Start your week with genuine Backpfeifengesicht.

After all the excitement this week, major storms, meteors crashing into our back yard, and escaped prisoner shoot-outs, we’re preparing for a quiet day to unwind. Perhaps a nice bottle of a fermented grape product while we brace ourselves for the week to come. Perhaps a handful of tranquilizers. Perhaps some semi-amusing Links. Well, these aren’t all mutually exclusive.

And speaking of exclusivity, it’s Birthday time. And before the list of ho-hum historical figures and celebrities, we mark the single most important birthday of all: SP.

That was the climax, now the denouement: other peripheral birthdays today include the role-model for modern politicians; the second-worst president in US history; the guy who taught Dizzy what’s what; a delightful writer and the author of one of my favorite lines: “After absorbing the news of today, one expects to face a world consisting entirely of strikes, crimes, power failures, broken water mains, stalled trains, school shutdowns, muggers, drug addicts, neo-Nazis, and rapists. The fact is that one can come home in the evening—on a lucky day—without having encountered more than one or two of these phenomena.”; a far greater man than the aforementioned president; an actor, who despite great talent and great Yiddish, I will always think of as “that guy I saw on Star Trek”; a guy who would never pick his feet in Poughkeepsie; a guy who showed us what an ideal politician is; a slightly less insane Bobby Fischer; founder of a disgusting dynasty; the best second basemen I ever saw play, and whose firing told me everything I needed to know about the future of the Orioles; an insane woman who had a unique and interesting life; and a guy rumored to be a crypto-Jew.

And with that… Links.


I sense the fine hand of Pie here.




Why yes, it IS fucking cold here.


I can’t see how this could possibly go wrong.


We’re reading something very deep into this. Not sure what, but it’s totally deep, man.


Oh, no, the Peter Dinklage of rock is expressing his outrage!


Maybe a Raider?


Want some insane trumpet playing? The Old Guy is here to give you truly insane trumpet playing.