Mumford & Sons’ Banjoist “Taking Time Away From the Band” After Andy Ngo Praise Controversy

Winston Marshall, the banjo player and lead guitarist of Mumford & Sons, is “taking time away” from the Grammy-winning British band after he endured a social media backlash for praising a book by right-wing provocateur Andy Ngo.

In a tweet posted to his account Tuesday night, Marshall said, “Over the past few days I have come to better understand the pain caused by the book I endorsed. I have offended not only a lot of people I don’t know, but also those closest to me, including my bandmates and for that I am truly sorry.”

He added: “As a result of my actions I am taking time away from the band to examine my blindspots. For now, please know that I realize how my endorsements have the potential to be viewed as approvals of hateful, divisive behavior. I apologize, as this was not at all my intention.”

The controversy started when Marshall, in a now-deleted tweet, congratulated Ngo on the publication of his book Unmasked, which promises to take the reader “inside ANTIFA’s radical plan to destroy democracy.”

“Finally had the time to read your important book. You’re a brave man,” Marshall tweeted, before deleting the message following a backlash and intense mockery of the band.

I enjoy how this headline would be complete gibberish as little as 10 years ago. And I am against band names that sound like an old-timey hardware store.

Also #stopasianhate


Woo! #based #maskpilled

Oh, wait… You only to apply this to abortion? OK.


Take a few minutes out of the day and travel with the staff of Slate on a magical journey up their own asses…

What We Wish We Knew at the Beginning of This Mess 

“Don’t buy that used microwave.” I got COVID just under the one-year anniversary mark, and instead of blaming myself, I had to direct my frustration toward someone else—in this case, the kid I found on Facebook Marketplace who sold me his crappy microwave for $25. He was the only person I don’t personally know that I came into prolonged contact with before I tested positive … so he must be the culprit. Also, that microwave sucks. So: Treat yourself to a new microwave instead, Past Allegra. —Allegra Frank, senior editor

“Your kids can go to the playground.” It would have released a lot of the tension on both them and their parents! —Ben Mathis-Lilley, senior writer

“Trump loses.” There are aspects of the pandemic I wish I’d prepared for better, but it would all have been easier without also having to reckon with the possibility that the country might slide irretrievably into the abyss. —Sam Adams, senior editor

It wouldn’t be a Slate article without a little retro-hysteria.