DATELINE – UNDISCLOSED RURAL LOCATION: The boyfriend had to go into town today, so I got a break from the usual routine of sports, athletics, and other wholesome and manly activities. I can still hit the odd skeet after an hiatus of forty-some years! But you’re not here to read the bloviations of some geezer living his best life, you’re here for the links.

MOSTLY PEACEFUL: Pennsylvania McDonald’s franchise retains security after Trump’s visit leads to threats. This simple, brilliant act of showmanship completely rattled the left. They know they can’t risk having Harris interact with ordinary people. They know that if they try to script such an event it will be revealed as fake. They can’t understand how it’s gestures like this that humanize Trump despite their best efforts to demonize him.
PENNSYLVANIA PETITION PANIC — US DOJ THREATENS TO PROSECUTE MUSK: The issue seems to be a federal law prohibiting paying people to register to vote, which is shaky reasoning since Musk isn’t paying people to register, so much as to sign a petition for a chance to win a prize. The offer is only open to registered voters.
MEN STRUGGLING EMOTIONALLY, WOMEN HARDEST HIT: A complete shitshow of an article which starts by trotting out the demeaning and condescending term “mankeeping,” and goes downhill from there. OMG, women might actually have to spend time listening to men; totes unfair. The article also bemoans the dearth and death of men’s social networks, but fails to consider why those networks have collapsed.
UKRAINE WARBONER, GOP EDITION: Current US Congresscritter, and former President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Mike Turner thinks the U.S. should consider taking “direct military action” if North Korean troops join the Russian side in the war in Ukraine. No. Fuck this guy. And fuck NATO, and the globalists, and the MIC.
THE STENCH OF THE MARINA FISH-CLEANING STATION DUMPSTER ON AN AUGUST AFTERNOON: USDOJ allegedly blocks Florida from investigating Trump assassination attempt on their soil. “In conversations with federal officials and in subsequent correspondence, these officials have stated that Florida may not conduct its own investigation, may not interview witnesses, and may only cooperate with the federal government’s investigation.” Does anyone know if the feds do this with other cases? You’d think they’d want to maximize the chances of Routh getting convicted on state murder charges in case their prosecution didn’t go well.
“SAVE THE LIVER!” Julia Child proved right again, but in an unlikely context. Scientists Sun Yat-Sen University in China revive pig’s brain one hour after death. Their secret? The basic life support system involved an artificial heart and lungs to help pump fluid through the brain. For one group, a pig’s liver was integrated into the system, known as liver-assisted brain normothermic machine perfusion.
That video pretty much epitomizes “Guilty Pleasure” in my books. Thanks.
So, Tonio is a skeetster in addition to being a Glibster.
Sounds right.
To the window, to the wall 🎶
But they’re the side of love, peace and co-exist!
Unless you disagree… then you’re intolerant because you aren’t going along with the party line that is tolerant — and the intolerant must be purged.
And why’d you lead me to this ditch, anyway?
I know, I know — there are probably still actual skinheads or true right-wing authoritarians out there… heaven knows there was enough worry about them in the 2000’s with “islamaphobia” and all… but damn if the mental wards of the left aren’t overflowing and completely willing to tell you all about it these days.
Halloween is approaching.
There have been NATO troops in Ukraine since the war began (and before of course). Good thing those dastardly Russkies don’t hold us to the same standard. As you said, fuck this guy, if it’s so goddamned important to him he knows where to go and I’d imagine the Armed Forces of Ukraine would be glad to have him.
I’d imagine the Armed Forces of Ukraine would be glad to have him.
Why, yes they would.
My brain hurts. What is the fucking logic to this?
Like a red line in Syria?
Foreign countries should stop meddling in this conflict. That’s our job.
Lines in the sand are being drawn. These lines are red, like the commie Norks.
“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty”
Theory of Dominos
Because if this goes on the next thing you know Nork paratroopers will be invading Colorado and our country will have to be saved by HS students with hunting rifles.
Yeah, but will they be wearing furry uniforms?
I’m certainly part of the problem due to my antisocial nature. My dad was a member of Knights of Columbus, Elks Lodge, etc…. I haven’t joined a damned thing — and don’t really feel the need to. But I do feel guilty about it from time to time — damn that social animal at our core!
Ah, but you are a Glib!
So sociable with a- and anti- social people!
Despite jokes, this is a coed social network.
HH, 6-8 Glibs sitting around in sort of a circle, waiting for someone to say something until it was time to leave.
Well, damn 4×20 — you just described me at pretty much every party I ever had to go to. I expected better from the rest of ya reprobates…. 😉
Speaking of reprobates — hope the Cruise continues to go well.
6-8 Glibs sitting around in sort of a circle, waiting for someone to say something until it was time to leave
So, a Quaker Meeting?
Why is there a cracker?
Because apparently I haven’t left this hypothetical meeting yet, you jive turkey?
You can’t leave until somebody says the magic word.
That magic word better not be fidelio.
HH, 6-8 Glibs sitting around in sort of a circle, waiting for someone to say something until it was time to leave.
I said something occasionally… to push booze on folks.
4×20 omits my wife from that account.
I wasn’t too social while I was on active duty, but the last few years, I’ve gotten pretty active in my church men’s group (monthly breakfasts, game hangouts, etc – including Sun night basketball that I don’t participate in). Also 40K with guys from work (same office, different contract) has been a blast – and it’s weirdly easy to connect with other folks on even if they don’t play the tabletop game since there are so many books and video games with lore tied together.
Kinda like how Star Wars used to be back in High School.
Yeah, but was the pig retarded afterword’s?
Well, it certainly wasn’t hot-to-trotter anymore. Couldn’t even bring home the bacon, just sat there hamming it up.
You’re living a little too high on the hog if you think you can just spam us to death with your pig puns. Don’t pig on me.
Was expecting a cop joke.
Smoked Pork.
“Florida may not conduct its own investigation, may not interview witnesses, and may only cooperate with the federal government’s investigation”
And what’ll happen exactly if they do do those things they ought not do?
Yeah — that’s my thought as well… “How precisely do you intend to stop them there, DOJ?”
If the Strongly Worded Letter doesn’t work they can threaten them with interfering with a federal investigation. Will be an interesting legal fight. Sovereignty, immunity, etc. Government versus government.
See the aftermath of the maple syrup fight in Super Troopers.
My brain, working in its mysterious ways — misread that as Starship Troopers… which would at least explain the need for the co-ed shower scene.
This shift leaves many men increasingly dependent on women for emotional support, a dynamic that some researchers believe can place undue strain on women.
Women hardest hit of course.
How dare men actually open up to us!
It’s like that Seinfeld episode where Jerry gets therapy to allow him to express emotion, and eventually asks Elaine to marry him.
He encourages George to open up to him, there is a time-skip, and Jerry has a horrified look in his face.
Strangely, the other 638 genders seem to be entirely unaffected.
Only because they’re already so well mentally adjusted.
The feds can’t risk anyone talking to Routh. They may or may not have been involved with the assassination attempt, but he was definitely involved in shady extra-government shit recruiting people to fight in Ukraine.
Let’s cut to the heart of it because that is exactly what it is. This party and it’s apparatchiks tried to have Trump eliminated, either directly or indirectly. That is what it is, everyone should just go ahead and say it.
Is this some of that banality of evil I keep hearing about? Threatening a McDonalds because Trump? Got it.
The Venus De Milo was found hidden in a cave. No one can figure out why it was there. My guess? Someone hid it there before a visit from some ill mannered folks. Evil people know their enemies when they see them and are compelled to smash them. Anything wonderful, beautiful, better than they are must be destroyed, but a McDonalds because Trump pulled off a PR victory?
Yeah, I can see it. We should have expected it.
Has shaky reasoning ever stopped Merrick Garland?
Men. Hmmm. Get over it.
They told me if I voted for Trump we would end up in WW3. It looks like they were right.
Can the Florida AG arrest whomever told him that for interfering with a criminal investigation? I think it is worth a shot. Throw Garland in the clink.
I dont know enough about the details but my first thoughts are that non-activity does not equal death. As long as the molecular integrity of the cells are maintained then the apparatus can be jump started. Maintaining that integrity is the problem.
I thought it was just someone trying to make a Tunnel of Love and not finishing, myself.
Voted for Chase today. I thought long and hard before holding my nose and pulling the trigger. I’m in a deep blue enclave where the Republican cucks didn’t even run a candidate for state house in my district. Had I lived in a swing state I would have been very conflicted on backing the OMB or voting L.
My Monocle for Chrome is busted. *has sad
Knowing zero about it — just thinking about what Chrome is up to… hopefully it isn’t dependent on the same APIs that they’re breaking to shut down ad blockers (I forget the name… but something that tells a plugin what web resources are being fetched or something, which the ad blockers use to screen out ad content).
TPTB may know about it. You can try other Chrome based browsers, even Brave and see how it works.
Which platform, Chrome version and userscript framework (Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey/Greasemonkey/etc.) are you using?
Life has prevented me from really digging into Monocle, I’m afraid.
Monocle/Eyepiece was written by beloved commenter TRSHMNSTR. I’ll reach out to him to see if he’s still supporting it, etc, but may be next week.
Watch the comments for resolution / updates.
What am I, chopped liver?
Harumpf! Harumph, I say!
(Trashy’s been busy, I’ve made some minor changes recently).
What versions of Chrome and ViolentMonkey are you using & what platform, Windows?
Sadly, Windows is the one OS I don’t have access to for testing (well, not “sadly”, but still).
Thanks Tonio! I’ll check it out
Eyepiece is still supported.
I think monocle is not.
Sort of – the ‘eyepiece’ branch is the one that’s seen recent updates but people still refer to it as ‘monocle’; if it was working at all he was likely using ‘eyepiece’
I just installed eyepiece in my new pc on chrome.
Worked as of two days ago.
Working now on my iPad.
Try pulling the newest version from here: Monocle Raw
Sounds painful.
“No. Fuck this guy. And fuck NATO, and the globalists, and the MIC.” Preach brother!
You got that right.
Hard to pick just one example.
“It’s not about the nail!’
Bingo. That is the first thing that popped in my head…so to speak.
that video never gets old
“Muh unpaid emotional labor!”
(God I hate that idea… all the “I should be paid for being an adult and doing what adults have always had to do (clean, talk to your partner, etc.)” is pure bullpucky….)
Men are just broken women. We regret spending decades destroying their social networks but having to deal with their shit is so exhausting.
Increasingly, this is a feminist and matriarchal society. Men are just accessories that need to STFU and communicate their feelings better.
Men are just accessories that need to STFU and communicate their feelings better.
Also, continue to pay for things.
Increasingly, this is a feminist and matriarchal society.
In the run-up to the 2023 school year, one of my podcasts was of a discussion on RTE Ireland about “Should Ireland have more male primary school teachers?” The first guest, a woman, said yes, but prefaced it with a disclaimer that this is absolutely not about men being represented — (white) boys don’t need male role models despite everybody else needing people who look like them. They then discussed how women go into education in part because of the work-life balance, and how we need to make men want the same work-life balance women want.
And these are the people who insist they’re the tolerant ones and anybody disagreeing with them is hate speech.
“So, ah, you want another beer, bro?”
Interesting. Men need to teach women how to stfu and listen so shit can get done.
Mark Halperin says there is a story floating about that could end Trump’s campaign, but he isn’t going to tell us what it is.
There is a possibility that Trump’s conviction could be thrown out by the NY court of appeals.
I don’t think this is the story to which Mark was referring, though.
I wonder if Halperin is referring to this story.
That’s my guess and it’s already been debunked.
Coming out with allegations after 30+ years two weeks before the election. Bull. Shit.
She said that they walked from Epstein’s place to Trumps place in 1993, but Epstein didn’t own that property until 1996.
“The former supermodel alleged that Trump groped her body in 1993, after he was introduced to her by the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who she said she was “seeing” at the time. She said she had no personal knowledge of any offenses committed by Epstein.”
That’s it? An Epstein sex toy who never saw him do anything wrong says Trump groped her 31 years ago?
Holy shit, talk about weak tea.
Yeah the Dem War Room, October Surprise Secret Ops Unit might just want to STFU about Epstein altogether.
It’s the same thing they did with the Russian dossier last time around. It was shopped around prior to the election but nobody bit. After he won it was used as the pretext for investigations.
It’s just a coincidence that these bombshell stories about things that happened years ago, appear just two weeks before an election, and there’s not enough time to verify.
Except Hunters laptop. That’s definitely Russian disinformation.
The conviction that may be overturned is the huge judgment for Trump “cheating” lenders by overstating the value of his properties.
Neon Revolt, over on gab, has stated that he will not be voting this year, seeing it as a futile gesture, and asserting that Trump would not fix any problems even if he won.
There are a lot of black pill pushers on gab these days.
At this point after 4 years of Biden/Harris — not making more of them by importing the 3rd World and giving them welfare would suffice in and of itself.
Not packing the Supreme Court, pushing to get rid of the filibuster, raising the wholly unethical estate tax, pushing for a wealth tax, fucking up foreign policy… that’s all gravy.
Stopping the money to Ukraine…
Not starting new overseas wars.
Appointing pretty good judges to the various levels of the federal courts.
Sure, if we can survive said judges rape-gangs.
“They can’t understand how it’s gestures like this that humanize Trump despite their best efforts to demonize him.”
Au contraire, mon frere. They understand it completely, which is why they want to stop it.
You are correct, good sir.
The article also bemoans the dearth and death of men’s social networks, but fails to consider why those networks have collapsed.
Wrecked by the ACLU nd similar seekers of truth and justice?
the U.S. should consider taking “direct military action” if North Korean troops join the Russian side
Pardon my ignorance, but why? Does he give a reason?
In persuasion/psychology, there is something called a “fake because”. They found people tend to go along with things if you give them any reason even if it doesn’t make sense. “Can I cut in line, my mom is in the hospital” will get you farther than “Can I cut in line”.
This is a fake because.
The engine pulling the gravy train needs more coal?
I think CBS is mixing the first and fifth amendments.
CBS hits back at Trump’s legal threat citing First Amendment rights: ‘We decline’ to release full transcript
Well, they hate the constitution anyways. Why would they read it?
The company’s spokesperson went on to explain, “CBS is invoking its right to remain silent, because they’ve been saying some ludicrous shit lately.”
Bill Clinton talking about Kari Lake:
I’m imagining this in a Beavis and Butthead voice: “Hey… baby.”
Bill looks like shit
There is a reason for that.
Too much sexy time with Hillary?
He and Trump are the same age. Hard to believe.
All that leftist rage burns out your body.
All that leftist rage burns out your body.
Many times.
So nice I said it twice.
McDonald’s officials said that Taylor Farms, of Salinas, California, sent onions to one distribution facility, which led the fast-food chain to remove Quarter Pounder hamburgers from restaurants in several states. McDonald’s didn’t say which facility it was.
I always order my quarter pounders sans onions.
Why would they need to pull the entire burger, when it’s only the onions acting out?
Because preparing hamburgers without onion is a felony?
No, it’s “Where is my onion! I demand to speak to the manager! This is not what you advertized! I’mma Sue You!”
They didn’t know it was the onions or the hamburger so pulled both. Slivered onions are mostly used for QPC only.
“What did the passengers eat?”
“We had a choice between Big Macs and Quarter Pounders.”
“Ah, yes; I remember. I had the fajitas.”
Because maybe you want to check first? It’s not like we haven’t all experienced similar..
google nooz has multiple headlines about “Money man [X] says market thinks Trump will win”
Because it hasn’t shed 40% of its value, presumably.
The other king of pop?
Michael Jackson, British General Who Disobeyed U.S. Superior, Dies at 80
Labeled “the Prince of Darkness,” he refused to follow an order by NATO’s commander during the Balkans war, saying, “It’s not worth starting World War III.”
It was Clark he told to fuck off.
Sir Mike Jackson
Another example that they all want cake:
More stoking the fire from the woman who said she wants to create a narrative and culture of inclusiveness and blah blah blah.
They have a shit argument they cannot defend and in the end they always want to impose their vision through coercion and violence.
Every. Time.
It seems human nature for people like Bezos, Obama, Dr. Von Evil, Bill Gates and such to develop a God complex extending their expertise far beyond what talent brought them fame and fortune. The problem with Laurene Jobs is that she got hers on her back, not by her own doing.
She really needs to retire to a. nice farm in the country.
What’s going to be really frustrating is if Kamala loses, we’ll have listen to the corporate media ignoring or making excuses for the Bolsheviks rioting, looting and assaulting for months on end in every major city while simultaneously telling us that its the invisible brown shirts that are a threat to our very way of life.
I heard a range of answers last night, from promises to accept the outcome to predictions of a new Civil War.
Ask that dishonest cunte, Jamie Raskin.
Kamala presided over my wife’s citizenship swearing in. While I went to take a leak in the men’s room, Kamala burst out of a stall and groped me. True story. I just couldn’t stay silent any longer.
We’re here for you bro.
Thanks, man. It’s indelible in the hippocampus.
Dude, that’s nuthin. She got me in a Dillards when I was 12…I dont remember which Dillards. I have never been violent to a woman in my life so when she knocked me down on my back and sat on my face in front of all of the other customers I was unable to push her off.
I feel so dirty. I still have nightmares about it.
The laughter?
Sorry to hear about your truth about your assault at Dillards. Did she also fart while sitting on your face?
I can still hit the odd skeet after an hiatus of forty-some years!
They know they can’t risk having Harris interact with ordinary people.
She ain’t lovin’ it.
I hope all you cruise Glibs are pouring one out for this guy
If they had anything he’d already be indicted.
Why would y ou think they would have to have anything?
What they are doing is weighing the ups and downs of prosecuting a guy they hate and need. At this point it looks like they would come out with the shit end of the stick.
the U.S. should consider taking “direct military action” if North Korean troops join the Russian side in the war
Why? Ukrainistan ain’t an ally. It ain’t of any value to the people of the US.
I know, I know. War Party’s gotta War Party.
Florida may not conduct its own investigation, may not interview witnesses, and may only cooperate with the federal government’s investigation.”
There used to be this thing in America called “do it anyway.”
“That’s nice. There was a crime committed in our state that violated our state’s laws. We’re going to investigate it. Have Mr. Routh available for an interview at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. Of course, you wouldn’t to obstruct justice and harbor a fugitive, would you? Because those are crimes under our state’s laws, too..”
I like how the party that has hundreds of political prisoners, is politically persecuting it’s opposition and wants to censor, disarm
and tax/regulate every aspect of the lives of the population is calling Trump/MAGA “fascist”.
Something about accusing others of what you are doing.
It is all projection all of the time, SOP.
We let too much power and money be concentrated and now we are stuck with the worst kinds of people running things.
Get rid of the money/power concentration and all of this evaporates.
Because sending the abortion issue back to the states is the definition of centralizing power, and not starting new wars is the definition of militarization.
He only wants to free up the military to go after journalists and The View panelists, it is known.
If Kamala had visited a local restaurant as a campaign stunt, and done well, for some reason I would have no compulsion to threaten the restaurant.
Maybe I wouldn’t eat there anymore, unless I really like the food.
I won’t buy spices from that spice shops she visited, but that’s because the owner sounds like a real asshole and because I’d never heard of it before.
You missed this?
….well I was going to link to the photo of Harris and Walz eating donuts in the empty parking lot of the closed down donut store but it seems to be memory holed.
I DDG’d Harris Walz eating donuts and some variations and got nothing but photos of them on different stages arms raised victory style and. one story on how they have no trouble picking donuts. Or something.
I did find this:
Snopes. click if you can afford to have a few brain cells die.
That Snopes article really doesn’t want to say that media references to “diners” is really misleading.
My Seven-year-old right now:
“Is voting kind of like playing Balderdash, except it’s only for adults?”
Why yes; yes it is.
Intentional obdurate refusal to comprehend
The campaign’s elevation of transgender issues above the economy constitutes one of the biggest bets in presidential politics. The former rates as among the least important to voters according to public opinion polls; the latter their top concern. The trans-heavy focus also seems to conflict with months of insistence—from the Trump campaign to the pundit class—that the ex-president will win because of inflation and jobs.
Blah blah blah anti trans ads. Trump hates the gender confuseds.
I can only speak for myself, but when I see those ads, my reaction is not, “Haha filthy perverts, let’s kill them all” it’s “Why in the fuck is the government involving itself in this stuff, and in particular why are they paying for it?”
Privatize insanity. We might as well start somewhere.
They aren’t paying for it.
Also, demoralizin’ aint got no end.
But it’s fine for the Dems to elevate abortion above any other topic.
That seems to have fallen flat. now they are going for ‘Trump is Hitler’.
Just saw man on the street talking about it. NYC streets no less.
Everyone thinks it is horseshit. Kelly is a lying sack of shit and the Dems have nuthin but demoralization, taxation and jack-boots.
October surprise!
“FORMER president,” motherfuckers.
can’teasily believe “top newspapers” ran that shit for so long.People are getting increasingly agitated about men in women’s bathrooms and sports. (To the point more and more women’s teams are refusing to play against teams with men on them. More please!) This is a legit heavy hitting issue and they’re right to hammer it.
It’s insane and a backlash a-brewin’.
Challenge to pose to Blue acolytes (you don’t want to alienate from your life): “In media and pop culture, what is a positive attribute men have more than women?” <– Reword for listener. Sure, plenty of answers of what men have DONE and can DO, but for women: More nurturing; kinder; less violent; caring; better listeners and multitaskers; more socially attuned … Men are more violent, more dangerous, more criminal, selfish, less-caring parents (single-mom regularity); more SUCCESSFUL suicides attempts; more homeless…
It's a fight against biology. Humans have not magically evolved. Those picked on eventually fight back. Like Team Red being better armed, it's a woeful strategy to pissed off a mass of young, single, (expendable) men. That'll work out well.
The best part about the “Trump said he wished he had generals like Hitler” is that it relies on everyone believing that Trump has read a book about the German General Staff in WW II.
So here’s how I can imagine the conversation going. Kelly tries to excuse why the military ignored Trump’s orders, like they did when he wanted to get out of Syria. Kelly says something like “Just following orders is what the Nazis used to say.” Trump replies with something like “I could use some generals that just follow my orders.” Anyway, that’s the dialog I have in my head.
I have a different version in my head where nothing even remotely close was ever said, even with the least charitable interpretation and Kelly and every single minion of the corporate media are unrepentant, bold-faced liars.
“I am not in a position to question the fuhrer.”
Dialog I have in my head: Kelly made this shit up out of thin air to bolster the ‘Trump is Hitler’ canard.
It happened the same way Trump raped Carroll in a department store that doesnt exist? and Kavenaugh raped Blasey Ford at a party somewhere before she was born.
Like Halder? Who was involved with several conspiracies to overthrow Mr. H, one as early as 1939? Like Guderian, who got into a screaming match with Der Fuehrer in 1945? Like Wenck, who disobeyed orders to attack the armies encircling Berlin and instead helped countless civilians escape the advancing Soviets? And those are the few disobedient generals and admirals I can think of off the top of my head. Wilhelm Canaris comes to mind as well.
it relies on everyone believing that Trump has read a book about the German General Staff in WW II.
They conquered Poland. And France!
“Williams claimed the incident took place during a visit to Trump Tower while she was in a relationship with the late Jeffrey Epstein.”
I think I found your problem, lady…..
She shouldn’t have been in relationships with dead people?
Final Nail In The Coffin? Former Blockbuster Employee Accuses Trump Of Failing To Return VHS Tape Of ‘Baby Geniuses’ In 1999
I’ve always thought it was far more important for my husband to have dudebropals than I to have galpals. Husband is my bestie and he’s all I’ve got the bandwidth for (online friends excepted), but HE is a social creature and likes having friends and connections.
My church has that men’s-only space. Yes, the family is the backbone tenet, but the women and men are segregated as to duties and some activities.