Yes, it actually rains in Arizona, though this is the first in many months. It’s kinda fun to watch as the drops hit the ground and instantly sizzle, bounce, then evaporate. Speaking of bouncing and evaporating, I need to go make coffee…

We have birthdays, and among them are a signer of the Declaration; star of the first Three Stooges short; a guy who knew what to do when opportunity knocked; author of one of my favorite books, one stuffed with eternal truth; a stunningly great musician; the most intellectual of the Big Band leaders; Mr. #believeallwomen himself; and a guy whose modifications of statuary are legendary.

On to news.


Most libertarian president EVER. Grab your wallets, folks, this is going to end up expensive.


I hate everyone. 


“…and goddammit, we need to figure out how to grind it to a total halt.”


Ultimate Karens.


Government creates housing shortage, then frets about solutions. IOW, it’s just another day.


“Would you prefer sodium cyanide or potassium cyanide?” Ladies and Gentlemen, the 47th President of the United States.


Even in losing, Gorsuch continues to be the best Supreme Court justice in my lifetime. And Roberts continues to be a useless sack of shit. Thanks a lot, Bush.


For today’s Old Guy Music, I have no fucking clue what the video is about, but the music is amazing.