Oh boy. Its Tuesday. Most exciting thing here at Casa L? I teased my wife about buying some jorts. Now, if you wear jeans to work, outside, and you routinely tear out knees or destroy the cuffs because you work outside, I’ll give you a pass on the jorts. Otherwise, I’ll taunt you mercilessly as the type of person who dates your cousins because you’re kin to everyone within an hour’s drive. Mrs. L contested that these could not be jorts because the legs were hemmed, to which I responded that I was glad she had a pair of formal jorts in case she was due to be matron of honor at Florida Man wedding where everyone wears UF gear, but nobody ever attended.

Joe Biden is somewhere between Bullworth and Weekend at Bernies now. You’d think someone would feel bad about treating him like a muppet (apologies to Rufus), but so far, no one in his camp seems to have even a shred of a soul left.

NY state introduces slave-labor made hand sanitizer. “Out, out damn spot!”

Is it really a universe if different parts of it are expanding at different rates?

What dictatorship actually looks like.