A few of you have met an old friend of mine from Holland, a retired Dutch Air Force guy. He’s traveled extensively, speaks half a dozen languages with native fluency, and has a wonderful sense of adventure. In any case, a few years back, he had a chance to go on a research ship to Antarctica, and having never been there, he jumped at the opportunity. I got an email from him when he reached the South Pole. “I have arrived.”

I asked, “How cold is it?” and he responded, “About a centimeter.”

It’s about a centimeter out right now.

Birthdays today include a guy who did being rich correctly; the original Dr. Strangelove; a pretty excellent drummer and role-model; a guy famous for wet work; the guy who drove the Jews into the sea (just ask him!); the original and best Lois Lane; a guy who absolutely would be canceled today; a complete asshole who was an absolutely brilliant musician; a guy who had evidence that would bring down Hillary Clinton; a woman I will always think of as Edna Boyle; and another talking head worth ignoring.

And Links are also worth ignoring.


This turned out to be much less sexy than the headline promised.


We used to just call it “cut day.”


Most of the British protest is that she isn’t portrayed as a female Hitler.


Don’t bother, Ron, Trump is going to kneecap you out of sheer petulance.


It’s a good start.


Give McCarthy a cane and a biography of Preston Brooks. Then enjoy the fun.


Government scientists had declared this volcano dormant. So this must be fake news.


I’m a sick, sick Old Guy for loving this song.