I’m shocked, absolutely shocked, nobody asked where I’ve been.


…well not really I’ve been working.

200,000 right wing nut jobs descended upon the nation’s capital.  Not a single one of them asked for my time.  Bunch of cucks if you ask me.  Seriously I rolled in with a duffel bag full of condoms and clean underwear for nothing.

Its okay though, I am already stocked up for the Kentucky Derby.

Companies are already a$$essing their books for a probable $15 minimum wage under the Harris administration.

Homely research fellow-lady plays moral equivalency games with the cost of commie virus regulations and public health:

Many of the nation’s foundational regulatory statutes were enacted a half-century ago, when municipal sewer systems emptied billions of gallons of raw sewage into rivers, cars ran on leaded gas, and the rotary dial was considered high tech. Much of today’s regulatory apparatus is thus a relic of this bygone era, and systemic reforms are sorely needed.

It is rather telling that none of the 454 agencies listed in the Federal Register tracks regulatory costs either cumulatively or in the aggregate. Some studies estimate that compliance costs the private sector an estimated $2 trillion annually. The paperwork burden alone now requires 11.6 billion hours annually, at a cost to the private sector of $149.8 billion.

This cunt needs to die already.

Why didn’t you lock her wrinkled ass up yourselfs?

Way to opt for trade war there dumbass.

Shit like this is why I accept payments in gold.

Finally, professor cocktease says, “It won’t cost this much to break windows on a global scale.”  Not that they ever overestimate the costs…

…never ever.