I’m done with my extend sojourn through The Slight Edge. The book has a few more chapters but they aren’t directly relevant to fitness so… back to my ranting.


The last few months my workouts have been very inconsistent. I’m enormously frustrated with myself. I have had weeks of diligence, a week or two of little to no activity, and weeks that were themselves such a mix they were the epitome of mediocrity.


My pullups have really slid into mediocrity. I’m well off my highs but not so far down that I can’t do any. It’s more muddling through. I have never been big (*salutes Lord Humungus*) and have illusions at age 56 that I’ll ever enter whatever the drug-free version of Mr. Olympia is. But damn it, I want some wings.


I have always been envious of the guys who lean over to grab a bar and you can see their lats extending from just below their shoulders well down their torso. I think we all know there is no substitute for pullups if you want to build some lats.


So, looking for a new challenge and way to get those wings, I turned to AthleanX. Of course, Jeff Cavaliere covered this a couple years ago. This video has something for everyone. A guy talking about getting on the pole, beefcake for lady and gay Glibs, and terrific workout advice.


Go get some Glibs.


After a much too long hiatus, MikeS made his triumphant return last week. Of course, the NoDak Wanker missed his shout out. He must have been in a coma.