Apparently some people had to much fun this weekend and didn’t do links. Or their sister was bitten by a moose. Or something.

The comments are all yours.
Apparently some people had to much fun this weekend and didn’t do links. Or their sister was bitten by a moose. Or something.
The comments are all yours.
oh my god
Moose bites can be quite nasty.
Natasha bites just right
What about squirrel?
What about moose tracks?
Definitely don’t let them catch what you’re doing with that interspace t00thbrush
Blocked by the corporate firewall.
Just what kind of muppets are you selling there?
The kind that rap Tribe Called Quest songs.
Oh that’s awesome!
The Beatnuts Muppets are even better than the Tribe but all of those videos are just so well done LOL
JFC, that’s fantastic
The Count as Busta is just 🔥🔥🔥
“better than the Tribe”
Syntactically, that makes sense but I just can’t process that statement.
I do like the Tribe song better but I think that the Beatnuts Muppet video does a bit better job of matching/parodying the real video. Both are incredible, as I said all of those Muppet mash up videos are.
Damnit. Now I’m singing it.
I’ll throw this one out today, though if Banjos is on in the AM, she’ll no doubt pick it up.
There’s video of her admitting to her daughter it was all her fault because she turned down the offer for the National Guard.
She’s way too calculating to have just fucked that up. I think that will be the spin, but I’m going with she knew what kind of a scene might happen and creamed herself at the idea.
Never seen a moose, but elk are huge,
I don’t like Cervidae, or animals of that elk.
Oh deer.
Taller than my work truck, totally understand afraid of it or us.
Moose are huge when you get within a few feet of them. Fortunately they generally see humans as insignificant so I was able to back up and find another route.
Moose were all over AK when I visited there earlier in the month.
The are apparently aggressive if you get too close or if they have a kid or two nearby. Got pretty close to a young one in the wild on a bus ride. Even the two year old was huge.
I encounter moose now and again. They really, really don’t like dogs.
Understandable, the lupine variety of canids is probably the biggest, if not only threat to them.
@BP Moose were pretty common in Minne, so I’ve had many sightings. But I was fishing the Crater lakes here with the boy and I came around a corner and was was face to face with the biggest bull I’ve ever seen. I literally backed up and my son and his buddy were WTF?? I pointed, they poked their heads around the trees and we fished a different section. Cool, but scary-ass animals.
I can report that Mrs JI has returned safe and sound from an event not far from Glibs Gulch – so whatever repercussions must’ve been very localized.
I was led to believe there would be no repercussions.
The Swiss silence speaks otherwise.
Biden unveils his proposals to reform the Supreme Court
And by “reform,” mean…
How about a proposal for a senile shitbag that won’t leave the presidency?
It’s not like they’re “his” proposals.
And now the asshole is on live television yapping about it.
What a piece of shit he is.
Go ahead, make that amendment proposal. It won’t even get out of Congress.
I do like Miranda Devine. She doesn’t hold back in her disdain for Kamala. Slay Kween or whatever the kids are saying.
It’s like we all read the same things,
Did someone post that earlier? I have found a lot of what I would consider the more reputable sites from you folks. And there is a lot of overlap in who we follow on Twitter (those of us who partake).
No, but I too enjoy M. Devine’s writing,
I don’t have a local paper that’s reputable since I moved so I still read the NYP a lot.
What’s the Matter With Helen?
Not being treated as a terror attack.
I see.
I was hoping it was Archer.
You didnt disappoint.
Probably my favourite episode, thank you!
Two dead, several injured in mass shooting at upstate NY park
I grew up near this park. Nice neighborhood, once upon a time.
(This is the same location BTW where some brainiacs pushed a statue of Frederick Douglass into the river during the recent Summer of Love.)
Gang shooting. I am surprised it made the news.
That would be a very quiet weekend, in Chicago.
Nevertheless, Rochester and friends like Buffalo and Syracuse are quite murdery and have been for decades.
Is that NY Mag cover going to be censored by Facebook? It is obviously an altered photograph…pure misinformation.
Beyonce flashing the White Power sign, wow
/OK to you and me
Yay! Pub Beer is back. Maybe they were on vacation, or cleaning the tanks.
I am drinking one right now!
Trump’s probably pissed he didn’t think of it first.
Kamalot you say?
Kind of inspired by my exchange with Yusef, above:
I think cancel culture backfired in a big way. They canceled and censored people who were talented and creative. Those people didn’t just go away, they found new ways to keep doing their thing (Rumble, Twitter, Substack, The Free Press). Only now they no longer have bosses, they make money directly from readers, and they are pissed at the political establishment. This is a good thing. There are at least 10-15 people I follow who are like this.
Substack is a good source as is X if you can handle it.
NY post.
I like all of the RCP sites they offer, RC policy is a favorite
Fakes and charlatans
Melinda French Gates says there is a new generation of billionaire activists who aren’t really philanthropists.
Speaking to The New York Times, the ex-wife of Bill Gates — who recently rocked the philanthropic world when she announced she was leaving the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has given away nearly $80 billion since it was founded in 2000 by the former spouses — was asked her opinion on a new generation of billionaires that includes Tesla Motors CEO and X Corp. owner Elon Musk, Twitter founder and Square CEO Jack Dorsey, American hedge fund manager Bill Ackman and PayPal co-founder and venture capitalist Peter Thiel.
“[T]he people you just named have not been very philanthropic yet,” she responded during the interview, which was published online Sunday. “They use their voice and they use their megaphones, but I would not call those men philanthropists.”
The NYT interviewer put French Gates and her ex-husband, Bill, into the same group of billionaire activists as Warren Buffet, noting they all have a more “traditional approach to philanthropy.” She was asked if she put Musk, Dorsey, Ackman and Thiel in a different group because “they haven’t signed the Giving Pledge,” which describes itself as “a promise by the world’s wealthiest individuals and families to dedicate the majority of their wealth to charitable causes.”
Who died and made you queen, you sanctimonious dilettante?
She and MacKenzie Scott can lecture everyone else on fucking their way to fortunes.
Just because Musk doesn’t give away as much money as ex-Mrs Gates would like him to, doesn’t mean he hasn’t done good things for humanity.
He dumped $44B on a money losing operation to benefit society.
That’s not chicken feed.
They do not see his buying Twitter that way. They see it as an obstacle to be overcome.
You know, I’d be happy to help them overcome obstacles like that. You’ll never just climb up that – you need to be launched, like say from a trebuchet.
Can anyone name a single thing her foundation has given money to and which is not some vortex of woke bullshit? (I can name a computer science building at local Big U but meh, they all do that.)
She acts like she’s building museums and libraries across the nation instead of throwing money out the window at Democrat causes.
I know the Gates foundation has prided itself on vaccinations that cause infertility and sterilization that they have been giving out in Africa. Does that count?
Don’t be such a misogynist. She earned her money the old fashioned way.
She doesnt approve of how they utilize their resources. Leeches have to eat too, ya know.
The whole charity thing is nothing more than a separate branch of the grifter tree.
French Gates also was asked about her recent decision to become more political in a public way. In June, she endorsed President Joe Biden — a first for her — and then after he dropped out of the presidential race, she publicly backed Vice President Kamala Harris. She said she decided she needed to speak out after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision, which stated that the Constitution does not protect the right to an abortion, which as a result gave the power to regulate abortion to elected officials.
Blah blah fucking blah.
She has money!
You must listen!
“Philanthropy” used to mean scholarships and baskets of food. Maybe digging a well. Now it’s providing unfettered access to abortion.
TOK – It’s not even providing the abortion access directly. It’s mountains of cash thrown at lobbying the government to make it universal and have them pay for it. Altruism always runs through daddy gov first with these people.
“In June, she endorsed President Joe Biden — a first for her”
Yeah, I’ve been waiting with baited breath for that all so important Melinda Gates endorsement.
Wife is watching Steve Sailer on Tucker. Fuck that guy is a one note dipshit.
He’s still around? I thought he went the way of Milo?
That what I thought too.
Sailer or Tucker?
Kamalot you say?
I was expecting this
There are coconuts involved, so good call.
Just because Musk doesn’t give away as much money as ex-Mrs Gates would like him to, doesn’t mean he hasn’t done good things for humanity.
Those so-called good works are tainted by the profit motive. He is not pure in spirit like Ms French Swinging Door.
What the fuck is “code switching”?
It’s obviously bad, because Bad Orange Jumpsuit Man does it.
Changing the word choice and diction you use between different groups. You know like IT people do when talking to other technical resources versus end users, or any group of close friends has in jokes and slang that is only used in the group.
Filipinos are masters of code switching bouncing back and forth between languages mid sentence.
Huh. It’s long had this meaning in Australia/New Zealand/UK (even though this list leads with US sports):
The most obvious political reference is any Democrat doing it in front of a black crowd.
I ain’t in no ways tahrrrd!
I’m not aware of any examples of Trump doing it.
Yeah, it seems to me his tone and diction are decidedly one note. He never tries to play the “I’m just one of you” speech/pattern.
In MAGA America Trump doesn’t code switch for you. You code switch for him. Bigly.
Maduro wins Venezuela’s election. Opposition are election deniers.
Yeah. This will be an interesting week.
Now that they are showing us this time, again, where are they all now cheering this on?
Wouldn’t it be funny if Kamala was the first person to come out and congratulate Maduro?
You know she wants to.
“And “coconut” is apparently a derogatory term used by latinxs for people who are brown on the outside and white on the inside, much as blacks use the term “oreo.””
In this case it refers to one of her rambling stories about context where her mom said something like “Did you just fall out of the coconut tree? (cackle, cackle)” Of course the story about context seems to contradict her story about being unburdened by what has come before, but anyway. Far be it from me to harsh the buzz of her dorm room pot fueled ramblings.
One of the things that irritates me about her is that California flavor, summed up by Jaime nicely (dorm room pot fueled ramblings).
dorm room pot fueled ramblings
That splits the fucking arrow.
Changing the word choice and diction you use between different groups.
Ahhh. Gracias.
Like a certain former President who would slide into tent show revivalist mode in certain company.
It is all theater. The persona, the policy, the court intrigue…all theater. They are grifters and what they are really doing is looting the country.
There is a reason average congress critter goes in worth somewhere south of 1M and two years later is worth multimillions.
For some people it’s an organic movement between two different cultures. I work in construction management, you have to have two completely different demeanors between the quiet and reserved office setting and loud and crude worksite settings. You need to be able to exist in both convincingly and flip on a dime.
And most of us have or had a different language at work and at home. When you socialized with fellow workers you spoke the one everyone understood. At home with the normies you had to speak Normie.
The problem is that in black culture, if you switch from AAVE to proper English, you’re accused of acting white, with no belief that everyone ELSE has to switch cultures to be treated like not an outsider. No, they alone have to bear this heavy burden.
I can walk into a southern Baptist church and be taken for one as if I am one because I know the lingo and cadence and how to string the words together.
We all do it in various aspects of our lives, but only one culture complains about it.
I’m horrified. Check your privilege!
From my piece today on Canada gooses:
Them’s good eatin’. I’d take some gooses for the cost of a 12 gauge shell. Seems a right bargain!
Depends if they are grain fed or fish fed.
Can confirm.
Are they all greasy if fish fed?
Like Mama June’s panties on a hot Alabama afternoon.
Think 546 grain fed..
Migratory water birds in my neck of the woods: Good when they are flying south for the winter, inedible when flying north to breed and nest. They eat fish in the south, grain in the north.
Most animals that feed on fish are inedible. None more so than hogs that have been fed fish heads. Dont get me started on squirrels that have been eating locust beans.
The ones at the zoo were remarkably chill.
Especially the one missing his head.
Zombie goose!
I so expected you to post a picture of a roast, goose, with guns
I was attacked by one as a yute. Also be a fucking swan. A goose went after Dad about a month ago. Fierce, nasty creatures they are.
And they do be good eatin’.
Tits galore on Mammary Monday!
Another forum that I post in had an old thread that was titled “Joe’s Not Allowed to Field Questions”. I joked that it sounded like a Ramones song. Then I wrote one.
Joe’s not allowed to field questions
Joe’s not allowed to talk back
Jill’s watching volleyball, Hunter’s got an eight ball
Joe ain’t gonna say jack
Joe’s got an ice cream, Joe’s having nice dreams
Chilling all alone in the House
Kamala’s on the road, she’s running in the Drag Race
Joe’s scared, he thinks he saw a mouse! (EEK!)
Joe’s in charge, he’s the real President
Even though you think it’s all a front
Barry’s right beside him, Big Mike’s right behind him
Both of ’em say she’s got a… controlling nature to her
That ain’t bad. I especially enjoy the first stanza. Well done.
Thank you Evan. I think that if they were still with us Johnny would smile at it, Dee Dee would laugh at it and Joey would kinda frown at it. That’s good enough for me LOL
We did it! The debt passed $35 trillion.
It’s ok. We owe it to ourselves.
At this point, really what does it matter. If you are saving in a bank or stashing cash you are going to be flat broke. It looks to me like they are compounding inflation for everyone and keeping their money in stocks…retainiing their own value while evaporating yours. No one can keep up with that. At some point the index funds will start shrinking as well.
Did Massie’s pin explode and kill everyone in the House?
It says TILT now.