About The Author



Wife of sloopy, mother to three bright, curious, and highly active young girls. Perpetually exhausted.


  1. AlexinCT

    Impeachment Republicans’ last stand?

    I want Liz Cheney to become a democrat after she is trashed tonigt. That party deserves to be the one defending Dick Cheney.

    • Rat on a train

      She is going to remain to save the party from itself. The one true Republican!

    • Tonio

      That would be delicious. She’d be a pariah in the national party, and constantly primaried by candidates to her left.

      • AlexinCT


      • juris imprudent

        She’d end up a politically homeless war-mongering whore. I think that’s about the worst thing I’ve ever heard… how marvelous.

      • Lackadaisical

        Bizarro Tulsi Gabbard.

  2. PieInTheSky

    Given Trump was president he must of done something. They all do.

    • PieInTheSky

      The problem is that the corruption is done while presenting a prettier public image. Keeping up appearances of distinction for the office. Otherwise what would the plebs think?

  3. Nephilium

    The Atlantic Compares Catholic Rosary to Assault Weapon

    Does this mean I’ll stop seeing shows where Catholic characters are wearing Rosaries like a necklace?

    • Grosspatzer

      I doubt it. Last time I checked, cross-dressers were a protected class.

      • Aloysious


      • SDF-7

        That attitude is so last decade.

    • AlexinCT

      They will be using it to strangle whomever they are sexually abusing…

      • Bobarian LMD


  4. Count Potato

    A classified passport?

    • Nephilium

      A classiport? Or if it’s tactical, a tacticlassiport?

      /why yes, I am waiting for the new season of Archer to start

      • rhywun

        The classiest! So classy you’ll get sick of the classy.

      • db

        *opens bag of Cranbaisins*

  5. Count Potato

    Obviously, no one at Breitbart has ever been garroted by a nun.

    • UnCivilServant

      Of course not, they have to deal with nuns with guns.

      • R.J.

        Ha! That was on the post list for this year.

    • Chafed

      That sort of sex play doesn’t come cheap.

    • PieInTheSky

      I saw complaints about this non the twatter but in the end you need a man if you want to get the job done

    • rhywun

      We really have gone through the looking glass.

      Why not fight absurdity with even more absurdity.

    • Grosspatzer

      “She later said to a follower: “Have we ever tried to explain to men how to shave or how to take care of their prostate or whatever?!? This is absurd.””

      Calm down, toots. Just go with the flow.

      • Rat on a train

        Have we ever tried to explain to men how to shave or how to take care of their prostate or whatever?!? This is absurd.
        Female doctors only learn women’s health.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      “With our partners, we will be looking at fine-tuning the existing distribution and availability of products, including sustainable options and even plan performing art workshops in schools and colleges to improve education around periods.”

      Just like the Vagina Monologues, but dumber and bloodier.

      • Grosspatzer

        They’d better be careful, there’s gonna be a huge backlash from assholes demanding performance art to improve education around colons. Equal rights for marginalized punctuation!

      • Nephilium

        When Pints for Prostates got started there were several articles and comments among the beer geek community how it was a bad thing because it was taking money away from breast cancer awareness and the Pink Boots Society.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Mr Grant said: “Too many women and families cannot afford to buy period products, so this new legislation is both transformational and long-overdue.

      Wut? Are they making them out of silk and gold thread now?

      • Bobarian LMD

        Something about a Red Sox joke belongs here, but I can’t quite get the swing of it.

    • Pope Jimbo

      That guy seems stuck up

  6. Cowboy

    Bom dia,

    The whole Trump raid thing really shows how divided the country is. It should be a warning and a showcase to the obvious corruption and abuses of power by the Fed and 3 letter agencies. Yet certain people are willing to overlook all of that and just cheer on their team because “the walls are closing in” or whatever on their Emmanuel Goldstein. I have a sad feeling there will be a national reckoning soon, and we will all be worse off (well, except out political elite, theyll be just fine with their mansions money and private security)

    • rhywun

      their Emmanuel Goldstein

      Seriously. Has there been anything like this in American history? A man so reviled by the half the country they will do literally anything to destroy him?

      • AlexinCT

        He exposed the reality that our leadership and elite were dumbasses that were too busy looting the valuables and loading them into the life rafts as they sank the ship they were supposed to crew. He was supposed to just be a stand-in for team read that would graciously lose so Hilary could come in and finally fundamentally change America into the shithole we are seeing now, but with the people remaining uninformed that happened.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The last time there was a Republican in office?

        (Except the TLAs left him alone, mostly, because he came from the right background)

  7. AlexinCT

    In First Interview Since Raid, Trump Warns The ‘Temperature Has To Be Brought Down’ Or ‘Terrible Things Are Going To Happen’

    Two comments.

    My first impression of this raid and that open ended illegal warrant they used, executed by the same people in the FBI that were behind the Russia hoax criminal activity for 3 plus years, was about taking documents from Trump they wanted to make sure would never be allowed to see the light of day, so they can continue to pretend the US government corruptocracy, which actually ran multiple coups against an elected president whose crime was winning an election the crooks rigged for Hillary Clinton, didn’t happen. yes, they were also hoping to find something, anything, they could make hay off, and barring that, they were going to plant something there. They succeeded at the first thing. I am going to bet money they will be telling us they found something they planted, but that they can’t show us because of national security. You will get a parade of the same liars from the numerous coups and hoaxes come forth to say they saw the evidence and it was damning allowing the media to harp on this nonsense. Not sure it will work to keep Trump from running again, but if this new criminal endeavor they are running fails to bear fruit, I am sure the contingency plan for that will be another assassinated US president.

    My second point is that the corruptocracy saw their reality TV J6 Kabuki theatre fall flat, and they need some new fodder. These people spent years trying to get Trump or his people to make mistakes they could then use to fuck the guy they couldn’t control and his followers over. I would not be surprised part of what they want is another chance to drive some lunatic to do something bad, or barring that, create their own crisis event, in order to justify their lies that anyone that calls them out for being a crime syndicate is a terrorist.

    • Lackadaisical

      ‘You will get a parade of the same liars from the numerous coups and hoaxes come forth to say they saw the evidence and it was damning’

      And anyone dumb enough to believe such attestations after the past 6 years… I don’t know what to say about them honestly. Still waiting on the damning proof from pissgate and other nonsense.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Speaking of the parade of liars:


        Former CIA Director John Brennan just said on MSNBC


        Giuliani and Trump, with out being too technical, are SCREWED.

      • AlexinCT

        That’s definitely what they hope to do/what happens to protect their criminal asses…

      • Lackadaisical


        It’s too technical, but just trust me, I’m an expert.

      • juris imprudent

        Since when is that fuck a lawyer of any kind? He’s a spook, a professional liar and manipulator.

  8. PieInTheSky

    Workers ‘Quiet Quitting’ Partly Blamed for Labor Productivity Drop

    ” Now, many employees reportedly have decided to establish a boundary as to how much effort they are willing to put into their work.”

    well this is not necessarily a bad thing. I am annoyed myself at having to work 60% from the office for no reason

    • AlexinCT

      They need to make sure you remain compliant and will do whatever you are told no matter how idiotic…

    • Lackadaisical

      Seems ridiculous to believe that there is some concerted effort to only do what’s in the job description.

      More likely, productivity is showing a drop due to now scraping the bottom of the barrel of employables.

      Depending on how they are calculating seems it could be a result of inflation.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Or even just largely than normal turnover. The best employees still take time to get up to speed in a new place.

    • Brawndo

      If I’m being paid 17/hr, you’re going to get 17/hr effort from me. That seems like a reasonable take. Assuming you aren’t going for a promotion or whatever.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Chump Effect.

      How many workers looked around in the Lockdown and saw people getting paid more money to sit on their asses and play video games while they had to drag themselves off to the job? I bet a lot of them decided that hard work will not pay off. All that will happen is that the bounty of their ant-like work will be eaten up by the locusts who sat around and did nothing.

  9. Rebel Scum

    enjoy another fantabulous day

    Meh. Is it Friday yet? Is summer over?

  10. Rebel Scum

    ‘Temperature Has To Be Brought Down’ Or ‘Terrible Things Are Going To Happen’

    Drumpfler can’t stop inciting violence.

    • AlexinCT

      Don’t you get it? This is 9D chess! Trump-Putin-Hitler is acting like he cares, but his followers, all being Hitler lovers, can see from the message that “terrible things are gonna happen” thing means they need to start their terror campaigns…

    • PieInTheSky

      Temperature Has To Be Brought Down – yes this summer was fucking shit heat wise. Build more solar panels.

    • invisible finger

      “‘Temperature Has To Be Brought Down’ Or ‘Terrible Things Are Going To Happen’”

      Now he’s stealing Al Gore’s shtick.

    • Pope Jimbo

      If Trump could tone down his bombast for the next couple years and hit notes like this, he’d win in a landslide. Just keep being diplomatic and saying that we need to settle down and be nice to each other.

      The 2024 race would then be Trump running as a uniter and Biden calling for internment camps.

      I can’t see the Left laying off the crazy talk. Trump being sensible would only ratchet their craziness to 11.

      • Ted S.

        They’ll say Trump is threatening “terrible things”

  11. AlexinCT

    Biden administration tells judge not to unseal affidavit for Mar-a-Lago search

    Convenient. This allows the same crowd of lying crime syndicate members that brought us the Russia hoax for 3 plus years to again come out and do the circuit on leftist propaganda TeeVee to tell us they saw the DAMNING evidence, and yes, Trump is a criminal, for a while. The goal here is to make sure that loose cannon doesn’t run against the crime syndicate and they get a person they can control because that person coming up the political chain was compromised.

    • R.J.

      Exactly. Jan 6th committee bombs. Move to plan B.

      • invisible finger

        Seems like D at the least.

        They are obviously quaking in their boots about something, and it isn’t democracy they are worried about. One would think the prudent strategy for the Dems would be to ignore Trump and freeze him out of their newscasts, but they are definitely doing this to distract from something else.

      • Count Potato

        The economy?

  12. Rebel Scum

    The Justice Department requested on Monday that a Florida judge keep the affidavit sealed concerning the warrant that led to the FBI’s August 8 raid on Trump’s estate at Mar-a-Lago.
    According to New York 1, Merrick Garland’s Justice Department wants to keep the affidavit portion sealed “to protect the integrity of an ongoing law enforcement investigation that implicates national security.”

    You guys really stepped on a rake here.

    • juris imprudent

      Twice, which makes it doubly impressive.

  13. Not Adahn

    NPR reported the story as “Trump claims, without evidence, that the FBI seized his passport.”

    I am not making this up.

    • AlexinCT

      I saw that the DOJ just returned the passports that all the crime syndicalists claim were never taken, back to Trump….

      • Lackadaisical

        Yup, heard it on the radio this AM.

    • rhywun


    • db

      #1. Missing passports are a lack of evidence. Show us the evidence that you ever even *had* a passport, Trump!

      #2. The DOJ apparently already said they “returned” the passports, so…they did actually seize them in the first place.

    • Pope Jimbo

      It is probably a macro in the NPR version of Word. Anytime they type “Trump said” the macro automatically adds “without evidence”.

  14. Rebel Scum

    Trump says FBI took his passport in Mar-a-Lago raid

    Wouldn’t want him to be able to flee to his buddy Putin.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Robert Barnes is saying that FBI management probably just told the agents to grab everything because they couldn’t trust all of the agents to be in the tank for the corruptocrats.

      There’s some legal wrangling going on about Special Masters and Tank Teams right now and the handling of evidence. It sounds like Trump was not unprepared for all of this and now the FBI is caught with their shorts down.

      • juris imprudent

        We probably already had this, but it bears repeating.

  15. Rebel Scum

    The Department of Justice is opposing a request from former President Donald Trump’s attorneys seeking an independent special master to review records that were seized from his Mar-a-Lago estate, even though that process would allow it to appear more impartial following the raid, one of the former president’s attorneys, Alina Habba, said on Newsmax Monday.

    I, for one, am glad the Obama crew is back in charge given that they are the most transparent evar.

  16. Rebel Scum

    “Fourteen FBI agents have come to our office as whistleblowers, and they are good people,” Jordan said. “There are lots of good people in the FBI. It’s the top that is the problem. Some of these good agents are coming to us, telling us what is baloney, what’s going on — the political nature now of the Justice Department — God bless them for doing it — talking about the school board issue, about a whole host of issues.”

    Put names to statements please.

    • Not Adahn

      “Trump’s violent rhetoric has caused fourteen FBI agents to commit suicide yesterday.”

    • R C Dean

      “There are lots of good people in the FBI. It’s the top that is the problem.”

      There was a time I might have believed this. That time has passed.

      And if anybody thinks I am going to believe anything coming from a (claimed) anonymous FBI source, well . . . .

      • Surly Knott

        The results.

      • TARDis

        Imagine what would happen if you gave revealing documents to the media these days.

      • UnCivilServant

        It would depend on your party affiliation and who the documents hurt.

      • TARDis

        True, I should have been more specific. If someone produced damning evidence against the [insert government agency letters here], the only major network to report it would be Fox.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Even then, most media outlets wouldn’t publish it. Same with Watergate.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Yep. From that Wiki article:

        Many news organizations initially refused to immediately publish the information [exposing COINTELPRO], with the notable exception of The Washington Post.

    • UnCivilServant

      70% of the planet’s surface is water. We need desalinization plants, not rationing.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        And nukes to run them

    • AlexinCT

      It’s almost like some people simply don’t understand the purpose of technology and ingenuity when it comes to scarcities….

      • PieInTheSky

        I am just following the science you neanderthal

      • AlexinCT

        Oh, I was not calling you out Pie-man. My problem is with people that create a crisis that is actually very obviously simple to avoid. used to believe they did that shit cause they were just dumb, but these days I am going with the feeling that it was by design. You can get away with a lot of shit during a crisis that nobody would tolerate otherwise…

    • Nephilium

      /looks towards the Great Lakes.

      Nope. No water here. Leave us alone.

      • Gender Traitor

        They have been downgraded to merely Good Lakes. And in the interest of lake equity, Lake Superior is now Lake Average.

      • UnCivilServant

        Lake Huron, however, transitioned to the Huron Sea.

      • Stillhunter

        Yeah, they can stay the fuck away from the Great Lakes after what they did to western rivers.

  17. Rebel Scum

    Paoletta also wrote “Congress must clearly spell out with even more specificity why it needs the granular level of information,” citing an example as the Supreme Court’s decision in Americans for Prosperity Foundation. v. Bonta.

    The point is to vilify and destroy.

    • juris imprudent

      The show trial must go on!

  18. AlexinCT

    DOJ admission it over-collected evidence in Trump raid creates new legal drama

    Over-collected? Is that the new leftist definition of what we used to call a criminally motivated fishing expedition?

    Our government is compromised. Obama weaponized every bureaucracy with people more loyal to team blue and their marxist globalist ideals, and what we have now are simply various crime syndicates, each with a desperate need to protect themselves and that marxist agenda they are loyal to, desperately trying to stop the American people that see through what is going on. Lucky for us, as always happen when you choose people for their loyalty to the marxist system/ideology and cause over their ability to be competent at their job, you end up with massive ineptitude and collapse. We are seeing the ineptitude of the people that think they are the smarter ones resulting in blunder after blunder.

    I do wonder however if when these crooks get desperate enough to save their skin and their racket, that they will simply throw all attempts of pretense out in their quest to protect themselves.

  19. Rebel Scum

    The Atlantic Compares Catholic Rosary to Assault Weapon

    Clearly white Christians are the greatest domestic terror threat.

  20. Sean

    Good for S&W.

    • DrOtto

      They caved last time and didn’t get the protection they were promised and lost sales because if it. Lesson learned.

    • UnCivilServant

      Sounds like fraud and shenanigans, we need to audit the audit, and throw the DA in prison.

    • AlexinCT

      Since this will not impact me a bit I am actually thinking it might be just what the people that elected this asshat in the first place deserve.

    • Sean



    • Rat on a train

      The county said observers would not be allowed because signature verification did not quality as an “election”.

      • db

        That seems…very technical.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Fuck you, plebes.

      • UnCivilServant

        That tells me their process was “It doesn’t matter if it’s real, disqualify a shitton of these anyway”

  21. The Late P Brooks

    “They were engaged in a fishing expedition, and the warrant itself wasn’t about classified information, though it mentioned it,” Fitton told Just the News. “It talked about all sort of other documents. It basically gave the FBI carte blanche to anything they wanted from the Trump home.

    “And the fact that a judge signed off on it is very troubling,” he added.

    Bad Orange Man must be put in his place.

    • juris imprudent

      That prohibition on general warrants was all just a misunderstanding.

  22. Lackadaisical

    ‘Biden administration tells judge not to unseal affidavit for Mar-a-Lago search’

    Nothing untoward about this ‘investigation’ at all.

    • AlexinCT

      You peasants lack the security clearance to understand the nuances of how a crime syndicate runs its business…

  23. Lackadaisical

    ‘NY Times cuts ties with freelancer who called for killing Jews ‘like Hitler did’’

    More brown faces of white supremacy. Damn false race consciousness.

    • AlexinCT

      I am sure they were dragged kicking and screaming into making that decision…

      What’s the over and under that a few months from now they will just bring em back? You know, like the whole Toobin affair

      • Lackadaisical

        Let’s check in with ‘the squad’ and their various anti Jewish statements.

        Yup, totally fine.

  24. Timeloose

    Foil applied:

    I have to think that Trump had access to secret and top secret documents as likely every president did. He also knew that there was a very dedicated effort to get him out of office and possibly out of the picture for another run at president. I wonder if the documents that they suspected he held were his “Trump” card if they came for him as a private citizen. Now, if he no longer had the dirt he needed to protect himself, he would keep his mouth shut and not run again or just accept the barbs and blame for all of the current admin’s problems.

    In summary, did Trump get raided to shut him up and follow the puppet masters wishes by removing any documentation of who and what these people are?

    Foil removed:

    • AlexinCT

      Oh, I am certain one of the most important purposes of the raid was to take any documents he could use to show the criminality of the US government – especially the FBI & DOJ – away from him so they could make sure he didn’t use them to stop them from continuing to make the idiotic argument what they did was legit. And it is a boon that they now can claim they found all sorts of illegal shit but that the public just cant see it. it will give them another 3 years of shit – just like the Russia hoax did – they can throw at the wall to feed the usual low information team blue morons.

      • Timeloose

        I mean if it was me I would have made multiple copies both hard and soft for my own protection, but then I imagine that in itself is a crime. There was no mention of any computers, e-files, or other electronic media being taken. So this makes me think it was all paper.

      • AlexinCT

        The crooks would simply say the copies were doctored and the propagandists would make the lot of douchnozzels that keep lapping up the lies believe that….

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        This. The only “trump card” Trump would have would be kicking off a hot conflict by exposing something particularly egregious. Anything short of that could be papered over by the ministry of truth.

    • R C Dean

      Why do I keep reading that maybe they seized these documents so Trump couldn’t use them for anything? It’s like copiers were never invented.

      • AlexinCT

        You can dismiss copies easily by claiming they were altered. Especially since you can then claim national security to make sure nobody can verify the claim the documents were doctored or not…

      • invisible finger

        One would think the copies would be electronic and stored in dozens of backups.

    • db

      The fact that they “accidentally” collected boxes of documents that fall under attorney-client privilege might indicate that the real target of the raid was that kind of information that is related to the Russian collusion stuff that he had declassified to show the DOJ/FBI’s malfeasance in that investigation.

      The fact that they’ve publicly acknowledged that they have this info will mean they have to give it back, but now they know what he has, and can tailor their strategy to oppose him to the evidence he may or may not possess.

    • juris imprudent

      Trump’s really not that clever.

      I read somewhere that he’s big into memorabilia and that is the more likely explanation. I also read the early inventory which said things like a document pertaining to Roger Stone’s pardon, a cocktail napkin and other stupid stuff were seized.

  25. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Tard Tuesday: Wile E Coyote Has Got The Road Runner This Time!

    Everything we’ve seen since Monday suggests that the usual attempts from Trumpworld to poison the well ahead of bad news haven’t been working. There has been nothing that could counter the simple fact confirmed on Friday: Donald Trump is under federal criminal investigation.

    Among the dodges Trump offered up Friday is that the material recovered “was all declassified.” It’s the same argument that former Trump appointee/stooge Kash Patel used in May. He told Breitbart that classified documents then-recently recovered from Mar-a-Lago had actually already been declassified. Trump “declassified whole sets of materials” before leaving the White House,” Patel claimed, but, he said, White House counsel Pat Cipollone “failed to generate the paperwork to change the classification markings, but that doesn’t mean the information wasn’t declassified.” (Experts think that it may mean exactly that — and as NBC News reported on Friday, “the three laws cited in the search warrant do not specify that the mishandled documents had to have been classified.”)…..

    Other attempts to run defense have also fallen flat. Earlier on Friday, Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, tried to downplay the significance of whatever materials might have been found at Mar-a-Lago. “I can tell you that there are a number of things that are classified that fall under the umbrella of nuclear weapons but that are not necessarily things that are truly classified,” Turner said at a news conference…….

    It’s obvious by now that the original game plan from Team Trump — call the DOJ corrupt and demand they reveal the warrant — has backfired. Plans B (claim all the documents in question were declassified) and C (hope that nothing related to the country’s nuclear weapons program was actually recovered) aren’t faring much better. The lack of ambiguity here has him and his cronies on the backfoot. For once, Trump is caught in a binary, one that asks whether classified materials were or were not recovered from his home.

    It’s the exact kind of black-and-white court case that Trump managed to avoid for his entire time in public life. I don’t doubt that he’ll come up with a Plan D, E, and F in the coming days and weeks as we wait to see if charges result from Monday’s search. But there’s nothing he or his team can say or do to change the fact that Trump’s future could shift dramatically based on what the DOJ chooses to do about the 11 boxes of classified materials its agents brought home from Florida.

    • R C Dean

      “There has been nothing that could counter the simple fact confirmed on Friday: Donald Trump is under federal criminal investigation.”

      He’s been under one of those since before winning the election in 2016.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        There’s probably about 40% of the country that couldn’t care less anymore. They’re banking on institutional respect when they don’t have any.

    • Rebel Scum

      This person is dangerously delusional.

    • AlexinCT

      Anyone that calls out Big Brother is an enemy of the state!

      • juris imprudent

        All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state!

    • Raven Nation

      She was outed as a Russian asset during the 2020 campaign, so it’s hardly surprising she’s turned up on the fascist news network.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Because she’s too effing weird, even for him?

      • PieInTheSky

        I mean after two might as well get a third in anyway

    • UnCivilServant

      It’s not the shadow that would be the problem, but the concrete behind the shadow.

    • Not Adahn

      B&W photo is pretentious. I’m sure someone can date it by the ganguro sneakers.

  26. PieInTheSky

    In Romania news people seem happy that the skinny swimmer guy keeps winning at swimming. I still think swimmers should be buff.

  27. PieInTheSky

    “Modern feminism is not an enemy of Christianity, it is its descendent. The moral ideas that form the basis of feminism are derived from Christian values that are, in historical terms, highly unusual.”


    • UnCivilServant

      That tells me someone is either ignorant of Christianity or ignorant of the reality of feminism.

      The mutualist ideal is anathema to anything wearing the feminist label these days.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      If I ignore the 80% of the Bible that doesn’t agree with me, the Bible totally supports my position.

      • Rat on a train

        We aren’t supposed to change are ways to conform to doctrine. Doctrine must change to support our ways. It’s a living doctrine. Not something written by dead white guys.

    • Pat

      The only thing feminism and Christianity share in common, and only by way of feminism developing in the once-Christianized west, is victimhood as virtue. And it’s hardly unique in that regard, as every modern moral paradigm in the west is one flavor or another of Nietzschean slave morality, which of course he attributed to Christ.

      • Lackadaisical

        Huh, I disagree.

        Christianity insists on the moral worth of every individual. While that doesn’t necessarily imply feminism, especially the anti male version that is now dominant, I can see how seeds may have been planted there leading to more equality.

      • Pat

        It’s a long trip from every person having innate moral worth to equality between the sexes even in a basic sense, let alone whatever Nth wave of feminism we’re up to now. Christianity rather explicitly rejects equality among the sexes. You could get to a pre-modern complementarity paradigm, perhaps.

      • UnCivilServant

        My understanding (which is rooted more in tradition and folk theology than in the sort of theology you get in the seminary) of Christian tradition is that man and woman are: different, complimentary, and non-interchangable with their own roles and spheres.

        How much textual basis there is for that understanding, I couldn’t tell you, it’s just how I was raised.

      • Pat

        That’s my impression as well, as a somewhat clued in non-seminarian. Although the first century understanding of those roles would certainly have been more “patriarchal” than today, even within the church.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        different, complimentary, and non-interchangable with their own roles and spheres.

        Basically this. Wives submit to your husbands… husbands love your wives. There’s a reason the commands are different.

        Equality of role is not part of the Christian faith. Man is leader over woman like God is leader over man. Christ is the bridegroom and the Church is the bride. Etc. Etc.

        Equality of personhood and of innate value is part of the Christian faith. In heaven there is no Jew nor Greek… no man nor woman… As you do to the least of these, you do to me… Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her… Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life… Etc. Etc.

      • Lackadaisical

        It is a beautiful sentiment…

        But never underestimate the ability of people to only read the parts they want and ignore the rest. That’s how you get lesbian ministers and gay marriage in ‘Christian’ churches…

        [Not hating on the gay glibs, it just isn’t biblical in the least]

      • Lackadaisical

        Like I said, nth-wave whatever is evil and not really descended from any concept of equality, but a moral equivalence between make and female was certainly posited, which from my understanding is a big leap forward for equality. I would suppose that females were treated significantly better in the West than most the rest of the world, and that only occurred after Christianity’s rise. It wasn’t a feature of the Roman and Greek world the West otherwise descends from.

        Like I said, it was a seed in Christianity that would take centuries to develop into the parasitic, suffocating vine it is now.

      • Pat

        I would suppose that females were treated significantly better in the West than most the rest of the world, and that only occurred after Christianity’s rise.

        To the contrary, feminist revisionists have discovered that pretty much every society was once a secret matriarchy run by Amazons until privileged Mediterranean Greek men in all their sneaky whiteness invented tricknology.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    The current trend of quiet quitting may end swiftly if the U.S. economy stagnates and slips into a recession, as some experts predict.

    In such a situation, the leverage that employees have due to labor shortages will cease to exist, and workers who are looking to quietly quit might find themselves at the top of the list of company layoffs.

    Malingerers are the first ones over the side.

    • blighted_non_millenial

      Never underestimate government’s ability to fuck up anything it touches.

    • EvilSheldon

      There are so many simple, reliable ways of executing someone, that I can only conclude that these clusterfucks are deliberate.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      Lol, it’s a hit piece by an anti-death penalty non-profit. All of the alleged “facts” are just assertions by this non-profit organization, as the state corrections facility stated that nothing abnormal happened and provided no further comment.

      I don’t think the state should be offing people, but the liars from Big Non-Profit should be called out for the scum they are.

      • Count Potato

        “the state corrections facility” has just as much reason to lie.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Yes, but the state corrections facility didn’t run out to the nearest tabloid to print their lies.

      • Count Potato

        To announce “that nothing abnormal happened”? That’s not a story.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Right, but some activist group making up bullshit based on the time logs for the execution is a story…

      • Lackadaisical

        Incidentally, if that were the case, it would likely be due in part to the efforts of said nonprofits to make executions more and more difficult to perform by reducing the available options for the State.

        Of course, never underestimate the incompetence of government either…

      • Pat

        Incidentally, if that were the case, it would likely be due in part to the efforts of said nonprofits to make executions more and more difficult to perform by reducing the available options for the State.

        This right here. They’ve also made assisted suicide in the few places where it’s legal prohibitively expensive and nearly impossible to procure. In Washington State they were experimenting with a 3-drug cocktail after secobarbital and pentobarbital become impossible to import and compounding pharmacies started charging ~$7,000 for a lethal dose. It works in the sense that it kills you, after 12-18 hours in a coma.

    • Fatty Bolger

      “Joe Nathan James”

      The man had three first names… doomed from the start.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      McDonald’s pancakes are healthier than an omelette


      • Pat

        Refined flour, refined sugar, and hydrogenated vegetable oil topped with artificially maple-flavored corn syrup is healthy. Icky eggs will kill you.

      • Nephilium

        Do you know where eggs come from? It’s totally gross.

    • Rebel Scum

      bacon is better than couscous

      This one is true.

      • AlexinCT

        The only thing better than bacon is bacon flavored pussy…

    • UnCivilServant

      Aren’t McD’s pancakes made of cardboard?

      • AlexinCT

        So basically put syrup on my leftover delivery cardboard boxes and I am eating nutritious?

      • TARDis

        Yes, and it’s called Upcycling these days.

      • Lackadaisical

        Gets you your daily required fiber intake.

      • Trigger Hippie

        I believe you’re thinking of Subway’s bread.

    • Sean


    • Certified Public Asshat

      For example, McDonald’s pancakes with syrup contain 477 calories and a huge 41g of sugar and 1.5g of salt.

      However, they do contain 10g of protein.

      But, eggs have protein…

      • Atanarjuat

        I’m at the point where I read “food study” as “outright lies”.

    • Rat on a train

      Apple juice (sugar water) is better than iced tea or cranberry juice? Chocolate covered almonds are better than air-popped, unbuttered popcorn? There is supposed to be a point when people review the results and realize the algorithm is flawed. Not with SCIENCE!

    • whiz

      TL;DR, but I’m reminded of the various ranking lists that purport to have the 50 best whatever (cities, universities, etc.). They choose a set of subjective categories and subjective grading scales and, voila, they have their 50 best.

  29. UnCivilServant

    Is it really a job search if the job I applied for is my own, just with higher pay in the same group with the same responsibilities?

    They posted the backfill for my now retired former supervisor’s position, and I applied since I’m already doing that job. It would be another 4.6% bump, though that won’t get me past inflation.

    • AlexinCT

      HR: What’s the experience you claim to have to do this job?
      You; erm… been doing that job…
      HR: Yes but, what would HR claim makes you qualified….
      You: ………

      • Rat on a train

        HR bureaucracy saved me from a military to government civilian conversion. The process was long and disorganized which led me to look elsewhere.

  30. Rebel Scum

    You people are literally the baddies.

    Blitzer said, “Before I let you go, the only other Republican, as you well know, on the January 6 Select Committee, Congresswoman Liz Cheney, faces steep odds in her primary tomorrow out in Wyoming. What will it say about your party if she were to lose her seat?”

    Kinzinger said, “Well, I think it shows that the party’s in a bad place. Look, we are standing up against evil. Liz Cheney is standing up against evil. And say this, I put out this message the other day, which is, a lot of people sit around and they dream about the day they get to do it, and very few people get that chance to really stand up against evil. And as we’ve seen in Congress, many that do get that chance don’t. She has fought a valiant fight.”

    • db


      We’re at the point where it’s “good” versus “evil.” This cannot end well. When people speak in absolutes, they foreclose all options for peace.

      Work to stop this, people, or we’re all fucked.

      • TARDis

        I was thinking more along the lines of bad versus evil.

      • EvilSheldon

        You can’t de-escalate someone who doesn’t want to de-escalate.

        We are fucked.

      • Nephilium

        I always avoid absolutes. People should never use them.

        And does this mean the D’s are grabbing the title of Stupid party, or is it just projection?

      • Atanarjuat

        Saw what you did there.

        The loyal Democrat voters are certainly becoming the Propagandized Party. They lap up every line from the establishment, no matter how ridiculous.

      • Not an Economist

        I wonder if Kinzinger realized he just called Republicans who disagree with him evil. Somehow I don’t think this is a way to win people over to his side.

    • Fatty Bolger

      “Liz Cheney is standing up against evil”


      • TARDis

        ‘standing up against’ = sucking off

  31. Drake

    Fancy covid study in Iceland finds that the more shots you get, the more likely you are to get reinfections.

    The probability of reinfection increased with time from the initial infection (odds ratio of 18 months vs 3 months, 1.56; 95% CI, 1.18-2.08) (Figure) and was higher among persons who had received 2 or more doses compared with 1 dose or less of vaccine (odds ratio, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.13-1.78). Defining reinfection after 30 or more days or 90 or more days did not qualitatively change the results.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      And the more likely you are to drop dead from “SADS”

    • Rebel Scum

      The vaccine gene therapy compromises your immune system and/or spreads the disease. Also, Alex Jones says “hi”.

  32. robc

    Chessle 185 (Normal) 5/6



    • Sean

      Daily Quordle 204

      • robc

        Good score, but you did the wrong order.

    • robc

      Daily Quordle 204

    • SDF-7

      Better than yesterday at least.

      Daily Quordle 204

    • TARDis

      Two good days in row.
      Daily Quordle 204
      #waffle207 4/5


      🔥 streak: 54
      🥇 #wafflegoldteam

      • Sean

        #waffle207 3/5


        🔥 streak: 37
        🥈 #wafflesilverteam

    • Grumbletarian

      Daily Quordle 204

    • Grummun

      5 4
      6 3

      The 6 was a lucky guess.

    • Grosspatzer

      Chessle 185 (Normal) 4/6



    • Grosspatzer

      Daily Quordle 204

    • Cowboy

      Daily Quordle 204

    • JG43

      Daily Quordle 204

      Right on the Tundra line

      • Tundra

        Daily Quordle 204

        Right there with ya.

    • whiz

      Daily Quordle 204

    • grrizzly

      Daily Quordle 204

  33. Scruffy Nerfherder

    You’ve got to give Steve Kirsch credit. He really knows how to tweak their nipples.


    Dr. Gale-Rowe,

    I am the world’s top misinformation superspreader.

    If you do a google search for misinformation superspreader, I’m right there at the very top. Certified by MIT. It doesn’t get any better than that.

    Censoring people like me doesn’t work. My audience keeps growing and growing every day. More and more people are becoming vaccine hesitant.

    The ONLY way to stop this from happening is for someone of your stature to spend 60 minutes in a discussion with me where you debunk everything I’ve written this year. We’ll do it in a recorded livestream Zoom call.

    This should be easy for someone like you to debunk me.

    Will you accept your public responsibility to discredit people like me?

    Or will you simply refuse to engage and expressly allow the misinformation to spread?

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Kinzinger said, “Well, I think it shows that the party’s in a bad place. Look, we are standing up against evil. Liz Cheney is standing up against evil. And say this, I put out this message the other day, which is, a lot of people sit around and they dream about the day they get to do it, and very few people get that chance to really stand up against evil. And as we’ve seen in Congress, many that do get that chance don’t. She has fought a valiant fight.”

    Delusional imbeciles are delusional.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I still say they’ve got video of Kinzinger fucking a dead boy. How else could you get someone to so thoroughly degrade themselves in front of the nation?

      • Gustave Lytton

        He’s still in the reserves. He wants a star.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Which is why members of Congress should not be employed by, or on a leave from, the government.

      • EvilSheldon

        The thing that makes the ‘Cuckservative’ meme so on point, is that there are people who enthusiastically enjoy this kind of public degradation.

  35. Certified Public Asshat

    Who needed a new android?

    Mint Mobile: 128GB Google Pixel 6a + 12-Month Prepaid Plan $339

    A new phone and cell phone service for a year for $340. I don’t think you can do better than that.

    I use mint and am happy with it. 4gb might be too low for some, but I never even get close to 3gb of mobile (mostly on wifi).

    • Count Potato

      I bought a flip phone for $20 and pay $12/mo.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I’m not old enough for consumer cellular.

    • Lackadaisical

      I recently switched to mint, I’m paying about half price of what I was before (not counting their intro offer) and getting the same service as far as I can tell. Really like it.

    • Pat

      It’s easy to subsidize the cost of the device when it’s going to be used to datamine the user and serve ads for 3-4 years. The fact that “smart phones” that ship with Android actually cost money is a fucking travesty. At least the rest of the shit people happily hand over all their data for in exchange is gratis.

      That said, that’s reasonably priced given the market.

      I’m with Red Pocket Mobile. $8.25/mo for unlimited voice and text and 1 GB of LTE data. As I typically use less than 10 MB of mobile data a month it works for me. Wish I’d have gone with their T-Mobile SIM though. AT&T’s Nazi bullshit with refusing to provision unlocked phones that are fully compatible with their network unless they are on the arbitrary AT&T whitelist is worthy of a company-bankrupting class action.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I haven’t done this, I just let Google know every horrible thing about me…but Pixel phones are what you need if you want to run something like Graphene OS instead.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Interesting, is that considered better? Looks like it also needs a Pixel.

        Remember the freedom phone? I assume that project is dead.

      • Pat

        The Calyx vs Graphene debate among privacy schizos is heated and ongoing. It mostly comes down to sandboxed stock Google services vs. privileged MicroG.

      • Pat

        (It should be noted that you don’t technically need any implementation of Google Play services to use an AOSP-based ROM, but you do need those services enabled for certain “apps” to function properly. Since I don’t use any Google services, including their app store, nor do I use any online banking or other services that rely on those APIs I just run vanilla Lineage OS sans any Google services)

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’ll leave this one to Pat. I’m not well versed in the differences.

      • Pat

        The ones being sold in a service bundle like that might not have unlockable bootloaders. Definitely something you want to check out thoroughly before hand if that’s the goal. I was strongly considering a Pixel 4a on my last phone hunting mission, but I can’t do without a microSD slot.

        I’m a paranoid android, as you all well know. I haven’t a phone with a stock ROM on it since about 3 months after I bought my first “smart” phone in 2014.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    We’re at the point where it’s “good” versus “evil.” This cannot end well. When people speak in absolutes, they foreclose all options for peace.

    Every petty political spat is humanity’s last stand. They’re storming the beaches of Normandy. They’re saving the world from darkness and despair.

  37. Banjos

    The more I think about the raid, the more I think that maybe they were just trying a move from an old playbook that backfired. They were trying to effect the midterms by creating another Russian collusion hoax by creating a lot of smoke. They, living in a bubble, still are under the delusion that its 2015 and the public trusts the FBI, when the backlash happened where not just MAGA politicians spoke out, but the useless establishment republicans and even some democrats did they realize that they overplayed their hand. So they were forced to have Garland come out and make a speech then leak some bullshit about nuke codes. They shot themselves in the foot. I hope they charge Trump and continue on with their idiocy.

    • Drake

      I think the real pre-election chaos and shenanigans start up in a month or so.

      Tossing Trump’s house is nice way of letting us all know that nobody is above their arbitrary enforcement of “the law”. If they can rifle through his place, they can kill any of us with no repercussions.

      • Banjos

        The last thing they needed was to galvanize the right. Polling was already showing Republican’s enthusiasm levels far outstripping democrats. There was some waning after establishment Rs passed the gun bill, they added fuel to the fire.

      • AlexinCT

        Oh Banjos, but you miss the point that they really hope the right gets galvanized and some of them then decide to do something. Anything that they can label as right wing extremism and terrorism. They need the right to do something again. J6 didn’t get them what they wanted, and worse, seems to have backfired horribly for them. People that are not insane know J6 was not even close to the problem they have tried to make it be – especially after an entire summer of riots (where the rioters were bailed out by democrat entities and politicians every morning to go right back at it that night – so they need more things to peddle their right wing/white supremacy shit to crack down on political enemies.

        We are a banana republic. The criminalized & weaponized American bureaucracy is desperate to keep its power and protect itself after years of massive abuses and broad and continuous criminal behavior. Garland was given the AG job because they could count on his pettiness and anger at being kept of the SCOTUS (man we dodged a bullet there). Note that everyone is talking Trump and abuse of power. Guess what story they were desperate to hide has gone away? That the Biden family and the democrat party is basically a crime syndicate, and that they are running the country as a crime syndicate tuns its business.

      • Drake

        The chaos is cover for voter fraud.

      • DEG

        Republican voters might be enthusiastic, but Republican candidates here in NH aren’t. I’ve talked with some. Only a handful are campaigning. The others are complacent: “Look at the country! There’s no way we can lose!”

      • R.J.

        I hate to hear that. Hubris is the death of success.

      • rhywun

        I think the real pre-election chaos and shenanigans start up in a month or so.

        This. We haven’t seen anything yet.

      • R C Dean

        Could well be. They’ve already started going after Republican candidates. The big question will be whether they can get some Repub candidates indicted in the next couple of months.

        And if so, what the reaction will be.

      • Banjos

        A one sided targeting? After many R politicians vowed to rein in the FBI? Not good. If R’s can keep their base from getting violent/doing something stupid, then it’ll further backfire, yuge.

      • Lackadaisical

        They have been targeting tons of Republicans in Pennsylvania simultaneously with Trump.

      • Rebel Scum

        The FBI will set up some patsy in a false flag.

      • AlexinCT

        One of the stories that disappeared was about that bomber that left a crappy explosive device in front of some DNC building on the evening of Jan 5. For some reason the FBI has not been able to track that individual down, and the most powerful “crime fighting” entity in the US not only has come up with no leads, but has not even reached out to ask to find that individual. We might never find out who this was, but that is by design, because my suspicion was this was the backup plan the corruptocracy had for if their was no material from J6 they could use as political cudgel. When they got the J6 shit, they didn’t execute plan B.

        I have no doubt the machine, as it gets more desperate, will start doing more of these false flag ops. Especially now that the whole Whitmer and J6 clown show has proven they will gladly manufacture the crimes they need to keep stomping their boots on the faces of people that do not want to give up on their real freedoms. And I have no doubt that they will end up trying to assassinate Trump if they can’t take him off the board. They are not going to allow anyone to take their power away.

      • UnCivilServant

        The FBI can only ‘solve’ crimes that it instigates.

      • Lackadaisical

        I’m guessing the person who planted it, has a name that rhymes with Bay Repps.

      • Banjos

        The FBI so thoroughly destroyed their reputation, that a very large percentage of the population would view any attack real or fake as fake at this point.

      • Atanarjuat

        The FBI so thoroughly destroyed their reputation, that a very large percentage of the population would view any attack real or fake as fake at this point.

        Say what you will about Gavin McInnes, I think his formulation of “we are watching the same thing and seeing 2 different movies” is spot-on. Some people see the raid as an outrageous abuse of power and my Democrat FB friends see it as a totally justified takedown of a criminal dictator.

      • rhywun

        “we are watching the same thing and seeing 2 different movies” is spot-on

        Yup. Been that way for a while but it’s been dialed up to 11 since about 2016.

      • Banjos

        The whole two movies on one screen was originally a Scott Adams observation, back all the way to the Russian collusion hoax.

    • Banjos

      Their initial setup was Haberman’s retarded reporting on the flushing of documents down a toilet or whatever it was. I wouldn’t be surprised if the affidavit was linked to that idiocy.

      • Drake

        Maybe a Russian hooker / spy peed on them?

    • Pat

      They give about as much a shit what “the public” thinks of the FBI as Lenin cared what the Mensheviks thought of the NKVD. I think some of you are going to be really surprised just how genocidally violent this is going to get.

      • Banjos

        I am fully aware that we are up against communists.

    • Rebel Scum

      I hope they charge Trump and continue on with their idiocy.


    • Atanarjuat

      The nuke codes flailing was so blatantly amateurish.

  38. Brawndo

    Liz Cheney condemns her father and tells viewers that the “lie that the Iraw war is necessary is insidious” and has been used to “manipulate Americans to abandon their principles, to sacrifice their freedom, to justify violence, to ignore the rulings of our courts and the rule of law.”

    Fixed that for you, you vile cunt.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    She has a cunning plan

    On television, Cheney’s ads are focused on her fight with Trump — the apostasy that alienated her from most GOP voters here and across the country. Cheney, the third-ranking Republican at the start of this Congress, was virtually read out of the party for voting to impeach Trump and taking a leading role in the House inquiry into his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

    She is likely to finish the race with a substantial unspent war chest, reflecting both the ease with which she raised money from anti-Trump donors across the country and the futility of dumping millions of dollars into a lost cause. Three weeks ago, she still had $7.4 million in the bank in a state where TV ads are cheap.


    Cheney has arguably given up the most of any elected Republican — one who had been on a path to potentially become speaker of the House someday — to draw a line against Trump and his efforts to overturn the 2020 election by all means available to him.

    But she now has a national fundraising platform, cash in the bank and a bipartisan set of admirers, leading many Republicans and Democrats to believe there’s method to the way she has run her campaign.

    “Nobody would piss off the entire state of Wyoming without another plan,” said Kasey Mateosky, a Republican running for a seat on the Teton Board of County Commissioners. “She has to have an endgame.”

    She’s Dick Cheney’s daughter. She was born to be a devious manipulative backstabber. She’ll come out of this stronger and more beloved than ever.

    • SDF-7

      I’ll take “How to make Hillary Clinton look lovable as a Presidential Candidate for $500, Alex”.

    • Raven Nation

      “he third-ranking Republican at the start of this Congress,”

      Huh; first elected in 2016 – that seems like a rapid rise in leadership ranks.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Her dad taught her that Jedi mind trick. Since it only works on the weak minded, Congress is perfect for it.

        “These are not the RHINO’s you are looking for”

    • Brawndo

      Just like Bernie: No refunds on campaign donations.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Some of Cheney’s backers hope Tuesday’s election is a point of metamorphosis, the moment when Cheney fully sheds the skin of a Wyoming Republican and becomes a presidential candidate who can argue she has prioritized the health of the republic over partisanship.

    Or she is completely obsessed by an egotistical lust for political power and will stop at nothing to achieve her personal goals.

    • Pope Jimbo

      It will be awesome when she hires her dad to select the best person to run as VEEP on her ticket and after a month of searching, decides that the best candidate is him, Dick Cheney!

    • Rat on a train

      Cheney fully sheds the skin of a Wyoming Republican
      From what I’ve read, her connection to Wyoming is more ancestral than personal. She was born in Wisconsin, went to high school in Virginia, and college in Colorado and Illinois.

      • Pat

        Wyoming was the only state with a population small enough that her pop could pay every voter a hundred bucks to vote for her and still get change back.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Grim milestone

    First lady Jill Biden has tested positive for Covid, the White House announced Tuesday.

    She tested negative for Covid on Monday “during her regular testing cadence,” but “began to develop cold-like symptoms late in the evening,” her communications director, Elizabeth Alexander, said in a statement.

    “She tested negative again on a rapid antigen test, but a PCR test came back positive. The First Lady is double-vaccinated, twice boosted, and only experiencing mild symptoms,” Alexander said.

    The first lady, 71, has been prescribed the antiviral Paxlovid and will isolate from others for at least five days, the statement said.

    It’s curtains for Doktor Grandma.

    • Atanarjuat

      regular testing cadence


    • Certified Public Asshat

      The White House said Biden tested negative Tuesday morning on an antigen test. As a close contact of the first lady, he will mask for 10 days when indoors and in close proximity to others, the White House said. It also said it will increase his testing cadence and report those results.


      Biden is returning to the White House from South Carolina on Tuesday to deliver remarks and sign the sweeping climate and health care legislation passed by Congress last week. Afterward, he’s expected to travel to Wilmington, Del


    • Lackadaisical

      So testing and boosters are both ineffective?

      You could knock me down with a feather.

    • Not Adahn

      FLOTUS Jillden, MD.

    • Rebel Scum

      but a PCR test came back positive

      Time to turn up them cycles!

    • Pope Jimbo

      When even doctors are ravaged by the Rona, what chance do the rest of us have?

      • Fourscore

        The good doctor will be sleeping single in a double bed. No night time surprises for the Big Guy

      • SDF-7

        Huh.. have to say, did not expect you to be a big Roxette fan, 4×20.

    • Lord Humungus

      Pandemic of the unvaccinated! /That got old very fast.

  42. Scruffy Nerfherder

    *the face you make when your ERP software provider assigns you a new account manager but doesn’t give you contact details*

    • UnCivilServant

      Which ERP Derp are you using?

      Or would you rather not share?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        A smaller company, xTuple, which just got acquired by CAISoft

      • UnCivilServant

        Hopefully they haven’t developed all the horror and pain of the more established ERP options.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It’s a very flexible platform with scripting and customization support. And I have access to the source code.

        They would love for me to give up my license and switch to SAAS but I’m not inclined.

      • Lord Humungus

        Back in my previous life I was trying to push xTuple as replacement for QAD. That went nowhere 🙂

      • Not Adahn

        The best ERP is Lion’s Pride in Moonglow, this is known.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    Another snippet from that Cheney story:

    em>Bryan Tarantola, a retired architect and urban planner who typically votes Democratic, said “one of the joys” of Wyoming’s primary system is that it affords voters the option of switching to prevent someone from winning a nomination.

    Tarantola, 75, said that the “technique has been used around here for a long time” and that he relished the opportunity to speak his mind in response to a robo-message he got from a pro-Hageman group.

    “I was sorry to hear Wyoming has abandoned truth, honesty and integrity in favor of the big lie, treason, insurrection and a proto-fascist dictator,” he wrote back to the message sender. “We don’t need a Drumpf lackey, we need someone who isn’t afraid to defend democracy and the Constitution. You’re part of a dangerous, nihilistic cult, and Liz Cheney is anything but liberal.”

    Whoa. You tell ’em, Dad. You should be writing for the New York Times.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      proto-fascist dictator

      PROTO-fascist, that’s the worst kind of fascist.

      • Pat

        What are crypto-fascists, chopped liver?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Prick Vs Prick, the Debate

      • Pat

        Mostly true, although Vidal was not only the instigator, but also the only one saying something that was false.

      • Atanarjuat

        Apparently the establishment-approved lefties are calling Tulsi Gabbard a “crypto-reactionary”, which I guess means WrongThinker.

        https://rumble.com/v1g17ui-idiots.html, starting at 7:15 and uses it quite liberally thereafter.

      • Gustave Lytton


        It’s the latest brand extension from Stanley Black & Decker.

    • Lackadaisical

      ‘he relished the opportunity to speak his mind in response to a robo-message he got from a pro-Hageman group.’

      Nothing quite as sophisticated as responding to an automated message as though it were a rational human being.

    • Rebel Scum

      and a proto-fascist dictator

      But enough about Biden and co.

      • PutridMeat

        Do we really need the ‘proto’ modifier anymore? The fundamental structure of the federal government is effectively fascist for as long as we’ve been offloading FYTW law-making ability to agencies of the executive. Combined with the destructive power of holding the reins on so much filthy lucre to… persuade… private entities and more local governmental institutions to do what they want them to, I’d say we are pretty damn close to a defacto fascist state at the federal level already. Nothing proto about it.

      • juris imprudent

        All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

        Yeah, we may not be full on yet, but down there at the bottom of the slope we are sliding down. That’s full on.

      • PutridMeat

        It’s obviously not fashionable to call oneself fascist, so that label is avoided. But I have a hard time seeing a government that can tell a company “you are not allowed to close or downscale this facility and move its operations to another state because we say so” as anything but fascist. Or “you are not allowed to grow your own wheat because it violates some large scale goal we deem more important”. And so on. One might not have the spiffy uniforms and the draconian internal secret police and gulags; but once you are defacto in that regime, it’s probably only a matter of time. That said, looking at all the police departments posing in their tacti-cool gear, maybe we also already have the spiffy uniforms. The FBI seems intent on becoming the ‘draconian internal police’… maybe the gulags are just around the corner!

    • rhywun

      Jeebus… that person votes?!

      • Lord Humungus

        Have you seen the average twitter commentator? We’re surrounded by derp.

      • juris imprudent

        In fairness, the average twitter commentator is part of a self-selected group of retards not representative of the general public in a meaningful way.

    • Gustave Lytton

      abandoned truth, honesty and integrity in favor of the big lie, treason, insurrection and a proto-fascist dictator


    • EvilSheldon

      This dude actually used the word ‘Drumpf’ in conversation.

  44. Pope Jimbo

    I’ve seen speculation on the interwebz that the purpose of the FBI’s Panty Raid was to nail Trump for violating some archives act law. The punishment of which is that he can never hold federal office again.

    That seems totally insane to me. Even if it worked and Trump couldn’t run in 2024, the GOP would be a lock to win no matter who they ran. The GOP person would get Trump’s blessing and could run with all Trump’s support and none of Trump’s baggage.

    The GOP would make Trump a martyr of the swamp. If the idiots in DC thought Trump had a lot of supporters before, this time it would dwarf that.

    Of course the people behind the raid are the same type of people who came up with the Fake Nazi Bus outside of a Younkin rally thinking that would tank him.

    • AlexinCT

      That seems totally insane to me. Even if it worked and Trump couldn’t run in 2024, the GOP would be a lock to win no matter who they ran</strong..

      Yeah, but what everyone seems to miss is that it would be a politician, and the machine will have dirt on that politician and thus be able to control them unlike that fucking nutbag orange guy…

      Trump was an existential threat because they had no dirt on him to control him….

  45. Pope Jimbo

    Will the Honey Harvest require negative PCR tests this year?

    Hundreds of bees buzz around Zack Bateson as he bends over a frame from a hive that’s loaded with honey.

    Using a small tool, he lifts a dripping square of honeycomb into a container.

    He needs about one and a half teaspoons of translucent golden liquid. Bateson will take the sample back to his lab and run it through a PCR test. It’s the same process used to detect the COVID-19 virus.

    This bee disease test looks for fragments of genetic material from pathogens.

    “We’re able to detect viruses, bacteria and fungal pathogens that are found in bees, that are also found in the honey,” said Bateson. “So the honey is a great way to survey for various diseases in bee yards. It’s a nice, quick, easy sample.”

    I’ll be there no matter what. Pope Brix to Dr. Truth, Science Beekeeper Fourscoreuci.

    • Fourscore

      Have to test positive on the Toxic Masculinity Test to insure your Glib bonafides are up to date

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m not taking that test.

      • Pat

        You just passed.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    Biden to sign Inflation Reduction Act into law

    Can’t we get the FTC to make them stop calling it the Inflation Reduction Act on a “truth in advertising” basis?

    • Lackadaisical

      Like insider trading, Obama care and the Constitution, those rules don’t apply to Congress.

    • Not Adahn

      Did they Russianize “bint Suleiman,” or is just a patronym? Is there a way of telling?

      • Rat on a train

        Suleymanova is a feminine last name. The masculine form would be Suleymanov. A feminine patronym would be Suleymanovna.

      • Rat on a train

        Russian last names are gendered (Ivanov / Ivanova = descendant of Ivan). Patronyms are also gendered (Ivanovich / Ivanovna = son/daughter of Ivan).

    • PieInTheSky

      Nazbol – wait I thought all the Nazis were on the Ukrainian side

      • Fatty Bolger

        bol = bolshevik

      • PieInTheSky

        yes and the naz part is quite similar at times with nazi

      • PieInTheSky

        certainly more nazi than 99% of things called nazi on the internet

      • Rat on a train

        Considering a transcription from Russian would be Natsbol but ‘Z’ is the thing in Russia.

    • Lord Humungus

      George: If we should step on a mine sir, what should we do?

      Blackadder: Well the normal procedure is to leap 200 feet into the air and scatter yourself over a large area.

  47. Atanarjuat

    That Nazbol thing started me down a Wikipedia black hole.

    National Bolsheviks often used punk-stylized shock aesthetics in their propaganda. NBP attracted a significant number of artists, punk musicians and rock bands.

    In the Russian media, the National Bolshevik Party was usually referred to as a far-left youth movement; however, some critics (including ex-members) allege that the NBP is an organisation dedicated to carry out a colour revolution in Russia.

    Does color revolution always mean CIA/NED involvement?

    • Pat

      At least in the Weimar days they could burn their trillion mark notes.

  48. The Late P Brooks

    Putin speaks

    “We also see that the collective West is seeking to extend its bloc system to the Asia-Pacific region similarly to NATO in Europe. For this purpose, bellicose military-political alliances are being formed, such as AUKUS and the others,” Putin claimed, referencing the trilateral security pact between Australia, the U.K. and U.S. that was signed last year.

    In addition, he said U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent visit to Taiwan, which angered Russia’s ally China, had been a “thoroughly planned provocation,” saying such a “reckless” trip was “part of a purposeful, conscious strategy of the United States to destabilize and chaotize the situation in the region and the world” and “an insolent demonstration of disrespect for the sovereignty of other countries and for its international obligations.”

    Putin once again defended Moscow’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, claiming it was being carried out “to ensure the security of Russia and our citizens.”

    America is trying to drag out the Ukraine war by not letting the Russians walk in and take over? Yeah, that’s true. Could the whole thing have been avoided? We’ll never know now.

    Is America engaged in a purposeful conscious strategy of destabilization? It certainly looks like it.

  49. DEG

    “Fourteen FBI agents have come to our office as whistleblowers, and they are good people,” Jordan said. “There are lots of good people in the FBI. It’s the top that is the problem. Some of these good agents are coming to us, telling us what is baloney, what’s going on — the political nature now of the Justice Department — God bless them for doing it — talking about the school board issue, about a whole host of issues.”

    Project Veritas also claims to be talking to FBI whistleblowers.

    There might be good people in the FBI, but the institution cannot be reformed. Abolish it.

    • Pat

      There might be good people in the FBI

      Special Agents Mulder and Scully having retired, I have my doubts.

    • Atanarjuat

      They don’t necessarily have to be *good*, just shocked at the ruination of the reputation of the organization at which they have spent their career.

  50. Gustave Lytton

    In First Interview Since Raid, Trump Warns The ‘Temperature Has To Be Brought Down’ Or ‘Terrible Things Are Going To Happen’

    Even Trump admits the truth and science of climate change.

    • Atanarjuat

      The argument that the documents are ripe for the taking by terrorists kinda insults the Secret Service who are posted protecting Mar-a-Lago.

      • AlexinCT


      • Drake

        Well, they didn’t stop the house from being burglarized last week.

  51. The Late P Brooks

    There might be good people in the FBI, but the institution cannot be reformed. Abolish it.

    It’s just like the ongoing “good apples, bad apples” arguments about cops; until the so-called good apples start doing something about the bad apples, they are all bad apples.

    • Urthona

      No one’s going to “abolish” the FBI without some replacement in mind to cover the ever growing list of federal crimes.

      I’m more concerned about whether reform can even happen.

  52. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of destabilization and provocation, it’;s just about time for a sneak attack on the wasps, before it arms up.

    • Lord Humungus

      I had a football sized wasp nest on a previous house garage. You never saw LH run so fast when he dropped it with a hose; after a large dose of chemical warfare.

      • TARDis

        I had been neglecting my de-waspification duties this summer. I decided to take care of it prior to having some security cameras installed. I hosed down several active nests and the next day went to knock all the nests down. There were 11 in total. When I went to knock the tennis ball size one under the stairs down, I found the little bastards were not all dead as expected. The pissed off wasp sound was chilling. Run away, run away!

    • Atanarjuat

      Agreed, although I wonder if the sausage was cooked all the way to the center.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The follow on video shows it isn’t.

      • Atanarjuat

        I figured as much. The bacon and biscuits looked good, but you kinda miss out on slightly searing/charring the sausage when you deep fry it. I like to make it thin to maximize the surface area.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Mmm… uncoooked Jimmy Dean brand sausage…

    • slumbrew

      Nice kitchen – looks to be a 48″ Wolf range.

    • AlexinCT

      That young lady will have one heck of a back porch if she keeps eating like that…

      Paging Tres!

  53. PieInTheSky

    The myth of the free speech crisis

    How overblown fears of censorship have normalised hate speech and silenced minorities. By Nesrine Malik


    “This is the myth of the free speech crisis. It is an extension of the political-correctness myth, but is a recent mutation more specifically linked to efforts or impulses to normalise hate speech or shut down legitimate responses to it. The purpose of the myth is not to secure freedom of speech – that is, the right to express one’s opinions without censorship, restraint or legal penalty. The purpose is to secure the licence to speak with impunity; not freedom of expression, but rather freedom from the consequences of that expression.

    The myth has two components: the first is that all speech should be free; the second is that freedom of speech means freedom from objection.”

    Getting put in jail for a tweet is just objection

    • PieInTheSky

      ” I began to notice it around the late 2000s, alongside the fashionable atheism that sprang up after the publication of Richard Dawkins’s The God Delusion. These new atheists were the first users I spotted using argumentative technicalities (eg “Islam is not a race”) to hide rank prejudice and Islamophobia. ” – ah atheism is great as long as it only attacks Christians

      “If the Guardian published a column of mine but did not open the comment thread, readers would find me on social media and cry censorship, then unleash their invective there instead.”
      it seems when the author writes shit and people counter, it is no longer objection which is natural to speech

    • Pat

      Nesrine Malik is a dirty goat fucker who belongs in the kitchen and should shut the fuck up.

      There, covered the whole trifecta in one sentence, and now her entire existence is L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y erased.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Fears of censorship are overblown, says would-be censor.

  54. Sensei

    A test car with autonomous steering capability veered into oncoming traffic in Germany, killing one person and seriously injuring nine others, police said Tuesday.

    A spokesman for police in the southwestern town of Reutlingen said the electric BMW iX with five people on board, including a young child, swerved out of its lane at a bend in the road, triggering a series of collisions involving four vehicles Monday afternoon.

    So likely some BMW exec driving with his or her family. Non-highway “self” driving is such a a crapshoot. The only reason only Tesla gets headlines for this stuff is they have far more people playing with this stuff on public roads.


    • Lord Humungus

      I know plenty of people don’t enjoy driving cars – and heck, cruising along in a Jetta isn’t exactly exciting.

      But doing smoky doughnuts in my (departed) Mustang – yeah, it was stupid but it was fun.

      • Sensei

        Finding a safe place to mash the accelerator on my Model 3 is the problem.

        Most passengers don’t enjoy the sensation – so I don’t do it with anybody in the car.

        I have standard lane keeping and traffic aware cruise control. Honestly, I don’t enjoy using the lane keeping on crowded highways. It likes to ride in blind spots and can take a while to brake. OTH, this is my first car with traffic aware cruise control and I enjoy that feature very much.

      • Lord Humungus

        I was going to buy a 3 myself – before I er walked out of my job. Anyhoo – I’ve heard of passengers in the various performance versions getting car sick. I was able to do that in a Mini Cooper S with my boss by taking some wild corners.

      • Sensei

        I have the optional speed boost on my 3 – advertised 0-60 of 3.9 seconds and instrumented by folks to 3.7 seconds.

        If you use the 1 foot run out that’s common on magazines it is closer to 3.5 seconds or so.

        The issue is the torque. Even faster ICE cars don’t hit you the same initial torque slam so you get a bit more of a build in the sensation of acceleration.

      • Lord Humungus

        Yeah that was the version I was going to get – Dual Motor, non-performance version. Maybe I can convince EF she needs one but she is deep in love with her Audi.

      • Sensei

        They’ve stopped taking order until 2023. Thanks Brandon!

      • Lord Humungus

        Woah – didn’t know that.

      • slumbrew

        adaptive cruise control is the one feature I’d really like, here in New England.

    • Atanarjuat

      It’s scary to be killed by a robot, but I wonder what the accident/fatality rate per mile of an autonomous vehicle is versus people-steered vehicles. Lots of human drivers are stupid, reckless, insane, etc. (for example: https://nitter.net/chrisnodima/status/1555699622500261895#m)

      Also in this particular case it sounds like the car had a human driver using a hands-off steering function. Should have been paying attention and stomped the brakes.

      • Sensei

        Tesla’s claim is that highway driving on their autonomous system has much lower accident rates compared to human beings.

        Now I can play games with those numbers in number of ways if I were Tesla so take it with a large grain of salt.

    • Not Adahn

      I blame Chris Bangle.

      • Sensei

        BMW’s response was to make the kidney grill even larger!

    • AlexinCT

      That shit made me lose 30 IQ points…

    • Rebel Scum

      It’s a bit wordy.

      • PieInTheSky

        very unusual for lefty memes

    • Lackadaisical

      I don’t believe this isn’t a right wing meme dunking on commies.

  55. Lord Humungus

    Notes of no particular interest:

    That face you make when your wife routinely brings home a monthly bonus check that is more than I used to make in a month. My bonus checks were pitiful things and only quarterly. I picked wrong for my career, :/

    EF went to run this morning, taking the dogs with her. On one of the leashes there is a hook/latch that holds the doggy poop bag container. Dogs bolted out of the door and the hook sunk right into her palm, tearing along the skin for an inch, and spilling droplets of blood all over the place. She almost fainted after I applied Hydrogen Peroxide.

    I’ve been sorting through my back inventory for the antique booth – lots of stuff taking up too much room in the garage. I have forgotten that most of it exists since I tend to remove items that don’t sell within a few months. Priced ’em down a few bucks and we will give them a spin for the new place we are opening in September.

    • slumbrew

      That face you make when your wife routinely brings home a monthly bonus check that is more than I used to make in a month.

      A huge grin?

      • Lord Humungus

        Well that and guilt – I was the primary breadwinner for 25 years. Now I’m a caretaker, shopper, cook, dog walker, and small-time antique/record dealer. It still feels weird.

      • slumbrew

        Yeah, my buddy is full-time house husband now – he couldn’t find another job in insurance underwriting (shrinking domestic market, some burned bridges) and wife makes a pile in biotech. It’s definitely weird for him.

        My brother is closer to your situation – wife sort of ended up in a sales job for the first time and is suddenly making some serious coin, while his industry seems to be slowing significantly

      • Nephilium

        /waits for the girlfriend’s new salon to take off so I can “retire”

        /expects it to happen just about the time that I’ll have aged up to retirement

      • Lackadaisical

        I’m hoping my wife’s business does the same.

        I wouldn’t retire, but I could do something I enjoy more for only a few shekels less.

      • Lackadaisical

        Enjoy your retirement, hope everything comes to be smooth sailing for you both.

      • Lord Humungus

        It’s been two years so far – and very few regrets. I still think – from time to time – about my old job. And still feel indignation for the way I was treated. But hey – last laugh and all that.

      • Lackadaisical

        Ah, somehow I never put all the pieces together.

        Visit the Friday stoic posts sometime, there’s some good stuff on overcoming resentment (even/especially when it is justified) you can glean from it.

      • Pat

        I was somewhat amused upon my return that there was a weekly stoic feature. Not long before I disappeared I had re-read some of the stoic literature I read in high school and then kept going, as well as a lot of theology and Western classics. Just got a wild hair and really binged on all of it. My mom was diagnosed just a couple months later. It’s kind of spooky, but it was like something was trying to prepare me for what was to come.

    • Gender Traitor

      …the hook sunk right into her palm, tearing along the skin for an inch…

      ::winces:: Owwww! 😫 Dare I ask how deep? Not deep enough to require stitches, I gather (and hope?)

      • Lord Humungus

        Dunno – I didn’t get a good look. I suggested stitches but she had to run off to a mediation meeting. Either way she’ll have a nice scar to remember the moment.

      • Pat

        All the best to her. Palms are a bad spot for deep cuts, she’s lucky no ligaments or anything got damaged.

        Only time I’ve had to have stitches so far (knock on wood) was a cut on that slightly cushy/fatty area just south of the thumb. Couple inches up and I’d have been in a lot more trouble.

  56. PieInTheSky

    A recent study of public opinion on 16 policy issues b/w 1972 & 2017 found there was not a single issue where “Democrats grew more conservative.” By contrast, Republicans “grew more liberal” on 7 of the 16 issues.


    • slumbrew

      But right-wing extremists!

    • Sensei

      Ummm, I’m gonna need you to go ahead come in tomorrow. So if you could be here around 9 that would be great,

    • Lord Humungus

      Oh I’ve seen her (and his) type in the corporate world. Promoted for diversity sake – my last company had so many VPs it was silly. VP of two employees? Sure, why not?

      • Swiss Servator

        Its not dead….it’s resting!

      • Suthenboy

        Not pining for the fjords?

      • R.J.

        It’s a very strong theory.

    • R C Dean

      I’ve been saying since Musk made his initial offer that Twitter is fucked. The only premise I needed was that their official bot count was crap.

      They are caught between a rock and a hard place – the rock being shareholder lawsuits, and the hard place being Musk’s due diligence (now discovery).

      They had to accept his initial offer, or face shareholder lawsuits.

      They couldn’t give him full due diligence, or the disclosures would show fraud and trigger shareholder lawsuits (and possibly an SEC action).

      By not giving him full due diligence, they are risking, wait for it . . . shareholder lawsuits for bonking the deal.

      By not giving him full due diligence, they opened the door for him to back out of the deal. At that point, they had to sue him or . . . shareholder lawsuits.

      So they sued him, and now its not due diligence, its discovery, with subpoenas and everything. So the fraud is going to come out.

      Twitter is screwed, and has been since this all began.

      • DEG

        I’ll believe the SEC takes action that amounts to more than a slap on the wrist (assuming of course something comes out that would normally warrant SEC action) when I see it. Twitter is a tool of the Regime.

    • robodruid


    • Pat

      I was still subscribed to a few business porn mags back when John Deere was really starting to ramp up all of this shit, and they were touting it like the 2nd coming of Christ. I was like… yeah, that’s a quarter million dollar iPad. Who in their right mind would want this?

    • slumbrew

      Doctrow is a douche, but he’s right on this subject. Deere are the villains here.

  57. Suthenboy

    Hello all. I am still kicking. I think watching my country turn into a banana republic and communist shitbirds grab power has left me emotionally exhausted so I have been scarce lately.
    I will check back now and then. For now I think I will go check on my bees. I wish you all well.

    • PieInTheSky

      do not forget your birds

    • Rat on a train

      Christian nationalist, insurrectionist bees?

    • Pat

      I recently returned from a lengthy hiatus as well. It’s good to see you again.

    • Lackadaisical

      Good to hear. Like EF above, stay away from dogs and don’t get black pilled. Life is good, continue to do what you can.

    • Grosspatzer

      Good to hear from you, Suthen. I totally get the exhaustion, I’m having a hard time being serious about things lately. Reduced to snarking and laughing sorrowfully I am.

    • Gender Traitor

      Suthen!!! ::rushes to give him a virtual hug:: Please be well! Don’t be any a stranger!

    • R C Dean

      Thanks for checking in, Suthen. We’ve been worried about you. I get the exhaustion part; I’ve been checking out/distancing from the daily churn of palace intrigue also. Be well.

    • Atanarjuat

      Good to hear from you, sir. Somehow I’m able to not let it get to me. Life is good.

    • Lord Humungus

      Hey i was just thinking of ya

    • slumbrew

      Excellent to see you’re still about. Withdrawing is understandable.

      I don’t think I’m overstating it to say that you’re a Glib favorite, so check in when you’re feeling up to it, if only for the Daily Rays of Sunshine.

      • Lord Humungus

        I understand the withdraw too – I’m an anxious sort of fellow. Too much Glibbing and I riled up at the stupidity of the world. (Not at the Glibs but everyone and everything else).

      • slumbrew

        Too much Glibbing and I riled up at the stupidity of the world.

        Preach, brother.

        I need a little more blissful ignorance now and then.

    • DEG

      Good to see you

    • Nephilium

      Welcome back Suthenboy. Nice to see you’re still around.

    • AlexinCT

      You do what you need to to keep your sanity, man…

    • robodruid

      You do what you need to do.
      You are valued and missed.

    • Sean


    • MikeS


  58. PieInTheSky

    When Republicans keep silent about Christian nationalism “they’re surrendering the future of their party to the Marjorie Taylor Greenes of the world,” said Brian Hughes of American University’s Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab.


    • Rat on a train

      American University’s Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab
      They are leaders in innovating polarization and extremism.

    • KK the Ignorant Slut

      My Alma mater LOL

    • Lord Humungus

      >>Christian nationalism

      A red cross under every bed.

    • R C Dean

      If I had to choose between Greene and Cheney, well . . . .

      • Atanarjuat

        Can’t help but notice that all of the politicians the establishment considers too toxic to associate with (Greene, Cawthorne, etc) are also the brave few who voted against the Ukraine weapons bill.

      • Swiss Servator

        No tow the lion, no cut in on the graft.

  59. Lord Humungus

    Speaking of the “vaccine” – a tidbit from 2021:


    Unvaccinated Adults Younger, Less Educated

    Adults who had not received any doses of the COVID vaccine differed from those who had received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine across several measures.
    . They were younger, on average, than those who had been vaccinated. Roughly 75% of the unvaccinated were under age 50. Among the vaccinated, less than half were under age 50.
    .They had lower levels of education, on average, than those who were vaccinated. Survey respondents who had received at least one dose were twice as likely as the unvaccinated to have a college degree or higher.
    . They were much less likely than vaccinated adults to be married (46% vs 56%).

    for me?
    1) wrong
    2) wrong
    3) wrong

    • R C Dean

      Roughly 75% of the unvaccinated were under age 50. Among the vaccinated, less than half were under age 50.

      A decent (rough) place to draw the line on COVID risk.

      They had lower levels of education, on average, than those who were vaccinated.

      I would bet that those with lower levels of education were also less likely to hold jobs/work for companies that required vaccination. It would be interesting to see this breakdown.

      They were much less likely than vaccinated adults to be married

      The relevance of this factoid eludes me.

      • Pat

        The relevance of this factoid eludes me.

        Allow me to don my sexist hat and suggest that married men were perhaps more likely to get the vax at the persistent urging of their panic-stricken, twitter-addicted female companions.

  60. The Late P Brooks

    I will check back now and then. For now I think I will go check on my bees. I wish you all well.

    Thanks for the update, Suhen.

    Go plant a tree. Or cut one down. Whatever brings you closer to your center.

  61. The Late P Brooks

    Pearl-Harbor-ed the wasps. They never knew what hit them. I pulled those old cabinets away from the side of the shop and broke them up. Good grief, they weigh a ton. MDF with laminate (like counter top material). They are absurdly heavy. I think I’ll get the worm drive out and cut the backs into two or three more-bite-sized pieces.

    Then- off to the Bannock County landfill, which is a strong contender for the “most scenic dump in America” prize.

    • db

      Pick up a landfilldo while you’re there.

  62. The Late P Brooks

    If I had to choose between Greene and Cheney, well . . . .

    Are you saying you wouldn’t choose the one who looks like she was sculpted out of week-old mashed potatoes?

  63. Sensei

    Biden – the great deregulator.

    The White House also hailed the move as a signature accomplishment for President Biden, who is also expected to sign the Inflation Reduction Act on Tuesday. The change eliminates the requirement to see an audiologist for a hearing examination and fitting, a process rarely covered by insurance.

    Mind you this has been in the works since Trump. Interesting that the NYT is basically spinning this as a positive. Usually they are all in on not letting the little people make personal decisions without fedgov and experts being involved.
