Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas!  And what a beautiful morning it always is!


Pompeo: “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.


Director of National intelligence will not interface with Biden transition team until it’s clear who won the election.


In addition to being denied access to transition funds.


White House Budget Office preparing second term budget.


Cocaine Mitch re-elected Senate Republican Leader.


‘Member when Biden came up with the idea to investigate Flynn with the Logan Act?  Oh, I remember.


Less than half in new poll believe Biden is legitimate winner of electionOr is it 80%?  Who actually knows, the polling industry is dead.  All polls coming from a mainstream pollster should be assumed to be propaganda.


They are not sending their best.


The retail apocalypse continues.


Sounds McDisgusting.


A good breakdown of Trump’s PA lawsuit if you have an hour to spare.


My favorite YouTube ranter, if you have 12 minutes to spare.


That is all I got for today.  I’ll leave you with a song and move along with the rest of my day.