I spent the weekend with one of those, “getting old really sucks” attitudes.  What happened was on Thursday my youngest had baseball practice so I pushed leg day to Friday.  No big deal, except my daughter asked that I go to her soccer game Sunday morning.  Which meant deadlift day had to come early.  So instead of a day or two of recovery, I did both workouts within a 24 hours timeframe (Friday night, then early afternoon Saturday)…

Listen…You get the .gif today.



The big news yesterday was SCOTUS reminding us all the liberal justices will vote exactly the way you think they will, while everyone gets to agonize over how the conservatives might vote.  Not to worry, Gov. Larry Flynt and other Texan politicians seem to suggest they plan to ignore the ruling…

…besides when was the last time the courts were anything other than a shell game?

This story gives credence to this meme over here.

Your annual reminder to stop dressing like a toddler.

People fleeing communism are not communists? Inconceivable!

Costa Rica may be the next country to implement the Bukele method.

Narco Sub sounds like a sandwich.  So what’s on it?

This is exactly what I thought this guy would look like. Enjoy your Tuesday.