Nothing happening here.

Nothing really going on in sports. And certainly no grand slam tennis. Oh, Chelsea dropped more points. That’s about it. Now on to…the links!

Just in time with the current admin imploding. This has always been a fishing expedition, as they have never demonstrated a specific crime they were investigating. It’s a sham and an affront to our entire legal system, and I hope nobody participates.

“Of course we know him”
-the Brits

Well of course they did. They know all of them over there. They just don’t ever do anything with the information until it’s too late.

This would be great. Unfortunately, I don’t see how it jives with Warren v D.C. And I can assure you the unions aren’t gonna stand for it either. But I can always hope I’m wrong here.

I’m sure he’ll land on his feet. And I’m willing to bet it’s at CNN or MSNBC.

Well it’s about time. Lol, just kidding. This is a useless gesture that will mean a small part of the population will be masked up for…a couple days.  And it’ll be done on your dime, taxpayers.

Silence is golden, Joss.

Dude…..stop. Just stop. Don’t take any more interviews. Don’t make any statements like this.  Just stop.

Have fun with this, Houston parents. Or should I say “suckers”? Out on the lake, life is still normal. And has been the whole time. Y’all are being taken for a ride.

Here’s a lovely song for you. I hope you enjoy it.

And enjoy another cold day, dear friends!