How Police Turn Teens Into Informants

Dumb teen does something dumb, drives drunk and totals his car. Then the bullshit begins:

I was served probably the next day with the infraction, with notice to appear in court—it was an OWI, operating while under the influence, infraction.

So there was a meeting. I can recall it being in the basement of the old police station. You walk down the stairs, the door gets shut—it was probably a witness room of some kind. It was cold, the chair was hard, and my hands were sweaty, and I was probably shaking, my teeth were chattering. I don’t even remember if my attorney was present.

It’s hard to sum this up because the conversation is all over the place. They use the kid to go after a completely harmless local stoner just because they could.

You should really read it. I’ll make you hot-white with rage.

‘Hot’ nurse disciplined for wearing bra and panties under see-through PPE gown

A nurse in Russia was suspended from the hospital where she worked in Tula, 100 miles south of Moscow, after she arrived at her shift in the all-male coronavirus patient wing with no clothing save for her skivvies under her transparent personal protective equipment.

The unidentified staffer told her managers at Tula Regional Clinical Hospital that she was “too hot” to wear clothing underneath the head-to-toe vinyl gown, which protected her from contracting COVID-19. The incident was first reported by a local news outlet, the Tula Pressa newspaper.

While there were reportedly “no complaints” from her patients, hospital chiefs punished the nearly nude nurse for “non-compliance with the requirements for medical clothing.” The nurse claimed she did not realize that her underwear was showing through the PPE.

In these concerning, uncertain, troubled, unprecedented, trying times, let the nurse wear whatever the hell she wants. Is this really the Russia of shirtless Putin on a white stallion?


Help! My Girlfriend Is a Foot Zealot, and I’m Failing Her Standards.

Q. Smells causing yells: My girlfriend and I moved into a one-bedroom apartment last year, so we’ve had lots of time to adjust to each other’s habits before the pandemic started. We are having a repeated fight and not making progress in one area: foot hygiene. She is pretty obsessive about it. She takes off her shoes before she enters the apartment, then immediately washes her feet in the bath to make sure they don’t smell. I, on the other hand, take off my shoes and then go about my business—making dinner or whatever. My girlfriend is very sensitive to smells and says the smell of my feet is extremely displeasing to her. This has occurred regardless of how much I sweat that day. She can even smell my feet if I immediately put on clean socks. Prudence, I love this woman, but I cannot live for the rest of my life having to wash my feet every time I come home from any errand. Am I being unreasonable? Is there another solution to this issue besides one of us just caving to the other’s living habits? Please advise.

This is exactly where the crazy/hot calculation comes into play, a calculation men ave been making since the dawn of time, striking a balance between the amount of crazy and the total hotness rating which is based on a number of factors but pretty much boils down to attractiveness and willingness to have sex with our hapless male.

Without a description of the foot zealot–or better yet an objective photograph taken in good lighting by a disinterested third party–we cannot help the man in the letter. She’s already scoring quite high on the crazy scale, so she better be gorgeous and/or some sort of brutally efficient sex nightmare.

And as for the lovely, gentle souls who say, “Why not date a girl who isn’t crazy at all?” you’ll find they always have a boyfriend, have always had a boyfriend, and immediately get a new boyfriend as soon as they’ve ditched the last one.

Speaking of: