begin with…

  12. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    The wind is relentless and it’s slowly driving me mad. Outside is…windy, and inside I feel like I’m in the back of a semi trailer as it barrels down the highway.

    I think not moving to Wyoming was a good choice.


    • Sensei

      You’ve obviously never slept on a boat.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Is that so?

      • Sensei

        I’m kidding. Small, not cruise ships.

        They roll on calm days. Takes a while to get used to.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Still making assumptions

      • Evan from Evansville

        Shots fired ‘cross the bow.

      • Sensei

        I said I was kidding. What assumption am I making after saying I was kidding? I was explaining the joke so as not to have any hard feelings or implications of making assumptions.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Forget it, Sensei. Your battleship is sunk.

      • Tres Cool

        “Well Sensei, there wasnt much SLEEPING taking place, nudge nudge….”

      • SDF-7

        Are you saying she needs to find her little man there?

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      God, the only night I stayed in WY it was blowing 50mph+.

    • Nephilium

      That’s not just Ohio, that’s in the Greater CLE region. I know exactly which BK that is, and I’m willing to bet it was an Eastlake guy.

      I’ll also go out on a limb and guess drugs and alcohol were involved.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Yeah, it’s kinda like whenever I read about a Sacramento Crime. I think, yep, my son went to high school with their kids, and I sure didn’t vote for the a-hole.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    All this jibberjabber about what a fraud and a swindler Trump is dredged this name up from the depths of my memory. I can’t remember the name of that Buster Crabbe cowboy movie I watched a couple of nights ago, but I remember reading about Billy Sol Estes. Trump is a fumbling drooling toddler compared to that guy.

    • CPRM

      Trump is a fumbling drooling toddler compared to that guy.

      Edited for clarity

  14. The Late P Brooks

    not moving to Wyoming was a good choice.

    Stay out of Livingston, Montana. great googly moogly. Sustained gale force winds are not exactly rare.

  15. kinnath

    Iowa repeals gender parity rule for governing bodies as diversity policies garner growing opposition

    An explicit requirement that Iowa’s state, county, and local decision-making bodies be balanced by gender was repealed Wednesday, a move that Gov. Kim Reynolds said was common sense but which critics warn may lead to fewer opportunities for women.

    Before signing the repeal bill into law, Reynolds said the focus for boards and commissions “should always be on appointing the most qualified people.”

    It’s the end of the world as we know it.

    • kinnath

      Iowa was the first state to initiate the requirement for statewide boards and commissions when the law passed over three decades ago; then, the Legislature extended the requirement to all levels of government, to go into effect in 2012. It required a three-month waiting period before applicants of any gender could be considered.

      My god, we’ll never be the same again.

    • Lackadaisical

      I never knew Iowa was so leftist.

      • kinnath

        Our anti-feminist female Governor signed the bill to repeal gender balancing.

      • Lackadaisical

        That is why I said ‘was’. Now you’re a handmaiden’s tale fascist dictatorship.

      • kinnath

        I wasn’t paying attention. Oops.

    • Suthenboy

      Fewer opportunities for women. I see. In a meritocracy women dont have exactly the same opportunities as men.
      Chew on that for a bit.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Don’t bother to act surprised

    Toyota on Tuesday announced sales figures for the first quarter of 2024, and the biggest news comes from sales of the Prius. The company’s iconic hybri is as popular as ever, with a year-over-year increase of 138.6 percent through the first three months of the year. That translates to 13,327 units sold versus 5,586 units in 2023. While the Prius is still far from being Toyota’s most popular vehicle, it’s a clear indication that hybrids aren’t fading away anytime soon.

    By comparison, the all-electric Toyota bZ4X sales reached 1,897 units for the same period. That’s an increase of 11.7 percent, but still far below Prius levels. Its up-market Lexus RZ sibling logged 1,603 sales, meaning Toyota sold 3,500 EVs at a time when many folks believed fully electric cars would be taking off. To be fair, Toyota hasn’t taken major strides toward EV production as other brands have, and that’s reflected in lackluster reviews for both the bZ4X and RZ.

    People prefer incremental change?

    • Sensei

      And Toyota’s EVs suck. Exactly what you’d expect if they felt compelled to make one against their wishes.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        A friend of mine works for Toyota R&D in silicone alley, and, apparently, that is exactly what they did; make a steaming pile of crap because they didn’t want to make one.

      • Suthenboy

        I wonder if Bootyjudge has ever seen ‘Shindler’s List’.

    • cyto

      And people are dragging Tesla for failing to deliver a half million in the same quarter.

    • The Other Kevin

      Hybrids actually make sense. They use less gas but still work in the winter and don’t take hours to charge. It would be far easier to meet those bullshit carbon goals if they pushed hybrids.

      • Tres Cool

        Jugsy had a 2022 Camry hybrid for a company car. It was surprisingly not bad.
        If I wasn’t such a truck-loving hilljack, Id consider one. Specially with the deep subsidies. I think hers (nicely loaded) listed in the mid $30K range.

      • The Other Kevin

        That plus the gas savings? I’d go with it.

      • Tres Cool

        KBB has that same car (I guessed at mileage and options) at $23.8K
        46-52 mpg

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        I actually like the new Prius, which, being it has always been the anti-car, I didn’t think possible.

      • Nephilium

        One of the Michigan hilljacks I used to work with did the math, and found that the Prius hybrid would be the best work car for him. So he bought it, and suffered all the mockery and jokes that were thrown at him, but he had a spreadsheet to show that he saved money with it.

        Keep in mind he drove all over Michigan and Ohio for his job, so he was putting 30,000+ miles on his car a year.

      • prolefeed

        They don’t make huge economic sense. You’d pay a $5,000 premium for a Prius over a Corolla’s MSRP, assuming the Prius wasn’t marked up relative to the price you could negotiate versus a Corolla (which it would be). Even with that optimistic assumption, it would take 130,000 miles to break even on the purchase price difference with 55 MPG versus 33 MPG. And that assumes you could get a 0% loan rate for the initial price difference (which you wouldn’t).

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I was told there would be no math.

    • prolefeed

      So the Prius is “as popular as ever”, when it accounts for one-tenth of one percent of the 11.2 million Toyotas sold in 2023?

      One out of every thousand sales is popular?

      • Sensei

        It’s a redesign. Makes sense sales are up. Actually relatively stylish.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Also sales are up because the Q1 2023 numbers are artificially low due to supply constraints.

      • prolefeed

        OK, Prius quarterly sales. FOUR out of every thousand Toyotas sold, mmm-kay?

  17. cyto

    Migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis can sue charter flight company

    This is insane. Federal judge says illegal immigrants can sue the charter company that flew them to Martha’s Vinyard because they were promised jobs (not by the charter company) and housing (not by the charter company)

    The judge says he wants to send a message to companies that they can be liable for helping state actors.

    • Urthona

      Also highly doubtful they were promised either of those two things.

      • EvilSheldon

        I’m sure there were promises made; just with no intention of delivering on them.

    • cyto

      New proposition….. any ruling in which a judge says he is sending a message is invalid

      • Tonio

        That will send a message to the judiciary.

    • The Other Kevin

      Can they sue the airlines that flew them over the border? I know, LOL.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Using that logic, companies helping state actors can be sued, we can sue the piss out of Googly and Facebook.

      I am… OK with that?

    • Compelled Speechless

      “The judge says he wants to send a message to companies that they can be liable for helping state actors.”

      Now do all social media companies and corporate media outlets. I didn’t think so.

    • DEG

      The judge says he wants to send a message to companies that they can be liable for helping state actors.

      Hmm…. imagine where else that precedent can be applied?


      This is an doubleplusungood company.

      /kicks pebble

    • juris imprudent

      he wants to send a message

      In a true republic, making that statement would be an automatic death sentence with a bounty paid to whoever got to him first.

    • CPRM

      So if some guy promises to give me a million dollars if I fly to Florida I can sue the airline? Sweet!, I just promised myself that, now off to Florida!

  18. Derpetologist

    Spot the Not: Joe Biden word salads

    1. Joan Shin Gang Shin Gang Pacify Kawawa

    2. My fed-up Americans, President Harris and I stand shorter to soldier with the people of Iran…

    3. America is a nation that can be defined in a single word: asufutimaehaehfutbw

    4. Don’t mess with the women of America unless you wanna get the benefit!

    5. But again when I signed the bipartisan infralocksure again which…

    6. The best was to get things done, if you hold near and dear, that you’d like to be able to, uh…well, anyway…

    • cyto

      Trick question?

    • Tres Cool

      I’m going to just guess that its #4
      All seem plausible.

    • Tonio

      Squee! I’ve missed STN, everyone’s favorite in-thread featurette.

    • whiz

      #4, it’s the least garbled 🙂

    • Lackadaisical

      #3 is well known, 4 is something he’d definitely say.

      I think I heard 5, 6 is 100% him.

      That leaves 1 and 2…. I will go with 1 as the not.

      • prolefeed

        I’ll go with 1 also – not garbled words, but sentence make zero sense.

    • Derpetologist

      2 is the not. I made that one up.

      Here’s the audio for #1:

      It is the result of Biden attempting to pronounce Joan Shigekawa’s name.

      The YouTube results for “Biden word salad” and “Biden gibberish” are highly amusing.

      • Lackadaisical

        Damn, lost the coin flip. I think I would have transliterated that a little differently, he clearly mumbles ‘can’t pronounce that’ or similar not ‘pacify’. ah well.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Mob justice

    Thousands have signed a petition demanding that Donald Trump be investigated regarding securities fraud after shares of the former president’s social media company spiked—then plummeted—within its first week of going public.

    Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), under the ticker “DJT,” closed out its first day of trading 16 percent higher than it started after the company completed its merger with Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) on March 25. At closing on the following day, stock prices for DJT had risen to $58 a share, and had at one point reached $75. Trump owns roughly 58 percent of the company’s stock.

    Burn the witch!

    • cyto

      Stocks going public never do that…..

    • CPRM

      So Trump sold at the right? Right?!

  20. The Late P Brooks

    I myself was very skeptical that Truth Social had any real value.

    I can assure you none of my money went down that rathole. But I also refused to invest in Tesla because I thought the price was utterly unjustifiable. And then it went up. A lot.

    • Lackadaisical

      Same. Turns out I’m the dumb one.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    So the Prius is “as popular as ever”, when it accounts for one-tenth of one percent of the 11.2 million Toyotas sold in 2023?

    Popular as ever among people who like Priuses. Maybe more.

  22. Mojeaux

    My email had a brain fart this morning and I’ve spent almost all day trying to fix it. Maybe it’s fixed now. I don’t know.

    But for my next trick, I need to switch ALL my accounts over to a new email address so I can get rid of Spectrum internet. TWENTY YEARS of the same email address and I need to get rid of it, but now “” is as outdated as “”

    I have to do a defensive driving Zoom tonight because of my speeding ticket.

    Tomorrow I have a job interview that I am ambivalent about.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    But the stadium tax lost, right?

    • Mojeaux


      • Lackadaisical

        That is great.

        They’re trying to float a new fund the schools referendum here after the previous one lost. Somehow the value of homes going up 100% in 3 years has generated no extra revenue on property taxes.

      • Mojeaux

        Also, my (former) municipality floated a $60MM bond issue for general improvements to the community center and city parks, and that got a resounding OH HELL NO!

      • Lackadaisical

        Smart people out there.

      • Mojeaux

        Broke people.

      • juris imprudent

        Smart enough to not believe someone else would be paying.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        A few years ago my city passed a parcel tax to raise extra money for schools citing the need to improve decrepit classrooms. It passed. Classrooms are still decrepit, but there’s a nice new sports facility at the high school.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        To be fair, the old sports facilities were pretty crappy. The gym allegedly was a airplane hangar from WW2. But the tax was sold as a way to improve academics not sports.

  24. DEG

    Add the ingredients to a shaker of ice, shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with a lemon twist if you are so inclined.

    This looks tasty.

    • Nephilium

      I try to stick with classics for a reason. This one has been around for ~100 years.

  25. Derpetologist

    Biden admits to ordering the destruction of the Nordstream 2 pipeline:

    “If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine, again, ah, there will no longer bring a Nordstream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

  26. Tres Cool

    We were just assaulted with graupel.

    • Gender Traitor

      The rubber speed “humps” on my street which had been taken up for the winter (so as not to damage the imaginary snow plows) have been put back down for the season.

      You know what that means. ❄⛄.❄⛄❄

      • Tres Cool

        I don’t remember seeing any. They must be further down?

      • Beau Knott

        That *is* awesome! Good on ’em

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Just in time to implement more mail in voting.

      • Tres Cool

        No shit. Perhaps the most chilling thing Ive read this year:

        ‘It is really high time that we are prepared.’

      • Sensei

        Wow. You’re not wrong, however…

      • Sensei

        Also it will explain why Biden will be safely left at the WH instead of out campaigning.

      • juris imprudent

        I know it isn’t for the reason, but the early presidents didn’t campaign – it was believed to be too undignified.

    • Compelled Speechless

      Let me guess, this is based on the same computer model that predicted 250M COVID deaths to kick off the whole hysteria?

      See if we can get Fauci to fess up to which lab in a hostile foreign country this one escaped from.

      • Tres Cool

        The article actually said that early CoVID was 20% fatal.
        Guess they used numbers from New York.

      • Compelled Speechless

        They used numbers from their ass. Even if you used numbers exclusively from those nursing homes where Saint Cuomo was knowingly shoving positive patients in with perfectly healthy people I don’t see how it could get to 20%.

        I forget the name of the cruise ship, but they had a perfect statistical model that naturally presented itself in the first couple of months of the pandemic. There was a senior’s cruise that got quarantined for weeks out at sea with a population that was something like 80% over 60. The only people under 60 were the crew. It was close quarters and they had limited resources available for treatments and it was something like a 2% fatality rate which was still more than double what it ended up being amongst the general population. The media completely ignored this and instead decided to treat people that got in car accidents as COVID death as long as the highly dubious early test lit up. Anyone who was trying to come at the data objectively early on knew the whole thing was completely full of shit.

        Forgive me for trying to misrembering the numbers. I’m sure someone on here remembers and can reference one of the articles about it.

      • Compelled Speechless

        The single most infuriating part of the whole COVID fiasco is how willing the medical community was to destroy their credibility out of cowardice, ideological conformity and in some cases, greed. The mystique of doctors and medical professionals as paragons of knowledge and scientific rigor that took decades to cultivate was wiped out almost overnight. Probably the last institute I had any amount of faith was still being run by competent adults. Like all of our 3 letter agencies, law enforcement and judicial system, I now automatically assume they’re either lying or aren’t actually informed and are just confidently pretending. I doubt they’ll ever restore my faith in any of those institutions without a wholesale teardown and rebuilding from the ground up. Congratulations on completing the transformation into a low/no trust society, assholes. I hope it was worth it.

      • CPRM

        just confidently pretending

        That is 99% of everyone, in every field. Hell, it’s made Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Bill Gates trillions.

      • CPRM

        Forgive me for trying to misrembering the numbers.

        The science denier says what?

    • The Last American Hero

      I guess this is what we can expect every four years now.

    • Suthenboy

      These people must have Phd’s in predictable. I mean, really, a normal unschooled person cannot be this predictable and transparent. One would have to have years of rigorous study for this level, wouldn’t they?
      Fuck ’em. I ignored their obvious bullshit before and I will again this time.

    • Trials and Trippelations

      We fixed it and made it more fatal this time.

      -Klaus Schwab

      • Compelled Speechless

        Now take your untested gene therapy. Ask no questions about how it it was developed so quickly or how much the government is paying per shot, which was negotiated by some guy who goes back and forth between heading the FDA and being on the board of the largest pharmaceutical companies.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Here we go again.

    Can they get away with it a second time?

    I honestly don’t know. I have a sinking feeling they can. There are people who miss that “we’re all in this together” greater good bullshit.

    • Tres Cool

      Just 2 weeks to lower the curve!

    • juris imprudent

      “we’re all in this together”

      Which strangely is always what THEY want, not against it.

    • Raven Nation

      Someone I work with was just lamenting that their spouse hadn’t yet got the latest vaccine.

      • CPRM

        The only person who ever directly asked me if I got it was my doctor, and she was fine with me saying ‘No,’ and that I wasn’t really interested in getting it. But then again, with my other ailments on the table, she knows I don’t really have any concern for my health anyway.

  28. CPRM

    An entire continent

    Australia’s National Roads and Motorist’s Association estimated that over 12,000 of its insurance claims from 2018 were from kangaroo and wallaby collisions

    VS 1 state.

    Average annual reported crash data shows between 15,000 and 19,000 deer are killed annually by vehicles on Wisconsin roadways.

    Also, I’ve got to get to bed early tonight, so I’ll be hanging in the Zoom for anyone that stops by starting now.

  29. Derpetologist

    NSA Genius Debunks Russiagate Once & For All

    Great explanation with elaboration on some of the nuts and bolts of what happened.

    After Joe Biden won the 2020 United States presidential election and Donald Trump refused to concede, Binney doubted the official results and claimed that there had been large-scale voter fraud.