Tuesday Morning Links

by | May 30, 2023 | Daily Links | 266 comments


What a crazy (long) weekend for sports.  Going backwards, Dallas thought they were clawing their way back into the Campbell Conference finals, only to get crushed. Ditto Boston on the NBA, which one person here seems to watch. The Indy 500 had a crazy ass finish. The Monaco Grand Prix was the most interesting I’ve seen in some time, not to mention qualifying was amazing. Everton unfortunately stayed up while Leicester and Leeds went down. Bayern won the Bundesliga when Dortmund shit the bed in the first half. Luton Town gained promotion. The French Open got underway. And there was a lot of good baseball being played throughout. All in all, a fun weekend. And that’s it for sports.

One would think this was commonplace. Or it ought to be anyway. Load distribution is pretty important and about time it was taken seriously on what’s sitting in the top half of the plane and not just the cargo hold.

About freaking time

This all seems to be happening at a leisurely pace. I wonder how commonplace it is. I’d ask some of the J6 trespassing defendants, but they’re locked up in isolation throughout their trials and unavailable for comment.

“Push legal boundaries” is doing a lot of work here. They’re breaking the law, not pushing boundaries. And it’s time they get held accountable before this retardation escalates even more.

I remember when this kind of contempt got people arrested. It wasn’t that long ago, actually. But I’m not holding my breath it happens again here.

“You know, for kids.”

I can’t wait for this one to play out. “but for most furries, their attraction to the community was not sexual, according to a survey of furries cited by Vox.”  Lol, sure thing, Vox. Sure thing.

It’s about freaking time. Now if they’d only have a similar course for aspiring politicians.

This was not what I expected. I assume she saw some load limit signs as they approached bridges and misunderstood them. But seriously, how can this be treated any differently than the “No justice, no peace” signs that were celebrated as cities across America were burned to the ground the last several years?

This ought to be interesting. So should the number of people being primaried for their yes vote.

Here’s a beautiful song. Such a magical band. And here’s another masterpiece of theirs. The irony of the second one was never lost on me. Anyway, enjoy them both.

And enjoy the beginning of this short work week, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT

    One would think this was commonplace. Or it ought to be anyway. Load distribution is pretty important and about time it was taken seriously on what’s sitting in the top half of the plane and not just the cargo hold.

    Most people today are not smart enough to even understand the basics of any of the normal laws (economics, nature, physics) so many generations before them were aware of that you can get people believing this was some sort of bad thing. On a small aircraft, due to engine power and basic physics, weight distribution is absolutely critical. Yet idiots got ticked about this.

    • sloopyinca

      I’ve been on more than a few puddle jumper flights where they’d shuffle people’s seating in order to balance the weight. Nobody ever complained about it. I would hope that’s still the case.

      • AlexinCT

        And that’s my point Sloop. That someone would immediately go to social media to complain proves they knew but are scum for trying to cause damage or that they are idiots for not knowing and immediately assuming ill intent. A combination of low expectations in education and overvaluation of victimhood has made idiocy like this possible.

      • hayeksplosives

        Yeah, they still rearrange people on puddle jumpers. It’s all matter-of-fact, and the flight attendants do a good job of not seeming to judge weights as they move people around.

        No “Look, fat” type of comment.

      • AlexinCT

        A person looking for a slight to be angry at and claim victimhood however will always find reason to make their claim, and we live in a society that rewards that idiocy.

      • Tres Cool

        Loadmaster is a real job for a reason. Not just Peter North.

      • waffles

        this fat people versus physics stuff really annoys me.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I would definitely choose an airline that weighs passengers if all other factors were equal. Actually, I would even pay a little more.

  2. Rat on a train

    I remember when this kind of contempt got people arrested.
    Back to the Eric Holder era. The administration doesn’t prosecute allies.

    • AlexinCT

      Obama weaponized the country’s federal bureaucracy and the legal apparatus. His example was followed at the state level in numerous places where his brand of politics was king. We are in a banana republic because this was the “Hope and change” he really meant rather than the bullshit so many idiots believed.

      • juris imprudent

        The Patriot Act – enabling so much – wasn’t passed during the Obama administration.

      • AlexinCT

        No, but it was weaponized under him and made far worse than before. Note that this isn’t absolving that asshat Bush from doing that Patriot act shit, but pointing out that the problem with giving government any power is that democrats in particular, always caring only about taking and keeping power because their end goals are seen as good and just and thus worthy of achieving at any cost, will abuse anything they are given.

      • juris imprudent

        The Patriot Act was the product of Congress, not either administration. The bureaucracy doesn’t care who is president because he can’t hold any of them accountable.

      • Ted S.

        Shit down the airspace over the DC area so they cant go on their vacations.

      • Ted S.

        Er, shut down; I’m on my phone.

      • AlexinCT

        I like “Shit down” on them a lot more…

    • hayeksplosives

      “Contempt of Congress” doesn’t seem to have any teeth at all.

      • juris imprudent

        Tough when so many have so much contempt for it (and them).

      • R.J.

        It’s like calling someone “Poopyhead”

  3. AlexinCT

    This all seems to be happening at a leisurely pace. I wonder how commonplace it is. I’d ask some of the J6 trespassing defendants, but they’re locked up in isolation throughout their trials and unavailable for comment.

    You know your country is a banana republic when one group of people in power and their friends have a completely different legal experience than everyone else, and especially their enemies. In banana republics the connected can be exposed as having committed crimes or even commit crimes in real time, and nothing happens other than those that call it out get prosecuted. In the mean time crimes are invented to target their enemies.

    That’s the country we now live in.

    • robodruid

      I don’t know, maybe we are not black pilled enough….
      It’s probably always been this way, we just now are starting to notice.

      • AlexinCT

        While there might have been incidents of this, it was never this blatantly in your face as it is today. Maybe that is because these evil fucks no longer have control of what the unwashed masses get programmed to believe or maybe it has really gotten this bad since our government was weaponized by a marxist crook that promised to change the country fundamentally (and did).

      • robodruid

        It is definitely more blatant.

  4. Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

    They need to bring in Wray, and keep him there in shifts of representatives until he complies.

    And my cousin lives in Napa, she hates that place. I was there recently, and man it is nothing like it used to be.

    • AlexinCT

      Wray needs to be in fucking jail.

      • Drake

        He has the Epstein tapes, he’s untouchable.

        Last time he was hauled in front of Congress, he literally got up and left halfway through the hearing, hopped on an FBI jet, and had himself flown (illegally) to his family’s vacation.

  5. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

  6. AlexinCT

    “Push legal boundaries” is doing a lot of work here. They’re breaking the law, not pushing boundaries. And it’s time they get held accountable before this retardation escalates even more.

    Seeing that this criminal idiot had so many people following his dumb ass and thinking this shit was cool confirmed my belief that most societies are ripe for implosion and we are heading back into some dark ages.

    • sloopyinca

      He can only pull that off in a nation that disarmed its citizens and punishes defensive violence. Had that guy tried that in the US, even in most deep blue cities, he’d have gotten thumped, at a minimum, pretty quickly by a person who legitimately feared for their own safety or the safety of their family.

      • AlexinCT

        Depriving the serfs of the ability to defend themselves or their property is one of the most important concepts of any feudal system. For the inept and corrupt lords to feel safe, they must not only be the only ones armed, but have the law say they are the only ones allowed to use force. There is a reason democrats are so hell bent on disarming the law abiding citizenry, and no, it is not that they care about innocents being killed by them. In fact, those vultures can’t wait for innocents to be killed to dance on their graves and demand the law abiding be stripped of not just their ability but right to defend themselves.

  7. AlexinCT

    Is this idiot gonna be ticked when she challenges his prenup agreement in court and does an Eddie Murphy impersonation of Johnny Carson’s wife when she creams “HALF!!”?

    • sloopyinca

      Did she just come out of a walk-in freezer?

      • juris imprudent

        Makes you wonder if he’s got that adult baby fetish.

      • Ted S.

        Better than coming *in* a walk-in freezer.

      • AlexinCT

        Say wut?

      • Tres Cool

        Those are some glass cutters right there.
        Someone page Q for an appraisal.

      • DEG

        I suspect implants.

    • hayeksplosives

      At least Bezos’ first wife deserved her half. She was instrumental in forming Amazon and keeping it afloat when it was on very wobbly legs in its early days. Jeff couldn’t have done it without her.

      This bimbo…I dunno. Makes me think of citizen Kane when he wanted to elevate his airhead girlfriend into something resembling classy so that she wouldn’t reflect poorly on him.

      • Count Potato

        She doesn’t seem that dumb.

  8. rhywun

    If the bigots truly want to cancel Lizzo blah blah blah

    Narrator: Nobody who isn’t a fan gives a shit. But keep playing that victim card for all it’s worth.

    • AlexinCT

      Frankly I couldn’t care about Lizzo’s fat ass. I can’t name you one song she supposedly sings, but if people like that shit, more power to them. That whole thing about fools and being separated from their money. Lizzo’s complaining however ticks me off. The bitch is raking in cash from idiots and then grandstanding too. WTF does she think she is? A politician?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I’d say her music is actually good. It’s hard to enjoy it now though since she couldn’t just be normal.

      • ron73440

        I gotta disagree with that one.

        When I first heard her on the office radio, I thought it was a parody song, no way a real “singer” would sound that bad.

        That was before I knew who she was or what she looked like.

      • AlexinCT

        From what I have been told, she sounds like she gives Biz Markie a run for his money.

  9. DEG

    A British TikToker who has become notorious for extreme pranks was in custody accused of violating a court order barring him from posting videos of people without their consent, according to London’s Metropolitan Police.

    Bacari-Bronze O’Garro, 18, known as “Mizzy” on social media, was charged Friday with three counts of violating a criminal order, the Met confirmed in an email Monday.

    I guess it is better than nothing.

    FBI Director Chris Wray was given a hard deadline of May 30 to hand over the unclassified FD-1023 document, or the House Oversight Committee led by Rep. James Comer said it will ‘initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.’

    Chris Wray is shaking in his boots.

    I didn’t keep a straight face while typing that.

    • R C Dean

      Amazing how that manifesto gets released so quickly, and the tranny mass murderer’s manifesto is still under wraps.

      • AlexinCT

        Shut up peasant! Know your place, or else…

      • Count Potato

        The coverage of that was weird too. The press kept calling her “she”.

    • AlexinCT

      Someone should check this idiots water for drugs and look at his internet history for CIA/NSA programming, cause this just is too fucking convenient. Especially all the pics the media showed of this guy where they made him look a white guy instead of a middle eastern (where so many loved the Nazis because of their final solution shit).

      • Sean

        Even the court sketch I saw had him looking rather pale.

      • R.J.

        In case you didn’t want to click the link, all but one charge was dropped.

    • Rebel Scum

      Of course it’s bullshit.

      • dbleagle

        But finely curated bullshit. Nothing but the best for PPP.

  10. R C Dean

    “I saw signs talking about how they want to cancel people like me. Silence people like me. Choke people like me. And they right across the street”

    Oddly, there are no pics or even quotes of what these supposed signs (plural) said. The only example given is a “Choke the Woke” sign from last year in the general area. If that’s what she’s referring to, that’s not “bigotry” since wokism is a political/social choice, not something that bigotry really applies to.

    For the moment, I’ll call her statement “completely unverified”. And move on, because I really don’t care who she is or what she says.

    • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

      They spoke against something she likes, supports. Therefore racist.

      • AlexinCT

        I thought that was fascism…. When you get accused, most often falsely, of saying or doing things these idiots don’t like.

      • juris imprudent

        Those are both ‘cis’ – the root of all evil!

    • Drake

      I saw her once on my television and quickly used the remote control to cancel her.

  11. Count Potato

    “High rates of Covid, flu and even RSV during winter led to hospitals overflowing during winter during a situation dubbed a ‘tripledemic’.

    But cases of human metapneumovirus (HMPV), which can cause bronchitis and pneumonia, shot up to record levels in spring, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s respiratory virus surveillance systems.

    It may partly explain why so many people tested negative for flu and Covid in recent months despite showing symptoms….

    Covid lockdowns have also meant that people’s immune systems are generally a lot weaker because of a lack of social interaction and natural exposure to pathogens.”


    • AlexinCT

      Let me guess….

      They need to declare martial law, force people to engage in idiotic shit that makes no difference, but serves their needs to differentiate the complaint from the non-compliant, and then lock up anyone they feel like in camps – for their own good, of course – while they “fortify” the 2024 election real hard?

      • Count Potato

        Not seeing doctors in person or getting diagnostic procedures done would cause excess deaths.

      • R C Dean

        I think some of it is probably attributable to that.

        But that started in April/May 2020. The vax started getting wide distribution in early 2021. There’s likely some delay in deaths attributable to not getting diagnosed, but at first blush that doesn’t seem to explain the strength or timing of the increase in excess deaths.

        Whether the refusal to release data is due to garden-variety bureaucratic incompetence or something more intentional, I couldn’t say.

  12. Sensei

    Walter Russell Mead never fails to impress with his faith in Top Men and how the masses disappoint.

    American policy conversations about Ukraine often assume that Ukraine is a problem. For some, it represents a distraction from China. Others fear Russian escalation and retaliation. Still others worry about the financial cost of supporting Ukraine’s army and propping up its war-blighted economy.

    These concerns are real and have their place, but they miss the main point. Vladimir Putin’s ill-judged, ill-planned and ill-prosecuted war has ignited a national awakening in Ukraine. The country emerging from Putin’s War will be a formidable new force in Europe whose interests and outlook place it firmly in alignment with the U.S.

    On a visit to Kyiv last week, I spoke with Ukrainians including business executives, software wizards, survivors of the Russian occupation in Bucha and veterans of the bitter fighting in Mariupol…

    He’s been there and he’s talked to people. Now is our chance for glory!


    • Swiss Servator

      “On a visit to Kyiv last week, I spoke with Ukrainians… ”

      Is he stealing Thomas Freidman’s shtick?!

      • Sensei

        Freidman knows China! He’s written books. Books!

      • juris imprudent

        He didn’t mention taxi drivers.

    • sloopyinca

      The country emerging from Putin’s War will be a formidable new force in Europe whose interests and outlook place it firmly in alignment with the U.S.

      He thinks they’re gonna be a formidable force after a large percentage of their fighting-age men have either fled or been killed?
      Did these people not study the impact on pretty much every European power in the aftermath of WW1?

    • R C Dean

      “The country emerging from Putin’s War will be a formidable new force in Europe”

      The depopulated and economically crippled country (not to mention geographically, well, not what it was) is going to be a formidable force? Sure, Wally.

  13. PieInTheSky

    Nuggets in 5.

    • sloopyinca

      Nobody cares.

      • sloopyinca

        Let me rephrase: nobody in America cares.

    • AlexinCT

      Only battle in WWII where the commanding officer of both sides died…

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Revenge of the Bubble Car

    After facing some development headwinds, the Isetta-styled Microlino 2.0 is headed into production, combining retro bubble car packaging with an electric drivetrain. The Munich IAA Mobility show served as the launch point for the pocket-sized EV.

    Featuring a 25-hp motor, the two-seater is slated to be offered in three battery flavors/trims: Urban with a 6-kWh battery, Dolce with a 10.5-kWh battery, and Competizione with 14-kWh of juice on tap. These three versions will serve up projected ranges of 60, 109, and 143 miles, respectively, allowing the bubble car to exceed the ranges of some much larger electric models currently on sale. The Microlino 2.0, of course, won’t be venturing out on the autobahn with its top speed of 56 mph.

    The good news with batteries of this size is that charging time should not be an issue either—the company says that the Microlino can be recharged with a wall outlet in just four hours.

    Just what the world has been clamoring for. I’n sure John Kerry has his order in.

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      Stupid looks aside, this is the actual EV market. Short distance commuter vehicles that can be quickly recharged.

      • dorvinion

        Speaking from a US perspective

        Based on where consumers have put their money, buying history suggests short range commuter vehicles are not the actual EV market, and are in fact the last thing anyone wants.

        For example, in 10 years of selling the short range Leaf – the only short range EV that I think ever sold more than 50k units – they still never sold enough of them to stop qualifying for the full $7500 tax credit.
        Mitsubishi and a few other mfgs also had cars in the 70-110 mile range and not a single one of them sold worth a damn, even with a 7500 credit to sweeten the deal.

        Long range EVs are the only EVs that consumers have been really willing to open up wallets to buy.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        Depends on whether you’re buying a practical car or a social signaling device. Musk was correct to create the market with a status symbol vehicle and then leverage it down to mid-range cars.

        And the price has to be correct. Why would I buy a $30K Leaf when I can get a Tesla for 25% more?

        Get the pricing down to the $10K to $15K range and the market will open right up. There’s demand there. But you’ll have to get the damned Feds out of the way first. The regulatory requirements hinder the costs.

      • Count Potato

        Safety regulations make cars weigh way more than they would otherwise. Increasing weight is the opposite of saving energy.

      • dorvinion

        I doubt it would sell as well as you think even in the 10-15k range.

        The only way to really get it to the 10-15k range is to greatly reduce the safety requirements which would make it a lot less desirable for many people as we do have a fairly high expectation of new vehicle safety here in the absence of DOT requirements.

        Yes people drive jalopies held together buy duct tape and wire, but the people who drive jalopies held together by duct tape and wire aren’t buying new cars.

        Would be kinda interesting to see a truly independent actuary study on if increased purchase costs due to high vehicle safety expectations saves money over time because of shorter hospital stays and fewer permanent disabilities or deaths.
        Could be that saving 10-15k on a less safe car might cost several times that in extra injuries

    • Sean

      Needs a wing.

    • CPRM

      I’ll need a Jeremy Clarkson review before I make up my mind.

    • sloopyinca

      That’s actually a pretty cool concept for dense urban areas. I wouldn’t have one because my golf cart already seats 8 people. But to each their own.

    • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

      Well, it looks a million times better than a Tesla Slug, er, Three? Whatever the things are called. Being able to charge quickly is a major plus, and really, who goes more than 100 miles in an ev? Just asking for trouble at this point, trying that. I don’t really have any use for one, but in the right circumstances, would.

      • R C Dean

        “who goes more than 100 miles in an ev“

        A fair number of people, given the Tesla traffic I see on the road to/from Phoenix (going both north and south). I expect the road west to LA/SD is also chock-a-block with Teslas, as well. 100 miles is just a 50 mile round trip, after all.

      • dorvinion

        I routinely drive 100+ miles a day in an EV

        Just to get to ‘the city’ in my state is a 105 mile round trip. We typically do this trip 1-3 times a month depending on shopping and recreational desires
        Typically have one 200 mile day every other month for some form of recreation (hiking, biking, tent-camping etc)

        Four to eight times a year we do longer road trips of 300-500 miles one way.

        This weekend I’ll be taking a road trip (330 miles one way). I’ve done this trip round trip in a day twice when circumstances required it be a single day trip.

        Next weekend I’ll be dropping my kids off at parents house (400 miles one way) so wife and I can go on our first solo vacation in 10 years.

        I wouldn’t hesitate to go on a cross country trip at a moments notice, even to remote places.

        We do have a gas vehicle still, but only to tow our camper. If we were just tent people we wouldn’t have a gas vehicle at all.
        EV truck needs large enough battery for 500 miles unladen range to be convenient on a road trip (so you can get 200 miles per charge relatively fast)

  15. Grumbletarian

    Ditto Boston on the NBA, which one person here seems to watch.

    :grimly raises hand:

    The Celtics had better not keep Joe Mazzula as head coach. Bring in someone who knows how to change strategies based on the circumstances of the game. Say, if the opposing team’s only big gets in foul trouble and has to sit on the bench, maybe you take advantage of that by playing your bigs and posting up more, force some double-teams that open up other players for easy shots?

    Mazzula: Nah, lets just keep jacking up threes that miss, guys.

    • Drake

      Isn’t that the strategy of every NBA coach in every circumstance?

      What I gather from the 3 minutes of basketball I watch a year. That and traveling and carries and not called ever. Then I make some old man complaints and turn the channel.

      • juris imprudent

        The Jordan rules was the end of the NBA for me.

      • Drake

        Yep. Mid-90s is when I lost interest.

      • Grumbletarian

        Isn’t that the strategy of every NBA coach in every circumstance?

        Sure seems that way. Thanks ever so much for that, Steph Curry. The days of guys like Patrick Ewing and David Robinson having value are apparently gone. If you can’t shoot threes, you’re a role player now. Shaq would be a mid first round pick today.

      • Drake

        Just for his ability to set picks along the 3-point-line?

    • Pope Jimbo

      I watch the NBA a good bit too.

      Totes agree on the Celtic coach. Fucking stop letting the dummies on your team – who are ice cold – keep jacking 3’s! Miami wasn’t shooting lights out in the second half. If the Celtics had just worked for good 2 pointers, they could easily have climbed back into that game. But nope, let’s just keep taking bad 3 point shots.

      I’m all in for Denver now. Be nice to see Joker win a ring after getting maligned for his MVP wins. Let the world see him shine.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    The country emerging from Putin’s War will be a formidable new force in Europe whose interests and outlook place it firmly in alignment with the U.S.

    All those glittering new windows!

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      Ukraine will have blackmail material on most of the Western pols by the time this is over, so I guess they will be formidable in one sense.

    • WTF

      As if any further proof was needed that the left knows their ideas can’t hold up to debate.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    The Microlino 2.0 certainly holds an appeal beyond its cute and retro bubble-car design, as proven by the much more industrial-looking Citroën Ami and its Opel twin. The bigger question may be whether EVs of this size category will finally take off in Europe as a middle ground between highway-capable EVs and scooters or various types. With plenty of range, even compared to some modern electric cars, cargo and passenger room are just about the main compromises that buyers will have to make.

    But as much as we’d like to see these stateside, we have some qualms about just how visible these will be in traffic given the hood height of current pickup trucks, for instance. Even compared to the Smart ForTwo, unavailable after Smart left the US market, Microlino 2.0 ownership on US roads could be a bit of a gamble, which is unfortunate.

    The problem with letting people buy what they want is that they buy stuff we think they shouldn’t have.

    • R.J.

      Yes. Most auto sites have a following of concern trolls now. Terror over driving a vintage car with no airbags. Shrinking in fear from sharing traffic space with an SUV. I see it in the comment constantly. It’s really sad. I would rock one of those as a LSV here to run easy tasks. It’s a step up from a golf cart.

      • CPRM

        Hell, around here people drive them to work. You can get them with climate control as well.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Wait a minute! Why is everyone so scared of global warming if even small vehicles like that have “Climate Control”? Or does that only come with cars made by (((them)))?

      • kinnath

        They are basically street legal in Iowa now. Kids drive them up and down the street here in our rural development. No license required.

        They are all over the place in small towns as general commuters. I’ve seen four-seaters used to get the family around town.

      • Animal

        We have a big six-seater (Polaris Ranger) that we use to take guests on tours of the general area. It’s great.

      • dorvinion

        I’ve seen a few people driving ATVs around town(Iowa as well)
        Think its not legal, but the cops let it slide so long as you are on side streets and not driving like an a-hole.

        Lots of golf carts used in town. Think they are allowed on all streets except the 2 main streets (only allowed to cross)

        I thought about getting an electric golf cart and enclosing it so it would be the perfect around town vehicle, summer or winter.
        Got to make room in the garage before that can happen though.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I used to have an MG Midget. Was great, but I knew I’d lose in any crash I was in, so I drove extra careful.

  18. CPRM

    Had until 2am last. My insomnia kicked in. No sleep, and I’m not headed to Brooklyn.

    • R.J.

      Maroon gets shot. Film at 11.

    • Grumbletarian

      As for whether Cook legally crossed any lines, attorney Christopher Brown said the defendant may claim he felt he was being assaulted.

      “It’s not the worst argument in the world when someone approaches you and reaches out at you with an object in their hand,” Brown said. “You know, officers use this all the time as a defense in police shooting cases: ‘When he pulled his hand out, I thought it was a gun, but it was a cellphone.’”

      So far, no charges are being brought against Tanner Cook, but prosecutors could explore that option.

      Hey now, that excuse is only good for trained cowards.

      • juris imprudent

        he felt he was

        JFC I AM FED UP WITH HOW ANY ASSHOLE FEELS. Were you trespassing? Simple fucking legal definition – shove your social media up your ass.

      • juris imprudent

        Sorry, directed at the Brit-twit’s escapades. But same applies to any other pranker. Oh you got your shot or your head caved in – well, jokes on you.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Stupid looks aside, this is the actual EV market. Short distance commuter vehicles that can be quickly recharged.

    Thule can make roof racks for them, so the owners can get their groceries home.

    Seriously, there should be a market for these. A tiny market, but a market nonetheless. The question is whether they can be built at a realistic cost.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Once you reduce the size of these EV’s to be little short hop commuter cars, why not just put in a regular engine. With all the weight gone, you could get them up into the 50mpg range.

      Since the EV’s are going to be charged with fossil fuels anyhow, why not just keep things simple?

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      They just wanted that extra cushy suspension.

  20. Rebel Scum

    “The fact that the furry organizers felt pressured to bar children from the convention is yet another example of how it’s been seen as an attack on LGBTQ rights,” EJ Dickson said of the legislation.

    Ok, groomer.

    • AlexinCT

      So parents not wanting kids to be exposed to sex is an attack on gays? I know several gays that have pointed out they are totally against this grooming and they have been attacked just as hard for making it obvious the problem is doing this shit to kids.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Seems more like an example of how some stuff was going on that shouldn’t have been happening in front of children.

      • Lackadaisical

        So much this, clearly the law is working as intended. Honestly kind of surprised, you don’t get to say that often.

    • Fourscore

      Finally, a show of humanity at its best. Thanks Jimbo

  21. AlexinCT

    The people that rewrote the reality around the Floyd incident so the people that profit from causing racial chaos could whip people into a frenzy of debauchery, destruction, and robbery still remain hard at work protecting the evil they perpetrated.

    This whole thing was a travesty of justice. Floyd, a man with a mile long wrap sheet and a known drug use problem, tragically died from an overdose while being restrained by a man half his size, but these asshats not only forced the system to hide that fact, because it would have been inconvenient, but they also hid how everyone – from the coroner that produced the first report showing the fentanyl overdoes that was then memory holed to the people on the jury that were told the wrong verdict would mean they were going to be punished for that – was coerced to go along with the lie.

    I am no fan of LEOs, but claiming this was excessive force and then hiding the real cause is pure evil.

    • Drake

      His autopsy always said he died of an overdose. The jury was too political and/or too intimidated to care.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Floyd also had a history of swallowing any drugs he had on him when the cops nabbed him. So it isn’t some wild conspiracy theory to think that this time he took too much.

      The guys I really feel sorry for in this whole debacle are the two rookie cops who were there helping to control the crowd. They shouldn’t have seen any jail time, but now they are in prison.

      • Drake

        The extended video of his encounter with the cops shows a guy going from maybe buzzed into deep od territory.

    • Count Potato

      Even if it was excessive force, or straight up murder, it doesn’t mean it was because he was black. What evidence is there that the cops were motivated by race?

      • juris imprudent

        What evidence

        Badges. They had badges.

      • Count Potato

        George Zimmerman didn’t have a badge. That’s when BLM started. No evidence he was motivated by race either. Although there was a deceptively edited 911 call.

    • Grummun

      I don’t recall which Glib posted it, but someone recently enumerated the full context of Floyd’s death. Very possibly Floyd dies of the fentanyl OD no matter what, but the cop continuing to kneel on Floyd’s neck for minutes after Floyd stopped breathing, and preventing the EMT on scene from providing medical assistance to Floyd, sounds a lot like excessive force, at the very least. Maybe the cop should not have been charged with murder, but he shouldn’t skate either.

      Just because Floyd was a dirtball, we shouldn’t assume a dichotomy that makes the cop a good guy. Very possible they were both dirtballs.

      • AlexinCT

        The cop doesn’t have to be seen as a good guy for this whole debacle to be called out as a travesty.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        ^ This.

        Bad guy vs. bad guy. It’s like Ukraine vs. Russia except in this case both sides are stealing our tax dollars.

  22. Q Continuum

    “Organizers of an upcoming fandom convention for “furries” in Florida have decided to limit its attendance to those 18 and older in a switch made to comply with Gov. Ron DeSantis’ law forbidding children from attending “adult live entertainment” events.”

    Worse than the Holocaust. The unhinged dictator of America’s Wang must be stopped.

    • Pope Jimbo

      A bridge too fur is what it is

      • sloopyinca

        This might dog his campaign into next year.

      • robodruid


      • Fourscore

        No pussy footin’ around with you guys,is there?

      • ron73440

        Better hairy up and get these jokes in before Swiss sees them.

      • Grumbletarian

        The details are still a little fuzzy.

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

        I am shocked you manged to get that in!

    • rhywun

      Organizers of an upcoming fandom convention for “furries” in Florida have decided to limit its attendance to those 18 and older in a switch made to draw media attention.


  23. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. Does the GOP have no heart?

    Ashanti Davis, who lives in St. Paul, is among thousands of Minnesotans who will soon face what for him is a tough choice – get a job or lose food stamp benefits.

    As an adult without dependent children, Davis, 36, will soon be subject to work requirements that were lifted for the food stamp program during past three years because the pandemic.

    “If I have to, I guess I’ll do it,” said Davis about finding a job. But he said working will be difficult for him.

    Davis had been employed, as a cashier at a thrift shop and a security guard, before his Type 1 diabetes became too difficult to control.

    “I could not keep my blood sugar level,” he said.

    Like many SNAP recipients, Davis suffered a cut in benefits, in his case from about $295 a month to $200 a month, when the pandemic-era boost to benefit ended in February. Now he also faces the reintroduction of work requirements for single adults like him.


    • AlexinCT

      That’s what you get when you ban child labor. Entitled scum that demand never to have to work.

      To the slat mines with all these fuckers!

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      Now he also faces the reintroduction of work requirements for single adults like him.

      Oh fucking no…

      • Pope Jimbo

        Don’t read the comments. The horde of proggies on that site are overwhelmingly on the leech’s side. How dare the rich make people work?

      • Drake

        36, no kids, no job.

        What my Dad would have called “a lazy bum”. My generation shortened it to “loser”.

  24. Sensei

    Oh no! Sadly no Ukrainian consulting deals or laptop full of photos of all kinds.

    Japan PM fires son after pictures emerge of ‘inappropriate’ private party at official residence

    Photos published by the Shukan Bunshun weekly magazine showed his son Shotaro and about 10 relatives posing or lying on the symbolically important red-carpeted stairs of the residence in an imitation of group photos of newly appointed cabinets. Shotaro is at the centre – the position reserved for the prime minister.

    Other photos taken at the bonenkai “forget-the-year” party on 30 December last year showed guests standing at a podium as if holding a news conference.


  25. The Late P Brooks

    If only they’d stick to celebrity gangbang videos

    “I actually like Ron DeSantis a lot,” Hillary Clinton reveals in a surprise online endorsement video. “He’s just the kind of guy this country needs, and I really mean that.”

    Joe Biden finally lets the mask slip, unleashing a cruel rant at a transgender person. “You will never be a real woman,” the president snarls.

    Welcome to America’s 2024 presidential race, where reality is up for grabs.

    The Clinton and Biden deepfakes – realistic yet fabricated videos created by AI algorithms trained on copious online footage – are among thousands surfacing on social media, blurring fact and fiction in the polarized world of U.S. politics.

    While such synthetic media has been around for several years, it’s been turbocharged over the past year by of a slew of new “generative AI” tools such as Midjourney that make it cheap and easy to create convincing deepfakes, according to Reuters interviews with about two dozen specialists in fields including AI, online misinformation and political activism.

    It’s the end of democracy. From now on, Presidents and other public servants should be selected by a panel of Wise Men who are immune to right wing disinformation.

    • KSuellington

      It’s all fun and games until we get exposed to deepfake porn of a Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer and Biden gang bang. Then you won’t be laughing.

      • ron73440

        It might not be a deepfake, it could just be SF’s security cameras got hacked.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        stop that

      • KSuellington

        Biden waking around the room looking lost with a semi flaccid shriveled cock and balls hanging out his trousers, sticking it in random couch cushions and chair backs, like trying to find an exit from a stage.

      • DEG

        “Where’s Corn Pop? He’s a bad dude and I need to show him what happens to bad dudes.”

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Always a win when the idiot is the only one with the damaged vehicle!

    I blame those wheels and tires.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    In total, about 500,000 video and voice deepfakes will be shared on social media sites globally in 2023, DeepMedia estimates. Cloning a voice used to cost $10,000 in server and AI-training costs up until late last year, but now startups offer it for a few dollars, it says.

    No one is certain where the generative AI road leads or how to effectively guard against its power for mass misinformation, according to the people interviewed.

    Industry leader OpenAI, which has changed the game in recent months with its release of ChatGPT and the updated model GPT-4, is itself grappling with the issue. CEO Sam Altman told Congress this month that election integrity was a “significant area of concern” and urged rapid regulation of the sector.

    A pre-emptive ban on civilian use is the only sensible response.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I think the pols and our rulers love this. No more lame “My blog was hacked” excuses. Now everything can be blamed on right wing AI. “It was a deep fake!!!”

    • The Other Kevin

      Here we go with the “misinformation” shit again.

  28. The Other Kevin

    Any Glibs still in Minnesota? Just His Holiness? I have that summer tournament coming up this weekend in Blaine.

    • AlexinCT

      You are prolly safer going to Ukraine, bro…

    • Pope Jimbo

      I’m around! Not sure what my weekend schedule looks like, but I’d love to come watch again.

      I might bring a non-Glib buddy even.

      • Pope Jimbo

        pope@jimbo.church is where you can send the details.

      • The Other Kevin

        Just emailed you all the details.

  29. Rebel Scum

    This ought to be interesting.

    I haven’t discerned if there is any there there. But it strike me as Rs shooting themselves in the foot, probably.

  30. Tundra

    Good morning, Sloop!

    Happy to see Dallas get bumped.Should be a fast final. I like the Panthers, but who the hell knows?

    Sandinista wasn’t my fave, but that’s a great selection. And I love SEH. Such a fantastic song.

    • The Other Kevin

      I like Panthers too, seems like they are on major run. They started the first series down 3-1, then went 8-1 in the next to series, beating the #1, #4, and #2 teams. Should be a good series.

  31. Sensei

    1. Elderly patient with a DNR versus our typical press
    2. Was unaware just how bad the outcome was with CPR.
    3. Funny enough friend of my wife’s husband collapsed at the office and had CPR for 20 minutes until the ambulance came. Still alive with minimal impairment.

    “Nurse refuses to perform CPR,” read the caption on an ABC newscast in California. “911 dispatcher’s pleas ignored.” Several days earlier, an elderly woman at a senior living facility had gone into cardiac arrest. The dispatcher instructed an employee to perform CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. But the employee refused.

    “Is there anybody there that’s willing to help this lady and not let her die?” the dispatcher said. It made the local news, which elicited a national outcry and prompted a police investigation. But the woman was already dead — her heart had stopped. And according to family, the woman had wished to “die naturally and without any kind of life-prolonging intervention.”

    Bystander-initiated CPR may increase those odds to 10%. Survival after CPR for in-hospital cardiac arrest is slightly better, but still only about 17%. The numbers get even worse with age. A study in Sweden found that survival after out-of-hospital CPR dropped from 6.7% for patients in their 70s to just 2.4% for those over 90. Chronic illness matters too. One study found that less than 2% of patients with cancer or heart, lung, or liver disease were resuscitated with CPR and survived for six months.

    TW – NPR – https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/05/29/1177914622/a-natural-death-may-be-preferable-for-many-than-enduring-cpr

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      So the patient had a DNR and the media went after the nurse?


      • Sensei

        Why, yes. Yes they did…

      • R C Dean

        “according to family, the woman had wished to “die naturally and without any kind of life-prolonging intervention.”

        End. Of. Discussion.

        It’s actually a crime (assault) to perform CPR on somebody who has a DNR.

    • dorvinion

      Wife’s grandmother had a DNR in part because at 87 years old and with cancer everywhere, had she went into arrest and been given CPR, and if it actually saved her she’d have never sit up or speak again and would spend her remaining days in agony from the crushed ribs

      She spent her last 6 months as peacefully as could be made possible

    • Grummun

      Normalizing “eh, they’re old just let them die” ? I guess if you’re hoping to cull the population, the old and sick are the low hanging fruit.

      • Fourscore

        The Golden Age ain’t all that golden. Fun and games are long gone memories

      • Grummun

        No kidding. I’m not even that old and I can already see all the aches and maladies I’m accumulating making a long old age just miserable.

  32. robc

    No discussion of Ohio State finishing DFL at NCAA golf?

    They did make the top 15 cut, but then finished 11 strokes back of 14 th.

    Top 8 teams made match play. 4 from ACC, 1 SEC, 1 B1G, 1 PAC, and Pepperdine WCC?)

    Also no discussion of Liverpool- Southampton?

    • Raven Nation

      Also on the football theme, as we noted yesterday Wednesday’s journey to the championship was pretty wild.

      • robc

        And while I agree with your comment yesterday that it is unlikely Wednesday will get promoted immediately again, since United will probably be coming back down and since they apparently cant be in same league, that means Wednesday pulls off the miracle!

    • Michael Malaise

      College golf? That’s a deep cut.

      • robc

        sloopy and I have a college-related golf rivalry going.

        So OSU finishing DFL while GT made the top 8 match play couldn’t go unmentioned.

        In today’s QFs, GT is up on Pepperdine 3-2, but they are still on the front 9.

        Florida is up 3-2 on Virginia.
        UNC is beating Arizona St 2-0-3.
        Illinois and FSU are tied 2-2-1.

  33. Rebel Scum

    The squirrels are learning.

    Human–animal communication has been studied for decades and researchers found common patterns in basic messages. This squirrel is possibly an example of effective communication

    That’s nuts.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Nurse refuses to perform CPR,” read the caption on an ABC newscast in California. “911 dispatcher’s pleas ignored.” Several days earlier, an elderly woman at a senior living facility had gone into cardiac arrest. The dispatcher instructed an employee to perform CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. But the employee refused.

    If there was a DNR, why call 911?

    Let me guess- procedures were followed.

    • R C Dean

      Ding ding. The nursing homes always, always, always call 911, even if the resident is screaming “Don’t call 911”. They (a) don’t want any liability for not doing so, because families can be alsos and (b) want the resident to die somewhere, anywhere, else.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        It will be a whale of a run.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        He brings a certain level of gravitas to the position.

      • Fourscore

        “In for a penny, in for a pound”

      • R.J.

        I’m sure his opponents are crushed.

    • Brochettaward

      I thought Chris Christie died of a heart attack or something until he resurfaced a month or so ago to take shots at Trump.

  35. Rebel Scum

    They need more gun control.

    It’s been a violent and deadly Memorial Day weekend in Chicago with at least 53 shot, 11 fatally, police said.

    The shooting victims range in age from 2 to 77 years old, representing every part of the city.

    The violence occurred despite a collaborative public safety effort that the new mayor hopes to implement all summer.

    • The Other Kevin

      How many mass shootings does it take to add up to those numbers?

      • ron73440

        TOK, they are all mass shootings.

    • Sean

      How many of those shooters were Democrats/progressives?

      • Michael Malaise

        I doubt many were, uh, voters.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Holiday tradition

    On top of the 14 people who were killed this holiday weekend in mass shootings, at least another 58 people were injured, according to the Gun Violence Archive, which defines a mass shooting as an incident with at least four injuries or deaths, not including the shooter.


    257. That’s how many mass shootings have happened in the U.S. so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive, outpacing the 229 reported at this point last year and the 233 reported at this point in 2021—which was the worst year for mass shootings in a decade.

    Those numbers are completely reliable. As is the definition of “mass shooting”.

    • Sensei

      Does that include the trained professional above?

  37. Grummun

    How many of those “mass shootings” are gang-on-gang crime in urban areas, instead of the schools and shopping malls the media likes to show us?

    • Tundra


    • WTF

      The vast majority.

  38. Mojeaux

    @Rhy, did I just read that you’re contemplating a move to Glibs’ Gulch?

    • rhywun

      Heh, no. Different gulch.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Too close to the hometown?

        I didn’t know your part of Brooklyn was in the same district as Staten Island.

      • Brochettaward

        Come to Florida. It’s not as humid as you remember and the gators and poisonous snakes are mostly segregated from the humans.

  39. kinnath

    Daily Quordle 491

    easy words today

    • kinnath

      #waffle494 5/5


      🔥 streak: 143
      🌟 #wafflecenturion

      wordle, quordle, and wafflegame were all quite easy today.

      • Sean

        #waffleroyale20 5/5



    • Sean

      Daily Quordle 491

      Blossom Puzzle, May 30
      Letters: E F L T R S Y
      My score: 321 points
      My longest word: 11 letters
      🌹 🏵 🌸 🌻 💮 🌺 🌼 💐 🌷 🌹 🏵

      Play Blossom:

    • rhywun


      Daily Quordle 491

    • Tundra

      Daily Quordle 491


  40. The Late P Brooks

    I think Malcolm Forbes might be a bit disappointed if he could see what his magazine has been turned into.

    • Fourscore

      Advice is worth what you pay for it.

    • dorvinion

      This person is a comedian yes?

    • Lackadaisical

      They’re being serious?

    • Drake

      I laughed at who was saying it, and what idiot was saying in the interview.

      John, if they thought Trump was a fool, it was because he brought along a blithering idiot like yourself. All the foreign leaders mentioned had far more respect for Trump than Biden. Putin despises him ever since Obama sent Joe to Moscow to tell Putin not to run for reelection. Joe was told to kindly fuck-off. Xi won’t even talk to him or Blinken these days.

      • Brochettaward

        When these people talk about foreign leaders, they really only mean Western Europeans. And even then, it’s a very different definition of respect than you or I would have.

        Putin didn’t do shit to fuck with Trump. Trump put him in his place in Syria. I guaran-god-damn-tee the Chinese were far more concerned about Trump than any Dem you are going to elect. They’ve bought the Democratic party at least since the Clintons.

  41. Tres Cool

    Apropos of nothing- had 2nd interview (phone) with an environmental consulting firm today.
    Fuck “reduce, reuse, recycle”….Im 1 step closer to being back on the stack.
    Well, as a project manager. My body is too old for such things now.

  42. The Late P Brooks


    Dozens of AI industry leaders, academics and even some celebrities on Tuesday called for reducing the risk of global annihilation due to artificial intelligence, arguing in a brief statement that the threat of an AI extinction event should be a top global priority.

    “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war,” read the statement published by the Center for AI Safety.

    Risk of extinction from AI? Cut it the fuck out.

    • kinnath

      AI just means nothing is real — there will be no trusted source of information. Not that it will be much different than today.

    • R C Dean

      “the threat of an AI extinction event should be a top global priority”

      Ah, a rarely cited Iron Law comes to mind:

      If everything is a priority, nothing is a priority.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    had 2nd interview (phone) with an environmental consulting firm today.
    Fuck “reduce, reuse, recycle”….Im 1 step closer to being back on the stack.

    We need to convince people burning plastics will counteract global warming.

  44. Sensei

    The United Kingdom’s inflation problem is now so dire that Sunak is considering asking retailers to cap the price of essential food items, in a throwback to the 1970s. Back then, governments in the United States and United Kingdom imposed wage and price controls to tame inflation, although the policies weren’t very effective at bringing inflation down and were later dropped.

    Economists say that capping prices encourages companies to produce less of a product, while making it more attractive to consumers. Supply goes down, and demand goes up, with shortages being the inevitable result.

    Who knew price controls don’t work?


    • ron73440

      I think that’s the first time I’ve seen any corporate media say anything negative about price controls.

      • Sensei

        Well, economists say that. I’m was surprised CNN did add “some” in front of economists, however.

  45. Count Potato

    White supremacists are more racially diverse than the U.S. Senate.

  46. Tundra

    I think we know why.

    Why Are Hospitals Still Using Remdesivir?

    Absolutely horrific. I wonder how many medical professionals are laying awake at night wondering how they became concentration camp guards.

    • Count Potato


    • DEG

      I wonder how many medical professionals are laying awake at night wondering how they became concentration camp guards.

      “I was just a good soldier following orders….. errr…… I was just a good doctor following the science.”

    • Sean

      You suck.

      • Tundra

        You know the rule.

      • AlexinCT

        MY EYES!

    • creech

      This used to get a “Light the John signal” comment, but I guess John is long gone back to his federal job.

    • R C Dean

      The Uggs really pull the whole outfit together.

  47. Count Potato

    “The QAnon Shaman Is Out of Prison and Selling Yoga Leggings Now

    His “Forbidden Truth Academy” is also offering one-on-one sessions with the shaman himself, for just $500 a pop.

    One of the first things Chansley did after being released was launch an extensive line of merchandise. Much of the new merch he’s selling uses his own image, alongside a new title—“America’s Shaman”—that’s an apparent attempt to expand his appeal beyond QAnon supporters.

    The array of merchandise is impressively large, and includes stickers, buttons, mousepads, copies of Chansley’s mugshot, yoga mats, yoga leggings, t-shirts, baseball socks (currently sold out), hoodies, and mugs. Most of the items have Chansley’s face printed on them, including the “Shaman Heart” skater dress, which features his face not once, but twice.

    There is also merchandise advertising Chansley’s “Forbidden Truth Academy” project, which “seeks to improve the lives of its members and transform the world through education and mentorship, offering services to increase IQ, expand consciousness, and enhance personal evolution.””


    • Certified Public Asshat

      What is he supposed to do? Go to college and get a teaching certificate?

      I respect the hustle.

      • Lackadaisical

        Yeah, given that he will probably have a hard time seeking employment, good on him.

    • creech

      I’m happy to hear he’s “turning his life around” and surely “thinking about going to college” would be good thing for this “gentle giant.” Oh wait, that’s only for dirtbags and pond scum. This guy’s a _____phobe, racist, insurrectionist, neonazi, and sniffer of Pelosi and AOC panties.

  48. The Late P Brooks

    Economists say that capping prices encourages companies to produce less of a product, while making it more attractive to consumers. Supply goes down, and demand goes up, with shortages being the inevitable result.

    That’s why the Ministry of Plenty must have the power to set production levels. Then it will work.

  49. ElspethFlashman

    1. Went to Florida for the first time two weeks ago. Hot. Humid. No sunburns were had as I brought 3 tubes of sunscreen from 55+ to 70 spf.
    But dang!! Michigan (cool, partly sunny, high 60s) seemed a wonderful place after Bradenton (hot. humid. High 87).

    Highlight: Manatees in a tank eating romaine lettuce and farting. We watched them for almost a half-hour.

    2. Weekend fun cruising the antiques market…. I am a near-expert haggler so we came home with some decent goodies.

    3. Guardians of the Galaxy III = seems like a ripoff of Stranger Things season 3 with a lot more explosions, running, and bad dialogue. I still enjoyed the movie but once I was out of the theater the comparisons were pretty blatant.

    • Lackadaisical

      You should visit again in February. 😛

    • creech

      I can see the value in asking students in certain majors to write a “Devil’s advocate” paper about any issue they’d care to expound on. This prof goes way too far and he’d probably be on the picket line if another prof made mandatory an essay about how crazy Marx was, or demanded a hosanna to Ayn Rand.

      • Brochettaward

        “Finally humanity and the gods are on equal footing and that is what the myths of Hercules, Apollo and Jesus are all about—the divine becoming human and human being divine.”

        This guy is a clown. He’s not playing devil’s advocate – he’s using his class to pontificate.

  50. The Late P Brooks

    Keep pushing

    Following Target’s announcement last week that it removed products and relocated Pride displays to the back of certain stores in the South, activists in the LGBTQ+ community are calling for new campaigns to convince corporate leaders not to cave to anti-LGBTQ+ groups.

    “We need a strategy on how to deal with corporations that are experiencing enormous pressure to throw LGBTQ people under the bus,” said California state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, a member of the LGBTQ legislative caucus.

    “We need to send a clear message to corporate America that if you’re our ally — if you are truly our ally — you need to be our ally, not just when it’s easy but also when it’s hard,” he said.

    You’re either with us 100% or you’re a gay hating Nazi transphobe.

    • Brochettaward


      That’s it. Few people give a fuck about your pride shit, or at least wouldn’t if you kept it focused on adults. And even then, it’s not “pride.” We are talking about trannie shit for kids. LGB have tainted their own brand by associating with the T to the extent that they have.

      There will be a real backlash on the quiltbag community, and it will not be isolated to just the T part. the activists who pushed shit way, way too far will be the ones to blame.

    • R C Dean

      “Ah, the old “you’re either with us or against us” play. Welp, if them’s the rules, get the fuck out of my office so I can make some calls and get all that Pride shit out of my stores. It’s not selling worth a damn anyway.”

    • Brochettaward

      The more I think about it, we need a backlash against white women in this country.

    • R C Dean

      Bad news, cupcake. That ship already sailed, hit the reef, caught fire, capsized, and sank.

      The good news for these crusading women – now, it’s not just their client who can’t work at that gym. Now that it’s bankrupt, no women will work there.

      Thus advancing the cause, somehow.