
The last of the regular bowl games was played yesterday. and the SEC continued its non-playoff game run of terrible form. I guess it didn’t just mean more to LSU. League Cup semifinals start today, with the first legs of one semifinal. Why they do this format in just the semifinals is a mystery to me. I’m sure the end result here will be stupid. And that’s sports.

The insanity continues. The city should just fire and replace them all. The fact that they have complete control over if and how students will be taught is criminal.

Teachers continue their vacation

I’m sure this won’t be an overreaction. Also, fuck you and your semantic bullshit, NBC.

Thank God they’re focusing on the important stuff. Literally none of that should be illegal, by the way. The decision on whether to allow it should be up to thew owner/operator of the plane.

What could possibly go wrong? Get out.  Get out while you still can.

Evidence is just now emerging? Uh, anybody with a brain knew this almost two years ago.

That’ll fix it! Oh wait, it won’t do anything.

Poor little guys.

Uh, what’s the problem? It’s not as if she could have shoved them in a carry on bag.

Here’s a great song. These guys were weird and full of way too much guilt. But they wrote some pretty songs. Enjoy it.

End enjoy your Wednesday, friends!