GET IN, LOSERS: It is now an open secret that the two Boeing Starliner crewmembers will be Hitchin’ a Ride back to Earth on a SpaceX Crew Dragon, possibly on the upcoming Crew-9 Mission, which has just been delayed as NASA dithers about whether to fly the mission with two empty seats to accommodate the Boeing crew on the return flight.
NOT MINCING HIS WORDS: “Kamala is quite literally a communist.” -Elon Musk
GARM SHUTTING DOWN: The Global Alliance for Responsible Media (aka Journolist 2.0) is shutting down after X (formerly known as Twitter) files antitrust suit against it. Good riddance, shitheels. I know I’m sounding like a total Elon fanboi at this point, but the guy is all over the news.
AMERICAN STASI: Tulsi Gabbard Confirms “Quiet Skies” Nightmare. Placed on a terror watch list, the former Hawaii congresswoman and her husband were tailed by Air Marshals and bomb dogs. “Unconstitutional on every level,” she says. “And I’m not the only one.” Your daily nutpunch (or ovary tap), h/t TOK.
VIRGINIA REMOVES 6,000+ NON-CITIZENS FROM VOTER ROLLS: Those non-citizens should have been the headline but that info is buried in a story about a variety of measures Gov Youngkin and AG Miyares are taking to improve election security. Wait, weren’t we frequently and loudly assured by leftists that non-citizens weren’t allowed to vote, that it was impossible for them to register to vote, and that any attempt to address this non-problem was paranoid delusion and a waste of time? Fuck. Those. People.
UTILITY WANTS TO RAT-OUT MJ GROW OPERATIONS TO POLICE: Receiving subpoena after subpoena is just terribly tiresome, so Maine utility Versant Power wants to make things easier for everyone, and be a good corporate citizen. This also involves putting some of their best customers out of business.
THINGS TO COME? Pro-Pali protesters heckle Harris. Could this be a preview of the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago later this month? Investigative reporter Jordan Green seems to think so. In related news, popcorn futures are up.
TIM WALZ, THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING: Tim Walz signed bill redefining “sexual orientation” to include pedophilia.
TRANS, NON-BINARY, ANTIFA BOMBER PLEADS GUILTY: Little commie POS constructed and detonated an IED with nails and other shrapnel. The bomber is facing up to 20 years in prison. Where do you house such a person?
The hole.
Pled to federal charges so will be in a federal penitentiary somewhere, possibly a supermax given the nature of the crime.
Uncle Ted’s cell at ADX Florence is currently empty.
Heck, play some musical beds and put he/she/it next to Eric Rudolph. They can compare notes in the rec yard for fifteen minutes every other Wednesday.
Shpip, I have some stories to tell you. About this topic, in general. Some I can tell on the Zoom.
Can they make a “trans” wing at a prison? Not giving them access to biological women will probably take the wind out of some of this nonsense.
Back hole or bonus hole?
(Less sarcastically, I’d vote “Don’t cater to their mental issues, put them where God (literally) intended.”)
And you’re totally not allowed to mention how over represented this “community” is compared to their share of total population in doing this kind of thing.
I think a hole of the six feet deep variety would be about right.
In a helicopter. For a short while anyway.
That results more in an indentation than a hole.
Preferably a hole that has been filled with concrete.
An influential advertising industry group said it would shut down after being sued this week by X, Elon Musk’s social media company, according to an email sent to its members and obtained by The New York Times.
The Global Alliance for Responsible Media, a nonprofit coalition of major advertisers led by the World Federation of Advertisers, told its members it would cease operations two days after Mr. Musk accused the group of orchestrating a boycott against X. The lawsuit claimed that the group, known as GARM, had violated antitrust laws by coordinating with brands to dissuade them from spending money on the social media platform.
While the World Federation of Advertisers denied that GARM’s work had run afoul of the law, it said that the nonprofit did not have the financial resources to continue operating while it fights X in court.
Shockingly, nobody wants to put their money where your mouth is. So long, crybullies.
Sadly, they’ll just move everyone to the office down the street and come up with a new acronym to put on their letterhead.
Hell, ACORN didn’t even change buildings when they dissolved.
Another shitheel nonprofit that toes the establishment line. Whatever funding and tax structure these organizations benifit from must be smashed.
The dispute stemmed from Mr. Musk’s $44 billion purchase of X, then known as Twitter, in 2022. Mr. Musk promised a new era of unrestricted speech and annulled many of the platform’s rules against hateful content and misinformation. In response, many brands pulled their ads from X, fearing that they would damage their brands by appearing alongside unsavory posts.
Yes, yes, of course. Discarding the Newspeak definition of “misinformation” is exactly the same as adopting the Nazi Party platform.
“Kamala is quite literally a communist.”
When I say that people just roll their eyes. Yeah, she is very obviously a straight-up commie. As are the rest of the radical leftists, Obama included, who are running the democrat party.
I think Fauxcahontas may be a more run-of-the-mill fascist. She’s definitely all in for unaccountable state control of the economy, that’s for sure.
Under communism, the means of production are putatively owned by The People.
Under socialism, the means of production are owned by The State.
Under fascism, the means of production are technically owned privately, but The State puts so much control on the use of the means of production that they might as well be owned by the State.
The Inflation Reduction Act and the “CHIPS” Act are decidedly fascist
The more people parse the differences between national socialism and international socialism, communism and fascism the more I see them as distinctions without a difference.
All you have to do is listen to the footsoldiers. Hit up any BLM, Palestine, Antifa rally… they don’t deny it. They proudly proclaim their opposition to capitalism, free speech, the US in general…
A detention memo from a US attorney’s office stated, “That device had the characteristics of an IED, and Calvert added a substantial number of nails and other shrapnel to increase its destructive capability.”
Sounds more involved than Uncle Ted’s.
Petition the government for a redress of grievances ==> enjoy the quiet skies.
The republic is dead.
“Quiet skies”. All their evil shit sounds so innocuous doesn’t it? What kind of monster would be opposed to quiet skies?
Dear Tulsi-
Get on board or get run over.
the DNC
Look I got a hat tip! (fans self)
That got me pretty riled up yesterday. There is no “good reason” to do that, and any congressional inquiry will uncover the 150th time a lone mid-management type person did this on their own, and most assuredly has been talked to but not demoted or fired, and there is no pattern of activity so case closed.
No bureaucrat would ever make that kind of decision. There was an entire committee of them.
In a related case across the U.S., America First Legal sued Maricopa County, Arizona, on Tuesday for allegedly failing to remove noncitizens from its voter rolls, with the group claiming earlier this year that there were more than 35,000 registered voters in Arizona who have not provided proof of citizenship.
They’re going to need ten times that many illegals and other non-citizens voting to swing the election.
(NARRATOR: They have ten times that many, with more to spare)
They’ll just run the ballots through the counter 10 times.
“Wait, weren’t we frequently and loudly assured by leftists that non-citizens weren’t allowed to vote, that it was impossible for them to register to vote, and that any attempt to address this non-problem was paranoid delusion and a waste of time? ”
The real tell was when they opposed that ID law because it was “already illegal”. As if a Democrat has ever objected to making something illegal six times over.
“Non citizen voting is already illegal… which is why you need to vote Kamala so she can confiscate those rubes’ guns to prevent mass shootings”
Wife just now after watching D ad: “Do you know why I trust you?”
Her: “Just ask why.”
Me: “Ok, why do you trust me?”
Her: “Because you never ask me to.” <—- referring to D ad saying outright 'Trust us. We would never lie'
Me: " Ok, that is good. It is one hellofa tell when someone has to inform you they have a self-evident quality. Plus there is the whole 'In 35 years I have never lied to you or hid things from you' thing. I kinda have that going for me too."
“This is not a woe-is-me situation,” she explains. Instead, “it’s bringing to the forefront… how brazen the political retaliation and abuse of power continues to be under the Biden-Harris administration.”
We’re all enemies of the state now.
That Boeing can’t bring their crew home? Not surprising.
That they didn’t even load the software to do an unmanned re-entry in case of issues? A bit surprising.
That they can’t even undock from ISS and are tying up a vital docking port? That’s mind-boggling levels of stupid. NASA should never allow anything to dock with ISS that can’t at least get back out of the way. (As I understand it, that’s the major wrinkle in the “Get Elon to send up a CrewDragon to bring the poor test pilots home”)
At this point, I’m just thankful those Boeingnauts made it there alive.
You are? I am ambivalent. I will be surprised if they make it back alive. I will be glad if Musk is the reason for that.
Overall I am ambivalent as I would be if some ‘Stop Oil!’ trash got run over on a roadway.
Why? What did the astronauts do?
Equating astronauts to Just Stop Oil protestors is….bizarre.
“What did the astronauts do?”
Got on the Boeing rocket.
It’s a really interesting business case.
Boeing generally works cost plus on anything for the government. They are culturally incapable of doing a fixed cost project. It shows here.
SpaceX has no idea how to bargain, document, and send in the 50 forms to justify its billings to FedGov. As a result it will only bid fixed cost and won’t participate in cost plus bids.
Do you know how many 3.5″ floppies it takes to load that software? Nobody has that kind of time.
[golf clap]
I heard they are upgrading to those newfangled zip drives.
It’s a standing order that spacecraft must be able to remotely undock, Boeing broke the cardinal rule, not enough lifeboats,
And who picked the thugs on Gabbard? I want a name.
picked…ugh. SICKED
“Sicced” from Latin “sic,” as in Sic Semper Tyrannis.
Now write it out a hundred times, or I’ll cut your balls off.
Embrace the power of “and”.
I’ll guess it was the bitch she knocked out of the 2020 election.
Most likely it was some worker bee that felt empowered to save the democracy.
Candidate literally nobody voted for sounds drunk and makes weird hand gestures while describing democracy.
Starting at about 32 minutes is the best description I’ve seen on how Soros makes his money.
Hey, that was interesting. Never heard it broken down like that before. No wonder the various uniparty sacks of dogshit love the guy.
Is she talking to kindergartners again?
Huge surprise I know, but I’ve heard from some current and former staffers that Kamela has a major drinking problem. Like ‘showing up at the office incoherent and staggering’ problem.
For the vast majority of the human race that would make me sad…but then sociopaths are not really human, are they.
As Michael Malice pointed out, she *is* America’s wine mom.
I can’t see her as anything other than Malice’s wine mom.
Alcohol or some brain disease.
Kalthoff 30 shot flintlock
Very cool. Much cooler than the seven shot musket he showed one time with the whole 7 chamber powder reservoir.
Stop cranking when you smell smoke
BMW (BMWG.DE), opens new tab is recalling 105,558 crossovers and sedans in the U.S. and will issue a software update to fix concerns related to a starter motor that can overheat, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said on Thursday.
The recall affects various models, including some X5, X7, 3 and 7 Series models.
“In the event the starter motor fails, repeated attempts to start the vehicle can cause the starter motor to overheat from an electrical overload,” The NHTSA said.
According to the auto safety regulator, dealers will update the vehicle software for free, with owner notification letters expected to be mailed later in September.
I’m sure the dealer will be happy to take your fifteen hundred bucks or whatever it costs to replace the starter in one of those shitboxes.
I fondly remember replacing the starter on a 69 Camaro when it was below zero one winter a long time ago.
I’ll bet that ridiculous Auto Stop Start nonsense contributes. The acronym makes me laugh every time. The other fun thing about ASS is that there is often a second battery. Yay, compexity!
They switched the Land Rover ASS system to use an ultra-capacitor to boost the start. Conveniently if the sense wire is removed from the capacitor it won’t engage the system, it also doesn’t alert on this condition. So you just reach behind a panel, remove the connector, and the system never bothers you again.
They also had a procedure to disable the driver seatbelt chimes.
I was able to disable the belt on my Jeep. I think part of the off road tradeoff manufacturers are willing to make.
No such luck on the Tesla, but not a huge issue.
I had to buy an aftermarket gadget that electronically disable stop/start on my wife’s Acura. Bit of a pain to open the console and install, but I love it.
“Stop cranking when you smell smoke”
Heh heh heeeheee heh
They only caught 6K? Sounds like they need to take another look at those rolls.
Good riddance, shitheels.
They’ll be gone for all of 5 minutes before the same core constituency is gathered under a new NGO for the same exact purpose.
My thoughts too.
I used to be a sugar fiend, but in the last couple years, I don’t really crave sweets like I used to. I bought a package of Nutter Butter wafers, like, 4 days ago and I haven’t even opened it yet.
What’s up with that?
Those fucking rock!
Get to it
Single biggest boost in my felt health, aside from drinking more water, was giving up (most) added sugar.
It’s either a result of COVID, menopause, or both, IMO.
WHELL! My sugar cravings stopped almost as soon as I stopped taking my anxiolytic. Almost everything about my body is better now. I’m not going to say it didn’t help when I needed it, but the time of need for that has passed, I’m happy to say.
Quiet Skies might be the single most successful government program ever, you whiners.
Or might not be . . . . .
I don’t know if BMW has it, but Mercedes has come up with an ingenious system which combines the starter and alternator into a single unit inside the bellhousing. When the starter craps out after ten years, you just send it to the crusher.
Many now do this. 48V “mild hybrid”.
Toyota, before the “quality escape” current shit show has decades of experience with starter generators on vehicles.
Toyota, before the “quality escape” current shit show has decades of experience with starter generators on vehicles.
Henry Ford did it.
I wonder if anyone will recognize the fact that this is just Antifa latching on to another cause du jour like they did with BLM four years ago.
Pro-terrorists heckling Harris: The usual sequence is that the useful idiots dont become a problem until after the glorious revolution. Then they stir shit and get shot. These guys are jumping the gun…so to speak.
If they continue to follow their playbook, those ppl will either be sent overseas as part of a new “Peace Corps” and AmeriCorps/VISTA type initiatives where they are shipped out to the worst third-world and domestic hellholes they can find, and setup for failure.
Heh. I remember the soviets doing that right up until the ’80s. Then there are the problem children of the British Royal family….I think British Guyana was created just for that purpose. Australia as a dumping ground for excess population in England..the list goes on. Tried and true tactic.
Speaking of which another way Americans think of themselves as different from the rest of the world is the way we think of our fellow citizens…we would never do that to our own people, would we? Why yes, yes we would, exiles, mass graves, death camps – the whole bit.
For no reason at all it just occurred to me: Western countries produced death camps and sent people to them. Mao did the opposite – he brought the death camps to the people. Villagers were not allowed to leave and mandated to produce quotas for the revolution. If a village were mandated to produce a ton of iron in six months on pain of death using this method ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPIUMpiV0IY ) then every member had to work all waking hours to make the quota. No time for food production, caring for infirm etc. They simply died at home of deprivation.
I wonder, were it to happen here, which approach would be used.
“Kamala is quite literally a communist.”
I was listening to someone recently, maybe James Lindsay, who said that her much mocked “unburdened by the past” shtick is a callback to the Maoist call for the destruction of the Four Olds (‘old ideas’, ‘old culture’, ‘old customs’, and ‘old habits’) and the creation of the New Soviet Man. I don’t really think she’s smart enough to make that connection, but it does seem to match her worldview.
I’m sure she just learned to parrot it. Whoever wrote it was most likely aware of the connection.
We should call it something snappy…like Year Zero!
So she’s plagarizing Mao without realizing she’s plagarizing Mao…sounds about right.
It is baked right into the idea of revolution. It’s kinda the point actually.
Yeah, unburdened by what has been is pure Year Zero shit.
When I hear the term the first thing that I see in my mind is Khymer Rouge soldiers and lined up children taking them one by one by the ankles and swinging them to dash their heads against tree trunks.
PA LEOs have had enough of being thrown under the bus.
Sensei – somehow missed your Frieren posting the other night. Love that show – definitely the best one I’ve seen this year. The ending credit tracks are excellent too – esp the one by Milet (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r105CzDvoo0). Picked up the first 4 volumes of the manga too. Does such a great job exploring relationships and how time impacts things.
Recently watched a slightly more slack series – Otaku Elf. No stakes involved whatsoever, but very wholesome. May look for a manga volume this weekend while I’m out. OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXEpLEK75V8 (the actual MV for this song is pretty cool too).
I’ve watched both!
Frieren is just wonderful. One reviewer described it as essentially nothing but a series of side quests. Which is perfect. The quests let you learn and care about the characters. That’s the point of the story.
Them all being emotionally damaged by the demons and trying to recover from it underlies their struggles.
My understanding is that it’s blown past Fullmetal Alchemist’s popularity.
Where to house the antifa bomber?
My preference would be the Mariana Trench.
Moments ago, Biden declared his solidarity and commitment to the people of Maui via tweet.
The people of Maui will always remain in my heart and prayers.
Together, we’ve made real progress.
The voices of those who have called the island home for generations will continue to guide the work ahead as we remain focused on supporting their ongoing recovery.
Didn’t we just do a story about how nobody has been allowed back to their homes and construction has yet to begin due to government intransigence?
“Happy campers you have been, happy campers are you now, and happy campers shall you ever be.” -VP Dan Quayle, quoted from memory
Those comments are as scorching as the fire. They haven’t forgotten they got $700 while Ukraine gets showered with billions.
My take on non-binary IED bombers….
Uh, why isn’t this top of the page news? How many active bombers do we have?
The Global Alliance for Responsible Media shuts down.
In other news, in defense of democracy, advertisers just formed the Media Alliance for Global Responsibility.
No, no, it’s the Responsible Alliance for Global Media.
Bloody splitters!
So she’s plagarizing Mao without realizing she’s plagarizing Mao…sounds about right.
Can you even plagiarize a communist?
Huh. Good point. It’s talking points all the way down.
Fresh vids from the attempted Trump assassination:
What a frigging shitshow.
The fact that nobody cares anymore is a huge clue as to how involved they were.
That Pac-Man boundary to the security zone that only excludes the very obvious greatest threat to security is a pretty solid giveaway all by itself.
But the FBI keeping everything quiet is as good as a Confession that it isn’t just an incompetent supervisor at Secret Service screwing up.
The key video is also about the cop who climbed a ladder and ran like a coward when the shooter pointed a gun at him.
Spoiler alert: didn’t happen.
Buddy gave a boost so he could peek on roof. Never had an opportunity to engage.
Yeah, I don’t blame the guy for dropping down, what was he supposed to do? He would have had to hoist himself the rest of the way up to engage and he would’ve gotten his head blown off for his trouble.
What you said the first time cyto.
Not to get lost in the weeds but I am curious. How did the shooter get on the roof if the cop needed a buddy to help him up? Where did the ladder in that story about the cop come from? So, there was a ladder. Where is it now? Who took it away after the shooter was on the roof?
I dunno, just wondering.
Infinite rate of growth
Cruise ships have doubled in size over the past two decades, a precedent that could lead to even bigger vessels plying our oceans in the future and bringing potential problems, a new report has warned.
The largest passenger vessels today are twice as large as they were in 2000, says a study conducted by European clean energy lobby group Transport and Environment (T&E), which warns of the environmental impact of the “rapidly” growing global cruise industry.
The report suggests that the biggest cruise ships setting sail in 2050 could be nearly eight times larger than the Titanic, the largest passenger ship in service when it set sail in 1912 (measuring 269 meters or about 883 feet), if the growth rate continues as it is.
“Today’s cruisezillas make the Titanic look like a small fishing boat,” Inesa Ulichina, sustainable shipping officer at T&E, said in a statement.
“How much bigger can these giants get? The cruise business is the fastest growing tourism sector and its emissions are quickly getting out of control.”
Soon the entire population of the planet will fit on a single cruise ship.
Silliest line of thinking ever.
Which has bigger environmental impact…. every cruise of all time added together…. or 1 week of any large southeast Asian or Indian city.
Things always grow at the same rate forever.
Any time I see watermelons opening their mouths I just hear Charlie Brown’s teacher.
On the comet article.
The spinning of the object is totally irrelevant to the trajectory change. It’s a translational momentum transfer between the larger object and the smaller object.
I guess phys.org couldn’t afford to hire a writer who had gotten a B or better in basic freshman physics.
Should have gotten me… could have gotten a scare headline for the ages..
Slowing of Saturn by comet fly by threatens to disrupt orbit, shift planets
Now you’ve done it. You mentioned SPACE SMITH.
Better keep an eye on Uranus.
“X (formerly known as Twitter)”
Wait, when did that happen?
I wish he had just renamed it Titter.
And it’s long form subsidiary Twatter.
Given that he is now “far right” it should be Titler.
Yes please.
He’s still likely going to fuck up reading his teleprompter speeches about free shit and Evil Trump and remind people Harris knew about his dementia.
False headline.
Biden doesn’t know anything with his dementia.
I would think that avoiding Dr. Jill would be tops on his list of things to do.
Odds on Joe “walking into a door” and getting a shiner before Jan 6?
Le Prussian has arrived
Good Lord. My daughter watched that and said that was geared to her generation and it was destroying her brain.
Here let me help you out with the anime insert.
This anime even too stupid for me. It’s quite popular in Japan and globally.
Greenwald spitting facts like he’s a Glibertarian
Interesting write-up on the (massively fraudulent) Venezuelan election, which has oddly disappeared from the DemOp Media.
This is a giant and telling story.
The administration had to walk back everything. The initial stories sounded *exactly* like coverage of the 2020 election, right down to stopping the counting, national media participation, blocking poll observers…..
Nobody wants to hash that out on the news
Media realization: “Oh shit — did those Venezuelans copy our last election”?
Public safety, my ass.
Turf war.
Fortunately they have deep pockets. Most of us would fold.
Nothing more fun than having the state wage lawfare at you with your own taxes.
It’s code enforcement.
You can’t mess with code enforcement. You can only pay the appropriate money via the appropriate channels.
So they will probably be forced to hire the correct architect, draw up plans, hire the correct contractor and move it 30 feet. After overpaying for this by several tens of thousands of dollars, the required permit will appear.
It’s the reason I have a 50A outlet with no GFCI for my potential welder and not my actual Tesla in my garage.
Otherwise I’d have to have a GFCI on the circuit along with built in GFCI in the charge cable. Pay no mind to the nuisance tripping with running two GFCIs on the same circuit.
They just need to submit plans for a 50 foot rainbow penis with Newsome’s face on top. That would be approved immediately.
Back home safely.
First official road trip with the Jeep. It trips well and mpg was better than expected.
This is good. The Mega Jeep (Grand Cherokee L) does two or three cross country trips a year. Holds up well. Very comfortable.
Oh, as of today, the ability to eliminate one election rigging opportunity is over
We had until yesterday to clean up the voter rolls.
FreedomToons on campaign spam text messages.
Well you can’t spell STASI without TSA.
And what becomes of the abandoned Spaceliner? Put it up on blocks somewhere?
“The Global Alliance for Responsible Media (aka Journolist 2.0)”
GARM is way worse than Journolist. Journolist was just about getting a bunch of journalists to voluntarily report the same shit.
Gwynn Shotwell posts a photo of the new Raptor 3 test fire
Works pretty good for a “partially assembled” engine 🙂
Context: partially assembled was a reference to a Tory Bruno post about their Raptor 3 reveal, where he says it is being shown partially assembled to make it look good.
And for those who dint follow space nerd stuff, the Raptor is the engine for SpaceX ‘s giant Starship rocket. The current booster is powered by 33 of the advanced closed cycle engines.
Back during version 1, Gwynn said they were already costing less than a half million each. They projected less than a quarter million after optimizations in the production process.
Why is this important?
We paid $325 million *each* for the batch of refurbished RS-25 engines for the SLS. That has come down to around $100 billion in the latest contract. And they hope to get it down to $70 billion by 2030. Each.
Need 4 per SLS.
As of now, one SLS RS-25 costs more than an entire starship booster.
SLS needs 4. And they are thrown away after each launch.
We pay for SLS.
SpaceX pays for Starship and its engines.
That is why Raptor 3 is so simplified. They need rapid production, low cost and reliability.
Even if they can’t reduce the price, an entire starship stack doesn’t cost $20 million for the engines. Versus “we hope to someday get the main engines down to under $300 million” for SLS
See my comment above.
SpaceX also don’t feel compelled spread the production across something like 46 or more states.
Also despite Boeing’s congressional allies doing everything possible to make things as difficult as possible for SpaceX to comply with.
“http://Tim Walz signed bill redefining “sexual orientation” to include pedophilia”
Close, but no tampon?
Just keep pulling the string. You’ll find it.
The link didn’t identify as a url.
“The new research, which tracked the development of over 600 infants, found that higher levels of chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in a pregnant mother’s urine more than tripled the chances that a young boy would develop autism symptoms by age two.
Worse, those same boys were six times more likely to be diagnosed with autism by age 11 — compared to those whose mothers had lower BPA levels during pregnancy….
It has also been has been dubbed a ‘gender-bending’ chemical due to its apparent role spurring hormonal and sexual disruptions in humans, fish and other species.”
Weird. It ends with a look at honeybee Royal Jelly as a treatment for the condition they were studying to see if it exists?
Supplement company paying the bills?
Uffda. I give up. Swifties love Walz (btw, Swifties were what we used to call the guys who worked at the local turkey processing plant).
I wonder if any of these cretins realize that Walz’s cat ran away and was never seen again? Does that make him a negligent cat dad?
It ran to South Dakota where Kristi Noem shot it.
Anybody who uses “pet parent” or any variation unironically should have their ballot shredded and used as kitty litter.
I’ve officially accepted the offer. I’m to be a phlebotomist at Octapharma Plasma. God. DAMN I want a fucking business card w that shit. I think it’ll happen. I sound like an X-Man villain, one w fairly pre-specified powers. Eight-somethinged man/machine (I NAIL that part!) with obvious plasma blasters/powers or whatever wins.
I could think of many villainy names. I got stuck w food and time. Lick my love pump, cuz Springtime for Hitler’s up next.
OK, who’s missing?