¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!

by | Jan 23, 2024 | Daily Links | 120 comments

I spent the weekend with one of those, “getting old really sucks” attitudes.  What happened was on Thursday my youngest had baseball practice so I pushed leg day to Friday.  No big deal, except my daughter asked that I go to her soccer game Sunday morning.  Which meant deadlift day had to come early.  So instead of a day or two of recovery, I did both workouts within a 24 hours timeframe (Friday night, then early afternoon Saturday)…

Listen…You get the .gif today.



The big news yesterday was SCOTUS reminding us all the liberal justices will vote exactly the way you think they will, while everyone gets to agonize over how the conservatives might vote.  Not to worry, Gov. Larry Flynt and other Texan politicians seem to suggest they plan to ignore the ruling…

…besides when was the last time the courts were anything other than a shell game?

This story gives credence to this meme over here.

Your annual reminder to stop dressing like a toddler.

People fleeing communism are not communists? Inconceivable!

Costa Rica may be the next country to implement the Bukele method.

Narco Sub sounds like a sandwich.  So what’s on it?

This is exactly what I thought this guy would look like. Enjoy your Tuesday.

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. Common Tater

    You have a day for just deadlifts?

    • The Other Kevin

      If he’s going for pure strength then yes. He might do multiple sets with 3-5 minutes rest or more between.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Yes, I make a day out of it. I show up early, grill some brats in the parking lot a few hours before I enter the gym. We’ll play cornhole and blast Mexican music,

    • R C Dean

      I do. Sunday is deadlift day for me. I might mix in a little cardio if I’m feeling frisky.

      Mrs. Dean has torn down my form for about the 8th time, so my weight is still a little on the light side while I try to groove it in.

      • trshmnstr

        Mrs. trshy tweaked my squat form the other day, and it turns out I was putting my knees too wide my entire life.

        “oh, that’s what quad engagement really feels like!”

      • R C Dean

        Mrs. Dean has given up on my squat form, I think. Can’t really blame her.

        My biggest problem is the kind of lack of flexibility/mobility you get after sitting on your ass in an office chair for 35 years.

      • trshmnstr

        That reminds me, i should stand the rest of the afternoon.

  2. trshmnstr

    *slinks off to change out of gym shorts and a t-shirt*

    (granted, Im just checking emails really quick after working out, so I do have an excuse)

  3. Common Tater

    “People fleeing communism are not communists? Inconceivable!”

    You keep using that word?

    • mexican sharpshooter


      Lighten up will ya?

      • Common Tater

        It’s a joke from the Princess Bride.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        No more PB references: I mean it!

      • Necron 99

        Anybody want a peanut?

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Poor Mr. Peanut.

      • The Gunslinger

        You are the brute squad!

      • Gender Traitor

        As you wish. 😉

      • juris imprudent

        Get used to disappointment.

  4. Shpip

    A federal appeals court has ruled that Mexico can sue a group of US gun manufacturers and a distributor, finding the claims made by the country in a lawsuit are “statutorily exempt” from a law that typically protects the companies from liability.

    Sure… I guess they can sue. They’ll get laughed out of court in about six picoseconds, but sue away if they want.

    • R C Dean

      Depends on the venue, doesn’t it. Sounds like they are in Boston, so I wouldn’t bet on the that whole laughed-out-of-court thing.

      • Tres Cool

        Could Veterans Affairs department go to Germany and sue Luger for the guns they manufactured ? Demand relief for all the medical care they’ve given out?

    • tarran

      Donald Trump was sued by a woman whose friends characterized her as a serial fabulist and who claimed that Trump acted out an improbable rape in the dressing room of a store he doesn’t shop at so many years ago that she doesn’t remember when it happened. The story also happens to match the plot of an episode of one of her favorite TV shows.

      That didn’t get laughed out of court, in fact the Jury decided that he had injured her and owed her compensation.

      The time has come for us to start doing the same thing to the United states as to what the Soviet citizens did to the United States’ close friend the USSR: stop obeying its dictates and let it wither away.

      • trshmnstr

        We are in a post-legitimacy era. The train rode the tracks right off the cliff, and while the delusional point to the fact that the train is still moving, they’re ignoring the canyon floor approaching us at rapid speed.

      • Common Tater

        “That didn’t get laughed out of court, in fact the Jury decided that he had injured her and owed her compensation.”

        I thought the judge overruled the jury??

  5. The Late P Brooks

    The 36-year-old immigrant couldn’t register to vote yet in the October election, but she says she became “indirectly” involved in the political process, advocating for Milei and against the left within her circle.

    It’s an increasingly common story in Argentina and throughout the Americas. Scarred by economic collapse, widespread corruption and a crackdown on civil liberties associated with socialist leadership back home, many of the millions of recently relocated Venezuelans have lent their support to right-wing movements across the continent. The diaspora’s activism has taken place against a backdrop of warnings from right-wing forces that Venezuela-style socialism risks spreading.

    We have seen the future Utopian socialist experiment, and it sucks.

  6. Common Tater

    “Narco Sub sounds like a sandwich. ”

    So does weed grinder.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Thinly sliced hippo meat garnished with coca leaves and a hemp oil vinagrette. Served in a spinach wrap made to look like a rolled up Benjamin.

      • Common Tater

        “hemp oil vinagrette”

        I’ve made that. It’s actually good. Too bad hemp oil isn’t more commonly available.

  7. Common Tater

    “An Arkansas teacher once surprised on national TV by adoring students has pleaded guilty to having sex with a high school boy up to 30 times.

    Married mom Heather Hare, 33, first made headlines in 2020 when she was surprised on ”Good Morning America” by students bidding her goodbye as her home economics class was discontinued for distance learning during the pandemic.

    She potentially faces life behind bars after pleading guilty Monday to transporting a minor across state lines for unlawful sexual activity, prosecutors said.

    Hare was arrested last April after being accused of having sex with a 17-year-old student, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette also reported.”


    What’s wrong with all these women?

    • Ownbestenemy

      She ain’t bad looking and 16-18 year olds don’t have the knowledge and experience with crazy eyes..

      • R.J.

        Well, it did say the students adored her….

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Not bad looking if you can look past the fivehead and the female mullet, sure.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Set yourself back to 16/17 and an older woman is offering you the promised land…

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        A couple of acres of prime oceanfront property you mean? Yeah, I would have done her for that.

      • pistoffnick

        “huge tracts of land”

      • Tres Cool

        Pretty sure I could iron a suit on that forehead.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Wrong kind of home economics.

      • Bobarian LMD

        For certain definitions of wrong.

      • Tres Cool

        And “economics”



    • rhywun

      This genre ranks below only “racist Karen” for typical NYPost front-page clickbait.

    • trshmnstr

      What’s wrong with all these women?

      They never emotionally matured beyond high school, so aside from having to teach, they’re basically doing a “God mode” playthrough of “High School, the RPG”, doing all the things they weren’t popular or confident enough to do when they were 14.

      Its like the converse of Munchausen by proxy where they take their (hypothetical) kid’s place and relive their desires on a bunch of kids.

      • Sensei

        I like that. No idea if it’s true, but sounds good. I’m going with it!

      • trshmnstr

        Me either, but it connects with some observations I made of the “overly chummy” teachers at my high school.

        To quote Jimmy Stewart in It’s a Wonderful Life, “[she] never grew up.”

      • Tres Cool

        Or “I get older. They stay the same age.”

      • Necron 99

        When I was in college in 03 at the age of 37, I would go around the different departments and feel the vibe there. The education school just weirded me out, everything seemed geared towards junior high, the bulletin board were always dressed with the latest season/holiday, the notes on the boards were just odd, like “whoever took my lunch you can return the bag it was in at least!” type of messages. It just seemed like a junior high through and through.

        My favorite place to hang out was the fine arts building, people were just chill, and probably high. The business school was like a 24/7 news room, the nursing school was pretty dead, as was the engineering school except if you looked hard enough you could find people in a corner somewhere studying. Mathematics was about the same, only with nerdier nerds. The humanities gave me the creeps, so much commie worship. The only class I earned below an A in was a humanities class with their propaganda bullshit. Almost got thrown out of that class… fun times.

      • trshmnstr

        When I was in school, the education majors were the first ones lined up at the bars on weekday nights. They were fodder for the poonhounds. They weren’t serious people and they were not getting a serious education. Most had delusions of getting their Mrs degree if they could only find a guy worth settling down with. Of course, most guys worth settling down with objected to getting sloppy 42nds from an airhead.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      That’s surprisingly low based on what I see in the media where it seems like half the population is “queer”.

      • Ownbestenemy

        And I would say probably a fraction of that is truly ones that see themselves as such while others are just going along. I knew ‘true’ Goths in high school who bought into the lifestyle and I knew goth-adjacents who’d say they were such.

      • rhywun

        who’d say they were such

        I hung out with all the goth kids but I never would have claimed to be one. People need to stop frontin’.

    • Common Tater

      Queer doesn’t even have a definition.

      • Suthenboy

        That’s odd

      • rhywun

        All the more useful to infuse it with whichever meaning is most politically helpful depending on who you’re talking to.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont get it. I always knew I who and what I am. Nothing anyone could have said to me would change that.
      Fuckin’ herd animals.

      Re: Teacher
      You know that felt they cover pool tables with? Lemme tell you, carpet aint got nuthin’ on that shit. (Gf’s mom showed me that when I was 14)
      My god, I was so traumatized by. that that I went back every chance I got.
      What’s wrong with guys today?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Baize. (Ya know what rhymes with baize?)

      • Suthenboy

        Friction bur…..no, that doesnt rhyme.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        For the last time, adult women should not be fucking kids.

      • Suthenboy

        “By the age of ten our boys have killed their first man. White man keeps his boys in dresses until that age.” – Geronimo, paraphrased

        It was a different time. We saw things differently.

    • rhywun

      “Queer” or “gay”? These are not the same thing.

      • R C Dean

        Gay – I like other dudes.

        Queer – I am fucked up in the head.

        Something like that?

      • rhywun

        Pretty much.

        I think we sailed past “queer” = “leftist gay” a few years ago and now “queer” just means “leftist asshole”.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    In Argentina, the right-wing social media ecosystem that proved so important in helping to lift Milei from the fringes — particularly among young voters — regularly surfaced posts from Venezuelans warning against voting for the left.

    We can’t allow this sort of foreign interference to poison American politics. No wonder the Biden administration is deporting Venezuelans.

    • prolefeed

      Once Dem politicians figure out Venezulan refugees will vote like Cubans, they’ll be the ones deporting people fleeing commie regimes.

    • R.J.

      Yeah. Pot and what else? Because it wasn’t the pot.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Meh, I think some on here have even said they get paranoid on the pot. I did when I used to partake. I can see people in the wrong state of mind going nuts while high, even with pot.

      • Common Tater

        And stabbing someone 100 times?

        I wonder what the sentence would have been if the genders were reversed.

      • Nephilium

        Was she dosed without her knowledge? If not, she’s still responsible in my opinion.

      • Ownbestenemy

        That much I agree with. If she engaged on her own, she is responsible for her actions. How many DUI cases are looking at this one thinking…well…”I had no control over my actions!”

      • Common Tater

        Drunk only counts as an excuse if you are a college girl having sex.

      • Bobarian LMD

        I would see this possibly with some previously unexposed psychosis being revealed by getting too high. But it ain’t the pot.

      • trshmnstr

        That’s how it works with alcohol, so I’m not sure why it would be any different for pot.

      • bacon-magic

        I’ve never gotten stoned enough to stab someone 100 times. When you’re high you don’t even want to stab the cashier at a fast food place for messing up your order.

      • Nephilium

        It depends… did he forget the fries?

      • bacon-magic

        “Bruh, you forgot my fries.” *lunges over counter and stabs employee with pinch hitter

    • mexican sharpshooter

      How do they know it was 100? After a while wouldn’t he just look like chopped meat?

      • Sensei

        Same way they know the exact speed that a drunk was driving before the crash.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        I see. UAW dimed her out.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        You put a little toothpick with a numbered flag in each of the puncture wounds.

      • Bobarian LMD

        CSI: Stab Counter.

        Mondays on CBS.

    • R C Dean

      It used to be that if you were (voluntarily) intoxicated, you were 100% responsible for what you did.

  9. rhywun

    Israel is not a member state of the court and does not recognize its jurisdiction.

    I can’t imagine why not.

  10. Shpip

    Proponents of the welfare-first approach say historically that helped to shield Costa Rica from violence long prevalent in much of Central America, and that more welfare spending could do so again.

    Laura Chinchilla, president from 2010 to 2014, said she had successfully curbed violence by preventing the poor from falling into crime.

    Call me cynical, but I wouldn’t be taking advice from a small crepuscular rodent.

    • rhywun

      I think if you have to bribe your poor people to knock it off with the crime already, your culture has more fundamental problems that aren’t being addressed.

  11. Common Tater

    “An audio recording obtained by DailyMail.com reveals the extraordinary moment when what appears to be Arizona’s top Republican official tried to bribe populist firebrand Kari Lake not to run in the state’s Senate race.

    Jeff DeWit, 51, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, can be heard asking Lake, a close ally of Donald Trump, to name her price to stay out of politics for two years.

    ‘There are very powerful people who want to keep you out,’ he tells her in a conversation recorded at the start of March last year.

    DeWit tells Lake, 54, one of the most public faces of the former president’s MAGA movement and a woman frequently spoken of as a 2024 vice-presidential pick, that he thinks Trump will lose and it is time to make way for someone else….”


    • R C Dean

      Oh, FFS. I would need more before I leapt to the conclusion he was offering her cash. “Name your price” covers a pretty big waterfront. The reference to “powerful people” definitely points the quid pro quo in a different direction, IMO.

      Of course, the AZ Repub leadership is rotten with RINOs who would rather be locked out of statewide office indefinitely than get any of that MAGA stink on them. As they proved in 2022.

  12. DEG

    While Chaves insists he doesn’t want to become exactly like Bukele, his plan is still a radical shift for Costa Rica, which has traditionally taken a gentler approach to crime prevention.
    Many in the opposition-controlled Congress publicly still cleave to that approach, but even there, whispers of support for tougher policies are growing, fueled by fears for the country’s $2 billion tourism sector.

    Yeah. Don’t fuck with the money.

  13. Suthenboy

    How about car makers? BBQ pit makers? Makers of anything at all?
    The judges on that court need to find another line of work.

    What Hamas did is not a crime? They have to investigate to figure that out?

    100% in agreement on dressing oneself.

    So, the new Cubans? What a surprise.

    I always wondered how subs would be more able to get in than surface vessels. I thought the navy had that covered.

    Long haired head bangers. Would that fucking die already?

    This makes me sad. My last visit crime was low, girls were very friendly…well every one was really.
    Conversation after a week there the first time:
    Me – “There sure is a lot of drinkin’ and screwin’ here. Seems that’s all they do.”
    Australian contractor/drinking buddy – “You have a better idea?”

    • Nephilium

      Long haired head bangers. Would that fucking die already?


      /throws up the devil horns

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I always wondered how subs would be more able to get in than surface vessels. I thought the navy had that covered

      Its a big ocean, I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Aloysious

      Listen to Slayer , smoke Satan and worship crack. What could possibly go wrong?

  14. Lackadaisical

    carnitas/spicy salsa had a great article today.

    I’m a big fan of Austria (you know who else…). The food is great, and lots of the desserts and things that people think are French actually come from Austria. It’s not a tourist trap either, which is nice and makes it a bit more accessible for those on a budget. Also, good beer, great architecture and history(sending the faith for ~1000 years)

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Thanks to Marie Antoinette?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Austria is nice, but they still have an authoritarian streak. My wife’s nephew had Polizei with long guns show up at his door because he let his kids play outside during Covid.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Were they one of the countries that mandated the Covid vax for all citizens?

        I hear they still prize cash though.

      • DEG

        I think their restrictions were if you weren’t vaccinated, you have to wear a mask and can’t go to restaurants/bars/museums/gyms, but can grocery shop/ride public transit.

        Proof of recovery from infection exempted you from these restrictions.

        A friend of mine in Vienna carried around her paperwork indicating she had had Covid and recovered whenever she left her apartment.

      • juris imprudent

        Still with the papieren bitte?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Most, or maybe all of Europe, was more reasonable regarding prior infection. Their Science was different than our Science.

        My inlaws in Slovakia created their own paperwork to carry around, but I doubt that would fly in Austria.

      • grrizzly

        No, Austria was really bad. They passed a law that mandated covid vaccines for everyone.

        A new law comes into force in Austria this week that makes vaccination against Covid-19 compulsory for anyone over-18. Several countries have introduced mandates for the elderly or medical staff, but this is the first nation in Europe to adopt such sweeping measures.

        However, the government quickly decided to suspend the law.

        Austria is suspending a law making Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory for all adults, just a month after the legislation took effect in an EU first.

      • DEG

        Right, I remember that law now.

        The article doesn’t say there was an exception for prior infection. I remember there being one, if not in that law but other restrictions. My friend used that exception quite often.

  15. Sensei

    “Given the previous tragic crashes of Boeing 737 Max aircraft, we are deeply concerned that the loose bolts represent a systemic issue with Boeing’s capabilities to manufacture safe airplanes,” Sens. Ed Markey, J.D. Vance and Peter Welch wrote to Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun earlier this month.

    Just have FedGov nationalize it. They are well known for quality and not making mistakes.


    OTH, reputation, stock price, and litigation from people they kill while outsourcing will have no impact on Boeing fixing its McKinsey induced massive fuckup.

  16. R.J.

    No merit increases for management this year. How’s it going over in Sharpshooter land?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Probably the same. The corporate overlords bought out another LOB in CA and with the almost across the board Medicare STARS payment reduction next year, they’re probably tightening belt for the time being.

    • trshmnstr

      “if you are not at your desk in 5 minutes, we will accept your resignation in lieu of the severance package we had prepared for you.”

      • Bobarian LMD

        Text: “We were gonna tell you to not bother to come in on Monday, so this works too.”

    • Grumbletarian

      Beyond the drastic cuts hanging over the newsroom, it’s unclear what Soon-Shiong is doing behind the scenes to stable his ship. The biotech billionaire purchased The LAT in 2018, pouring nearly $1 billion into the storied paper and vowing to steer it into the future after enduring years of tumult under Tribune Publishing. But in the words of the newspaper’s own leadership team, years later under his stewardship it is in a dire state of “financial crisis.”

      What newspaper could survive on a mere $200 million a year?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        C.F. Kane: “I think it would be fun to run a newspaper.”

      • R C Dean

        “to stable his ship”

        Well, I know someone who doesn’t have an editor and needs one.

    • Shpip

      The cuts have come at a horrendous time. As antidemocratic candidates look to seize power in election contests from coast to coast, newsrooms are shrinking and simply trying to stay afloat.

      As “antidemocratic” candidates look to win a majority of the electorate in their respective countries, which we can’t let happen, because democracy. FIFY.

      That lack of accountability means dishonest figures seeking higher office, and those in positions of power, could avoid crucial scrutiny, leaving the electorate less informed about the vital decisions it will have to make in November at the ballot box.

      “The cutbacks mean that print and online media will have less ability to cheerlead for the managerial state and put its collective thumb on the scales for its preferred candidates.” There we go — that’s a bit more honest, yes?

      • Shpip

        Meanwhile, amid the backdrop of bedlam, the team of four managing editors — Julia Turner, Sara Yasin, Scott Kraft, and Shani Hilton — tapped to oversee operations in the wake of Merida’s departure has also been rocked by departures. Two of the four members, BuzzFeed News alums Hilton and Yasin, have in recent days exited the newspaper, contributing even further to the turmoil that has enveloped the newsroom.

        Because nothing says “no nonsense, hard-nosed news gathering organization” like putting a couple of thirtysomething diversity hires from Buzzfeed in charge.

      • Tres Cool

        “In darkness, democracy died”

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Chasing the dream

    Riyadh has spent billions to try to turn itself into a hub for electric vehicles and overcome obstacles including a lack of infrastructure, talent and raw materials, as it seeks to catch up in the global race to reap the profits of the new industry.

    As part of a broader plan by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to wean the economy off oil and create jobs, the kingdom has invested at least $10 billion in U.S.-based Lucid Motors, set up Ceer, Saudi Arabia’s own brand, and built an EV metals plant.

    The Public Investment Fund (PIF), Saudi Arabia’s $700 billion sovereign wealth fund, has a goal to produce 500,000 EVs annually by 2030, up from a target of 150,000 in 2026.

    Yet by December, the kingdom’s sole auto factory, opened in September 2023, had reassembled around 800 vehicles, based on kits supplied from Arizona.
    Saudi Arabia has failed in the past to attract automotive manufacturing.

    Japan’s Toyota declined a deal in 2019, citing high labour costs, a lack of local suppliers, and a small local market.

    As the world moves away from cars fueled by the oil that has financed Saudi’s economy for decades, analysts say such obstacles remain and competition is intense.

    They might be getting ahead of themselves.

    • rhywun

      “Profit” = “throwing money out the window”.

      It’s so hard to keep up anymore.