Glibertarian cover girl Mandy Marcotte has got the answer!

It’s time to start firing unvaccinated people: Trump fans are overdue for a lesson in consequences

There’s a lot of reasons conservatives cite for this refusal to vaccinate, though ultimately it all boils down to a desire to “own the liberals.” But a lot of this pettiness is intertwined with a right-wing bravado. To be blunt, white privilege has long shielded many conservatives from the concept of facing consequences for their actions. We see this in a lot of obnoxious right-wing behavior lately, from tantrums over COVID-19 mitigation measures in public places to the attempted insurrection on January 6. Who can forget how many of the arrested Trump supporters expressed genuine shock that they might actually face a legal consequence for participating in a violent effort to overthrow democracy? This lack of familiarity with consequences is likely why there are so many holdouts, even in the face of vaccine mandates. Bluntly put, a lot of them probably don’t think that leaders are serious about these threats to fire them, and won’t believe it until it happens. As with the Capitol rioters, there’s a persistent disbelief on the right that they will ever face real consequences for their bad actions.

Marcotte, pictured here with her roots showing

This right-wing overconfidence is why sites like HermainCainAward and SorryAntiVaxxer have such popular followings. Watching people pay with their lives after displaying such certainty their anti-social behavior will never result in a consequence may not be the most righteous use of people’s time, but is understandable when the rest of us are suffering because of Trumpist hubris. The problem with highlighting COVID-19 deaths to scare the Trumpers straight, however, is that they can always tell themselves that they’re not going to be the ones who die since 98.4% of people in the U.S. do survive.

And, as always, you can support Mandy’s important work over at her OnlyFans page.

Did “Cancel Culture” Just Jump the Shark?

A walk with a dog in a New York park results in a viral video clip, allegations of racist behavior by a white woman, and the woman getting publicly pilloried and sacked from her job.


This time, it happened at a dog park in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn. In the tweet accompanying the 27-second video, author Frederick Joseph claims that he started filming after the woman threatened to call the police, having mistaken him for the owner of a loudly barking dog—and after the woman allegedly told Joseph and his fiancée to “stay in your hood.” Once Joseph starts filming, the woman—later identified as Emma Sarley—acts confused and tries to claim that Joseph is unceremoniously telling her to leave the park. The snippet ends with a random onlooker, who as of this writing has not been identified or asked for comment, confirming Joseph’s claim that Sarley did indeed say, “Stay in your hood.”

Obviously, there are shades here of last year’s “Cooper vs Cooper” saga, but with a twist: Joseph is a New York Times bestselling author with a Twitter following of 115.9k and an Instagram following of 168k; and, unlike Christian Cooper, he made an active effort to get the woman fired.

After Joseph posted as much identifying information as he had on Sarley on both platforms— specifically, the location of the altercation and the name of her dog—one of his Instagram followers found her Instagram and LinkedIn profiles and sent him screenshots. Joseph then posted the screenshots to Twitter, tagging her employer Bevy and the co-founder and CEO of Bevy, Derek Andersen. Then, Andersen announced that Sarley has been terminated.

Go into the bathroom and stand in front of your mirror. Turn the light off and say, “There’s no such thing as cancel culture. There’s no such thing as cancel culture. There’s no such thing as cancel culture.

Dear Care and Feeding: I Think My Son’s Crush Is From an Anti-Vax Family. Should I Drive Them Apart?

Dear Care and Feeding,

How can we navigate teen dating in the time of COVID? Our family has been very diligent with proper precautions, and we’re all vaccinated. Unfortunately, we live in a state that has banned school mask mandates and other mitigation measures. We also live in a particularly red ZIP code, surrounded by anti-vaxxers. My son “James” is in high school and really likes a girl named “Kayla.” He’d like to take her to a dance in a few weeks. We think Kayla’s family may be conservative Christians, a group with one of the lowest vaccination rates. James doesn’t know whether Kayla is vaccinated, and he’s nervous to ask because he doesn’t want to cause a rift. We’ve told him to ask her in a low-key way, but if we find out she’s not vaxxed, what are we to do with that information? Tell him to break it off? That he has to ask a potential date her vaccination status up front? That’s easy to do for adults, but a kid doesn’t really make their own vaccination decisions. We don’t want to make his adolescence even more weird and difficult than it already has been, but we’ve worked so hard to keep our family safe. We also don’t want to create an impression that we’re policing his relationships based on religion, if that turns out to be a factor. What is fair to do in this situation?

Answer: If Kayla isn’t vaccinated, if she doesn’t wear a mask at school or take other COVID precautions, I know you probably won’t feel good about James going to the dance with her. Maybe you’d even be tempted to put your foot down and say they shouldn’t hang out alone. But I will point out that that’s a very hard line to draw, and all but impossible to enforce. I do think it’s fine for James to ask Kayla if she’s vaccinated—it has nothing to do with policing anyone’s religion, because it’d be good info for him to have regardless of her family’s beliefs. It’s her right not to answer, of course, but if she gets upset with him for asking, that might be a warning sign he should note before going out with her, no?

1. Replace “anti-vaxx” with “Jew” and see how it reads.

2. The last sentence there is nice, isn’t it? “If she has nothing to hide then she has nothing fear.”

Oh, wait, before you go, let me pluck the ripest plum from the comments for you:


Yeah….no. In fact in the LW’s place, I would seriously consider moving. Vaccines are never 100% – and they never have been.

This is a teaching moment for the son. You don’t get to attend a super spreader event during a pandemic. It doesn’t matter if it’s not “cool” to skip the dance, and it doesn’t matter if the girl wants to go. If she’s worth dating, she won’t care about one dance.

I would seriously consider moving. There you have it, folx.