Scenes from the last Glibs meet-up.

A shockingly not-horrible day yesterday. The temperatures remained in two digits, I had a very pleasant morning walk along one of our canals, and watching the fish, SP and I made pizza, and we had our usual enjoyable conversation with our Glibs buddies. So not Heaven yet, but not Hell. Me not being intimately familiar with the goyish afterlife bullshit, I figure Purgatory.

There’s no shortage of birthdays today: for example, a very binary fellow; a guy who was hypnotic; Sloopy’s spirit animal; “Bab’s your uncle“; a guy whose legacy is generations of shitty cars; proof that lightning can strike twice in the same place; a guy who had the shining; a rather chaotic fellow; a rather synthetic fellow; and a guy who should have been the Team L candidate for president.


Before starting, I do note that, as predicted, the name William Jennette has vanished from the news. I wonder why…


I… I… I… am torn. No Gripping Hand here.


Team Blue continues to show that it’s the party of youth and vigor.


It’s clear why Team Blue unpersoned her. 


Damn Jews target hospitals, kindergartens, and COVID test centers. They missed the Milk Factory, apparently.


Dig into this a bit and you’ll find a union. Funniest quote: “The first noose appeared on the property on April 27 and on April 29, five more ropes “that could be interpreted as nooses” were found on different floors”


Parody but hilarious.


“I’m one of the good ones! Don’t kill me!”


And I’ll leave you with a great piece of creative vandalism (h/t Kristen)

Old Guy Music came up when I saw something on Twitter asking what was the Number 1 song on your 6th birthday. This was mine.