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Sunday Morning Open Post
About The Author

Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.
Do we need to raise bail money?
Not yet, give it a day or two and let the lesson really sink in.
This is good parenting.
Lawyers, guns and money.
“The only thing new under the sun is what is new to you.” – Some old greek dude 5K years ago.
No one is ever first.
Someone was first. It just happened long ago.
Yes, but it only happened once and will never happen again.
“Secret Service chiefs REJECTED Trump’s requests for more agents and snipers at his events for two years before assassination attempt – as their shocking reasons are revealed”
“In an interview with Fox News host Jesse Watters, the former president discussed his ill-fated rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.
Trump told the interviewer that ‘nobody mentioned’ Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old gunman, despite the fact that he was being monitored for ‘an hour’ before the shooting.
‘Mistakes were made,’ Watters told Trump. ‘They were monitoring this guy for an hour beforehand. No one told you not to take the stage?’
When you have Trumpers screaming, the woman in the red shirt, ‘There’s a man on the roof,’ and other people, ‘There’s a man on the roof and who’s got a gun,’…that was quite a bit before I walked on the stage. And I would’ve thought someone would’ve done something about it,’ Trump said.”
– “And I would’ve thought someone would’ve done something about it”
They did do something. They let the plan proceed as ordered.
I doubt it was a plan. The whole thing sounds like blatant incompetence.
Someone at least needs to ask Kim Cheatle point blank “Was the Secret Service involved in trying to assassinate Donald Trump?”.
There’s more than enough unexplainable nonsense from that scene to warrant the question.
Well, I’m sure she would just say no. Although the nonsense continues:
“THEY KEEP CHANGING THEIR STORY: Feds Now Say a Local Sniper Also Shot at Crooks After He Started Firing on President Trump — This Only Took a Week to Report? ”
I get the notion that Biden and all of his appointees are figureheads. They dont have a clue what is going on. Cheadle is being asked a lot of questions that clearly are hitting her by surprise.
“Someone at least needs to ask Kim Cheatle point blank “Was the Secret Service involved in trying to assassinate Donald Trump?”.”
That will be handled just like questions about election integrity.
No, the question should be “Why was the secret service involved in trying to assassinate Donald Trump?” and “When are you going to resign?”
Re: CT’s link — this is so obviously spin to counter the stories about audio analysis reporting 3 different guns fired during the brief time of Crooks’s shot. Those started showing up yesterday or the day before.
Spin, even if correct, given the timing.
‘Mistakes were made,’ Ha! That is an understatement.
Tail end of previous thread:
Suthenboy : “Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence. ” So it is said.
In the case of the OMB’s near assassination the mountainous pile up of fuckups cannot be adequately explained by incompetence.
Just sayin’.
rhywun: I have never agreed with that theory. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Suthenboy : Given the amount of malice and deceit in the world I am also so inclined.
At 250k miles, does the car really owe him anything more?
I see a business opportunity for folks with 3d printers.
Or, tool and dye shops
Dye shops are great for changing the color of one’s car. :-p
Die! Die!
I once founded a tool and dei shop. No one knew how to do the job, but at least it was diverse.
I see your German classes are coming along.
Gee, cav! No need to wish death upon Ted’S. just because he pointed out your error!
Die! Die!
With Jennifer Hart and Tallulah Bankhead.
Ooh, and a young Donald Sutherland.
At this point that model/year has been out of production for a decade, I think they can sunset the parts manufacture for it. And, for christs sake, it is a cable, they aren’t too hard to make if the aftermarket wanted to take care of this.
They should be able to sell me all the parts to build any car they ever made from scratch!
Only Mercedes keeps tooling that to do that!
(Rolls Royce will just hand make a part to fit using three files)
If I had a perfectly functional car with this being the only problem I’d be not too thrilled.
I’m not unsympathetic, just saying I think he’s gotten full use of that ride.
I have a 2016 Mazda 3 with a manual. I hope they don’t start retiring parts on my car.
Part of why I got rid of my Genesis when I did is Hyundai no longer makes the electrical parts for it. A window switch failed, and I had to go to a salvage yard to find a replacement.
Maybe buy a cable and squirrel it away.
Does that mean my ’85 Mazda replaement parts will be hard to find? The car is like brand new, driven only by a little old lady and slowly at that.
bowden cables are 100 years old; I’m closely related to 100 women who can whittle one out for you
guy should be thrilled that it’s not some obscure stepper motor or EPROM that went out
There are people who could make custom cables. Seems like a modern car meeting a vintage car problem.
Tonio to the rescue! Thank you! ::bear hug::
Latest reported debt is $34,945,963,278,406.29. Need about $220B more to have another $2T annual increase.
the UniParty, Donny2.0 edition, will deliver
That’s potentially next fiscal year. This year we have to rely on the current roster.
We still have time. /printergoesBrrr
Thomas Massie was selling his debt clock badges at FreedomFest. Folks I know bought some.
Shut up and get with the program.
‘Ludicrous’: Donors leave call with Kamala Harris frustrated and annoyed
We already have the ballots filled out for Gropey!
They still have time. /printergoesBrrr
I would like to see a schedule of state deadlines for submitting nominees and especially for printing and mailing ballots.
They rewrote the rules for Covid on their he fly and can rewrite them again.
I would like to see a schedule of state deadlines for submitting nominees and especially for printing and mailing ballots.
I looked up NH’s elections laws because I saw some posts elsewhere claiming it is too late to change the presidential candidate in NH. That’s wrong.
My read of the state’s election laws is that up to six days before the general election, if a candidate withdraws due to age, disability, or domicile, then the candidate can be replaced. I don’t remember the procedure for picking the replacement if any.
If the candidate dies, the deadline is three days before the general election.
The NH Secretary of State prints the ballots and must deliver them to municipalities at least six days before the general election. State law sets out a procedure for updating candidate names on an already printed ballot.
There’s no junk mail voting or absentee ballots in NH?
Still in the denial phase, I see.
The annual flooding will be epic this year
Once again, we need to vote for this party because Trump will cause CHAOS!
Hey kids!
Couldn’t sleep, so I made a few cocktails and worked on a new AR upper for a while. Got the barrel assembled to the upper, gas system properly installed, and a temporary muzzle device spun on. Now I just need the bolt carrier group and optics to complete the group.
Now I’m procrastinating going to the dump. Maybe a bagel will get me properly motivated…
Don’t procrastinate on taking a dump. You don’t want to get constipated.
Seems a little early for hitting the sauce, but you do you.
It’s always happy hour somewhere.
Not in my house. I’d accept a happy hour or is that too much too ask?
/just kidding, then I’d have to reciprocate
I have my bagel. Everything is lovely.
Hey, dont we have astronauts still stranded?
Seems like a metaphor.
Who’s ‘we’, Kemosabe? I said to not put humans on that thing.
“Trump and Vance don’t like women or girls. ”
-My tv
I thought some of Trumps problems were that he liked women too much.
I’ll never forget the time I convinced myself that I was gay. I was eight or nine, maybe younger, and I stumbled upon a broadcast by some fire-and-brimstone preacher. The man spoke about the evils of homosexuals, how they had infiltrated our society, and how they were all destined for hell absent some serious repenting. At the time, the only thing I knew about gay men was that they preferred men to women. This described me perfectly: I disliked girls, and my best friend in the world was my buddy Bill. Oh no, I’m going to hell.
I broached this issue with Mamaw, confessing that I was gay and I was worried that I would burn in hell. She said, “Don’t be a fucking idiot, how would you know that you’re gay?” I explained my thought process. Mamaw chuckled and seemed to consider how she might explain to a boy my age. Finally she asked, “J.D., do you want to suck dicks?” I was flabbergasted. Why would someone want to do that? She repeated herself, and I said, “Of course not!” “Then,” she said, “you’re not gay. And even if you did want to suck dicks, that would be okay. God would still love you.” That settled the matter.
~JD Vance, from Hillbilly Elegy,9,241991-hillbilly_elegy.html
I… wow.
Oh Lord please let his come up in a debate.
I only met one of my grandmothers and she had Alzheimer’s for half of the time that I knew her but I still can’t imagine her saying “Don’t be a fucking idiot” to me LOL
And something nice for a change.
Alaska bride surprised by her late son’s heart recipient
That headline’s too sad to click through.
Also, BBC.
Going by the numbers in that article, the bride would have become a mother at 12?
Wait; the story is dated 2017. So 19, which makes more sense.
What quantity of drugs is falling out of Sensei’s ass right now?
It has been known to happen. More likely journalos gonna journal.
I have noticed that yewtoob is eaten up with just-so stories dripping with emotional appeal. Apparently that is an easy sell to humans.
AI’s have figured this out and are attempting to exploit not only that but our need for outrage…the problem being that they are comically awful at it.
“This was almost breaking news.
An attempt to make an outdoor “rage room” amusement on a Lower East Side street almost went bad Saturday — when the play violence looked so real someone called police to say a riot was going on.
The Ragery — where for $5-a-pop patrons can use a bat to smash a car as the “ultimate stress relief” – looked so much like the bad old days of the city on Essex Street that cops swooped onto the scene with sirens flashing….
“They took a while, and they kind of came closer, and I went to talk to them, and said, ‘Hey guys, don’t worry. This is all a plan, it’s just a promotional, kind of fun event for our customers for a new rage room here in the city…
The Westchester resident opened the “break room for unparalleled rage relief” in January with partner Bogdan Zhukovsky as an outlet for New Yorkers’ famous aggression.””
First kindergartens for adults, and now this.
‘First kindergartens for adults, and now this.’
What is wrong with biergartens?
I prefer catafalque gardens.
Sounds like a great promotion for my gym. * takes notes *
“Thomas Matthew Crooks conducted drone surveillance of PA rally site day before firing on Trump: report”
I guess he just didn’t have time to put up the flashing neon sign “I’m Going To Shoot Trump”.
There was an interesting question raised in the Naomi Wolf substack about Jill Biden
– “How did the Secret Service operatives who were with First Lady Jill Biden, react, when it was clear that a gunman had fired at and injured a President less than an hour away? Was FLOTUS whisked out of her casino event, as is standard when there is a heightened security context in the country? Or did she calmly finish her event?”
Has anyone seen video of Dr Jill’s appearance that day?
How did they react on 9/11 when Bush finished story hour befoe leaving?
Shane Gillis as Donald Trump
Ah so that’s why Q endorsed Trump.
The replacement part is a cable in the gear shifter assembly of the first Mazda 3 Skyactiv models in North America, specifically those equipped with the 2.0-liter inline-four engine and six-speed manual transmission. It turns out that cars with this combination of engine and transmission use a cable that’s unique to them.
Don’t tell anybody, but people who do engine/gearbox swaps have been known to order perfectly serviceable industrial control cables cables from places like McMaster Carr to use as shifter cables.
And ruin it for the numbers matching concourse crowd? No thank you!
I love Eric O at South Main talking about the car show when he adds a zip tie to a car that is unlikely to live more than another year.
Beat me to it. This is in no way as difficult as finding rare window glass or reconstructing a metal-based component that left the earth 20 years ago.
Your evil plan worked. I got hooked on your book and ordered a copy. It arrived a few days ago and I’ve been reading it with my son. Good stuff.
When does the next one come out? 😀
could use more brothel scenes.
Does that mean that everything that wasn’t built today is offensive?
“Prince Albert’s memorial is “considered offensive” because it reflects a “Victorian view of the world that differs from mainstream views held today”, custodians say.”
“Welsh government guidance also suggested that statues of “old white men” such as the Duke of Wellington and Lord Nelson could be hidden or destroyed to create the “right historical narrative”.”
My guidance says the monuments stay and we bury the officials who issued the previous comments at the bottom of a disused coal mine.
“Does that mean that everything that wasn’t built today is offensive?”
If you haven’t figured it out, the answer is ‘yes.’
Also, looks pretty baller to me. You’d have to be a full retard to want to get rid of it. So, they probably will at some point.
The offense was taken by the same kind of assholes who commanded a welsh history museum to highlight the contributions of minorities in welsh coal mining – an occupation that was 100% white for its history, in a country that is still overwhelmingly white.
There were no diversity hires on the coal face.
But I see many black faces in photographs of the time.
Whatever happened to rejecting presentism when dealing with the past? Until somewhat recently it was rightly tagged as a source of bias and was to be avoided.
That doesn’t count otherwise how would we be able to say that whites are the worst?
Everything Marxist is new again.
In case you wonder how bad the tensions are in the new French parliament…
In accordance with tradition, the first session is chaired by the oldest MP, with the youngest MP being his secretary.
22-year-old Flavien Termet from Le Pen’s National Rally is supposed shake hands with MPs after they vote.
The MPs from the far-left alliance all refuse to shake his hand.
One of them, the former communist party member and Algerian migrant from Marseille Sébastien Delogu, stares threateningly at Termet as he extends his hand.
22 is too young to be in parliament.
A petty bunch of wine swilling twats no doubt.
After they rigged a bunch of elections to get control. We’ll see how smug they look when the guillotine makes a comeback.
You’d think the French would be more acutely aware of the consequences of ignoring your people than most.
How trump is a fascist
A fine example of a thread conceived in a false premise and composed of wanna be philosophers and historians that quickly disappears up its own asshole.
^Jeez, that was too verbose. What I’m trying to say is “Reddit sucks.”
This definition (of fascism) can be broken down into several key components:
1. Political behavior characterized by:
– Obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood
– Compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity
2. Mass-based party of nationalist militants collaborating uneasily with traditional elites
3. Abandonment of democratic liberties
4. Pursuit of internal cleansing and external expansion through redemptive violence, without ethical or legal restraints
Seems like Joe Biden is a fascist too.
lefties saying rhetoric sounds like fascism ignore the fact they can’t tell the difference between lefty talking point and Mein Kampf quotes
Inside the EU’s war on free speech Elon Musk can’t win this battle
What can they do if he ignores them?
ban X in the EU
Which just angers the Euros, who have been agitated for a while and might finally get around to dusting off the guillotines.
anemic bitches sitting ’round paying 40% more for beef and gasoline than dirty Americans ain’t gonna do shit but sit there and take it
Every people has a breaking point at which “will never do something” becomes “bloodbath”.
“Your terms are acceptable. Enjoy your trip down the toilet.”
I fully expect at some point for this site to come under fire from some arrogant govt. entity.
You could knock me down with a feather
Some close to the former president felt the past decisions, which they believed were personal to Trump, came from the top ranks of the agency.
While Trump holds close relationships with members of his Secret Service detail, the relationship between those agents and the upper ranks of the agency has been tense for some time, according to multiple sources familiar with the dynamic.
The guy is an existential threat to the country. He should be in a windowless cell in Florence Colorado, not wasting millions of dollars’ worth of government resources.
Eh. Anonymous sources don’t suddenly become reliable when the confirm my priors.
Oh, c’mon. What is more reliable than “a source familiar with their thinking”, “a human source” or “someone close to the …”
It is on par with advertisers using ‘rare!’, ‘shocking’, ‘limited time only!’ and ‘ will surprise you..’
Re: advertisers, I forgot ‘FREE!’
“In the early 2010s, Tumblr gave birth to an accusatory and highly influential blog titled Your Fave Is Problematic, which studiously cataloged the offenses that artists, authors, and celebrities had committed against social justice. A hallmark of YFIP was its utter collapse of the distinction between art and artist: one representative post from 2013, about YA author John Green, lists allegedly offensive comments made by Green next to quotes uttered by his fictional characters, as though they were one and the same.
Years later, in 2021, the author of YFIP revealed herself in the pages of The New York Times, admitting she was an angsty teenager when she started the blog, and had canceled people to feel better about herself. But by then, the notion that cultural criticism should be first and foremost an exercise in taking offense had taken gangrenous root—not just on social media but in the legacy press, propagated by a new generation of young, hungry, underpaid opinion writers who survived by making you hate-click.”
What I hate is that there were people stupid enough to take tumblr shit seriously.
Isn’t that the site that committed suicide by banning porn?
The fundamental psychological difference between childhood and adulthood, IMO, is the ability to distinguish between the internal and external mind; that is, between fantasy and reality.
Modern progressives not only can’t make such distinctions, but they have no understanding of why such distinctions are important.
I really can’t overstate how dangerous these people are, despite their pathetic outside appearances.
That sounda like hate speech
fantasy and reality
The gap grows in an economy where a fourth of people talk/blog/tweet for a living.
The arc of the past two centuries:
* subsistence meant even small children knew the realities of the food chain and reproduction
* moving to town and taking factory jobs clarified value propositions: pricing purchases and competing for work
* tweeting for a living gives complete latitude to bloviate on any topic without knowing anything about carnal and economic realities
modern progressives actual mental model for everything is “the stork brought it”
Alex Jones thinks Hillary Clinton will replace Joe Biden
When’s the Dem convention? It should be a tremendously interesting full on shitshow.
I am betting so. It will be a repeat of the Biden/Trump debate.
“Hey guys, we can use the convention to win over voters!”
*Convention turns into screeching lunatic special interests, riots, injuries and property damage*
“Well, that didn’t go as expected.”
As I have pointed out before promoting idiocy and incompetency results in all of your endeavors being failures…also an unexpected outcome.
The only possible candidate more unlikable than Harris?
A Dem’s love is very different from that of a square.
And Marc Randazza thinks if she does, she’ll win hands down.
Sunday blues. The heir scored a 245 bowling this week, though, so that’s something. I get to drive for work tomorrow — fine but — does it have to be at 9am in a courthouse 60 miles away? Why not 1pm instead… blah blah. Workout day today. Maybe get through a song I’ve been trying to learn for a month.
whose blues?
Speaking of cars and parts… I am growing rather weary of car youtubers who prattle on incessantly about how the only appropriate or acceptable parts are OEM original. Those “engineers” who shat out that crap were constrained by a lot of considerations other than perfection, like unit cost and ease of (factory) assembly.
Last night’s I Do Cars was a good example. I really like that guy, but he’s all in on the “factory perfect” bullshit. He pulls apart some rare-as-hen’s-teeth killer BMW motor, which as it turns out has a spun bearing. Oh, woe! This crank is worthless. It will have to go in the scrap bin. Fuck that. There are still people out there who can take a crank with one bad journal, weld it up and turn it back to size. Is it cheap? probably not, but if that part is as rare as you say it is, why not?
Does it make sense, in his business model, for him to have the work done, and sell it as a repaired part? He asks and answers that question; no. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t some BMW fanatic out there who wouldn’t happily take it off his hands and fix it and run it.
And- the “OMG muh perfection!” guys make me laugh. “We can’t use this piston, it’s got a scratch on it!” Yeah, go pull apart a running motor with some miles on it and have a look at it.
How many of them do that for the camera, then behind the scenes take the “scrap pile” parts and fix them up anyway?
it’s not your kink
I saw it.
He has a business. He has to either fix and warrant the crank or sell it as is. I hear him saying there will be not enough demand for the crank in the first state to warrant the outlay and holding costs versus the sale. IN the second case I get the feeling the storage and inventory costs don’t warrant keeping it.
I’m sure he has gone through this before and learned. Put it as is on eBay with the shipping and scrap costs as a minimum and gotten no interest.
Factory replacement parts, just like the one that failed prematurely. That said, there are some parts out their that are so bad, they aren’t worth considering. I have had more problems with Dorman engine critical electrical components, like VVT solenoids, that I just won’t buy them anymore unless they are super easy to replace. Also, I’ve been doing fewer O’Reilly/AutoZone alternators (Reman’d by BBB Industries) due to bad out of the box/premature failures. I’ve found Denso and Valeo rebuilt units to be far superior. I’ve only ever gotten one bad Denso unit and fairly certain it had been dropped in transit.
The wings that take your wallet.
No Dorman electrical parts seems to be a good rule to follow.
They did the meme
‘My favorite is chocolate chip’
What a monster.
This week:
Wed-Practical Exam for phlebotomy cert — Two arm; two hand draws required
Thurs: Written Exam for same — 120 Qs, multiple choice. There’s quite a bit to remember. Ev=Me, so natch I overly ruminate over everything til it overflows SOME good info along w the extra input. I’ll do just fine, I’m sure. And if not, it’s free to retake (after I paid the training folk) and I can go back in for additional training sessions, pop in and practice more needlework if need/wants be.
*One thing assists my overthinking: To get hired as a phlebotomist, ya need a GED and nothing else than training. They can’t make the damn thing TOO hard, can they? I don’t love ’em, but I’ve always been good at taking tests. I also quite enjoy phlebotomy revealing that I likely really am ambidextrous, not just “left-handed and right-armed.” I’m quietly confident I coulda been a switch-hitter if Dad pursued/pushed it.
I love when Knave and Nicole come together for a eve of rumpus and the mix-‘n-meetin’ of the Mind. My start to Asia was another. Signed the teaching contract six months after I graduated IU. This will hopefully be as fruitful a journey. Told my friend in MN: My bro is certainly more successful; prosperous; fruitful; and happier than me. HOWEVER, my life’d make a better movie. (That left-handed, truthy compliment is happily made with pride.)
(Reminds me of one of my goofily-fun life accomplishments, one I’m not silly enough to NOT be proud of: As a freshly-minted 10yo, while playing baseball, all by the rules, I directly caused a professional baseball player to require medical treatment from the team’s people. Maybe broke his nose. Their ‘medic’ was called and he fuckin’ showed up to our door to help the third baseman for the Evansville Otters. (He was throwing us BP, but just lobbin’ it. I smoked one right up the middle. That third-baseman didn’t get his glove up in time from 45′ way. “Gushing blood” declared the medic, as he attended. 🙂
No, Ev did not edit that properly. Yes, he notices. Yes, he cares. But now, he’s over it!
Given my past experiences with blood draws, I’m not sure they require training…
People frequently say this. I’ve never had a ‘bad’ blood draw on me. No missed veins or going too far, nuttin’. (Of draws that I remember, which is certainly not 100%.) *Shrug* I thought I have nice veins and I’ve been complimented by medical folk prickin’ me for how ‘easy’ I was.
According to my training folk, the ones in my hands are a bit difficult. Strikes me as odd, as they’re quite clear. Honest, not boastful idea: I perhaps don’t have enough fat to cushion the areas around the veins. Does fondly recall a tube getting pulled out of my ass after 2nd hip surgery. Nicked an artery. Shot blood out a good 4-5′. I laughed and legit enjoyed it. It didn’t hurt, and it felt like some vengeance on the Korean docs. (Still makes me smile.)
My veins are small and deep. A number of tries result in large ugly bruises. The worst are the inept folk who think that waggling the neele side to side in the arm will help in any way shape or form. You missed, pull the needle back, slashing from the side isn’t going to help.
Good luck! Standardized testing sucks. You’ll do fine.
I do quite well on standardized testing, actually. It’s never frumped me. Same as usual, once I’m *in* the batters box, I’m fine. It’s just (endlessly…) waiting in the on-deck circle that gets my brain a-flutter.
Dad is problematically obsessed with his SAT score, thinks it defines his intelligence, and him. “I’m a 980 guy! You don’t understand what it’s like for 980 guys!” A number does not define your intellect.
You can have a bad day when you sit down at the desk for the test.
I can’t intuitively figure out how good or bad an SAT or ACT score is. (And that was true even before they diddled with the scoring twice)
UCS: We’re allowed, ‘encouraged’, to re-aim”/redirect” a needle once while we’re already in. It does make sense if one is close. But after that, YEP. Get that bastard out and try again someplace else. I haven’t had need to try. My ‘bad’ goes were not painfully so, but I didn’t get blood. This was frequently the case w others in our class. Our arms have also all been pricked many times.
Part II: SAT based on old, perfect=1600: ‘Average’ was 1050. I’d say 1200+ is notable. Maybe a STD or two above mean, or so. Mom got 1410; me at 1360, and I think Colin got 1210. This is part of Dad’s religion. The rest of us vehemently fight it.
I was very consistant on my PSAT/SAT scores, getting a 1350 on both. I got a 35 on the ACT. Never figured out how.
Huh. 1350 for you, 1360 for me. Similarities continue…
We’re also both human. (I assume…) That covers most similarities. (Damn. I’m maybe 3-5% titanium by mass. Hrm. Titanium hips weigh ~2lb. Times two, add a bit more, and 4-5% sounds about right. That…is legit, pretty fuckin’ dope. Y’all (or most of ya) don’t got that! *SWISH*
I had to have my car serviced for a rutine oil change etc and as always the people at the shop cannoy believe how little i drive it. To be fair it mostly rusts on the street. If my mom did not live far from public transport i would probably never use it. I had to replace the… i have no idea how to call it in americanese… Google says timing belt. Not because of use but because it is 7 years since last change and they say the material gets deteriorated in time.
Since last time i drove an average of 1500 km (a little less that 1000 miles) a year
Last time I put a thousand miles on are car it took 2 days, and we weren’t even there yet, piker.
With hotels and Disc golf stops of course
You can safely go up to 10 years on a timing or accessory belt if low miles.
well I listened to the mechanic on this one… the whole thing cost me 1300 lei which is 285 mur’kan
Surely there are some beautiful Romanian ladies that would like to take a ride with you.
in a 2008 opel astra? no.
While YouTube is famous for it’s cat videos, I watch far more history and law there.
What about Historical Cat Law?
I am famous for 10 minutes on a court archive site.
Dare I ask for what?
EF cross-examined Jack Nicholson and made him break.
Where’s the law about not getting up from your seat until the cat leaves your lap of its own free will?
That is a private contract between you and the cat. The Welsh kings knew better than to interfere.
It’s on the thirty fifth page of the social contract.
I shouldn’t be surprised this exists. It seems like there is something for everyone on YT.
The guy’s channel is mainly Welsh history.
rule 41
Akshully, it seems to mainly be debunking Welsh history that has been posted on Wikipedia. Though still interesting info.
That’s still Welsh History.
I watcjed that lasy night. I was amused that there were enough southern Welshman trying to pass scorched cats off to their customers that there had to be a royal proclamation.
It only takes one – it depends who the customer was.
I’m sure he has gone through this before and learned. Put it as is on eBay with the shipping and scrap costs as a minimum and gotten no interest.
Except he’s selling parts out of the motors he tears down as “desk art”. Somebody just might want that crank, if they’re really that hard to come by. I get the whole “That’s not the business I’m in” aspect, but it annoys me intensely to hear people say, “It can’t be fixed.”
Yes it can. Anything can be fixed, even it it doesn’t make sense to YOU.
He’s not going to be keeping that 6 month old “desk art” around. You saw the video and want a mangled piston let him know now not six months from now.
The video just dropped. I doubt he scrapped yet. If you want a mangled BMW crank right now I’m sure he will sell it to you.
so what is everyone drinking?
kinda meh
Moka pot iced latte using pre-ground decaf Starbucks Caffe Verona and half & half. Plus a lactaid tablet.
Iced mocha latte poured from a carton. But it’s in an authentic Glibs latte mug!
half & half – get with the cool kids. oat “milk” is all the rage in Europe
There is no such thing as ‘oat milk’. Unless the dairy cows are fed oats. I guess that would be oat milk.
Just water right now. It’s getting hot and I need to take a walk.
Gatorade Zero (lemon-lime).
Dark roast Colombian coffee.
Dark roast – ah no taste. I suspected that about you.
I like my coffee black and bitter like my heart. I prefer it to be made in an industrial drip coffee machine located in the waiting room of a greasy mechanic’s shop. I want to taste the despair of customers in the bitter dregs.
i have a friend who early in the morning likes coffee from a certain gas station as it is so vile it immediately wakes you up.
Yesss… Let the anguish flow through you!
Powdered lemonade from a jug.
1 c lemon juice
6 c water
1 c sugar or Splenda
Are you sure you’d sub an equal amount of Splenda for sugar? In my experience, a little Splenda/sucralose goes a long way!
I already have a “desk art” crankshaft, from a Cosworth DFS.
my google tells me that did not win no races
Which journals?
I’m still amazed how weak BMW bottom ends always seem to be made.
no taste. I suspected that about you.
I confess. I am tasteless.
See a doc. Could be mighty serious. And not Branch COVIDiocy.
(Or should I inform my sous chef?)
I was required to make a DEI hire and ended up with a Souix Chef.
If you hired ‘the’ Sioux Chef with his “Indigenous Kitchen,” I bet that set you back.
(And well-played! I think “Sioux Chief” coulda elevated it further, but YMMV.)
Panic of the week
Mattocks, a father of six, and Higgins were smothered in a dense slurry of mud and water.
The men are two of the more than 250 people across the country who died over the last decade when trenches they were working in collapsed, according to an investigation by NPR, Texas Public Radio and 1A. In every instance, the deaths were preventable, experts say. All but one of the victims were male; the youngest was 16. In many cases, the companies failed to follow basic government rules for making trenches safe.
“There’s no reason, really, that any worker in this country should be dying in a collapsed trench,” said Jordan Barab, who was deputy assistant secretary for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) during the Obama administration. “All trench collapse deaths are preventable if the employer complies with well-recognized OSHA standards.”
I think we can be certain thousands will die if Trump is elected and eliminates OSHA as Project 2025 proposes.
I don’t think you need anything below your waste to breathe. So many news stories are written incoherently these days.
written incoherently
Like I wrote above, a huge fraction write for a living now and have no necessary understanding of how anything works
everything is broken: ever watch a guy on HGTV sternly lecturing about this or that all-the-while plainly demonstrating that he has no idea how to use a hammer or a shovel?
In four decades in plants all over the world, I have not been surprised by
* how indifferent people are to known risks; there’s even a machismo around skipping basic safety
* most injuries being of the simplest and most preventable sorts.
More forgivable is how ignorant people are of the risks of the chemistry they work with.
What does shock me is that these plants can afford insurance.
Dont forget horseplay and practical joking. My policy: One instance of either and you are out.
*Once saw a man killed when his co-worker jokingly jabbed him in the ass with an air compressor nozzle and gave it a quick squirt. Burst the poor dudes colon and he bled out in a shockingly short period of time.
As for trenches one is supposed to install trench plates/braces when workers are in the trench. We dont need OSHA to tell us that. It is just common sense. They dont cost that much, easy to install and are reusable. Christ.
The downside of Twitter: Being reminded your one-topic “friends” are actually assholes about everything else, and they think the same about you, too. That one topic is not going to hold you together.
I don’t know of any non-proggie romance novelists/readers.
You are 100% of the romance novelists I know, so from my absolutely tiny sample size those I know are 0% proggie.
I figured all romance was written by conservatives or traditionalists of some sort.
Once you throw standards and restraint out the window, half the fun is gone. Isn’t all the fun driven by tensions with the forbidden? Life isn’t a sexy peekaboo show anymore if nothing matters, if nothing is taboo.
We need conservatives standing athwart cultural evolution screaming “no bare ankles!”