Wife had an OB appointment today. The doc says our baby is both long and large for his… age? gestation? Anyhow, with about four and a half weeks until term, she is measuring at term, and unless she has an abnormal amount of fluid, he’s gonna be a chonk. First boy was 8.75lbs at full term, second was just over 7 but 3 weeks early. Looks like 3rd baby is going to come out ready to wrassle. Wife definitely feels like she’s carrying around a full-term baby. What is the old Heinlein saw? “Any healthy woman can do in [8] months what takes a cow or a countess 9.”

My alma mater has declared “Spring Break is Cancelled!!” after cops break up a 1000 person party. I’m sure all of those students are now on double secret probation. As an alumnus, I could not be more proud of the students or more disappointed by the administration.

I found this post on industrial literacy, share it with your Green friends.

While I am outraged the DA felt the need to bring charges, I am relieved that the good people of Texas found no reason to bring action against a man who defended his church against a shooter.

How could anybody be confused?