NOBODY TO LIKE LINK: ‘Pharma Bro’ Martin Shkreli has been ordered to turn over copies of Wu-Tang Clan’s unreleased ‘Once Upon a Time in Shaolin’ album to his lawyers by Friday.
A WOMAN OF THE PEOPLE: Despite never having mentioned it before her abortive presidential campaign of 2019, current VEEP and presidential candidate Kamala Harris is now claiming to have once worked at Mickey Dee’s, you know, like normal people. While lack of evidence (on her paper trail of resumes) is not evidence of lack, this could be cleared up by her releasing tax forms showing income from McDonald’s employment.
TOTALLY NOT MOVING THE GOALPOSTS: Surprisingly, legacy media is not allowing the Harris campaign to change the debate rules at the last minute. I guess that would be too blatant, even for them.
CHINESE DRONE CLONES ACCUSED OF SKATING US FEDERAL BANS: Chinese drone manufacturer DJI accused of setting up front companies to sell rebranded drones to US agencies. Chinese drone manufacturers have been the target of sweeping bans on procurement and sale among federal agencies, including the Defense Department, Treasury Department, Commerce Department, and Department of the Interior. The FBI and Department of Homeland Security, among other entities, have warned of cybersecurity threats from DJI drones, citing the company’s obscured ties to several Chinese state-backed investors.
DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME, KIDS: Bypassing airport security via SQL injection. Seriously, clicking this will probably get you on a(nother) list. Meanwhile, people continue to fervently believe that the security theater of granny groping, toddler terrifying, and handicapped humiliation will make them safer.
WHAT THOSE DARNED KIDS ARE SAYING TODAY: Who are Generation Alpha, and what do they mean by “rizz?”

‘TWAS THE VALVES WHAT DONE IT: No, we’re not talking about a certain ill-fated crew capsule, but the Astrobotic’s failed Peregrine lunar lander. Astrobotic is hard at work on another lander with improved valves which they hope to launch in 2025.
OCTOBER SKY: Blue Origin targets mid-October for New Glenn’s inaugural flight and launch of NASA’s Escapade Mars mission. I wish NASA hadn’t used a mission name that sounds like an SUV, but there you go.
INDIA TO LAUNCH CREW CAPSULE TEST FLIGHT BY END OF 2024: This will be an unmanned test of a system that will eventually carry astronauts to orbit. I continue to wish Team ISRO well; they’ve come a long way fast, and done some good work with lunar probes.

ROGUE PLANET NEWS: Sorry, guys — the Stephanie Niznik picture is just a tease, in the best pulp tradition. This has nothing to do with the Star Trek episode, and everything to do with the James Webb Space Telescope detecting lost planets.
Who. The Fuck. CARES what under-13’s think?
After all — getting all that rizz out of the van’s interior can be a pain.
TikTok? Elementary school teachers? The DNC?
/SS meets Lizzo?
Only squares say “rizz”
There is nothing real about that commie.
There is a new yard sign at the “in this house…” done the street that says to make lying wrong again, or some such BS. Don’t think it is working this go round.
You should make a Walz version of the classic Biden “I Did That!” and surreptitiously add it to their sign.
In this house we believe Bigfoot is real.
Sorry Mr Smith. Won’t happen again.
Next month I will probably put out my Wu-Tang sign
If you want Rizz, you got to talk to the RZA and the JZA!
Your space links are the best Tonio.
I think they need to be closer together.
Little Bobby Tables hardest hit.
Now they’re thinking with Portals.
If Harris worked at Mickey D’s as a teenager, it would have been in Canada – right?
According to her Wikipedia page, she spent her high school years in Montreal while her mother taught at McGill.
Yeah, but this was a supposed “worked my way through college” thing.
Decent overview and pointing out that on her application for a clerkship right after college where she was supposed to list all jobs over the past 10 years, she included some really trivial stuff (like 1 month internship)… but not this. Which is enough that I lean strongly into the “That’s BS” category.
Maybe she was meeting her Johns there.
She says of her McD job “I did the cashier.”. Now that I believe.
Best of luck to them — Boeing will be glad of another option for hitching a ride.
Will Boeing kindly do the needful?
Nein! Nein! Nein! Nein! Nein!
You need Nazi scientists to run a government space program zat works!
There it is.
Apparently that gets you to 5 Neins of quality assurance though. Good to know!
I think I’ve watched Enterprise at least twice… and I wouldn’t have been able to tell you anything about that episode (or that it even existed) if I had a phaser pointed at my head. There were some gems in that series…. but a lot of recycled Voyager phone-it-ins from Braga that were really, really forgettable… and if that isn’t one, it certainly is of that ilk.
The TSA response/non-response to being informed of the SQL injection vulnerability is telling.
Failure to use binds when building statements in 2024 is telling.
Don’t forget dehydration. OTH it’s no problem for multiple people to bring 3 ounces each of enough liquid explosive that can be combined to be a large enough quantity as determined by FedGov to bring an aircraft down.
Didn’t they just change their beverage rule to allow people to bring unopened bottles of water through now?
Complicating matters is that the least massive of the six free-floating planets discovered has what seems to be a protoplanetary disk around it. Whether the objects that form out of this disk are classed as mini-planets or moons is a debate for the future.
I guess they’re not black monoliths.
This is going to be a giant pain in the ass. I guess I am going to have to at least partially transition to this windows machine, and I’m already remembering why I left it unplugged in the corner for three years. And I remember now why I switched away from Firefox.
I do not like it when the computer/apps/browsers do things “for me”. I guess I’m going to have to let windows do an giant update. Who knows what aggravation that will entail.
The Kamala CNN interview looks very weird. Are they in a break room in a call center?
Embracing her Indian heritage?
Is she getting plenty of hard hitting questions that she definitely wasn’t given three days ago to prepare?
They had to cut it down to 18 minutes. Probably because she gave such well thought out, detailed answers that the interview would have easily taken more than two hours.
Don’t forget dehydration. OTH it’s no problem for multiple people to bring 3 ounces each of enough liquid explosive that can be combined to be a large enough quantity as determined by FedGov to bring an aircraft down.
It has been pretty well established a plane can fly and land safely with a gaping hole in the fuselage. Those devious air terrorists would need to be very specific in their attack to cripple the controls. Impossible? No. Improbable? highly.
“Rizz” has got to be the stupidest buzzword I have ever heard. Completely retarded.
Sofa King Retarded
Remember when we used to say “spazz” for a mentally disabled person? “Rizz” slots into that linguistic box for me.
Rizz and razz (as in “we razzed him for wearing socks with sandals”) are entirely too similar.
Question begging for dummies
To be clear, Weingarten is stepmother to two daughters and has publicly described herself as “a mother by marriage.” But her family status is irrelevant to her capacity to lead the nation’s teachers.
I began my career as a middle school English teacher in New Jersey. When I was studying for licensure, I was required to take university and state exams focused on content knowledge and best practices, all with a foundation in child psychology and the science of learning. I gained experience designing lesson plans, assessments and rubrics that account for the myriad learning styles that populate classrooms across this country each year. At no time during my path to teaching was I questioned about the status of my womb and whether gestation would enhance my ability to work with children and their families.
As a credentialed teacher, I am immune from all insinuations of improper motives and cultural indoctrination. I am a hero.
” I was required to take university and state exams focused on content knowledge and best practices, all with a foundation in child psychology and the science of learning.”
I’ve been on the record as stating my opinion that the current state of knowledge on the science of learning as promoted by the Education Departments of the US Universities is complete horseshit.
I had no idea she even had any NJ relation. Maybe some kind of student teaching, but it wasn’t enough to make wiki.
She was an attorney and professional PITA in keeping with family tradition, before deciding her goal in life was to wreck public education.
Which leads me to my next point: It’s no accident that Vance speaks this way about a female-dominated profession.
It’s not a profession, toots. Schoolmarms are low-level bureaucrats on par with social workers or probation officers.
And Vance wasn’t talking about the occupation, but the disagreeable harpy who heads one of the unions.
“handicapped humiliation”
Thank you for the shout-out. We’ll have a few flights this upcoming hockey season, and I’m not looking forward to this part of it.
Yes, I first read flights as fights.
I can almost guarantee that too. Some of them might be between my own teammates.
When I became a teacher, my students and I read books together. I taught them to analyze text and write essays across several genres. In my classroom, students learned about the art of informed argumentation and how — in the words of Plato — opinion is the lowest form of knowledge. They also learned new vocabulary and grammar and everything else that one might expect of a classroom in which literacy development is front and center. I like to think that what my students learned while in my care helped set them up to pursue success in their chosen professions.
Oh, my.
Truly a beacon to guide us all.
Houseman said it better.
I think Havel said it better: “Keep the company of those who seek the truth. Run away from those who have found it.”
I had no idea she even had any NJ relation. Maybe some kind of student teaching, but it wasn’t enough to make wiki.
The authoress of the article is bragging about her own incredible qualifications, which are unimpeachable. If she says JD Vance is a poopyhead woman hater, you can take it straight to the bank.
Tonio, you have won Labor Day Weekend with that Boeing / Spirit Halloween picture. Well done you.
Thanks, but it’s not mine. Spudalicious found it for me.
Hey, I’ve seen that guy by Dunkin’ Donuts. Same spot, same pose.
Penn is such a shithole.
They write as if all of that is anything new.
I was in NYC last week… whee the love/hate. So much I don’t miss.
I have been busy screwing up my shotgun blueing job. Try to catch up…
I dont know anything about the music industry except that it is a pit of vipers. Nothing in that story will surprise me.
Unlike some other things the truth has never passed that bitch’s lips, why would it start now?
What? They cant over-rig the debate the way they did with Joe? The nerve…
* I remember some of the Biden team crowing loudly about how Joe had mopped the floor with Trump’s ass. Yeah. It doesnt matter what happens this time they will say the same.
Remember when Joe and co. were getting tons of money from china and a host of other countries? The drone thing comes as a complete surprise. Who could have seen that coming?
Every generation thinks they re-invented the world by hanging new words on the same old shit. They dont but dont tell them that.
NASA. *facepalm*
maybe they can soon catch up to India who had the foresight to have a cameraman waiting on the moon to catch footage of their landing.
The Webb scope is amazing. I always thought the Big Bang was nonsense anyway. The wandering planets thing…that is pretty scary.
Also..Niznik, yum. I am sad to learn that she drank herself to death. Very sad.
Who knew free money was popular? Certainly not for those of us who paid for our education or have to pay for other people’s education.
So much fun living in a swing state: evening need just had six straight political ads asserting what liars Trump and Harris are.
To be fair, both of them are inveterate liars.
Kamala is more of a public speaking disaster than I believed possible.
It’s like she’s channeling Joe.
What the fuck was that?
“He even called for termination of the Unites States Supreme Co….for the supreme land of our nation. The United States constitution.”
Really, what does that mean? When did he do…whatever that was?
I am supposed to believe this woman is neck-in-neck with Trump in the polls?
One of them is like watching rasslin’. You know it isn’t real but it sure is fun. The other is like that kid in school who regularly formulated fantastical lies to hide their crippling insecurity.
Harris is on the TV. now cranking out some real whoppers.
“He even called for termination of the Unites States Supreme Co….for the supreme land of our nation. The United States constitution.”
The Democrats would never dream of tampering with the established structure and function of the Court. That would be unthinkable.
Notice anything different on the NYT headline?
Florida to execute man convicted of 1994 killing of college student in national forest
8 hours ago
By Brendan Farrington
Florida executes Loran Cole in brutal murder of teenage FSU student whose sister was raped
28 minutes ago
By Natalie Alund
The New York Times
Supreme Court Paves Way for Execution of Prisoner With Parkinson’s
5 hours ago
By Abbie L. Vansickle
Fox News
Florida convict to be executed for killing college student in forest, raping another
2 hours ago
Was he an austere scholar, too?
If that is the literal USA Today headline, their copy editor is drunk on duty.
In more shit I don’t understand about MSM
Typhoon Shanshan leaves at least 3 dead in Japan as storm brings ‘unprecedented’ winds, storm surge and rainfall
Nobody in Japan knows this storm’s name. It is Typhoon 10, the tenth storm this year large enough to classify as a typhoon.
Weirdly, it appears Japan gives it a name for western media. In this case the katakana is “San San”. But looking at the English it is indeed Shanshan. I have no idea…
Supposed to make landfall here in Kobe tomorrow. Nice and sunny today.
Everyone here is calling it the “Turtle Typhoon” because of how slow it is moving. It was supposed to make landfall last weekend, but it has just been poking along out over the Pacific.
Where I’m at shouldn’t get hammered too badly. I think Straff will have a tougher time.
My friend is close by you in Amagasaki. My other friends are Nagoya and metro Tokyo.
Kame? For real?
かめ, カメ【亀】
I think the Dem machine decided on Kamala because it was a win-win for them.
If they prove that their machine can make anyone look good and Kamala wins, they would have free rein to run any hack they want in the future. No more pesky primaries and/or fair elections. The Machine will choose who runs and then fortify the election for them. The next step would be to start running the same program for Senate and House seats until they have enough Deep State NPC’s to run the country however they want.
If (and I think more likely), if she loses then they don’t have to worry about the optics of passing over the First Woman of Multi-Colors in 2028. They will have a clear field in the 2028 primaries and the race hustlers won’t be able to moan about Kamala being passed over.
‘until they have enough Deep State NPC’s to run the country however they want.”
“They” already do, luckily for most of us it makes no difference and we can just keep on keepin’ on.
Biggest gain for Blue if Harris loses: Blame all the Biden-Harris bullshit on Trump. Brush that aside, blame future shit –bound to occur– on Trump, and solidify their bench for ’28. (Barring another assassination/attempt, natch.)
I think this choice was a mistake – Double Salt Black Licorice.
On the plus side the “Tablespoon of Salt” flavor drowns out the Anise/Fennel flavor.
CQ is on tubi