Ever look at something and feel bad you laughed about it?
This is my review of Destihl Brewing True Evel American Blonde Ale:

The City of Phoenix like nearly every other metro area in the country during 2020, dealt with multiple protests with varying degrees of mostly peaceful. I understand the hate cops cops get, and they’re going to one up you if you decide to be an asshole. Its a vicious cycle.
The police department however was subject to a DOJ investigation in the past year, and a couple months ago they published their report. The result is…well lets just use the WordPress quote feature:
”For example, following a protest at which officers unloaded canisters of tear gas on peaceful protesters, police department officers circulated a challenge coin — a memento normally used to commemorate moments of valor and pride during service. This challenge coin instead depicted a protester whom an officer shot in the groin with a 40-millimeter impact round. When police officers abuse their power to silence people asserting their constitutional rights to free speech and assembly, it erodes the community’s trust in law enforcement.”
For those that are unaware. A challenge coin is often attributed to a story from WW1 where an American pilot was shot down, captured by Germans, escaped to the French countryside, and the only thing identifying him as not German was his unit coin. They were going to execute him but instead they gave him a bottle of wine—the moral of the story is always have your coin. This turned into drinking games that determine if you have your coin, but also into a way to say “good job” without having to go through a medal or award process. Sometimes there is an underhanded joke involved those outside the group will not find funny.
However, this report gets so much better:

Another class had an instructor show news footage of a man being shot in the groin with a projectile set to Whitney Houston’s rendition of “I Will Always Love You.” “The clip was timed to emphasize the moment of the groin shot with the loud drum hit just before the song’s chorus,” the report stated.
When life imitates art. C’mon, Thats funny!
Wait, this is a perfectly normal looking beer from the weekly hipster juice feature? Not really, Evel Knieval was certainly not normal but beer his fans liked was totally normal. I’ll admit I am just speculating. Its a good take on summertime chugging beer, and its not going to cause anyone to reflexively cover their balls in fear while doing it. Chances are its what you are looking for on any normal day. Destihl Brewing True Evel American Blonde Ale: 2.8/5
At least it’s not an IPA.
I’m always happy for MS when he gets to drink a half decent beer.
I know. I can’t wait for the next IPA.
Tune in next week
What’s the body count? Oops, the alcohol content?
/Teenagers need to know
5.2% ABV. Its even above average for the style!
“The clip was timed to emphasize the moment of the groin shot with the loud drum hit just before the song’s chorus,” the report stated.
Some suburban douche goes downtown to “protest” a speech by the President and sissy-kicks a tear gas canister at the cops before providing some much-needed comedy at his own expense.
As Pliny the Elder (I think) once put it, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need.”
Thank you for that.
I’m at a restaurant having a late breakfast and laughing like an idiot thanks to you.
I appreciate the Yeoman’s you put in here.
“The clip was timed to emphasize the moment of the groin shot with the loud drum hit just before the song’s chorus,” the report stated”
I’m going to need to review the evidence. Repeatedly.
I suggest doing it with friends. So the review is thorough.
Now, compare that DOJ report with the actions against police in Portland.
Anyway, at the dog park right now, and across the fishing lake is a “men-in-skirts” festival. The hate crime of bagpipes is in the air.
The only acceptable bagpipes.
Thats good but this better.
Best bagpipes:
Pointy heads in the upper reaches fail to to understand the men that they expect to enact violence on their behalf. Same as it ever was.
I may be late to the game, but here goes . . .
Angry Cops discusses Tim Walz and the accusations of stolen valor
MSG Walz bailed on his unit before a sandbox rotational and let everyone call him by the rank he provisionally held but didn’t complete the requirements to permanently hold.
Shitbag moves all around.
That said, this seems pretty low on the list of Walz shitbaggery, near as I can tell.
So XY was offered the position of general manager of a Chipotle in a suburb a significant distance from his current store and apartment. GMs make $100k plus bonuses. He’s 18.
I’m a very proud mama today.
Oh Hells Yeah!
That’s good news.
He should check into the performance of that store – make sure he knows what he’s getting into.
New store. He’s in the middle of opening a store right now as assistant manager-adjacent (he didn’t take “promotion” from kitchen manager to assistant manager because it was a large pay cut, as AM got changed to salary wo overtime). The store he was offered doesn’t open till January.
The hiccup is he doesn’t drive, doesn’t have a car (he’s in the middle of fixing this) (we are not helping him do this because he is bearing the consequence of a choice he made a couple of years ago), and his apartment lease is 14 more months. The store he’s opening right now is a 3-block walk from his apartment.
He has time to get himself sorted and by then he will have already opened a store.
GMs make $100k plus bonuses. He’s 18.
Good for him…I’m in the wrong business.
The crazy hours he works and the toll it will eventually take on his body … I’m not so envious. I could never have done that job.
You’re probably right, a guy I knew in the AF went on to GM 3-4 Waffle Houses in SC. He does very well, but it is not for the faint of heart.
Yeah the restaurant biz is not for everyone. (Like… me.)
That’s fantastic. Congratulations to him.
Evel Knieval was certainly not normal
I liked Evel Knieval.
jumps compilation
The old fashioned way
Excellent choice.
The old-fashioned way
So XY was offered the position of general manager of a Chipotle in a suburb a significant distance from his current store and apartment. GMs make $100k plus bonuses. He’s 18.
He’ll never be a success without going to college.
And never mind XX driving a forklift and doing something she absolutely loves. She’s totally interested in a career in logistics.
I loved logistics, and had a great decade in that world. A lot of different jobs, different industries, and things to learn. And, best of all, it is performance driven.
Right now, her biggest problem is not advocating for herself. It makes my heart hurt.
Is there a real reason besides tacticool for the camo netting over the sniper rifle in this particular use case?
No. In fact, it’s a net negative unless you are set up in non urban cover.
When I set up in a non-urban environment the State makes me wear Blaze orange.
I suggest that anyone in a sniper mode be required to wear blaze orange, for personal safety.
Politico “ Harris promises to go tough on border security”
He said he loved me and he’d stop hitting me.
That’s hilarious. It reminds me of the line most media used when Trump talked about election results; she said without evidence.
Well can’t confirm cause campaign website is naked money grab.
“Comprehensive reform” will fix anything.
Every time I hear a politician use the word “reform” I know that that’s the definition of “we screwed up”.
Does one single person on any side believe her?
It is notable that she acknowledges that there is a problem to begin with. Prior to this Team Blue’s response to anything border-related was to plug their ears and call everyone who noticed a racist.
Lies! She was the greatest border czar! Or not! She is just great.
Yes comrade, she is the least weird, the most non-weird even, we will forever sing her praises!
Didn’t the Dems introduce something called a border security bill that was anything but and loaded with poison pills, so the Repubs voted against it, so now the border is the Repubs’ fault?
What RC said. The left’s tactics are always the same.
Poison pill popular bills, blame the right for it failing to pass
Rioters provoke provoke provoke and when they get a response accuse the opposition of being evil and starting the fight.
Escalate the provocations after the response and scream ‘look what you made me do!’
This shit gets very tiresome. The sliminess of it all should be a clue to anyone with two brain cells.
You are right they definitely did something.
For some value of something.
Mourning at the Festival of Dirtbags
“@harleydavidson has been one of the most beloved brands in America but recently on CEO Jochen Zeitz’s watch, they’ve gone totally woke,” filmmaker Robby Starbuck shared with his more than 528,000 followers on X in late July.
The bike brand’s apparent decision to volunteer for the culture wars in America has been a high-octane topic at the 84th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota this week, according to both attendees and numerous social media postings.
“It’s branding suicide,” Vinny Terranova, the owner of Pappy’s Vintage Cycles in Sturgis, South Dakota, told Fox News Digital on Tuesday.
“A lot of bikers are switching over to Indian,” he said. “They killed Harley. It breaks my heart.”
What breaks my heart is FOX news website with it’s unkillable autoplay video. Fucking stupid worthless cunts.
Damn free-marketers, finding a way to make money off of a free service!
Am I the only one who thought of this?
I rewatched the pilot of that a couple years back. It was not quite as good as I recall. Extremely 80s.
Looks like Tubi has it. I should give it another shot.
I remember that show
Whoever wrote the intro music probably wrote the intro to LA Law.
@slumbrew Thanks for letting me know about Tubi. I’ll re-watch Wiseguy when I finish Farscape.
@MS The music is buy Mike Post. He has done a ton of TV music.
+1 “I’m helping” meme
Jalopnik is on the case
American politics have been a fucking minefield for years, but far right weirdos are smashing their foot on the accelerator lately and creating a conservative ouroboros in the process. Greasy haired music video director-turned-culture-warrior Robby Starbuck called for his 500,000 followers to boycott Harley-Davidson in July for being woke, and seemingly took credit for the company’s stock declining 3 percent over five years. This guy’s weird screed against H-D has spiraled across conservative media in the last three weeks, finally making it to the big time, Fox News.
Fox is trying really hard to make this a story. Harley-Davidson, a 121-year-old American company which employs over 11,000 people, is dedicated to making its employees feel comfortable and safe on campus, which includes diversity in hiring initiatives, and allowing transgender employees to use the facilities that fit their gender.
Meanwhile some totally uninvolved weirdos saw a trans person drink a beer two years ago and haven’t stopped trying to “speak to a manager” since. Apparently a few vocal Harley-Davidson owners are mad about it, and Fox wanted to give them a place to voice their displeasure.
Durr hurr!
Shorter, why won’t you just go along with our utopia?
Does the DNC pay them by the weird?
Oh, bravo. 👏
“Harley-Davidson … is dedicated to making its employees feel comfortable and safe on campus,…”
Maybe they should be dedicated to making the best motorcycles they can.
Just a thought.
That ship has sailed.
Pffffft. That’s someone else’s job.
Yes, stirring division and making everyone walk around on eggshells is the way to go.
Damn free-marketers, finding a way to make money off of a free service!
If I wanted video I’d turn the goddam teevee on.
They interviewed his wife?
Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. A protest march was held to memorialize St. Brown of Ferguson and the old slogan was resurrected: Hands Up! Don’t Shoot! Local TV reporters interviewed protesters who repeated the lie of how Brown was “murdered” by police. Michael Brown Sr lead the group to keep his grifting operation relevant with a special guest appearence by Cori Bush who riled up the crowd. A group of Hamas supporters showed up, too, likely invited by Bush. To top off the festivities a group of protesters decided it would be a good idea to attack the Ferguson police department. Suprisingly several “protesters” were actually arrested. Our local leftist rag ran this headline:
Protests turn turbulent at Ferguson police station on anniversary of Michael Brown’s death
In journospeak “turbulent” means “mostly peaceful”.
The police were actually ok until this turbulence occurred.
CBS ran an anniversary special last night about this. In case the nation’s senior citizens didn’t get the intended message.
4th anniversary special? Gee, I wonder…
Shit, was think Floyd not Brown.
I assume that the message wasn’t, “Look what happens when we lie and whip up race riots.”
“Suprisingly several “protesters” were actually arrested.”
Lefties get arrested. Hardly any get charged much less convicted.
NPR has been running stories all week about the anniversary of the killing of this gentle giant. I don’t think it’s possible for me to roll my eyes fast enough.
In journospeak “turbulent” means “mostly peaceful”.
Police inexplicably attacked peaceful protesters without provocation of any sort.
Today at the “beer store” (as Mrs. Dean calls the tavern where I get my weekly growler and lunch every Saturday), I’m going for the Dragoon amber.
It’s beer so I like it.
That ones good, I can’t always find it up here. Their IPA’s are everywhere though.
Kinda like Commies!
The beer store has around 20 beers on tap. It used to be 30, but they’ve had to shift to more wine (nothing OMWC would have any interest in). Demographics, man.
When police officers[and other government officials & employees] abuse their power to silence people asserting their constitutional rights to free speech such as privately producing challenge coins.
On the whole DOJ v Phoenix thing, I’m kinda “Can’t they both lose?”.
I think the root of the problem is not the commie thugs or the cop thugs. The root of the problem is that nihilist leftists are skin suiting the system from the top down. Start at the top and start lopping heads, the rest will fall in line quickly.
“Now and then you have to shoot an admiral to encourage the others.” – Voltaire
Dont we still have neutron bombs? Could we detonate one over Davos the next time the WEF meets?
*Previous comment, every word of it, is pure hyperbole. Nope, not serious one bit. Hyperbole, that is all.
Picked up my bourbon for later today
Now to finish my chores first.
Mrs OBE is broken. Youngest worked with Papa on a surprise trip to visit and showed up. What a great weekend surprise!
“a protest at which officers unloaded canisters of tear gas on peaceful protesters”
I am just gonna stop right there.
When the cops show up wearing gas masks it’s probably time to leave the peaceful protest.
“Well, the cops started it”
“Did not!”
“Did too !”
Showing up at a protest at all would be the first mistake.
Love a good self-own on a Saturday afternoon
If you wish hard enough it will be true! Or a fairy gets their wings! Or something. I forget how the post-reality universe works.
Aaahh… Yeah. Not for security reasons at all.
If you look closely at the crowd you’ll see the “Harris / Walz” signs.
It’s from their rally. Whoops.
Slumbrew has the best eyes. Only the best. Ten points to Slumbrew!
Young CP’s sister was a fan of Whitney Houston. Young CP was a fan of her album cover that showed some sideboob.
Young Whitney Houston was not unattractive.
A final vocal gymnast if there ever was one, and no autotune!