ALSO THE TITLE OF A MOVIE STARRING ALICIA SILVERSTONE: “Democrats go public with fears of GOP ‘landslide’ that could jeopardize US democracy.” Got that? An election result of which they disapprove jeopardizes democracy. I wonder how long they are going to keep using that word now?
THE ‘NATIONAL CONVERSATIONS’ WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE DESIRED RESULT IS ACHIEVED: Zero Hedge (yeah, sorry about linking to them) has a post about the high-stakes Biden presser tonight, and “the ongoing establishment coup that’s seen as the last means of beating Trump in November.”
THE LEFT CLINGS TO ITS TOP MEN FALLACY, AND HATRED OF DUE PROCESS: Loper may well be the most important SCOTUS decision of my lifetime as far as reducing the power of the federal bureacracy. Over at Slate, they platform law professor Dahlia Lithwick, who has some things to say about that: “The other turn is the court giving itself power to decide all things. There’s nothing they’re not experts on. The Supreme Court is the policymaker for all policies in the country, and the conservatives are really comfortable just announcing that they’re now experts on clean water and air pollution.” Um, no. Just, no. That’s not what the decision says at all, and a more intellectually honest person would own up to that. This decision is about separation of powers, and Congress illegitimately delegating its rule-making authority to the executive branch. It’s also about the lack of due process in a system where agencies get to be judge, jury, and executioner. This is also an extension of the false leftist narrative conflating taking illegitimate power away from federal bureaucrats with MAGA trying to grab all the power for itself. Lithwick focuses on SCOTUS here, waltzing right past how trial courts, such as the federal district courts who will handle the majority of these cases, are, indeed, designed to be fact-finding bodies.
IJ EXPOSES DEA WARRANTLESS SEARCHES AT AIRPORTS: “At airports across the U.S., Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents confront flyers as they are boarding flights and ask to search carry-on items. Though these interactions are supposed to be consensual, flyers often get the impression that they have no choice but to submit to a search.” Your daily nutpunch, folks. Remember that your contributions to Glibs also support the IJ; but don’t let that keep you from showing them some personal love. And by love, mean $$$.
I WAS ASSURED BY QUEERS FOR PALESTINE THAT HAMAS WERE THE MOST PEACEFUL, GAY-FRIENDLY MUSLIMS, EVER: I can’t vouch for this guy, but the allegations in this YouTube video are compelling. Of particular interest is that the Israelis apparently performed life-saving brain surgery on an Hamas leader at the time he was their prisoner.
RIP, SHELLEY DUVALL: “Shelley Duvall, the saucer-eyed, rail-thin waif who starred in seven films directed by her mentor, Robert Altman, and avoided the ax wielded by an unhinged Jack Nicholson in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining, died Thursday. She was 75.”
I’ve got late afternoon errands and appointments, so today’s column won’t include late-breaking news. Consequently, the comments are all yours, dear readers.
Even if Joe makes it through the presser tonite with aplomb, there is no way he can make it another 4 1/2 years without the 25th being used.
Depends on which party wins. We just saw the Dems rally against preventing non-citizens from voting.
Once upon a time ( I am sure they still do) they were advocating for anyone anywhere in the world to vote for US president, but they are totally not America hating commie shitbirds. No, not them.
Weekend at Uncle Joe’s would make for a great comedy, not so much a great administration.
As one of the many in the no-warrant needed 200 mile border exclusion zone, even I know enough to push for a warrant when someone wants to search my stuff.
Never consent to a search, never talk to the cops. Never.
Are you smuggling contraband board games?
It’s not really smuggling, he just keeps ’em in there because it makes him feel sexy.
Isn’t the border zone around any port, including airports?
“An election result of which they disapprove jeopardizes democracy.”
One thing we have going for us is these idiots just don’t know when to quit. They push their narrative into the realm of absurdity and don’t even realize it.
I think some of them do. We, here, used to joke about 1984 being a cautionary tale rather than and instruction manual, but the left has fully embraced it as such. They really are engaging in doublethink these days.
They are so far gone with TDS, and a lust for power and control, that they will do anything to maintain power.
The only way OMB wins is with Putin’s support duh.
TMITE has changed the definition of democracy to “unopposed rule by Democrats” and hasn’t told anyone.
Sadly, this is true.
An election result of which they disapprove jeopardizes democracy.
How long would it take to get ironclad proof of citizenship at the polls if they thought those votes would help President Doomsday Machine?
Let’s go, Brandon.
I hope Hunter shows up in his trademark attire.
Untz untz untz…
Zero Hedge (yeah, sorry about linking to them)
ZH doesn’t cripple my computer the way Daily Mail or New York Post (among others) do.
That IJ video is disgusting. “We wouldn’t be doing this across the country if it wasn’t legal.”
I hope you get dick cancer you fuck.
We are not free.
That video is enraging.
I don’t know if I could keep my temper in check if that happened to me.
Yes, you could. Because we’ve seen enough of these to know how anxious the pigs are to fuck you up and ruin your life.
I think that translates as “Because we are doing this across the country, its legal.”
Rep. Sherman was just on Fox excoriating the moral character of Trump for sleeping with a porn star. I wonder how he feels about the moral character of such Dem presidential heroes as FDR, JFK, LBJ, and WJC? It almost seems infidelity is a prerequisite for being president.
Women love powerful men. I’m not trying to shift the blame away from the politicians, but there’s enough blame to go around for everyone.
Henry Kissinger — ‘Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.’
Sleeping with a porn star is bad, not recognizing the daughter your son had with a stripper is good.
That’s a take…
Falsely accusing a dude of killing your wife means you’re automatically beatified.
Well, even a couple of the scumbag CEOs I used to work for had side pieces. I think it’s a thing.
My recollection is that Daniels finally admitted that she never had sex with Trump. Did that happen?
Piss hookers? Molested a woman in public in front of dozens of witnesses? Turns out, now this is a shocker, that every one of the allegations in this vein made against Trump were fabrications. All of them. How about the allegations against the Bidens?
I believe she swore it under oath, and then later (in the more recent trial) swore she did.
The perjury charges will be filed any day now.
I think, but I could be wrong, that the judge barred Trump’s defense from pointing out the, err, inconsistency.
“Of particular interest is that the Israelis apparently performed life-saving brain surgery on an Hamas leader at the time he was their prisoner.”
Yeah, that’s the official story, but we all know (((they))) implanted a transponder in his brain so he would be an unwitting spy. And if a good opportunity arises (((they))) will zap him and a bunch of Hamas leaders with (((their))) space laser.
Which level of conspiracy theory is that?
[golf clap]
Were you at (((our))) last meeting?
Nice try, Fed.
This decision is about separation of powers, and Congress illegitimately delegating its rule-making authority to the executive branch.
It also basically requires an explicit admission that the agencies are an arm of government separate from and independent of the President. If a purely theoretical President called the head of the EPA and told him to lay off tightening the regulatory screws on the people who produce the food (for example), the nattering nabobs would be shrieking in outrage.
+1 Spiro Agnew
Nah. I want the theoretical Republican president that lives in the heads of the progressives to just shutter the agencies. If he must spend the money allocated to the agencies, then make their mandates better.
FDA – Get out of the way of new treatments/medications and go after fraudsters
Education – Start closing public schools
BATF – Getting weapons in the hands of everyone who wants one
I think it was also about the separation of powers between the judiciary and the executive, with the judges reclaiming the authority to rule on what statutes actually mean.
Though these interactions are supposed to be consensual, flyers often get the impression that they have no choice but to submit to a search.
Something somehing power asymmetry is a right wing bugaboo.
Biggus Dickus?
The headline writer is probably still giggling.
That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard.
C’mon KK! Don’t you remember the best Minnesoda headline ever?:
“Fertile Woman Killed in Climax”
Surely that headline and its humor is worth a life!
I saw that story the other day. I thought it was a prank. I can’t believe it’s real.
Real and spectacular.
Late to the party on this (thanks, KK).
And they say chicks hate dick jokes.
The only Shelley Duval role I can think of is Popeye. That was not one of my faves. Better than Quentin Tarantino, I guess.
You never saw The Shining?
Or Rocky?
Are you thinking of Talia Shire?
Popeye Village is still standing and is a tourist attraction in Malta: https://popeyemalta.com/
It was about as thrilling as the movie.
Malta looks pretty cool, though. Nice beaches?
I liked Malta as a one time visit. I probably wouldn’t go back because there are so many other places to go. The shoreline was pretty rocky, so there weren’t really beaches to speak of, but the water is nice. Valletta is beautiful and the history is interesting. There’s always a festival going on somewhere so you can always find a street party and fireworks. And because it’s so dry there’s a good chance they’ll set something on fire with the fireworks so you get two shows for the price of one.
So it sounds like a nice add on if you already going to Italy or something. Not a specific trip?
Yeah, an addon if you are anywhere in Europe. Distances are pretty short.
Bernice bobs her hair. Based on a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Am I the only one who thinks Shelly Duvall was a little disconcerting-looking?
Yes. She was odd.
She had camel face. Possibly cute on their own, but kind of weird-looking all put together
She was. Almost like a human-alien hybrid. That’s why she was so perfect for the role of Wendy Torrance.
That’s the only thing I remember her from, and I was always torn on whether she was a really good actress or a really bad one.
You never saw The Shining?
I saw it, but it diden’t make much of an impression on me. The only thing I remember about it is Nicholson hacking through the door. I’m not a scary movie person.
This is the scene I always remember.
Still creepy.
Best trailer ever, also.
More of a psychological thriller with (maybe) supernatural elements than a horror movie and worth a rewatch if you’ve only seen it once a long time ago.
Am I the only one who thinks Shelly Duvall was a little disconcerting-looking?
She was Olive Oyl made flesh.
She really was
Yes – never understood why Popeye and Brutus were fighting over her.
Did you see any other women around?
Me, neither. LOL.
Uh, Alice the Goon?
Maybe she could suck a can of spinach through a garden hose?
There it is.
They were sailors.
I believe fighting over or fucking anything comes as part of the duty description.
Creech your killing me!
I laughed alone in my house like a loon.
This is all I see when I hear a “Big Boy” press conference/interview.
She was cute in an unusual way when she was younger, like pre The Shining. RIP.
As someone who is generally into “cute in an unusual way” I can dig that.
I go through the links, spend ten minutes replying to each and…server error.
Ok, back to cooking and then peruse the comments.
Oregon police recover over $200,000 worth of Lego sets in massive bust
“massive bust?”. Paging Mr. Q.
Is this some kind of bust?
I didn’t even look but I assume it’s very impressive, yes.
So, three current day sets?
You can always count on Michael Malice
*chef’s kiss*
Well played, sir.
Well. Played.
Less than 2 hours til the Big Boy Press Conference!
Big boys don’t cry . . . . .
I might make myself some Big Boy pancakes tonight
I don’t want to watch it, but then I remember I wasn’t going to watch the debate either. But I did, and there was that plot twist right at the beginning.
It was like a late term M. Knight movie.
You could see that plot twist coming from a mile off.
A major part of the Project 2025 freakout is a reaction to the notion a President has the authority to exert control over the agencies by installing “loyalists” in positions of power who will transmit his prioritized instructions to the staff. The head of the EPA and every other regulatory agency is supposed to be a strictly ornamental figurehead whose real job is to stay out of the way of the experienced and knowledgeable bureaucrats.
“I will make DEI horseshit the centerpiece of every agency on Day One.”
/their guy
It’s called the spoils system. We got rid of it for a reason. Turns out it wasn’t a good reason. The fix is worse than the problem.
MADISON — Civic Media, a Wisconsin-based progressive talk-radio network, said Thursday it had agreed to make two edits to an interview with President Joe Biden at the request of his campaign before the broadcast aired, a decision the station said fell short of “journalistic interview standards.”
Still, the station said, it stands by its popular host Earl Ingram, who conducted the interview with Biden following the June 27 televised debate with rival Republican Donald Trump during which the president lost his train of thought and at times made nonsensical statements. Ingram’s interview was recorded on July 3 and aired on July 4.
“On Monday, July 8th, it was reported to Civic Media management that immediately after the phone interview was recorded, the Biden campaign called and asked for two edits to the recording before it aired. Civic Media management immediately undertook an investigation and determined that the production team at the time viewed the edits as non-substantive and broadcast and published the interview with two short segments removed,” the station said in a statement released on Thursday.
I don’t understand why trust in the media has cratered.
No matter how many fiery teleprompter speeches he gives, he likely won’t be able to suddenly walk without shuffling or talk in conversation with the steadiness he once did.
Maybe Clooney or Brad Pitt or one of those movie hero types (Stallone!) could loan Joe one of them Hollywood super magical personal trainers to whip him into shape.
The only way to do it right would be in a cabin in Siberia, and that’s not an option right now.
He needs a montage.
Rocky IV is an American treasure.
Even better Rocky IV
“one of them Hollywood super magical personal trainers”
The ones with enough steroids in their gym bags to disqualify the entire Olympics?
I don’t want to watch it, but then I remember I wasn’t going to watch the debate either. But I did, and there was that plot twist right at the beginning.
Maybe he will come on and announce he is going to dissolve Congress and cancel the election, under the War Powers Act, for Democrat-ocracy’s sake.
You wouldn’t want to miss that.
I envision something like this
At this point the only thing that would surprise me is if he tripped walking up to the podium, fell flat on his face, a pool of blood slowly spread under him. Ok that might not even surprise me.
The only thing that will surprise me is if he does passably well.
In the ded-thred Lack sedThey say it openly and you still don’t believe it
Say what openly that I don’t believe?
I mean, people say there is a God, and you’re right, I don’t believe. A goodly number of dumbasses say that a majority of people in this country supports progressive policy – I don’t believe that either.
a majority of people in this country supports progressive policy
A majority of people who matter. That ain’t us.
The majority of big money Democratic donor$ no doubt but that’s about it.
Try to touch SS or Medicare and see what happens.
Almost everybody supports one or two progressive policies but very few support them across the board.
There is no one as conservative as a Progressive defending SS/MC.
This highlights what is, for me, a critical lack in “libertarian theory.” How do we transition from the current mess to a better one?
Yes, for many, many issues, the Adam Smith Institute’s “proper blow it up. Kablooie!” is fine. Dismantling welfare, Social Security, Medicare, etc., not so much.
Why aren’t we talking about this? Why aren’t we pushing to end the “earn $1 more and lose your welfare” with a slope function such that earning X amount reduces your benefit(s) by Y amount? Yes, X should == Y, but that’s a detail that can wait until we’ve begun to eliminate the disincentives to do better. Or whatever the current system disincentivizes?
One of the things we need to succeed is a transition plan. “Just flip a switch and turn it off” is a non-starter, hopelessly unrealistic.
How do we transition from the current mess to a better one?
I doubt we do. Debt has cratered every empire since time began. And every one follows a similar trajectory: power, expansion, largesse, corruption, limping, done. We’re limping along but there is no way this can continue. When no one will buy the debt and the fedgov simply defaults on the 100 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities, the country will fracture and states and communities will once again have to figure things out.
Or, we’ll all be blown to hell. One of the two.
Well. You are right.
Welfare as it stands clearly discourages earning, saving, doing better. Therefore, it’s not truly a “hand up, not a hand out.” Clearly, this is a feature, not a bug. That will never change.
I’ve long thought that to get a permanent improvement in our systems to where we can all but eliminate them, it will take more bureaucracy/regulation in the short term to shake shit out. .
If you’re gonna regulate shit, do it up right and for as temporarily as possible.
My mom raised 4 boys on welfare from the early seventies on. It was definitely never presented as a lifestyle, and she got off it as soon as practicable. I wish everyone had that outlook.
A majority of people who matter.
Who matter? LMAO – yes, I’m sure they think they do.
Well, they seem to be running things, so . . . .
Who is they? Should there be parens or brackets or something around that?
I’m a little sick of the horseshit from the Proggie pundits and politicians that they represent the great mass of Americans. They aren’t even a majority in the Dem party. They just so fucking loud and annoying that they get their way just to shut them up a little.
This. They shit all over everything in order to give the impression they’re in charge. Well, in some ways they are but they are *this close* to pushing it too far.
Tucker’s interview with Catherine Herridge is great
I’m most of the way through. She’s a slick talker. Tucker really exemplifies the opposite these days. He’s so direct and unabashed, but she’s wordsmithing everything that comes out of her mouth.
I think she really wants to maintain her reputation for not knowing what “side” she’s on and just being factual. I also think she’s still in CBS mode to an extent. I really respect her circumspection.
She an individual that eschews ingroups and cliques. That’s what I really really dig about her.
Y’all following Robby Starbuck vs. Juan Deere?
OMG President Putin
Sweet Jesus. Is he fucking Z’s wife, too?
“We’re gonna beat President Putin!”
JFC what an asshole.
This guy is gonna get us into WW fucking III.
United’s computer system shat the bed. It lost the seats I picked (only middle ones left) and oh yeah, said I had already boarded the plane.
Fortunately nice baggage check lady got me an aisle seat and some food vouchers.
One good thing about this nonsense is it gets me out of town for opening weekend of track season.
Are you in Saratoga?
Just the facts, Ma’am
This is FRESH AIR. I’m Tonya Mosley. This time last summer, President Joe Biden was talking about his run for a second term on what his administration called Bidenomics, a plan to rebuild the economy by creating jobs, fixing aging infrastructure and investing in manufacturing and clean energy.
Well, a series of recent reports show that the Biden administration’s efforts have spurred recent job growth in the last three years, most notably in the Midwest and Southeast – so-called left-behind counties, places that experienced decades of divestment. There are several reasons for this growth, most notably the trillions of dollars from the administration’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act.
With us to talk about all of this is David Madland, a senior fellow and adviser to the American Worker Project at the Center For American Progress, an independent non-partisan policy institute. He’s also the author of “Hollowed Out: Why The Economy Doesn’t Work Without A Strong Middle Class,” and has written for several publications, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the New Yorker. David Madland, welcome to FRESH AIR.
The bird’s eye lowdown; unbiased, unfiltered.
The programming on American Pravda is predictable! Who knew?
Big Boy is gonna get canceled. I’d put a coupla bucks on it
It hasn’t started yet?
Nope – they’re saying 7pm. The drug cocktail ain’t workin’
This is delicious.
Say it ain’t so Joe!
Over at AoS
An ’emergency’. Yep, it wouldn’t be the first time they have done that.
I’m having trouble keeping up with all the good shit on the Tweeters right now
Thanks! I nuked my account so my only access is what gets posted.
And then I think the last thing is you have to certainly take into effect the much larger political context that’s going – we’ve become a much more polarized society. And people are more distrustful of information, especially information that might go against their prior beliefs. And so to convince people that this new funding is coming from a party that they might not already necessarily agree with is a additional hurdle to overcome.
How do we get these ignorant rednecks to accept Joe Biden as their true Lord and Savior?
Stop resisting!
Where, oh where did that mistrust come from? It is no doubt the product of spontaneous generation.
The crap they are putting out reminds me of Nork style propaganda. Which reminds me of the story yesterday. Have we ever gotten a photo of the ‘douche place’. I would love to see one.
Maybe Jill pulled the plug on the news conference because of Joe’s little “President Putin” whoopsie.
“He’s had a long hard day running the world.
This guy’s late to his own funeral.
That has always been my plan. I will slip in 20 mins late and be seated. When people notice me I will say “What? I am late, so kill me!”
I love the jaunty music, though.
It’s over. Unless he enters like this.
Then maybe there is a chance.
They meant central time.By my watch he still has 10 minutes.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
It’s now on. He is a mush mouth.
It’s amazing. Look at his eyes.
The world owes him a debt of gratitude because he single-handedly runs NATO.
And here come the lies about Trump. CWAA.
“From Truman to Reagan to me”
Hello NATO summit; I’m here to talk about…. Donald Trump.
This is like a greatest hits of Biden lies.
“I’ve been given a list of people to call on.”
“Vice President Trump”
Are you fucking kidding me?!?
Now his vice president is named Trump. This dude is cooked.
That was a softball question and he is choking.
OMG Vice President Trump
I love he ‘has’ to announce he has a list of people who to call on. Uh. That should be burned into every pols brain, just as a PR reality, or business affair or anything.
Jesus. “Now I had to find my other names.”
He’s fucked. And it’s hilarious, in the sense of the world seeing this shit, but christ. This is elderly abuse. It really, honestly is.
Stop at 2:09 to brighten your day
He just called Z Putin AGAIN!
I’m so glad I watched this.
“Economists said under my plan inflation was going to go up and the debt was going to skyrocket.”
Um, they were right?!?!
It can’t be that bad…Y’all must be making this up.
Sean, this might be the best thing I’ve ever watched.
Sean you have to see this. It’s unreal.
It’s unreal, and it’s spectacular.
Visited the world’s largest truck stop today for The Trucker’s Jamboree. In the hotel now, nieces and nephews getting ready to go swimming. Tomorrow the future birthplace of James Tiberius Kirk
Riverside, Iowa
When asked if Harris could step up as Prez–
Biden: “First let me say: I wouldn’t have picked Trump to be Vice President if he wasn’t qualified to be….”
(Nearly verbatim. That’s pretty fun.)
They’re moving the guy out and letting him do this presser is strong evidence of such. He might finish his term but he won’t be the nominee.
Christ on a cracker, he’s toast…
Pace myself.
Pace myself.
Pace myself.
I love my staff.
I’m catching hell from my wife.
“I’m following the advice of my Commander in Chief.”
This is surreal.
The debate and now this press conference are a rare example of The Dominant Culture suddenly shifting to something Not of the Left.
In the overnight thread, I linked to a tweet from the Super 70s Sports guy comparing Biden to Michigan J. Frog from the old Warner Bros. cartoon: allegedly singing and dancing when alone with his handlers (of course they’re lying about that, which is part of the scandal), but moribund in public. And quite a few people responded either “But Trump!” or “Whycome you have to be so divisive?”
And yet when The Dominant Culture is Of the Left, they have no compunction about shoving it down people’s throats everywhere. The putatively apolitical places that I frequent are a football forum, a forum for classic movie lovers, and one for game shows, and at all of those places the people Of the Left consistently post Dominant Culture stuff where the right is the bad guy. Look at how Ron DeSantis suddenly became the bad guy overnight, or Elon Musk when he started pulling back the curtain on Twitter. But in one little place (well, not so little), the worm is finally turning, and the left is furious.
The people who were predisposed to give the guy a break because they like his politics and the people who don’t pay that much attention saw the unvarnished truth with the debate and this is further confirmation (although not as bad, yet anyway). I’d imagine they’re pissed for being lied to and made fools of.
I think he’s answering the wrong question!
Wow. Trying to get an off-the-cuff response to how he’s gonna slow/stop China’s world push?
Uh, Gonna get blinkers. This’ll be good.
I’m starting to think that debate wasn’t just a bad day.
It’s embarrassing. It IS fun to see the Blue Banner rag away. I’ll discount the elderly abuse, pretty much cuz he’s a career politician. This is who He Is. Well, ya played a Stupid Game. It’s good for The World to see what a Stupid Prize looks like.
(Leaving out their TDS and religious fear of Trump.)
I won’t talk to Putin.
I’m prepared to talk to Putin.
“I was totally opposed to the occupation.”
He wants a cease fire in Israel but let’s keep a war with a nuclear power going.
“Last question.”
Thank God.
And he just said he is showing how well he is by proudly saying he’s “putting it all out there for the world to see!”
Um. People are finally seeing and realizing. I think this is glorious. It’s like he’s actually opening up about how he’s the only available option.
Lol. Screaming, now.
“Control guns, not girls.”
Bullets are the number one cause of death of children. Fact check: FALSE.
Slurring and rambling – it’s so crazy how little time the drugs last
Yeah, after stumbling out of the gate and saying some absurd things, he sort of hit a groove for a while. Then he started in on the whispering, and then screaming. After that, he was back to being a mess.
There’s also a case of diminishing returns. Each time you dose someone with them, they crash harder and the overall deterioration increases, so the next time they get dosed, the drugs are less effective.
You have to assume the guys on the Chinese ships off the Aleutians were watching Biden with rapt attention.
Let’s finish with another string of lies about Trump. Classy.
Whoever these doctors are that are examining him should lose their licenses.
“I have a little problem with my left foot.”
“I’m gonna get Japan and Korea back together again.”
No words.
Nobody is asking him to take a neurological test. LOL
He’s gonna have Japan occupy them again?
I guess. I’m probably too dumb to understand, man.
He’s still calling on people!!
Thanks, Kevin. I was gonna skip this, so I owe you!
You’re welcome? These days I just get the feeling we are witnessing something historic. And I don’t want to miss it.
This press conference is going to supply the Internet with memes for DECADES.
What is a plethora, Jefe?
Bullets are the number one cause of death of children.
That was a perfect ending.
The whisper closed the deal.
OMG that cutoff!
“Trump is now saying that you called Trump your vice president”
“That guy…”
I was outside spraying weeds. I missed the whole thing.
Y’all are making this stuff up, right? I couldn’t watch it. Exaggeration? Paraphrasing? Surely those aren’t his exact words….right?
I tuned in just in time to see him say that he wouldn’t have named Donald Trump his VP if he wasn’t qualified. This was in a response to a question about Harris.
That was all I could take.
It was one of the most glorious things I’ve ever seen. That hour did more actual work for the libertarian movement than 40 years of the LP.
Will it move the needle? Probably not. But a lot of people just realized that this game is insane.
I’m so glad I saw it.
Biden loses his train of thought, calls Harris ‘Vice President Trump’ in solo press conference
so it begins
Yep. I posted as much on FB. I’m careful ’round my family’s social circle, so I played fairly safe to see how folk would respond.
“I hope (wonder if?) many are seeing how broken The People have allowed our Republic to become. ‘We’ rooted for this. I *do* feel like Cassandra in all this. Prideful, yet saddening in its way.”
I *do* feel like Cassandra in all this. Prideful, yet saddening in its way.”
Very sad. But we need to get things moving for you youngsters.
“Look, the President was jet-lagged from his trip to Europe… ::checks notes:: …three and a half weeks ago.”
KJP, tomorrow morning.
Plus he had a cold!