Weird things going on in the Empire State. No, I am not just talking about the Old Man with Candy, he should be condemned totally. Now, where’s my tin foil hat?
This is my review of Scuttlebutt Brewing Sanji Japanese Style Lager:

At this point the word got to you Mayor Eric Adams was indicted for federal corruption charges (TW: CNN).
The indictment outlines alleged illegal actions stretching back to 2014, from when he was Brooklyn Borough President.
“For nearly a decade, Adams sought and accepted improper valuable benefits, such as luxury international travel, including from wealthy foreign businesspeople and at least one Turkish government official seeking to gain influence over him,” the indictment reads.
Adams allegedly sought and accepted illegal “nominee” or “straw” contributions. By “smuggling their contributions” to Adams’ campaign through the straw donors and actors from overseas, Adams “defeated federal laws that serve to prevent foreign influence on U.S. elections,” according to the indictment.
In 2018, when Adams had announced his plans to run for New York City mayor, he allegedly accepted and sought illegal campaign contributions to his upcoming mayoral campaign, the indictment says.
This is the same guy that gave everyone pointers on how to shakedown your kid’s room for potential contraband. Although in the classic incompetent cop move, he didn’t check inside the TV. There’s a lot of empty space from the screen and all you need is a Phillip’s Head to open those old TV’s up without damage.
Okay, sounds like regular old corruption. Then it occurred to me this wasn’t the biggest thing coming out of New York. No, that is Diddy Sex Trafficking ring. Its become apparent we live in a strange hell world where Suge Knight is somehow the good guy.

Before I get any further into this, I just want to point out Dave Chappelle tried warning us about Diddy several years ago.
Well, now it sounds like the cops flipped Diddy’s bodyguard, tying the whole thing together.
Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ former bodyguard revealed the disgraced rap mogul kept tapes of politicians taking part in his infamous ‘freak off’ sessions, and claimed his arrest is tied to an alleged corruption scandal currently gripping New York City politics.
Gene Deal, a former insider who protected Diddy through the 1990s, told The Art of Dialogue podcast that the producer’s indictment could expose high-profile officials and celebrities in the Big Apple.
‘This is all bigger than Diddy,’ he said, without naming who the alleged tapes are of.
Uggh. The current state of British Journalism makes it okay to end a sentence in a preposition. Anyways. Screw that, I want names!
I should’ve had a New York themed beer. This is a failing of my own, knowing how often New York embarrasses themselves. Then I thought, I make fun of Canada all the time (in fact I added the OHHHHH Caaaanada) tag but almost never buy Canadian beer. Then again, its been a really long time since I saw Molson on the shelves. Anyhow this is another one I found in my summer trip to Seattle. I didn’t have a glass, but I had a mason jar from the Vietnamese coffee place. This is pretty good. Its very light, without being watery. While you might expect it to be a Sapporo knockoff it isn’t, so you will still need to buy a few of those for Sake Bombs. Scuttlebutt Brewing Sanji Japanese Style Lager: 3.1/5
“There’s a lot of empty space from the screen and all you need is a Phillip’s Head to open those old TV’s up without damage.”
I knew someone who kept acid in an electrical outlet.
I knew a ‘guy’ that kept the spirits of Christmas in the garage
I met a guy in jail that showed me how to light a cigarette with an outlet.
“Mykela ‘Keiko’ Jackson used a Minnesota State grant to launch the Food Trap Project Bodega designed to help poor and hungry residents living close to the Sanctuary Covenant Church in the north of the city.
The pantry only opened up on July 27 but within months it has been forced to close and relocate away from church grounds after Jackson attempted to block white people from accessing the service, including a local chaplain who complained.
A sign that on the door to the pantry reads how the food inside was specifically for ‘Black and Indigenous Folx’ only. After a civil rights complaint was made against the pantry by a local, Mykela accused the complainant of ‘political violence.’…..
Jackson used a Paths to Black Health grant which aims to reduce health disparities among African Americans while fostering a ‘vibrant and thriving’ community….
The grant’s description states how the ‘funds are specifically designed to support organizations that work with U.S.-born African Americans… for whom studies indicate that health has been impacted as the result of historical trauma. This trauma includes post-traumatic slave syndrome (PTSS) and epigenetic inheritance.'”
“Poor whites can go fuck themselves”
If it’s like the food pantry at our local Catholic church, people will be packing the free food into their expensive SUVs.
While their kids wait in the car playing on their iPhones.
How about those who don’t use communist spellings?
“studies indicate that health has been impacted as the result of historical trauma”
*rolls eyes*
“Epigenetic inheritance” is a nonsequitur. Environmental influences on genetic expression can’t be inherited.
post-traumatic slave syndrome (PTSS) and epigenetic inheritance
Since no alive was a slave in pre 14A America, any PTSS would have to be genetic or cultural. Which is the same melody that racists and antebellum slavers sang that blacks are inherently inferior, just different lyrics.
Totally not racist.
I had a mason jar from the Vietnamese coffee place.
Sounds likes cultural appropriation.
It was!
Now about the barn mi…
*banh mi
Careful, or you will be bahnned for that!
“They say Eminem’s lyrics, in the song that was released back in July, were a warning about Diddy’s sexual assault allegations….
Eminem sets up the verse by using the word ‘essay,’ then spelling out the word ‘rapper’ but he purposely leaves out an extra ‘p’ – spelling it ‘raper.’…
He twists the word ‘essay’ to refer to his friends on the West Coast as ‘ese’ – which is Spanish slang for friend.
The next variation of ‘essay’ becomes ‘SA’ which is a well-known acronym used on the internet to mean sexual assault.
For the final blow, the entire verse culminates in ‘wait, he didn’t spell the word “rapper” and leave out a P, did he?'”
As always, Eminem is just a wanna be Vanilla Ice, who as we all know warned us about Diddy way back in the early aughts when he said:
We all know rabbits are ‘puffy’ and that you can ‘comb’ them. It’s just science.
I should’ve had a New York themed beer.
Genesee Cream Ale.
Genesee Beer Winter 1980 TV commercial
Brewed in just one place!
I’ve had it. There’s a reason I’ve never reviewed it…
…I can’t find it in AZ.
This is coming to town. TW: You will catch diabetes from this link.
Not the milkbar I was expecting.
Yours does look like an advertisement for GLP-1s.
I wonder if Diddy will make it to the election and if he does how long he will last after that.
My guess is the plague dude and his sex parties enter into this somehow but who else? A tape of Harris bobbing apples suddenly showing up would be entertaining.
I can’t help but assume those aren’t apples
Any such video would be deleted with great prejudice. Or withheld for leverage. You’ll never see it.
BB wins the day.
Saw that. Also liked:
Boeingnaut’s rescue boat is on its way
Took a while to figure what you were refering to.
Though it was hurricane related.
I am so angry I’m just shotgunning this everywhere. My credit card company re-branded my branded credit card and sent me a new card. It has a new number. I did not want this, as I JUST changed all my accounts a few months ago and now I have to do it again. Okay. So it came and I activated it and changed all my accounts AGAIN. And it IMMEDIATELY stopped working. WTF. So I called. They had put a FRAUD BLOCK on my new card IMMEDIATELY. Fuckers. I hate this.
Damn, that sounds aggravating AF.
Did they say why they’d put the fraud block on?
No, but I’m assuming it was because of a flood of micro-transactions to verify the validity of the card because I saw a bunch of those go through. That’s why I was confused.
After THEY reissued the card NOT at your request. 🙄 And after you’d activated it, presumably from the phone number they have in their records. 🤦♀️
Yes. And then the oh-so-helpful Indian dude named Daniel halfway yelled at my very reasonable yelling telling me he would not need to send me a new card. NO YOU IGNORANT FUCKER I DIDN’T ASK FOR A NEW CARD.
I activated a new card this week, then ordered heating oil with it from the same company I’ve used for over a decade. As I was on the phone ordering it I got a text asking if the purchase was valid or fraud.
At least they gave you a chance to confirm the transaction instead of just blocking it!
That is good.
We are drowning in an ocean of grifters. You cant be too careful.
Looks like Mojeaux’s card company bungled it up. We are drowning in that too.
I played 09/28:
*22/22 words (+16 bonus words)
📖 In the top 1% by bonus words
I played 09/28:
*42/42 words (+10 bonus words)
📖 In the top 9% by bonus words
🔥 Solve streak: 450
Shoulda reviewed an imported Sapporo. Japanese beer brewed in Canada right across the border from NY.
Wouldn’t that make it Canukistani Beer?
No one is going to pay premium prices for Labatt Blue with their raw fish and California rolls.
+1 Avacado
I’ve reviewed Sapporo before.
Institute for justice with a good one
Petty tyrant from the department of fish and wildlife gets a bee in his bonnet for a couple up at their cabin
Performs warranties searches of his property, terrorizes his wife and is generally douchey over suspicion that they are using too many poles when fishing.
IJ is on the case.
Bonus… was suggested by Google news fees, which has been beyond useless for many months
I’m surprised the missing persons rate among fish and wildlife, DNR, etc officials isn’t higher.
It is wherever there is money to be made from harvesting wildlife (i.e. tusks, rhino horns, bear gall bladders, etc.).
An old example from the US, when every lady of quality had to have the latest hat festooned with bird plumes:
I meant just from people getting fed up with their shit, putting a bullet in them and burying the body in the backwoods.
Any niece news?
Mary Trump ‘Still Traumatized’ by Donald’s Debate vs. Joe Biden
Earlier discussion on Israeli war tactics:
I can’t understand these countries that allow foreign militias to operate in their countries and control territory, using it to launch strikes against Israeli citizens.
Hezbollah controls southern Lebanon. At least superficially they don’t support war with Israel.
Can you imagine Canada allowing some terror group from Angola to occupy part of Quebec and launch rockets into the US?
Yes, yes I can.
More likely Cuba.
They are not countries the way we think of countries.
One of the principles of sovereignty is that you are responsible for everything done on your territory. If you want to say you aren’t, you are ceding sovereignty over that territory.
Foreign militia and terror group? It’s backed by Iran, but it’s about as homegrown Lebanese as any of the other factions from their civil war. It’s been the dominant party in Lebanon for pretty much past 30+ years.
More like if PQ had a real armed wing.
Also, if the US had previously invaded and occupied southern Quebec as a security buffer and set up a puppet government there.
Lebanon was never really a country. It was decreed to be one when France and Britain carved up the Middle East after WWI and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. Anything even resembling nationhood and a government evaporated in the Lebanese Civil War in the 1970s.
So much this.
If rockets land in Burlington, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.
What if it hits the coat factory?
When my cell service comes back, I’m going to be getting an earful of David Cross singing “chicken pot chicken pot chicken pot pie” over and over (my text alert sound)
mute it first?
What’s that from besides DC? My mom used to sing it. An old ad?
Mrs. Parnell got into a minor car accident yesterday. And when I say minor, I mean no injuries and no damage – front bumper of our car had a dirt smear maybe an inch wide, which I wiped off to reveal some scratches that can’t be seen from more than about a foot away. Photos she took of the other woman’s car shows a similar smear.
Anyways, the woman in the other car appears to be a scammer. Got out of the car screaming that she’s tired of people hitting her fucking car. Tried to get my wife to give her money, saying if we filed an insurance claim our premiums would go up. When my wife pointed out there was no damage, she said she needed to take it to a body shop for an estimate.
After they exchanged info and left, she sent a message saying she got an estimate from a body shop, plus she needs to rent a car for 3 days, plus she’s going to lose 3 days of wages for her ubereats gig (even though she’s renting a car), so she wants us to venmo her about $1800. She also claimed that our insurance was expired (which it isn’t, as the dates on the card clearly show), and wanted the direct number for our insurance company.
We reported all this to our insurance company, just waiting until Monday to talk to the adjuster. Wheeeee.
That type of scammer needs to be flayed and their skins hung from lampposts as warnings to others.
My tolerance for frauds, pickpockets, and liars is on par with my tolerance for traitors and pedos.
right: ignore the other driver and let the insurance handle whatever it will be…..
which might be more than nothing: what you spit-cleaned is just the bumper cover; the energy-absorbing honeycomb layer underneath might well need replacing; it’s like a helmet: single-use….not something you want to cut corners on
what cars have that scam layer?
are you asking which cars today are built with the honeycomb-and-fascia technique?
Though now I’m curious what other interpretations of that question there are. (I’m not seeing them, but that doesn’t mean much)
pretty much every car for decades
if a car has some steel in the bumper area it’s decorative
some pickups still have steel parts in their rear bumpers for certain functionality
and maybe pickups have steel front bumpers (eg: F350)
there’s this whole history of bumper evolution I suppose you could research
from when they were crappy
to when they were standardized
to when they were weakened
to when they were done away with….long, long boring story
my 2003 Silverado HD had vestigial steel in the front bumper
my 2023 probably has absolutely none
There’s no honeycomb in the bumper of my 2016 cmax. I know because I cracked the plastic open years ago and never bothered to get it fixed. I can see into the air gap just fine.
Did she show you the estimate?
No, said we could call the body shop with any questions. Which we’re not doing, it’s all in the insurance companies’ hands now.
I have run into those types before. Professional, full time grifters. They hit town for 3 days to a week and they turn to smoke. They know exactly how long it takes for their ‘looking for this person photo’ to show up in the paper and scoot the day before.
If you have her photo send that to the insurance company also. Ten bucks says they reply ‘Yeah, we know her’.
I’m with UnCiv. If a grifter like this wind up face down in a ditch, I’m voting for”Not Guilty”.
Sorry. Best wishes.
Report it to the police. Fraud and extortion are crimes.
Tell her your son in law is an FBI agent and he’ll be in touch. Bet you never hear from her again.
Sorry JFP. That’s no bueno.
You are absolutely right to have the insurance company deal with it, and if she calls you again, tell her that you are calling the police and hang up.
This does make for a shitty week.
Former President Donald Trump’s estranged niece Mary Trump says that she is “still traumatized” by her uncle’s last debate with President Joe Biden.
I would have bet money it was a Babylon Bee headline.
I think the current iteration of Newsweek is more like what is in terms of “self-publishing”. I mean, no disrespect to Gord, but if they actually publish his rants on the state of trucking and the illegal imprisonment of the Canuck truck drivers (unlike literally every other news outlet), the standards might be a little “different”.
Power came back on about an hour ago after being off since Thursday night. Yay me.
/ Power Overwhelming
That seems like a good response time given what hit your area.
Mrs. Parnell got into a minor car accident yesterday. And when I say minor, I mean no injuries and no damage – front bumper of our car had a dirt smear maybe an inch wide, which I wiped off to reveal some scratches that can’t be seen from more than about a foot away. Photos she took of the other woman’s car shows a similar smear.
Brake-checked, was she?
I wasn’t there. Mrs. Parnell is certain she was stopped at the time. All I can think of is that either her foot let up on the brake a bit and she drifted forward, or the person actually backed up into her.
I really need to get a dash cam…
Yeah, Ironically I was looking at dash cams a few weeks ago but didn’t end up getting one.
This guy is pretty convinced that the Adams mess is political payback.
I think he’s right.
The indictments are thin and he’s the kind of off-the-plantation Dem the ruling Party wants to be rid of.
Not necessarily – although seeing all the previous reporting about CCP influence in NYC and NYS, I was expecting some specific references to that (maybe just tied to other public officials in the state and not Adams per se)….
Read the other guy. The “$10,000,000” number is fake.
Anyway, there is no doubt he is corrupt just like all the rest. It’s the pettiness that raises eyebrows.
All of this stuff is so minor compared to what Joe and friends routinely get away with.
Yeah, minor. I remember once the FEC came after the Lib. Party cause they sold a convention banquet ticket to a Canadian.
He’s right. Of course he is. The only thing that could make it more obvious is a giant flashing batman style light in the sky a mile or two long saying
“Step off of the plantation and you shall pay dearly”
I dont know what Adams thought was going to happen.
or the person actually backed up into her.
I believe this is a not-unheard-of scam.
This actually happened to my husband, but it wasn’t a scam and she admitted fault. Actually totaled our car. Lady was at a stop sign, having just pulled out of her driveway on the corner, didn’t know anyone was behind her (didn’t look), and backed up intending to pull right back into her driveway. Crash pow kang. Was our front bumper.
You know, when you’re in survival mode, even a crash you didn’t cause can fuck up your life.
Valve has dropped their arbitration clause in the terms and conditions in favor of “venue will be Washington state court unless void by your local law”.
Wonder why.
I’m glad somebody reads that junk.
I won’t use Google Docs because when I started looking into independant publishing, I read the terms and conditions. Section 11 (at that time) gave them the right to do whatever they pleased with anything you put in any document. So I noped out of there.
I use Google for 2 things: shared calendar and YouTube TV. We have the opportunity to have Google Fiber, but it means a lot of digital cleanup before that happens and I’m still on the fence.
Oh, but my point is, I would NEVER use Google docs for anything.
That’s… nuts. Why would anybody – particularly any business – accept those terms?!
rhywun I think that’s for a free version.
Why would anybody – particularly any business – accept those terms?!
I work at a fortune 500 tech company with people on payroll who are paid to review terms like that (namely, me). You know how many times IT approaches my team with SaaS contracts like that? For something like MSFT, sure. Anything less than that? Never. And we literally have a team whose job is to review IP provisions in contracts. I can’t imagine a company with 3 people in legal is going to tell Google to amend their EULA.
Cue ominous music
Politics in a central European country of just 10 million people might not seem consequential. But that’s not the case in Austria, where there’s a good chance its election Sunday will be won by a far-right, pro-Russia party that was founded by former Nazis.
A win for the Freedom Party, or FPÖ, would not just have historical connotations — Austria was the birthplace of Adolf Hitler — it could tilt the balance of power between Russia and the West.
Get ready for the return of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
That worked out real well the first time…
Yes, if you think about it Austria is just like Trump.
latent parallels!!1
I dont have any idea what she is talking about.
By that logic, the Democratic party should be verboten because it was founded by slaveowners and traders. The fact that all of them are long dead apparently doesn’t matter.
Republican Party, you mean. Don’t forget the parties switched sides in the 60s.
I thought it was the 70s? I get so confused trying to keep up.
I went and read their party platform. Pretty boilerplate conservative stuff. I assume this is what has them being labeled Nazis:
Austria is not an country of immigration. This is why we pursue a family policy centred
around births. Legal and legitimate immigrants who are already integrated, who can speak
the German language, who fully acknowledge our values and laws and have set down
cultural roots should be given the right to stay and obtain citizenship.
Austria is part of the cultural region of Europe. The roots of European culture stretch back to
Ancient Times. Europe was decisively shaped by Christianity, influenced by Judaism and
other non-Christian religious communities, while humanism and the Enlightenment marked
its continued fundamental development. We acknowledge the basic values this has created
and the European view of the world, which we describe, in a broad sense, as cultural
Christianity, and which is based on the separation of the church and the state.
We are prepared to put up a resolute defence of these European values and our basic
liberal-democratic order against fanaticism and extremism, and to take action to maintain
and develop our dominant culture and our way of life in peace and in freedom.
Frightening stuff.
In other words “We love our country and will not be a dumping ground for third-world criminal trash.”
So…literal nazis.
That’s crazy talk.
“a far-right, pro-Russia party that was founded by former Nazis”
Of course, Nazism was about as anti-communist, anti-Russian as you can get.
Hysterical political smear jobs and complete ignorance of history go together like chocolate and peanut butter, I guess.
It’s all in the service of returning the “cultural identity and social peace of our homeland,” the FPÖ’s manifesto says, calling for Austria to be a place of “homogeneity” rather than “diversity.” During Thursday’s debate, Kickl portrayed immigration as “a gigantic security issue, because we’re bringing Islamisation into the country.”
This has all caused widespread horror across the political spectrum, with opponents calling these policies xenophobic, racist and Islamophobic. Jewish commentators also accuse the party of using antisemitic tropes, with an opinion piece in the Jerusalem Post on Thursday labeling Kickl a “neo-Nazi” who “performs acrobatic feats” to dodge Austria’s strict laws against antisemitism.
Performative hysteria.
How long should a manufacturer support a $100,000 piece of hardware?
It’s a legitimate question.
One thing here is if the battery has some kind of security or protection that the company won’t share.
A company shouldn’t be required to support a product in perpetuity, but they shouldn’t block you from repairing it either.
I don’t have a good solution.
If its a freakin’ battery, I have a hard time seeing why they shouldn’t either replace it or, worst case if that battery isn’t made any more, kludge together an adapter for a current battery.
You want to make bank off people who need your product to walk, don’t expect to abandon them at your convenience.
My robot vacuum has copy protection built in it for the battery.
I actually get it, when the POS Chinese made replacement lithium battery blows the fuck up who is going to get sued?
OTH, does that mean the company should charge 10x what a comparable proper battery should cost just to do what the razor companies do?
There is something missing from that story.
Yep. Lot’s of missing info.
You know, when you’re in survival mode, even a crash you didn’t cause can fuck up your life.
It really pisses me off when I hear people say, “Well, at least they had insurance.”
Yeah, insurance is nice, but your car is still wrecked, your leg is still broken, your living room still has a hip-level high tide mark.
Insurance isn’t a magic wand.
You sure about that? Because insurance policies seem to be an instruction manual for “insert magic wand here”.
Good summary and some investigation of the Ohio situation .
Vote for Kamala for more of this, America.
Add up the sum of all federal, state, local, sales etc taxes and how much of a person’s income do they amount to? I wont hazard a guess but I am guessing pretty far north of 50%, worse in some places than others.
If you concentrate money and/or power you are going to attract the worst kinds of people like a cadaver in an open field draws flies.
Cut taxes. Cut spending. Then cut taxes, cut spending. We need a constitutional amendment capping the total of taxes all govt can take.
I dont want to hear whining about how the world will end, babies will die and tinkerbell will cry. I dont give a fuck. Do it anyway.
I am distracted. I hazarded a guess. So, shoot me.
I think 50% is a good guess.
“The new Hezbollah leader Hassan Khalil Yassin has been killed by the IDF.”
Welp, that was fast.
Who’s up next? Anyone? Anyone?
I didn’t even hear this guy had been appointed. He must have been in the position for an hour before being blown away.
He might have already been dead. The reports are that there was a Hezbollah pow wow going on that the IDF dropped up to ten bunker busters on when they went after the H-man.
I am amused that Israel decided not to tell biden’s handlers beforehand because they didn’t want them fucking up that attack.
I got a new phone, Consumer Cellular. Allegedly easy for old people. Both my smart son and I couldn’t figure it out, the instructions are totally inadequate. Eventually he did get it figured out and passed the info on to me. A really tough time dealing with Verizon/Consumer to keep the number. The memory card was different so that didn’t transfer. That’s OK though, the smarty pants phone was loaded with extraneous stuff, photos by the thousands, etc.
I switched ’cause verizon was $104 a month and I rarely used it, CC is $26 with the tax. As I have fewer and fewer people/places to call the phone won’t get used much. I have a landline but it’s not so portable.
Have you tried a very long extension cord?
He did. For his outside light. There were…problems.
Wouldn’t have to be too long, that’s a good idea. I could have Mrs F just call me and I wouldn’t need a phone.
two cans and a hundred yards of twine
I’ve been happy with Patriot Mobile.
My Verizon prepaid is $35 plus tax after the loyalty discount.
When Adams got arrested I thought to myself “This is payback for him speaking out about the open border”, but when Diddy got hauled I started thinking that maybe Adams is the sacrificial lamb they’re going to nail to protect the truly big fish. They Epsteined Epstein but by locking up Diddy for life and connecting him to Adams they can say “Look! We’re not corrupt and we absolutely have accountability for bad guys!”
Further, even the most brainwashed would think it a bit suspicious if Diddy got Epsteined too.
That never stopped Hillary and she is still breathing free air.
Probably some Photoshop going on here but I still approve.
Silicone Saturday.
A lot of them are falling into the uncanny valley with regards to body proportions.
What the hell does Israel-Palestine have to do with sex therapy?
Dr. Ruth is spinning in her grave.
Rule 34, bro.
I switched ’cause verizon was $104 a month and I rarely used it, CC is $26 with the tax. As I have fewer and fewer people/places to call the phone won’t get used much. I have a landline but it’s not so portable.
I have been with tracfone for I don’t know how long. It costs me about 15 bucks a month. I just use it as a phone, and not that much.
What the hell does Israel-Palestine have to do with sex therapy?
Aside from violent rape fantasies?
“Jan 6? Lamest false flag ever. Lamer than poop swastikas.”
I do have a serious question about it. From the footage I saw there really weren’t that many people there. If 300 of them were FBI, how many actual rioters were there?