The illo below demands this music.



CONSEQUENCES OF CREATING AN ETHNOPARTY THAT HATES YOU: “[T]he white working class that used to vote Democratic no longer does.” Sawhill noted that when she studied this group back in 2018, what surprised me most was their very negative attitudes toward government, their dislike of social welfare programs, their commitment to an ethic of personal responsibility and the importance of family and religion in their lives. This large group includes some people who are just plain prejudiced but a larger group that simply resents all the attention paid to race, gender, sexual preference or identity and the disrespect they think this entails for those with more traditional views and lifestyles. (Paywalled.)



POLITICAL BELLWETHERS: Sovietologists used to watch who got to stand closest to the premier on the roof of Lenin’s tomb during the May Day parade to see who was in favor. Sinologists would assiduously take note of the Beijing wall posters during the Cultural Revolution. In today’s America, the NYT and WaPo are semi-official news organs, telegraphing the party’s intents while providing plausible deniability. The Federalist takes on the latest shift on Biden from the Gray Lady.



JUSTICE BREYER FOR ONCE NOT COMPLETELY WORTHLESS: Tells us that Justice Thomas is doing fine, tells press to fuck off about SCOTUS confirmation hearings.



WHATEVER HAPPENED TO MATTY YGLESIAS, ANYWAY? He’s still moping about on the Twitter, desperately trying to be relevant, and serving as a fine punching bag. JHTFC, Matty, people don’t make public policy because of how little kids define women.



TOTALLY NOT JUST ANOTHER JOBS PROGRAM: Army approves reduced physical fitness standards for women, older soldiers. -The Hill.



SHIT NO ACTUAL LIBERTARIAN ASKED FOR: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) has revealed renderings of the “cyber-urban” Liberland metaverse, a small virtual city made of futuristic, curving buildings in the architectural style that made the late architect’s firm famous. When complete, it will offer users the ability to traverse the hub as an avatar, and feature a city hall, collaborative working spaces, shops, business incubators, and a gallery for NFT art shows. The community it hopes to foster will have a focus on self-governance as well as fewer rules and regulations.


This is actual alternative text. I had to break the WP code to get this to display.


THE CRIMEA CATALYST: Via the always-fun Forgotten Weapons comes this article on how the 2014 events in Crimea got us where we are today, with a nice timeline of Crimean history going back to the Thirteenth century. Because I know you wonderful people so very well  – Tatar horse archer figurines, figurines by Tatar Miniatures, Steak Tartare.


This is actual alternative text. I broke the img src tag to get this to display.


SMARTASS AWARD: Newly-minted Glibs Poobah Nephilium cleared something up for us. The alt-text on the Glibs website works just fine. It was our understanding of alt-text that was …unsound. Actual alt-text is what appears when the browser cannot display an image for whatever reason. That text that pops up when you mouse over an image is rightly called image title attribute, and can be enacted by putting text in the so-labelled box in WordPress.