“Has everybody lost their fucking minds?” The single most commonly uttered sentence by SP every night here. And unfortunately, I will not be able to change her mind.

Birthdays are fun though, because they include a guy who was truly transformational; a guy who was a poster child for the Second Amendment; a very strong argument for immigration; proof that gingers don’t actually have souls; the author of one of my most worn-out textbooks when I was in college; an argument for term limits; a guy who truly was paradigmatic; a guy who one-upped Woodward; and one of my favorite string-pluckers.

Now for the fucking craziness.


Someone who was once a great man, then succumbed to craziness, has now succumbed period.


This is crazy-ass black helicopter shit. And in related news, here’s a lovely example of the bizarrely unconstitutional 100 mile rule.


Speaking of crazy… wait, this is normal for Illinois.


Our crazy local cops do what they do.


I’m a pervert but this is truly sick shit. Crazy-Evil.


Believe the scientists! Just not these scientists, right?


Old Guy Music is a song that I’ve had before in various versions. I would nominate this one as perhaps the best.