by | Oct 29, 2021 | Cryptids, Daily Links | 195 comments





About The Author





  1. Dr. Fronkensteen

    That was no stabby lady. That was Fauci on a personal mission to vaccinate the un-vaccinated himself.

    • db

      Like that guy would have the stones to go out in public like that these days.

      • Tonio

        Apparently he has a security detail.

      • rhywun

        The highest paid Fed would have a security detail.

      • db

        Funny, that’s not considered a taxable compensation, I bet.

  2. Yusef drives a Kia

    That’s a lot of legos!

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      Doesn’t that quantity fall under landmine prohibition treaties.

    • Raven Nation

      They’ll probably charged with trafficking instead of possession.

    • db

      $20, same as downtown?

      • db

        /someone had to…

      • TARDis

        She’s going to have to pay me way more than $20.

    • kinnath

      20 bucks. same as in town.

      • db

        maybe several of us had to

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Well I threw that one over the plate for you guys. I was not disappointed.

    • The Other Kevin

      She’s every bit as deserving of that kind of wealth as Hunter Biden is.

      • Bobarian LMD

        For the exact same reason.

  3. Gender Traitor



  4. The Other Kevin

    Good afternoon Mr. Smith and thank you for the links. This weekend I was in Michigan and I had not one, but TWO STEVE SMITH sightings. One was a life like statue outside a store, and one was a person in a full STEVE SMITH costume inside a haunted ship. I know it wasn’t the real STEVE SMITH because everyone in our group walked out in the same condition they walked in.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Haunted ship, we have the Milwaukee set up as a ghost ship, where were you TOK?

      • The Other Kevin

        Manistees Ghost Ship, so yeah, the same one. Was I like 10 feet from you and didn’t know it?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Dude! why you not tell me? you could have thrown a rock at my house from there!

      • The Other Kevin

        I really need to start letting you guys know when I travel somewhere. That was a great haunted house, and for some reason I decided to walk it on my crutches. I don’t know what was more terrifying, the people jumping out, or the uneven floors, narrow hallways, and steep stairs.

  5. Ownbestenemy

    Other teen now. Job interview at 2pm, coordinated with grandparent for ride but that grandparent is not reliable. Didn’t bother to ask me, get a back up plan, and refused to use Uber. I could take him, but waiting til last minute really gets me pissed. “What..Ill handle stuff like this when I am on my own!” Fuuuuuuuuck. I need a day or night away.

    • Ownbestenemy

      GP said sure but had an appointment. He called at noon and then off to video games until I popped my head in. Seriously, why is there not more murders of teenagers by adults in this country, I do not know.

      • juris imprudent

        Dude, I so hear you. I can say mine did manage to make 18, and somewhere shortly thereafter turned into a real, decent, human being.

      • Tundra

        This. Mine are 21 and 19 and are absolutely getting better every day.

        Hang in there.

      • R.J.

        “Retro-active abortions”

    • db

      Sounds like shit teenage me would pull when he didn’t want to do something but needed to look like he was taking action. amazing I didn’t die in a back alley decades ago

      • Ownbestenemy

        I am sure I was the same way…..and he still hasn’t dressed for his interview…back to playing games. Rage rising.

      • The coolest vaccine-free BEAM in the world™

        amazing I all of us didn’t die in a back alley decades ago

        That’s better.

  6. rhywun

    Some readers will doubtless see shades of Robin Hood in the tale of petty criminals siphoning a bit of profit from the trillion-dollar retail titan.

    “We call those readers ‘assholes’.”

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      Robin Hood stole from the tax collectors. I wish more people would understand that was who the rich were in Medieval times.

      • Nephilium

        Yep. He stole from the government, and gave back to the people.

      • robc

        Ackshully…in the original stories he stole from the government.

        Full stop.

    • slumbrew

      Unless they were stealing to give away to other people, that is a moronic comparison.

      • slumbrew

        (late and missed the key bit – stealing from the g’ovt. I suck at this)

  7. db

    Interesting new video for Werewolves of London.

    Interesting how the wolf wears a mask and gets progressively more aggravated with COVID shit, and blows the mask off his face with every “AH-HOOOOOO”

    Or am I misreading this?

    At the end a bunch of wolves are all drinking pina coladas at Trader Vic’s, maskless,

    • Tonio

      Awesome. Thank you for that.

      • db

        Oddly, it’s an “official” video from Rhino

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      That was fun, Thanks!

    • Tundra

      Love Warren.

      Thanks, that was funny!

    • ignoreLander

      That was absolutely righteous thank you.

      Now do “Lawyers Guns and Money” — about as apropos as it gets right about now.

      • UnCivilServant

        The waitress was with the Russians Too?

    • westernsloper

      I am wondering the same. They jabbed the wolf. Then he could drink maskless.

      • MikeS

        And thanks, db. I think I might listen to a few hours of Warren…it’s been a while.

  8. Nephilium

    Well damn. I was hoping for a Riven thread so I could ask some opinions on picking up more games with the Steam Halloween sale to extend my backlog even more.

    After being out of pocket the past two weekends, I have made my meh return to hosting the Friday night Zoom/Happy Hour/Aiding and comforting the ‘vid starting at 20:00 Eastern.

    • Tonio

      You were missed.

      • westernsloper

        That aint no shit. Tulip sucks as a host. She makes a drink every ten minutes and doesn’t let anyone in because she is making a drink.

    • Gadfly

      What genre(s) of games are you into?

      • Nephilium

        Quite a few. The ones that are on sale now and interest me are:

        Star Control Origins (SC2 is one of my favorite games, modern free remake available here)
        Disco Elysium
        Outer Wilds
        MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries
        Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

        Not on sale, but reviews are looking good, and are in my wheelhouse:
        Guardians of the Galaxy

        Currently playing through a free copy of Control I grabbed from the EGS.

      • UnCivilServant

        Unless you are really addicted to the mechwarrior series, I can’t recommend MW5. It has issues, with boring stretches and a difficulty curve like a seismograph. There were mods to make it better, but the DLC broke them again, and I’m not sure if the mod makers will come back to fix them.

        I have opted not to get Fallen Order because all the data I see is that it’s a soulslike and I haven’t got the reflexes for realtime dodge or parry commands.

      • UnCivilServant

        Spoiler warning.

        As an example of the erratic difficulty, some of the later story missions are downright brutal with multiple waves of strong enemies, but the final boss of the final story mission comes down in an Annihilator with three lights (at least in my playthrough it was two fleas and a locust). By that time I was running a lance of King Crags. I can walk backwards at the top forward speed of an Annihilator, and I’d gone in with a Clanbuster loadout (Twin Gauss, LRM15, Large laser). So I was able to just walk backwards and hammer the Annihilator from outside of its max range until I got a headshot. After that, the lights were a cakewalk.

      • ignoreLander

        I have opted not to get Fallen Order because all the data I see is that it’s a soulslike and I haven’t got the reflexes for realtime dodge or parry commands.

        I’ve tried so hard to get into Souls, and Bloodborne, and Sekiro, etc. Problem is, if I’m gaming I’m invariably drinking beer. My fingers get a bit clumsy, and I end up rage quitting after the 40th or 50th death….

      • UnCivilServant

        Apparently some people find that fun.

      • UnCivilServant

        Then again… I play Rimworld.

        I guess when it’s not my surrogate in-world…

      • rhywun

        I rage-quit after 1 death today. I don’t have the patience for that shit anymore.

        But it is one of those games that apparently has shitty controls on purpose. I realized I’m never going to enjoy that so I said fuck it.

        More games need demos, damn it.

      • rhywun

        Outer Wilds is the only one on that list I have played (or heard of other than Disco Elysium).

        It’s promising but I need to be in the right mood or something to play it again. I picked up 4 games today but just not in a gaming mood lately.

      • Hyperion

        Outer Worlds is a good game. More of a survival game than anything and it’s hard.

      • Hyperion

        Sorry, I meant Outer Wilds.

      • rhywun

        I’m also annoyed that most of the games I do want to play either won’t run or run like crap on my weak machinery.

      • Hyperion

        Well, if you want to play any games today, you really need a dedicated GPU. Just the way it is. Otherwise, you’d be better off just getting an Xbox or Playstation.

      • rhywun

        Xbox, well… I have one from my Apple days but I don’t use it much any more. Except to play DVDs. I much prefer to game on my PC.

        I do have a dedicated GPU but it’s an older mobile card. And Windows is shit at letting me force it over the integrated GPU. But yeah, even a lot of the “casual” games that are mostly what I play won’t run.

        I’m not going this route again. I’m in the market for something better soon. Probably when Windows 11 is pre-installed so I don’t have to do it myself. I wonder if that will happen before or after I lose my job.

    • Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack

      Thank you Neph – I will see you all late. Workin’. Makin’ dat paper.

      • db

        Say hi to Benjamin for us

  9. kinnath

    Cuomo sex crime case: New York sheriff says ‘we have an overwhelming amount of evidence’

    A New York sheriff said Friday that “we have an overwhelming amount of evidence” against former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a day after a criminal complaint accused him of a sex crime against an aide.

    Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple also revealed that he, along with everyone else involved in the case, was caught by surprise by the abrupt docketing of the complaint and leak to media of it shortly after his office filed it in Albany City Court on Thursday.

    Apple told reporters that he had expected the complaint to be reviewed by court officials to determine the next steps in the case, not formally filed.

    The complaint accuses Cuomo, 63, of forcible touching of a female executive assistant last December in the governor’s mansion. The charge is a misdemeanor.

    Cuomo is due to appear in court on Nov. 17 in the case. Apple said the disgraced Democrat would be arrested at some point.

    • Count Potato

      There is no way he is getting convicted.

      • Hyperion

        I dunno, the commies don’t have much use for him.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        +1 If only Comrade Stalin knew about this.

  10. Count Potato

    “A New Jersey professor said that ‘we got to take white people out’ during a discussion on the national backlash on Critical Race Theory.

    Brittney Cooper, 41, a professor at Rutgers University, made the shocking comment during an online discussion with The Root’s Michael Harriot titled Unpacking The Attacks On Critical Race Theory on September 21.

    She started by saying on the topic: ‘Kids actually can grasp Critical Race Theory because the issue that the right has, is that Critical Race Theory is just the proper teaching of American history.’

    She said the accurate portrayal of history was the white people ‘didn’t discover America’ because there were already indigenous people and that they had ‘committed acts of violence in order to make yourselves seem superior.’

    Cooper added: ‘It’s not that white people don’t know what they have done,’ presumably referencing slavery, which was abolished in 1865 after a nearly 300-year-long stint of being legal.

    ‘They fear that there is no other way to be human than the way in which they are human’ noting that whenever she speaks to a white person they write off ‘all of this power’ as merely a part of ‘human nature’.”

    I know there are dozens of stories like this. Most of them get little press. Now imagine if some white professor said 10% of this about black people. It would be all over the news.

    The big story — that almost no one is talking about — is that they are deliberately trying to incite racism because they don’t want it to stop.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      i don’t like to do it but this is the second you tube video I reported for hate speech content. It won’t do anything.

    • Ed Wuncler

      Stoking racial divisions keep these people fed because without that, they would have to actually produce something of value. I remember years ago, I shared an article on Facebook about a black woman who was a social worker for this neo nazi and he came to realize that his views were downright evil and changed his life for the better.

      My activist acquaintances got super angry at that article because, “Why should the burden be on us (blacks) to change people’s minds?” To them, a story about redemption and unity caused the offense because he was allowed to shed his views without being forced to or punished. That’s when I realized that these people don’t want racial harmony or equality. What they want is a way to dominate the wrong thinkers and always be perpetually outraged.

      • Count Potato

        The other thing though, is that besides the people like Michael Harriot who make a living directly from it, it’s not benefiting them. They aren’t dominating the wrong thinkers, they are dividing themselves. That’s why elite institutions keep pushing this shit. It benefits the elite.

    • R C Dean

      She looks exactly how I thought she’d look. Except, perhaps, she doesn’t have one of those African cloth hair wrap thingies.

      • Ed Wuncler

        Ugh, she has that Stacy Abrams vibe.

      • R C Dean

        Fat, stupid, smug, and self-righteous?

      • R.J.

        “Is no way to go through life, son.”

      • Loveconstitution1789

        Doesnt get the irony of a Black American advocating for the Democrat Party (Party of slavery)?

      • Festus

        She’s the same creature that caused a stir a few years ago when she accused a fellow commuter of racism and white privilege when he politely asked that she move her bag off the seat on the train so he could sit down.

      • rhywun

        Really? Ugh. What a horrible person.

      • Festus

        That was back when I still hate-read Salon. She was a contributor and always brought the derpiest of derp.

    • Gadfly

      ‘They fear that there is no other way to be human than the way in which they are human’ noting that whenever she speaks to a white person they write off ‘all of this power’ as merely a part of ‘human nature’.”

      This is an interesting conjunction of statements. There are indeed multiple ways to be human, but all the ways are represented in all the cultures and peoples of the globe, so they all are a part of human nature. The will to power is strong (and successful) across all of humanity, to think otherwise strikes me as profoundly ignorant. Yet the desire to dominate can also be rejected. I don’t get the impression that this speaker wishes to reject it, however.

    • Hyperion

      She’s one of the really dumb prog race baiters who said it out loud. I think the term for what she is advocating is ‘genocide’. She seems nice.

    • whiz

      “Cooper is a professor at Rutgers University where she teaches classes on women’s and genders studies.”

      Of course.

      • Hyperion

        She must be really bad at it. Because if I wanted to study a gender, she’s not my idea of a gender I want to study.

  11. kinnath

    Iowa joins lawsuit against Biden Administration over vaccine mandate

    Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds announced Friday that the state has joined nine other states in a lawsuit that challenges President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for workers employed by federal contractors.

    “Today, I’m announcing that the State of Iowa is joining a federal lawsuit to challenge President Biden’s unprecedented use of the government to force every employee of every federal contractor in America, including thousands of Iowans, to take a vaccine against their wishes,” Reynolds said in a news release. “I believe the vaccine is the best defense against COVID-19, but no one should be forced to choose between making a living or standing up for their personal beliefs. As long as I am governor, the State of Iowa will always stand alongside Iowans and to be sure their freedoms are protected.”

    Iowa joins Missouri, Nebraska, Alaska, Arkansas, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming in the lawsuit.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Just wish there was one for employees and not just contractors

      • UnCivilServant

        There isn’t one for employers yet to be challenged.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m pretty much never a fan of politicians but I like Rand Paul and this guy. He’s a year or two older than me but we went to grade school and high school together. He was the Indiana Secretary of State, and was responsible for making our BMV extremely efficient. Then he was in US Congress, now he’s the Indiana Attorney General. He’s suing the Biden administration for mask mandates and he’s opposing the FBI going after parents.

    • R C Dean

      Possible strategy that would likely survive a Supremacy Clause challenge.

      A statute saying that employers are required to pay $1mm to any employee who objects and is vaccinated, or is terminated for not being vaccinated, due to a government mandate. You’re not prohibiting the employers from complying with the law, you’re just compensating the victims of the law.

      • Gadfly

        I like it. The high price tag is justifiable because wrongful termination can significantly negatively impact lifetime earnings, and it is high enough to encourage disobedience to the fed (although they may play a game of chicken until we have absurd fines on all sides).

      • SDF-7

        Makes sense given the $450k per person for being separated at the border….

      • Hyperion

        If I wanted a really epic world event rush on the border, I’d start a rumor about paying people 1 million dollars to illegally cross the border with some kids in tow.

      • ignoreLander

        1 million dollars to illegally cross the border with some kids in tow

        Yeah, no, you gotta be realistic dude. No one’s going to fall for that.

  12. Gadfly


    Quota? Is it a job?

    • Nephilium

      When you do what you love…

    • db


      • rhywun

        BE ALL CAN BE!

      • Hyperion

        Lol, this is truth.

      • Tundra


        Pumped up from their victory, the men then went outside and punched a moose.

        They close almost as well as SF.

      • KSuellington

        2021 is really screaming for a reboot of Bosom Buddies.

        “Kip and Henry couldn’t quite make it on the men’s college baseball team and get a scholarship, but then they had the bright idea…”

      • robc

        It has already been made…Juwanna Mann.

      • KSuellington

        That was the Oscar winner, right?

      • ignoreLander

        They didn’t even mention the 3-man tandem that won some women’s book award, writing under a pseudonym.

    • Sean


    • R.J.

      Thank you. Made my evening complete.

  13. Hyperion

    So, y’all been on Meta today? I just don’t like that name. Why not Betaborg? They need to get some imagination.

    • UnCivilServant

      Why would anyone use that garbage?

      • Hyperion

        You got me, I haven’t in more than 10 years. But people do. The fact they thought they can change their name and do some sort of magic is hilarious though. And the name is just awful. That’s the best they could come up with?

      • SDF-7

        Well, they thought of a really funny joke, but then realized it was kind of meta….

      • one true athena

        Umbrella Corp was already taken.

    • db

      Wait, I had to look that up to understand what you meant.

      Is it just the overall company changing, like Google restructured and became Alphabet, with Google being a subsidiary and branded services? Like Facebook is a brand of Meta?

      Because Facebook is a huge brand, and they certainly cannot be abandoning it, right?

  14. db

    So, anything happening with that whole 25th Amendment action?

    • Hyperion

      Amendments are racist and were all invented by white men who owned slaves. The only thing to to is abolish all of those.

  15. Festus

    Whelp, that was quite the roller-coaster ride. Signed off this morning pretty sure I was out of a job. Got an e-mail about an hour later confirming it. Shit. I get up this afternoon, crack a beer to my newfound freedom, check my mail and they reversed course. Turns out HR witch was wrong. My sites are not vax mandated so carry on. No apologies forthcoming but I can live with that. Pity that I aged about five years in a few hours, though. It feels like the world has gone mad. Thank God for my Glibs!

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m confused.

      So you’re fired then unfired so you’re working?

    • db

      Man, what a stroke of luck! Great news!

    • R.J.

      Holy crap. Glad you are still employed, but I cannot imagine that roller coaster ride. I salute you.

    • R C Dean

      Just to torture HR witch, ask her (in writing) to confirm that there is no termination on record, your years of service are what they should be, and all your benefits reflect no interruption in your employment.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


      • Surly Knott

        This is probably a very good idea. Keep hard copy of the request and all responses. Including all headers.

      • Festus

        The wheels grind too slowly at this company for it to have been anything but a fart in a windstorm. That’s the least of my worries but great advice going forward! Oh, to see the hair-on-fire panic at head office when they realized that they had absolutely no one to cover for me.

    • anti pro state

      F that, demand a sign on bonus.

    • Sean

      You held your ground and they blinked.

      YAY Festus!!!!!

      Get your tailor to let your pants out a bit for those big balls.

      • R.J.

        And get the company to pay for it. I agree with others here. Businesses are dying for good help. Remind your employer of that. The Protestant work model must be sidelined for a bit so you can be recompensed. I too, am guilty of underestimating my value.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      You stood up and won that battle, Good on ya festus!

    • one true athena

      wow you are some kind of Matrix level bullet dodger!


    • KSuellington

      Good on you for not backing down!

      • Festus

        Thanks everyone! It was more mulishness and contrarianism than bravery but I’ll take the win. Guess I saw how far I’m willing to go for my principles. It scared the shit outta me.

    • Count Potato

      Go you!

    • Brochettaward

      Festus is a Firster. Of course he won.

      • Festus

        High praise…

    • Tundra

      I’m impressed. You didn’t even need to drop the gloves.

      Cheers, brother!

    • westernsloper

      It feels like the world has gone mad.

      It has.

    • MikeS

      Big brass balls. Nice job, Festus.

    • R C Dean

      William Junior Maxwell II

      *insert facepalm gif*

      • Ted S.

        I’d guess there was a grandfather William Maxwell (without the middle name Junior) and a father William Junior Maxwell.

    • KSuellington

      Looks like he will now be a con, Fetty.

      • The coolest vaccine-free BEAM in the world™

        Oh, dear God.

    • rhywun

      I think he has a hit on iTunes called “Let’s Go Brandon!”

    • Count Potato

      “The #1 song on iTunes is an anti-vax anthem with lines like “the pandemic ain’t real they planned it” and shout outs to Nicki Minaj & Kyrie Irving.

      In fact 4 out of 10 of the top ten songs are remixes of the same “F**k Joe Biden”, anti-vax anthem. America is now Trump country.”

      • R.J.

        Good. I listen everyday to increase the count.

      • R.J.


  16. Not Adahn

    Got off the plane to find the battery in the car stone dead. Not even enough juice to flicker an LED.

    This is going to delay things.

    • UnCivilServant

      🙁 !

      Did you get a jump?

      • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)


      • anti pro state


      • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)


    • Festus

      I got unlimited data last spring just for that very thing but it turns out that my big site is in a dead zone. Whomp whomp.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        That suuuuucks, his stuff would fill entire shift, just one episode, glad stuff is working out Festus,

      • Festus

        Thank You, Friend. It’s the small victories that seem to matter the most, nowadays.

  17. KSuellington

    It looks like the McAllauffe campaign is getting pretty
    desperate. Some of their campaign interns tried to pretend to be Nazi tiki torchers that were supporting the Youngkin side. Looks like they got caught doing so and now the Lincoln Project (a big funder of the McAllauffe side) is taking credit for the fraud.

    • rhywun

      I’m not underhanded enough to understand all the machinations behind that.

      • The Hyperbole

        You know how peoole say you can’t do satire anymore? this is that. The tiki-torch brigade were obviously protesters but some people thnk (or want you to think) that they must have been plants trying to look like real supporters, everyone has lost their everloving minds.

      • KSuellington

        Some of those people that want you to think that the tiki brigade were Youngkin supporters work for the McAllauffe campaign.

      • Festus

        ^^^ yup

      • The Hyperbole

        And they are idiots or assume you are an idiot. I love how people are trying to prove this was a false flag by pointing out just how obvious it was, it was obvious because that was the point. They weren’t caught ‘trying to pretend’ to be Youngkin supporters they were caught doing what they went there to do.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Eh, I think the intent to fool was there, but they’re just painfully stupid.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Couldn’t they at least put some citronella oil in the torches and, you know, the fire thing…..

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Probably can’t use petroleum products because of Gaia.

      • mock-star

        I disagree Hyperbole. The twitter feeds of alot of the very same people who have come out as planning this were earlier attacking Youngkin for having nazi supporters.

      • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

        I’m still naive enough to think that the media would at least talk to those guys before running the story.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      the Lincoln Project (a big funder of the McAllauffe side)

      Why am I not surprised?

  18. westernsloper

    According to Gordon, the two began “throwing punches,” and the thief pepper-sprayed the employee.
    Gordon called 911 during the attack but was disappointed that police did not arrive while he was there. and said it seemed to take forever to reach a dispatcher.

    *deletes comment*

    • Festus

      The police are not what we grew up imagining they would be. When I was kid we had no fear and even admiration for the popo. Things went quickly south in our teenaged years and with the constant militarization and “us vs. them” attitude, public trust is irretrievable. Fuck tha Po-Lice!

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I went full circle, teen age harassment, then I grew up and they left me alone. Then my Son became a teenager, low level dealer and stupid, but I saw they violence inherent in the rigged system that it has become,
        FUCK the PO Lice!

  19. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Evening all. I’m half drunk. I have a neighbor update for tomorrow. Realized she knows she has all of her stuff but is calling the sheriff claiming I’m going to come steal it from her.

    In other words, she’s out of her fucking mind. Now I have to make legal threats to try to get her to stop.

    No good deed goes unpunished.

    • Festus

      Sorry. Sometimes shit like this just happens. No good deed and all that blarney. Hope you come away unscathed. The lesson here is never do anything to help anyone unless it benefits you personally and always leave a paper trail. (Kidding, mostly)

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Thanks. I’ll get over it eventually, but it’s been a shit lesson for my kids in hire helping someone in need can go horribly wrong.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        In how..

      • rhywun

        The lesson here is never do anything to help anyone

        That was my take-away. Kidding, slightly.

    • Count Potato

      Sorry 🙁

    • Tundra

      Which half?

    • westernsloper

      westernsloper lesson #1: If you are not related to the people, never talk to your neighbors. Monitor them.

      • Tundra

        Boundaries, amigo. I really enjoy my neighbors because we have boundaries.