Moving on to Chapter 6 of The Slight Edge, Olson gives us the 7 Slight Edge Principles.


  1. Show Up. Yes, it is the old Woody Allen joke that 90% of success is just showing up.  In the fitness context this makes perfect sense.  If you don’t get outside, get to the gym, roll out your mat, etc. then you aren’t doing anything.  Your success is in the doing.


  1. Be Consistent. Showing up consistently is where the magic happens. Consistency yields results. Remember Olson’s earlier admonition, everything easy to do is easy not to do.  Consistently showing up practically guarantees your success.  A lousy workout or crummy walk is infinitely better than the one that didn’t happen.  A month of lousy workouts will give you increased strength.  A month of crummy walks makes you fitter.


  1. Have a good attitude. I confess I struggle with this one. Every time I finish a workout, I am genuinely pleased with myself. I accomplished something.  I just feel good.  But I don’t always remember that when it’s time to get to it.  Sometimes I just have a bad attitude and I’m not about to screw a smile on my face.


Ever the pragmatist, Olson acknowledges the human condition.  His first bit of advice is to take inventory of your blessings.  Anyone who has used the 5 Minute Journal knows how to do this.  Next, he advises to “embrace the funk” using the Slight Edge principles.  Embrace it as part of the process.  It will be life altering.

  1. Be Committed for a Long Period of Time. I’m not convinced this is anything more than a combination of the first two principles.  This is where they inexorably lead when applied.


  1. Have Faith and a Burning Desire. This is self-explanatory.  I think faith is a presupposition of principles 1, 2, and 4.  There is no reason to consistently show up for a long time if you don’t believe you will get results.


  1. Be Willing to Pay the Price. This isn’t as Gogginsesque at it first sounds. Olson’s point is, “If you don’t figure out something to be successful at, you have to be unsuccessful at it for the rest of your life.”  That’s much deeper than it first appears.  You get to define success in the realm of fitness.   My guess is, however you define success, you will avoid being unsuccessful i.e., overweight, suffering from osteoporosis, short of breath climbing a flight of stairs, diabetic, etc.


  1. Practice Slight Edge Integrity. What you do when no one is watching is Slight Edge integrity. “It is also doing the thing you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.” This, I think, is Gogginsesque.  “I’m not finished when I’m tired.  I’m finished when I’m done.”  That sums it up.


Epic principles deserve an epic song.