So, I’m of two minds these days.

On the one hand,  I don’t see how the ruling class’s current social/cultural movements (wokism, greenism) can prevail, for one simple reason: they admit of no limiting principle and their proponents are incapable of compromise.  OK, that’s two reasons, but they are interdependent.

On the other, the backlash from the normies that has been relentlessly predicted for years simply will not materialize in any meaningful way.  Without this backlash, what’s to stop the ruling class from imposing their quasi-religious nuttery on everyone else?

Wokism and greenism are fundamentally driven by a sense of self-righteous morality, which results (perhaps inevitably) in what I have seen referred to as a “purity spiral”, a sort of status competition to see who can be the most righteous.  This status dynamic requires that (a) you maintain or acquire high status and (b) to do so, you must find something that the people you are competing with haven’t promoted yet.  You can’t maintain your place on the ever-collapsing sand heap of social status by saying “Well, we took care of that problem.  What’s for lunch?”.  Thus, gay marriage quickly gave way to transsexual “rights” (there was a brief flirtation with plural relationships, but that has the stink of deeply conservative religions/societies on it).  And now that Everyone Who Matters is fully on board with transsexual “rights”, what’s next?  Because there must be a next.  The purity spiral demands it.

And there it is – the normalization of pedophilia.  One state legislature is considering making pedophiles a protected class.  The trial balloons on “minor-attracted persons” being just, you know, another group on the spectrum of sexual behavior (don’t judge!) are being flown.  Teaching sexual behaviors (and deviancy) to grade schoolers is now embedded in the curriculum.

The green wing also has a purity spiral going.  At one time, replacing coal with natural gas was a green thing.  Now, its shutting down natural gas – no more generators, no more production (there is a “whole of government” assault on the entire petrochemical industry, you know).  Even the most carbon-neutral forms of energy – hydro and nuclear – are being shut down even though “carbon-neutral” is the sine qua non of greenism these days.  There’s even some rumbling about wind and solar – dead whales and birds, anyone?  And, of course, banning home use of natural gas is spreading, as well.

Ideologically, there’s always the opportunity to oppose or propose something else that has heretofore been unacceptable.  And its very unacceptability is the magnetic attraction to people trapped in a purity spiral – the point is to be on the cutting edge, to take a stand that lets you look down on someone.  The status competition isn’t with the deplorables – other than as a foil that Everyone Who Matters can sneer at for amusement, they count for nothing.  The status competition is with the people who you agreed with, yesterday – the other People Who Matter.

And the self-righteous morality (and status competition) is what prevents greens and wokists from ever compromising.  To compromise is to abandon the purity spiral and status competition by agreeing to something that is, in part, impure and immoral, after all.  Greenism and wokism, by their very natures, cannot reach a stable state that is broadly accepted, however reluctantly.

This seems inherently unsustainable, a machine built to flame out at some point.  But what point?

When the normies revolt, perhaps?  OK, that would be nice.  Where is the backlash, though?  Oh, sure, you see pockets of it here and there.  Angry moms are escorted out of school board meetings.  The (very) occasional school board is even taken over by “conservatives”.  But even that bastion of anti-wokism, Florida, passed a law saying that, while you can’t proselytize sexual deviancy to third graders, fourth grade and up, have at it.  And wokism and greenism have an iron grip on the capital markets and many corporations.  Sure, Bud Light is a punchline now following its embrace (ick) of a female impersonator, but A-B followed what should have been a debacle by fronting another female impersonator, this time from the Navy.

What will it take to get the normies to say “No more!”?  Not pornography in grade schools.  Not drag queens performing in front of 8 year olds (or 8 year olds performing as drag queens).  Not $5 gas (remember a couple of years ago when that was a bad thing; well, its back, and not a peep from anyone).  Not rolling brownouts and blackouts, which have become SOP in California.  Not being prohibited from buying gas appliances.   Not the destruction of statues and paintings.  Not the indoctrination of their children into an anti-American, anti-white cult.  Not the destruction of inner cities by the Riot-American community affiliated with the wokists and greens.  And, finally, not being forced to take an experimental drug to keep your job or being forced to wear a mask when you leave the house.

What, then?  As long as Netflix comes on and you can scroll the Tickety-Tok on your Big Tech surveillance device, nothing else matters?

Or is the backlash happening under the radar, with the Great Resorting of Americans into Red and Blue states?  I’m still on the fence as to how many of those moving to Red states (on net, nobody is moving to Blue states) are missionaries or refugees.  The results seem mixed, at this point.  Even so, the cultural and social high ground is unaffected by this resorting – wokism and greenism are mind viruses that are not dependent on geography, and no wokist or greenist has a road to Damascus moment while driving a U-Haul to Florida.

Wokism/greenism is doomed by its inherent and irremediable internal flaws.  The very thing that drives it, self-righteous moralism, will drive it off a cliff.  There’s your white pill, of sorts.  But nothing seems to arouse Americans from their complacent stupor as the guts are torn out of their society by malevolent arrested development cases and their hollow masters.  I’m genuinely baffled by how this will play out.