Christ, what an asshole.”

I will confess to being something less than 100% this morning. SP and I had our usual July 4th festivities, with an emphasis on fermented French grapes in honor of Lafayette. No dead animal corpse pieces, but plenty of other grill action. And relentless mockery of the bad golfers on the course behind our house. Wonder Dog gave her strong and vocal opinions of the people whose slices landed their balls near our back fence. One poor woman was so rattled by the barking form 120 pounds of polar bear that I watched her take three strokes to get back to the green.

And now we transition back to sobriety and me getting ready for a return to work. But before we do that, we’ll celebrate today’s birthdays, which include the spiritual father of our current president;  a guy who when told that it couldn’t be done, responded with, “Yes it kann!”; the greatest evolutionary biologist since Darwin; the Soap actress known for her breasts; a baseballer with the appropriate nickname of “Clank”; the guy who normalized normalization; easily the finest cartoonist since George Herriman; and some moron with purple hair who plays a non-sport.

Let’s dooze the nooze.


I’d call this “Darwin In Action,” but she was already past that use-by date.


In this case, I can invoke Darwin.


The ultimate in Affirmative Action: election of a guy representing the Living With COVID-19 community. This shows we care.


This is absolutely hilarious. Peak Telegraph retardation.


The Republican Party is an abomination. Let’s make it even worse!


Note that they didn’t choose any of his post-1865 speeches. Wonder why not…


Christ, what an asshole.


Old Guy Music today will require a bit of skipping ahead to get to the real deal. About 2:00. And worth it. James Moody absolutely kills it on his flute, and Diz is… Diz. I wish he had won, this would be a much better country.