What a difference a week makes. Last week I wrote about the first signs of spring and what do with it staying light out later. This week I’m figuring out how not to kill everyone I see panic buying groceries.

The CDC’s recommendation for social distancing is really working to the Glibs’ advantage but has me wondering about the gym. I’m a spry 55 so I’m not in the most-likely-to-die category but still wondering if it’s worth it. I’ll probably just go. I’ve seen the death rate statistics and like my odds. I have to go to downtown LA for work this week so if I survive that the gym shouldn’t be a problem.

For those of you who are staying in out of fear or you are a shut in, there’s good news. You can still get a good workout at home. But Chafed! you exclaim, I want an excuse to sit on my ass and finally watch Babylon 5. Tough. If you aren’t sick, it’s time to workout.

If you could only do one exercise, then I’d recommend burpee pushups. It’s got everything and you could do them in a prison cell. Some of you probably have. This exercise works most of your body and is great cardio too.

Too intense? I get it. Those things will kick your ass. You could alternate skater hops with split squat jumps for legs. For upper body do clapping, plyo pushups and pull ups.

Still too much? You’re testing my patience. Do some mountain climbers, running in place, and shadow boxing.

That’s still too much? Fine. Just sit home and masturbate.

Let’s hope you all stay healthy and the panic passes before I perform a mercy killing. Here’s some music to keep you going. Watching that I just realized Richie Blackmore and Neal Diamond were separated at birth. Go figure.