Big snow moving in. I got my wish. And apparently, the electricity here has the stability and reliability of Gaza’s, so we’re preheating and battening down everything we can, anticipating the inevitable blackouts. This is code for “alcohol in easily found places.” It’s possible- not probably, but possible- we’ll even be unable to open the coffeeshop, which places us at a disaster level one up from Waffle House being closed. But with SP, Wonder Dog, and WebDom nearby, and no shortage of intoxicants, this might be a fun adventure.

Speaking of adventures, birthdays today include a guy with an inflated opinion of himself; a woman who actually fucked Ernest Borgnine; a guy who was a much better president than Martin Sheen; the guy who said correctly, “I is”; a guy responsible for generations of diarrhea; the lesser of the two people with this name; a complete piece of shit who had moral responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the destruction of our civil liberties; a guy who was usually right but just as entertaining when he was wrong; the godmother of Harambe; a woman who didn’t have much to say but didn’t let that stop her; a guy who drove around in circles and somehow got famous for that; a novelty but a damn good novelty; a woman whose career started a precipitous drop when her bushy bush got better known; a woman who symbolized everything wrong with fine dining; a living monument to the mediocrity of Broadway; and a guy famous for being one of those living statues, albeit with more money.

And before the power goes out, here’s some Links.


FBI: “We do believe that, from engaging with the subject, he was singularly focused on one issue and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community.” Right, which is why Muhammed targeted a synagogue. Pure coincidence. It could have been an Arby’s. Waiting for CAIR, Tlaib, and Omar to condemn the “brutal, unnecessary, Islamophobic, extrajudicial killing of this man who clearly loved his sister.”


White supremacists, no doubt.


Why does this make me immediately think of Bill Murray?


And in related news…


“Investigators believe the man was experiencing homelessness at the time of the assault.” Another white supremacist. And love the new “experiencing homelessness” euphemism.


“This time, it will be different! We’re redoing the messaging surrounding this remarkably evil, shrill and unlikeable cunt.”


Eating their own. Delightful.


The Progressive vision for the future of America.


Old Guy Music is an absolute delight. It’ll get your heart beating and your boogie boogieing.