Thursday Afternoon Links

by | Dec 19, 2024 | Daily Links | 140 comments

Since WordPress is still doing the ignore your manual exerpts thing and ganking your first Text Block, I’m putting this here.

This delightful little ditty from my youth popped into my head when I began composing these here links.

KLEO AND SVEN IN BERLIN WHEN THE WALL FELL: (spoilers) Recently, I’ve been watching the TV series “Kleo” (auf Deutsch, natürlich) and enjoying it immensely. Former Stasi assassin Kleo Straub finds herself out of prison and out of a job once East Germany collapses. She has questions, and scores to settle. Totes not an ostalgie piece. Soviet bloc guns. Trabants. Bad euro dance music. Brutalist architecture. The Belgrade hotel décor in S2:E3 (pictured above) is almost Lovecraftian in its hideousness. Bouncy actress Jella Haase delightfully plays the titular character character, and, often costumed in sweaters and tracksuits, runs about during the many action sequences with predictable results. Historical figure Margot Honecker is a recurring character, Kleo’s aunt, and from the series I learned that the monstrous Frau Honecker was, if not the originator, certainly an early adopter of the matrons with purple hair look, all the way back in the eighties. Something you can use in conversation at holiday gatherings.

DOCTOR JILL, UNMASKED: And speaking of terrible political wives, along comes this piece alleging that Jill Biden is using the last days of her husband’s presidency to seek revenge against those she feels wronged or failed them. I just want all these people to go away and stay gone.

GRID SCALE FUSION GENERATING PLANT TO BE BUILT IN VIRGINIA: CFS, one of the largest and most-hyped nuclear fusion companies, will make a multibillion-dollar investment into building the facility near Richmond. When operational, the plant will be able to plug into the grid and produce 400 megawatts, enough to power around 150,000 homes, said its CEO Bob Mumgaard. So, practical fusion is now, hopefully, only ten years away. I think this is awesome.

POLITICO ATTEMPTS TO MANUFACTURE CRISIS OVER TRUMP TRANSITION TEAM MANAGING OWN EMAIL SERVER: That’s what this pants-shitting piece from Politico boils down to. They have no specifics about the alleged weaknesses of the server, software, IT personnel, etc. All they have is fuming that Team Trump isn’t playing by DC rules. Things to come…

BYE, FANI: Georgia appeals court rules DA Fani Willis cannot prosecute the Georgia case against Trump, citing conflict of interest. While certainly a setback, this ruling does not dismiss the case which could be assigned to another prosecutor.

“Every person implicated in your mistakes has an interest in covering up what they did, so they will promote you. That means the people at the very top are usually the most immoral, unethical people in the entire [FBI].”

Kash patel

RATS DESERTING A SINKING SHIP: Something similar happens every time the presidency goes to a different party, but I get the sense it’s going to be bigger this time. And that’s before the housecleaning promised by both Trump appointees like Kash Patel, and the downsizing recommendations of the DOGE. But I take issue with the use of “self-deportation.” Some of these people will stay in the DC area, but at least they will no longer be in power. I’m ever hopeful that between resignations, retirements, relocations, and downsizing that Virginia will become less blue.

IDAHO BANS DEI, MANDATORY PRONOUNS, IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES: In summary, institutions “shall establish and maintain equality of opportunity for all students regardless of personal identity characteristics,” “ensure that no central offices, policies, procedures, or initiatives are dedicated to DEI ideology” and “ensure that no employee or student is required to declare gender identity or preferred pronouns.”

CALIFORNIA SQUIRRELS EXHIBITING CARNIVOROUS BEHAVIOR: Squirrels have long been known to raid bird nests for eggs and young, but have now been observed eating voles.

Because I’m in that kind of mood.

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. Beau Knott

    Good music choice

  2. Tundra

    This delightful little ditty from my youth popped into my head when I began composing these here links.

    Fuck you very much. No chance that’s gonna leave my brain for days.

    Thank God it’s fucking great!

  3. LCDR_Fish

    OT….since I missed the end of the last thread. For anyone looking for good YA books/graphic novels – I can’t recommend “Bone” enough. Think Calvin and Hobbes crossed with Lord of the Rings.

    Great little mini-doc on this just came out.

    I have the normal legacy collections as well as a scholastic collection that puts the entire series in one large book. They’ve done colored versions since then, but I think black and white works fine as the OG.

    • Beau Knott

      Oh, yes — strong +1 from me!

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Also, Cerebus the Aardvark. I don’t normally do “comic books” but I will make an exception of that.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Good, but not for the age range Suthenboy was asking about IMO.

      • Suthenboy

        True LCDR…8 year old girl….talk about shooting from the hip at a moving target…

      • LCDR_Fish

        Bone is in the Scholastic catalog – it’s a big of a saga, but it starts pretty slowly and simply.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        So, I am guessing that MAUS wouldn’t fly either?

  4. EvilSheldon

    Kleo sounds awesome. Wish I remembered any of my high-school German…

    • Tonio

      I can only catch the odd phrase and I watch with English subtitles. For me, this is more a film snob type thing where you want to hear the original actors and dialog. The dubbed version is done by different actors than are in the series.

      • KSuellington

        Yup even if I don’t speak the language of the film I wanna see it in the original. Only exception is 70’s Hong Kong Kung fu stuff.

      • SDF-7

        I wouldn’t call that a “film snob” thing per se — you’re just looking for the original performances instead of someone trying to do either their own interpretation or crowbaring in the script and performance into another language.

        Watching the original Bubblegum Crisis put me 100 percent into that camp. The English dub wasn’t really bad… but the original Japanese performances (especially the music, frankly — which was a big part of BGC) were just better and the cadence was less clunky.

        Can you imagine trying to watch Godzilla: Minus One dubbed over for example? It would lose something.

        And I doubt I’m the only one around here who’s brain immediately jumped to: “Angela Merkel — The Wonderyears!”… (or maybe I am and I’m just somehow weirder than the rest of y’all in my own way…) — East German former assassin finds herself out of a job — so she worms her way into politics to take revenge on the former West Germany!

      • ron73440

        I like the original voices better.

        I even played Ghost of Sushima with the Japanese voices.

        My wife told me some of the subtitled translations were not 100% accurate.

      • ron73440


      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        The problem I have is that my wife speaks perfect German, as that is what her degree is in, while I speak the remains of HS German mixed with my fathers weird ass accented German (Leder Deutsch, or River German as it is also known).

        So I get lost in trying to puzzle it out, and meanwhile my wife is giggling at the inside jokes and trying to explain how the various dialects are played upon, and don’t you know… Very distracting.

      • rhywun

        giggling at the inside jokes

        Sadly my German isn’t quite up to that level anymore but that’s always the danger of watching furriner stuff. You’re always going to miss some things.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        In the old days Polish TV used only one guy for all the dubbing regardless of whether the character was a man, woman or child. It was kind of entertaining to watch hearing some unmotivated guy reading a woman’s lines. Slovakia had at least 6 or 7 actors for dubbing so you’d hear the same voices for every TV series or movie, but at least the character voices were different within a given show.

      • ron73440

        In the old days Polish TV used only one guy for all the dubbing regardless of whether the character was a man, woman or child.

        That sounds so bad.

        It works with audio books, but they are good with inflection and accents.

      • Ted S.

        Lederdeutsch sounds like it’s Zwak’s fetish.

    • Sensei

      My wife told me some of the subtitled translations were not 100% accurate.

      They never are! It’s tough to localize.

    • rhywun

      I’ll have to check this out if it comes to media other than Netflix – I love East Germany porn. I am currently going through Deutschland 83/86/89 again (never watched 89, actually).

      Trabants spewed four times as much pollution as typical European vehicles

      Yeah, I have never witnessed pollution like I saw in the DDR. Until I visited China in 2001 – holy shit.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        São Paulo Brazil is fucking disgusting. When I walked out of the airport the air hit me in the face. Horrible.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    Of course, some in the Democratic Party blame Biden himself – arguing he should have dropped out of the race far sooner than he did, and that more time would have benefited Harris’s campaign.

    ‘It’s almost Shakespearean that Biden didn’t just kill his own campaign, he killed hers, too,’ a Harris campaign adviser rather dramatically told the Washington Post on Monday.

    These people don’t have a clue. They have no idea why they lost.

    • The Other Kevin

      I love how not a single one of them takes responsibility for keeping Biden’s campaign going as they lied about his clearly deteriorating mind.

      • Nephilium

        They’re still saying he’s sharp as a tack!

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Sharp as a Tic Tac.

    • Drake

      Or, they could have just let a legit primary process run it’s course for once.

      • The Other Kevin

        This too. They did everything they could to deceive and ignore their own voters, now they’re blaming everyone but themselves.

      • The Other Kevin

        Now that I think about it, Michael Malice has said that the people we’re up against aren’t very smart. And in this case that seems right.

      • Drake

        When was the last clean DNC primary series? Obama’s maybe?

      • Suthenboy

        “…The people we are up against aren’t very smart.”
        I just said that to my son not ten minutes ago.

      • kinnath

        The 2008 Iowa caucuses launched Obama’s White House run. Since the first term Senator nobody managed to beat out Edwards and Clinton, I think you could safely argue those were clean.

        2016 is where Clinton barely squeaked out a victory over Biden. I think that’s when the horseshit really got started.

      • kinnath

        Brain says Sanders. Fingers type Biden.

        The beginning of the end.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        “the people we’re up against aren’t very smart”

        Which makes it even more insulting.

    • Tonio

      These people don’t have a clue. They have no idea why they lost.

      No, they don’t. And they exhibit a complete lack of curiosity about that, and about the feelings and concerns of the people who voted for Trump.

      It’s going to be an interesting four years.

      • cavalier973

        What does she do if Trump’s policies somehow make things better for most people?

      • Tonio

        Excellent. Thanks, Neph.

      • rhywun

        Some people are trying.

        “We suck”. True but I didn’t see anything in there like “our ideas suck”.

    • juris imprudent

      I just want all these people to go away and stay gone.

      There is a better way. Since we’re retro-rocking today.

  6. DEG

    Why? One Democratic mega-donor, Floridian attorney John Morgan, is now wondering aloud whether Biden deliberately forced Kamala Harris onto the ticket – throwing his endorsement behind her within minutes of pulling out – to spite Pelosi and Barack Obama, who had also worked behind the scenes to push Biden out, and who both held serious reservations about Harris’s capabilities.


    This is what I think happened.

    So, practical fusion is now, hopefully, only ten years away.

    Which will come first? The destruction of the world due to climate change or practical fusion?

    POLITICO ATTEMPTS TO MANUFACTURE CRISIS OVER TRUMP TRANSITION TEAM MANAGING OWN EMAIL SERVER: That’s what this pants-shitting piece from Politico boils down to. They have no specifics about the alleged weaknesses of the server, software, IT personnel, etc. All they have is fuming that Team Trump isn’t playing by DC rules. Things to come…

    I didn’t read the article. I said to myself as I read the summary, “I can’t wait to see what happens when the next Democrat President-elect does the same exact thing.”

    • DEG

      oops. Tag fail.

    • Tonio

      There’s also the irony of the media saying that Hillary’s private email server was no big deal, and now they’re trying to nail Trump for doing the same thing.

      • ron73440

        Not even the same thing,

        Unless Trump has classified stuff in his emails which not even this article is alleging.

        Sensitive is not classified.

      • Nephilium

        He’ll just need to wipe it down with a cloth when he’s done.

      • DEG

        Not even the same thing,

        Unless Trump has classified stuff in his emails which not even this article is alleging.</em.

        Yes, it is a little different situation from Hillary Clinton's.

    • R C Dean

      Here’s what I don’t get:

      Who were they going to run if not Kams, the “black” woman they had positioned as a virtual co-President? If they shove her over the side, who do they replace her with? The white guy from a state they have locked up anyway? The Jew guy from Pennsylvania? I guess maybe the charmless harridan from Michigan (they do seem to have a thing for charmless harridans), who is at least a woman. Hillary? No freakin’ way the Obama machine would put her on the ticket. Michele, who repeatedly and consistently said “not gonna do it”?

      No, they were stuck with Harris when they made her Veep. No, an open primary was never in the cards.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        If they had done some sort of BS open primary, with Harris and a couple ringers, it could have worked out better for them. But, coming out of the shit storm of the Biden admin, DEI, and the twin sores of immigration and the economy, I don’t think they could have beaten !Jeb!

      • DEG

        The white guy from a state they have locked up anyway? The Jew guy from Pennsylvania? I guess maybe the charmless harridan from Michigan (they do seem to have a thing for charmless harridans), who is at least a woman.

        Any one of those three would have done better than Harris, and I think the insiders knew it.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    That kind of mood is a good mood to be in.

    • Tonio

      I’d like to see it even shorter, basically all funding to continue at current levels until Jan 30th. I don’t know if they can do that or if they have to enumerate budget figures for each agency and department. And I’m using January 30th because that will give the new Congress a month to put together a proper budget bill, hopefully with deep cuts.

      • R C Dean

        Vivek had a draft bill that was one paragraph that did exactly that.

    • The Other Kevin

      Broken link. But it looks like it keeps the government going, pays the farm bill, pays for disaster relief, and pushes the debt limit out to 2027.

      • Tonio

        The link worked earlier. Don’t know why he took it down. But see below for more info on the new bill.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        It’s on Elons account, look there, it’s a thing to behold

    • SDF-7

      That sounds like it is still at least 107 too long (the last CR was 9 pages — the Cromnibus supposedly was 9 of the actual CR and the rest was the extra crap).

      • Tonio

        “Cromnibus” for the win.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I don’t think a gov’t shut down will hurt the R’s in the way they normally do. See, usually when they do this, it is a D pres, and, with the powers of that office, the D’s can be really petty and blame it all on the R’s through a compliant media. But, with R’s coming in, Trump doesn’t have to shut things like parks and the mall down, he can say “see, things aren’t so bad” and roll with it.

        Plus, a new, Trump friendly group is incoming, so we can see what happens.

      • rhywun

        I wanna see the Dems (and Rinos) defend pay raises and censorship, and all the other garbage they were pushing.

  8. ron73440

    Bringing this from MLW excellent takedown of Wicked:

    Picked my wife up at the airport today.

    My son and I spent a couple hours cleaning but she is cleaning everything now.

    I did get yelled at by TSA for parking outside the baggage claim when my wife was waiting at the baggage carousel.

    Apparently now if nobody is actively getting into your vehicle you can’t stop.

    Last time I went they were much more lenient about it, but you had to stay with your vehicle.

    Probably Trump’s fault.

    • Tundra

      I never pick people up at arrivals. Too much of a clusterfuck. Departures is easier – especially on the far end. I sat for 15 minutes last time I went and never even saw a cop.

      • SDF-7

        I just park in short term typically then walk to the baggage claim area / exit of the security zone (depending on if they have luggage) then we walk to the car. I know when I get off a plane, having the chance to stretch my legs and decompress a little walking and talking to the car is nice. But see above — I’m probably just a weirdo.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’ve traveled a bit for hockey recently, and it really depends on the airport. In Chicago they used to yell at you a lot, now they’re not as bad. In NJ people were triple parked and standing outside their cars with a cigarette.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “My son and I spent a couple hours cleaning but she is cleaning everything now.” That reminds me of when I was wooing my wife. I invited her over to my apartment to cook dinner for her. I spent hours cleaning up before she arrived. One of the first things she said when she walked in was, “You could have cleaned up a little.”

      • ron73440

        The first time she left for a couple months, my son and I were so proud of how we had cleaned.

        This time we expected it.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I nipped that in the bud by having a motorcycle disassembled in the dinning room.

        Got to set expectations!

    • Sensei

      ZWAK. So you were… Zen about it.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I like this comment, and will read it again, and again, and again…

    • KSuellington

      The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    “I can assure you that the transition teams are targets for foreign intelligence collection,” said Michael Daniel, a former White House cyber coordinator who now leads the nonprofit online security organization Cyber Threat Alliance. “There are a lot of countries out there that want to know: What are the policy plans for the incoming administration?”

    Trump’s plans are top secret.

    • Drake

      They could probably just ask.

      • The Other Kevin

        In fact, ask any Dem or someone on MSNBC. They seem to know Trump’s real, hidden agenda.

    • The Other Kevin

      “nonprofit online security organization Cyber Threat Alliance”
      I’ve been on X a little too much. The first place my mind went was that this is an NGO that spying on and/or censoring us.

    • SDF-7

      Trump’s plans are top secret.

      With Elon to help? Probably there’s some real genius there.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    In any rational universe, the TSA would be right t the top of the Elon/Vivek hit list.

    • juris imprudent

      Not before Tulsi digs into who put her on the list.

      • The Other Kevin

        I would so love to be a fly on the wall in her first few meetings.

    • bacon-magic

      Much better…I for once in my life am excited to see what a President can do when he’s in office. And I really think Elon is going to help primary some of these rats.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Dan Crenshaw is from TX, and now Elon is too…MWAHAHAHA

  11. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I got the scoop about the dude that’s leading the tranny team at my workplace. Sounds like a typical douche who’s been in DC too long and parlayed his time on Capitol Hill staff to a gig as a mid-level bureaucrat..

    • Gender Traitor

      the tranny team at my workplace.

      You have a whole team of them??? 😳 My sympathies! Thank goodness you’re working remotely!

      • Jarflax

        You need a team! You have to fill the tucker position, the binder position, plus god knows how many makeup specialists, and the all important reader to kids

      • SDF-7

        I know it is sexist — but I think KK won’t get the tucker position due to her gender.

        It is Tucker: The Man and His Dream, after all….

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Maybe it’s just one guy with a lot of identities.

    • Tonio

      I think she means administration transition, since the messaging will be different. But now I’m curious.

      • ron73440

        I read it the same as GT, but I think you’re right.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I meant transition, but these teams are always full of the worst swamp creatures imaginable (I’ve been through several), they only deserve the derisive moniker “tranny”

    • LCDR_Fish

      Saw this last night….

      When Marco Rubio arrives at Foggy Bottom next year, he’ll know where to find left-wing identitarian social programs — and have a key partner on Capitol Hill with whom to work on dismantling them.

      As the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee’s oversight subcommittee, Representative Brian Mast, a combat veteran who received a Purple Heart after he lost his legs in an IED explosion, has been an aggressive interrogator of department officials who defended the indefensible, including, for example, the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

      Mast homed in on tricky issues that resemble inside baseball but in fact have significant real-world ramifications, such as Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s team’s disbanding of a State Department cell that could have assisted in the exfiltration of Americans from Kabul. One of his most significant priorities was to investigate the considerable bureaucracy around left-wing concepts, including DEI, that Blinken’s team constructed at State.

      The House steering committee selected Mast earlier this month to serve as chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the next Congress. This means that there will almost certainly be a noteworthy degree of alignment between the State Department’s seventh floor and the congressional committee tasked with conducting oversight of it on confronting Blinken’s DEI program.

      State’s adoption of equity concepts was a radical departure from the past. A 2022 report from the Government Accountability Office explained that while equity has been cited before within the executive branch, “distinguishing it from equality” is a new concept. Among other things, Blinken’s team created posts focused on those priorities, required that department officials “advance” DEI as a requirement for promotion, and implemented an “equity action plan,” pursuant to an executive order that Biden signed early in his term. In May of 2021, I reported that the department urged staffers to “consider a shift in language to avoid making assumptions that can be offensive to transgender and gender nonconforming employees.” They were warned: “Persistent misuse of any employee’s name, pronoun, and/or honorific may be considered harassment.”

      The Florida Republican lawmakers led a campaign against that equity agenda. Mast worked with Rubio on a report that scrutinized “How Wokeness Is Weakening the U.S. State Department.” The June 2023 paper argued that the State Department’s embrace of DEIA principles had wasted precious resources and undermined the effectiveness of American diplomacy. It catalogued a series of department actions imbued with left-wing identitarian ideology. One example from the report: Biden’s ambassador to France had “removed paintings of American Founding-era figures and replaced them with pictures of a transgender activist, a violent protester, socialist leaders, and communists in the name of diversity.”

      The two lawmakers also each engaged in a contentious back-and-forth with Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, who served as the department’s first-ever chief diversity and inclusion officer (a post created by the Biden administration), when she testified before Congress last year. Rubio grilled her on a State Department grant for a film festival in Portugal that depicted drag queens, incest, and pedophilia; Mast panned the department’s rejection of merit as the most important factor in hiring. They subsequently introduced the Stop Wasteful, Odious, and Kooky Exercises (WOKE) at State Act — which created a statutory mandate to reverse the Biden-era equity initiatives. “State continually fails to see the negative consequences of these policies globally, so Congress needs to act,” Mast told me at the time.

      Now they are well-positioned to make the dismantlement of State’s embrace of left-wing social ideologies an early priority of the incoming Trump administration. In fact, days before his selection as the next Foreign Affairs chairman, Mast indicated he would do precisely that.

      On December 5, he wrote to Blinken to “point out a legal step you tried to take surreptitiously during your final months in office and emphasize that in no way shall it bind the Trump administration — indeed, incoming State Department appointees must decisively and immediately reject it.” Mast, in that letter, which I obtained, warned Blinken about his reinterpretation of an international treaty on civil and political rights in such a way as to consider “sexual orientation and gender identity as covered by this treaty.”

      Mast contends that in fact “all individuals possess the same rights and are already covered by the treaty. . . . Yours is an effort not to ensure equality but rather to reduce and/or enlarge the scope of certain rights — namely free expression and free exercise of religion — in order to further a culture war agenda that played a role in your political party losing the 2024 presidential election.”

      He added that incoming Trump-appointed officials at the department should “publicly correct the record” and rescind Blinken’s interpretation of the treaty.

      That’s just the start. With Rubio in charge at State, Mast’s role will shift from that of an overseer to that of an important partner in a broader campaign to excise left-wing identitarianism from American diplomacy.

      • Tonio

        [golf clap] for Stop Wasteful, Odious, and Kooky Exercises (WOKE) at State Act.

      • rhywun

        TL;DR but nobody outside the leftist bubble wants that “equity” shit and now is the perfect time to set it on fire and salt the earth so it doesn’t rise again.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Tranny team = surgically reconstituting progressive Democrats into MAGA fanatics?

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Back to this:

    Trump — who attacked his then-opponent Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server for official business during his first presidential run — is overseeing a fully privatized transition that communicates from an array of, and accounts rather than anything ending in .gov, and uses private servers, laptops and cell phones instead of government-issued devices.

    Yes, let’s pretend everything the not-in-power Trump team does or considers is a state secret of the highest order, but the official business of the Secretary of State is no big deal.

    • The Other Kevin

      He declined the use of government resources for his transition, so this is not new, nor is it illegal, correct?

      • Tonio

        And he initially refused classified briefings because he feared they’d set him up for more “mishandling” shenanigans.

    • Tonio

      Which one of you people is this?

    • DEG


    • Nephilium

      Like someone would paint their roof like that here. It would be more likely Browns colors.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Heh. I used to live across the street from a house painted in University of Oregon colors: bright green and yellow.

  14. bacon-magic

    I want to know when fusion generators are the size of a suitcase. My guess is 15 years.

    • Tonio

      I’d settle for one the size of a cargo container, or one that could fit inside the cargo hold of a SpaceX Starship. We’ll need power for Moon and Mars bases, and solar just doesn’t cut it, particularly at the Moon’s south pole, where all the ice is.

    • Suthenboy

      So I will have my Jetson’s car, finally?
      *briskly rubs palms together*

    • Tonio

      I considered linking to that but WSJ is paywalled and I try not to link to anything that is behind a pay or registration wall.

      • Sensei

        Since I pay Glibs can benefit.

        I assume too many clicks will cause it to not work, but it’s never happened yet. Likely in the 100s.

      • PutridMeat

        I assume too many clicks will cause it to not work

        Always asks me to subscribe/register, but archive works.

    • The Other Kevin

      This came out sooner than I expected.
      Look at how many people knew about it, and how they all lied their asses off and attacked anyone who said otherwise. And nothing else happened.

  15. rhywun

    the monstrous Frau Honecker was, if not the originator, certainly an early adopter of the matrons with purple hair look, all the way back in the eighties

    Early seventies matron.

    • R.J.

      Have you seen her pussy?

  16. rhywun

    I just want all these people to go away and stay gone.

    Amen. But I heartily encourage Jill to keep trashing whatever shreds of legacy America’s worst president might have had left.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      That looks like me

  17. R.J.

    It’s my daughter’s birthday tonight, so I will not be around until later, if at all. Enjoy the movie!

    • Tundra

      Happy birthday to the kiddo!

    • Tonio

      Happy Birthday, R.J.’s daughter.

  18. The Other Kevin

    Of course the Dems are out calling the new bill ridiculous. The genius of it being small is that there isn’t anything hidden in there. So the only argument left is it’s missing something. Ok Dems, it funds the government just as it’s supposed to, so what is it missing? I don’t see a way for them to win.

    • ron73440

      The genius of it being small is that there isn’t anything hidden in there.

      Small as a relative term.

    • R.J.

      The dems and old guard reps are a bunch of ignant mcnuggets. If this is the way the next four years go, I may actually leave my cave and celebrate

      • Tundra

        They clearly aren’t understanding how much things just changed.

        That bad kitty substack laid it out well. Trying to sneak this stuff through won’t work when crowdsourcing the analysis takes only a few hours. Pretty wild actually.

    • juris imprudent

      I don’t see a way for them to win.

      They’ll just blow the usual smoke up the usual asses and everyone will smile and nod their heads. That leadership is brain dead, but so is the following.

    • Urthona

      The new bill doesn’t cut anything either and also sucks.

  19. Shpip

    A particular target for the First Couple is said to be former house speaker Nancy Pelosi, who led the effort to push Biden out of the 2024 election race – personally calling him and demanding he quit in the hours before he withdrew on June 21.

    Considering what Doktor Jill did to Neilia Biden, I’d say that Pelosi got off easy with just a broken hip.

  20. Homple

    Tell me about East German hotel decor. Furniture factories in DDR times must have had their production quotas stated in tonnes, not units. Ghastly stuff.

  21. Raven Nation

    Man, I really wanted to like Kleo. I think I watched the first two eps (maybe three?), but that was it. I may go back to it, but it’s not calling to me yet.

    On dubbing: yeah, I’d rather do subtitles. I like Babylon Berlin but the dubbing makes it harder.

    • rhywun

      Babylon Berlin

      That’s another one on my wish-list….

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      I prefer dubbing. When subtitled I spend the whole time reading and not watching.

    • Mojeaux

      @Tulip rec’d The Beforeigners, a Norse TV series. The first season was GREAT. The second season, I stopped watching because they dubbed instead of using subtitles. I was used to the actors’ voices. Did not like the change.

  22. Mojeaux

    So speaking of Germany

    At some point, the German people will get sick of this and drive out the invaders.

    😂 I crack myself up.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      There aren’t enough woodchippers in the world.