This feller seems just about right.

Can you believe that Tonio has never experienced the joys of slapping a live octopus on his crotch and letting it go to town? Talk about a sheltered life.


Hey! The country has gone to hell in a hand basket. The American experiment is over, and it’s now a free for all. All we have do to confirm it is delve into, the links!


Sad trombone.There are many people disappointed at the lack of violence.


Head on desk.


You reap what you sow, pudding cup.


Nothing to see here, move along. These are Top. Men.


Yet nobody talks about the J&J vaccine, made with established technology.


There is way too much shared DNA in this story.


Fuck. You. In. The. Ass. With. A. Rusty. Chainsaw.


I’ll just leave this here and move on with my evening.