Hello. How are you all enjoying the opening stages of the collapse? Are you prepping more? Are you becoming more based? Are you buying ammunition and practicing with deadly weapons? Are you becoming physically stronger in order to make sure you will be able to consume the flesh of liberals when the time comes?

Good, good. Here are the links.


‘Worst AI ever’ loves to make ‘unspeakably horrible’ racist posts and troll online

Another AI researcher, Arthur Holland Michel, told Motherboard “Building a system capable of creating unspeakably horrible content, using it to churn out tens of thousands of mostly toxic posts on a real message board, and then releasing it to the world so that anybody else can do the same, it just seems—I don’t know—not right.”

Remember how funny racism is? Racist robots are even funnier. As the kids these days say: kek.


Missouri woman says she caught STD in car. Auto insurance to pay out $5.2 million.

The Missouri Court of Appeals has affirmed that an insurance company must pay a $5.2 million settlement granted to a Jackson County woman who claimed she unwittingly caught a sexually transmitted disease from her former romantic partner in his car.

Good for her. Get on that sigma female passive income stream grindset.


Armed suspect arrested by Justice Kavanaugh home identified

Roske told detectives that “he was upset about the leak of a recent Supreme Court draft decision regarding the right to an abortion as well as the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas,” and believed Kavanaugh “would side with Second Amendment decisions that would loosen gun control laws,” according to the affidavit.

“Kavan-awww, man, you foiled my plot to murder Supreme Court  Justice Brett Kavanaugh!”


Ecce Homos

No male historical figure or event involving men or manly grouping is safe from queering, whether we’re talking about Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great, the Spartan last stand at Thermopylae, cowboys, pirates, gang members, or even the simplest masculine pleasures and pastimes. Someone, somewhere, whether they are a tenured academic or an armchair psychologist, will always be ready to tell you that the Spartans fought to the last man because they were all gay lovers; that great historical figure X was driven to make his vast conquests by a repressed desire for a male schoolfriend; or that Brazilian jiu-jitsu is just barely disguised dry humping. Checkmate, bigots!

…It’s not? Bro, I got a BJJ purple belt that says otherwise.


Overeating isn’t fueling obesity, it’s too many carbohydrates in our diet, researchers say

Ludwig, an endocrinologist and professor of pediatrics and nutrition at Harvard Medical School, argues for the “carbohydrate-insulin model” of obesity.

The pancreas produces a hormone called insulin to control the amount of sugar, or glucose, in our bloodstream where it works like a “key” to help glucose enters cells in our body, according to Healthline.

Ludwig suggests our way of thinking in regard to weight loss is backwards.

“Given the choice between bread and butter, for years we focused on getting rid of the butter,” said Ludwig.

“But maybe between the two, the bread is the bigger issue.”

WHAT HAVE I BEEN TELLING YOU FOR THE PAST 15 YEARS??? The audacity of science, to pretend they’re not just discovering what broscience knew 20 years ago or more. Maybe in another 15 years they’ll look at what polyunsaturated fatty acids do.


What Chesa Boudin’s recall means for San Francisco’s stance on crime — and its status as a progressive bastion

As a candidate, Boudin emphasized his personal story as a child of incarcerated radical parents, while also leaning into national fury after three years of Trump, and a decades-long effort to make criminal justice reform a central plank for the Democratic party. He managed to overcome built-in skepticism about his parents’ background in the Weather Underground, clinching 36% of first-choice votes.
Goodbye, filthy communist trash.??. Please die soon. ?. Imagine being too much of a disgusting blood-soaked scumbag commie for San Francisco. ???.
That’s all. Go become more formidable while there’s still a little bit of time before you have to resort to cannibalism.
Here’s a song about a guy having sex with cars, or something.