Happy penultimate day of the work-week, y’all. I’m kinda worn out here. The Tiny One (who is actually not tiny, just skinny now) is doing his thing where he wakes up at 5:00am. And then not only does he wake up, but apparently getting his own Kindle and being quiet until six has become a challenge. I’m tired and ready for someone else to do the getting up and working. I want to sleep until about 8:00, wake up naturally, work out, eat breakfast, get to work at 10:00 and work until, I dunno, 3ish, then fuck off for interesting times. Can I get a life like that without living in a van down by the river?

Trump’s superpower strikes again. “I’m not undignified! He’s undignified!” Some famous dead white guy said something about the optics of arguing with an idiot, I know this isn’t woke, but Nan might want to look it up.

A local connection to obscenity and art. The first cartoonist to be jailed for obscenity was… Florida Man!

“Dirty cops, leakers, and liars” is almost as good as “hoarders, wreckers, and Kulaks”

I hope I’m not outing Rufus here. Dude claims to burn $1M (Canadollars) in cash rather than give it over to his wife for alimony and child support.

Childish music for childish times. This is what is currently big with the kids. Or my kids, at least.